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I need to add to my previous post, that the prices quoted on the Balluet website, bear absolutely no relationship to what we paid in old fashioned cash.



Edited by jamie92208
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Signs of brightening up this morning but a bit windy. I hope you have an enjoyable time in Sidmouth Chris and the same for Rick in Purbeck. Tea has been drunk, be back later.

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Good morning everyone 


We both had a lie-in this morning, neither of us got out of bed until after 9:00, we didn't even hear the recycling lorry empty the first bin! 

Breakfast has now been consumed and work will continue in the cellar as once again it's raining. 


Back later 

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' Morning all from red dragon land.


Rather wet here, this morning, but hoping the downpours will keep the plants and new grass at the end of the garden in good nick.


Thunderstorms hit us yesterday afternoon and evening - one of which was directly overhead - in surround sound :jester:  heard from above and from either side of the house!  Another caused a short power outage but most of the others rumbled away in the mountains.  

Thus, it was dry til mid afternoon so I was able to tackle a weeding project and get it all bagged up for the next run to the recycle yard before it rained.  Weeding?  Mostly cutting back a couple of small ash trees, old raspberry branches, and dock leaves before I attempt do dig them all up.  Only a small area but it seemed to take ages!


On the other side of the house, the terrace has been extended using the blocks of granite that were piled up in a heap after the old kitchen/bathroom extension was knocked down 30 odd years ago.  The stone wall builder is coming back, today - when the rain stops... There is a wall to finish then patio levelling and flooring to do. 


That leaves me plenty of time to cut up some more train tickets.  :locomotive:

But a mugadecafcoffee beckons, first...


Best wishes to all



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Morning, we have had rain in the night and it looks as though we will get more, glad I cut the grass yesterday, even if I was melting whilst doing it. I went to the Sidmouth Folk Festival in 1970 and ended up living there for a while, a very nice place that was populated at the time by some rather unpleasant people, but that's another story. A visit to Beer was also a nice day out too. Purbeck area is a place I nearly lived in, but a different job offer came through and instead of working at Wytch Farm oil field, I ended up in the Brent oil field in the middle of the north sea, Swannage railway is a great little railway and we used to visit the town when my brother lived there, a lovely part of England.

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Morning All 

Overcast but warm made an early start on the house tidying for the viewing, the face :scare: that looks like a slapped #rse finally put in an appearance 2 hrs. later the usual daily battle of verbal abuse commenced

and it hasn't let up, I'm look forward to my date tonight so I'm trying to keep calm winning that battle at the moment but I do wonder what the devious #ow has got install for me later.

Spose I better tidy the front garden now, the back was done at 7 am this morning while the Heffer snored. 

Enjoy your day I shall eventually . :superman:Orno Phlogist :biggrin_mini2:

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39 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

I went to the Sidmouth Folk Festival in 1970 and ended up living there for a while, a very nice place that was populated at the time by some rather unpleasant people, but that's another story. 


I first went in 1975 and have only missed two years since.  It took a while for the town to get used to the bunch of strange people that descended on it in the first week in August and there was some resistance.  The bath chair racing tournament was a physical impossibility with the esplanade full of morris sides.  Eventually common sense prevailed and the town realised just how much money those strange people brought with them!  Heaven help the town if the festival should cease.


I wouldn't want to live there though.  A week and a bit in a tent is quite enough for me.



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Ey up!

Avoided heavy storms in the area last night. ,now it is chuckinitdarn big time. 8 squads of Under12 cricketers are now very bored. Our Young Officials have gone off to play ten pin bowling...peace now reigns.


Dave..the scalpel is always available...


The fighter boys were very noisy yestersay..obviously determined tiuse the July allocation of fuel in their Typhoons.


Time for..a cupatea and some Scran!

Safe journeys to  all of our ER travellers.


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Afternoon all,


Somewhat muggy day but no rain has fallen and none is promised - unlike yresterday when it was both promised and actually came down at the guesstimated forecast times although without the equally promised thunder and lightning.  The lad has gone back to work in his base office today after two days of working from home due to being beset by a tummy bug he collected on his travels.  A visit to the surgery and donation of a relevant sample confirmed that he had a compylobacter bug and a suitable drug has today been prescribed for it - definitely laid him low although at least he kept working (from the dining room table).  As incubation times vary it is not really clear in which country he contracted the bug in but France looks like being the prime contender (Narbonne).


The grown ups will tomorrow be seeing Sister Diabolical but are on enough drugs already to - definitely in my case - reject any more. 


I trust Chris will have an enjoyable Sidmouth Festival and widlife free journeys in both directions and I hope John and Sandy will soon be making the trek back to Cornwall.  And due anniversary congratulations to Ian and Mrs Abel.  And a point of interest for KZ someone recently estimated that if the coffee which comes in those little things for use in the much Clooney advertised manner was to instead come in an ordinary jar it would cost about £50 for said jar, seems it is a very expensive way of making coffee.


Enjoy the rest of your day everybody


PS herself harvested the first capsicum pepper of the year this morning.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Rain has stopped but grounds are too wet to play.


Doing my accounts listening to the on line radio an some ""YODOs" (Young umpires) next door. They really do thing they are the dogs ballcocks - and, they are no where near as good as they think they are.


Fish and Chip night tonight..one more day here until I go home for a match on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Then..back to Ampleforth.



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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations to Ian and spouse. Grey and overcast but mostly dry, I did detect a few spots lunchtime but they were few and far between. Club night tonight, be back later. 

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A happy anniversary to Mr and Mrs Abel and hope Alexa does as she is told:D.


As I have recently bought the new Amazon Echo View 5 (bought heavily discounted on Amazon) the Echo Dot 3rd edition was set up at mums today replacing the older one. made use of it plying Eilen Jewell whilst decorating Mums conservatory. Much better sound form the newer Dot.


The Echo View 5 was obtained so that it can display the doorbell camera incase there is a delivery whilst I am in the shed. Its hooked up to the surround system so use Alexa to play music when I am in the shed. Lost count of how many Echo devices we have but all of them have online ordering disabled along with listening.  They do work well when music is being played through all of them at the same time.


Airbrush hose arrived so its just being linked up to the compressor air tank and brush. Tomorrow maybe start testing it properly as potentially have a few commissions coming in including and O gauge loco.


Dinner has just been announced thru Alexa.

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5 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

Today is our 37th Anniversary, will be having some suitable celebrations once I'm back home :drink_mini::wub: 

With luck, and if I've sorted it correctly,  "Alexa" will play the song we had at our wedding when the Mrs gets up :)


You old softie, you.



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4 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

And a point of interest for KZ someone recently estimated that if the coffee which comes in those little things for use in the much Clooney advertised manner was to instead come in an ordinary jar it would cost about £50 for said jar, seems it is a very expensive way of making coffee.


Don't get me started. Hate the things. Mountains of plastic waste and the coffee is total crepe! ;)  (And Starsucks bucks too!)


Congrats to Mr and Mrs Abel. Which reminds me we're coming up on #47 - yikes!


I've been harvesting a Douglas-fir that succumbed to root-rot and was blown down. It's a 100 footer. I've sliced about fifty feet of it into rounds. The bottom 25 feet is going to be slightly tricky. It's spanned between the root ball and a mound of earth.


Typical summer weather here. Almost boring. Lots of sunshine, 12C overnight with maximums in the mid 30C range.

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Busy day after a poor nights sleep due to unbelievably torrential rain last night accompanied by the flashbangs we so seldom get here!  Came home this evening to find the garage with two inches of water in it :help:  buqqer.

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Evening, congrats to the Abels, I hope the A3 is as good as it looks.

Busy day here, shopping was brief for comestibles and fuel purchased, then back home for a bit more muddling, another board has been added, one more to finish and then the lift up/out section to be designed. A lot of gardening was done, including attacking the large privet hedge, I shall have to reduce the height as I am finding the big hedge trimmer a weight to lift over my head. The hedge starts at a comfortable "just under 6 foot", but to keep it level, rather than following the contours of the ground, it's nearer 7 feet in places.

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17 hours ago, chrisf said:

For the last time in the present series, good morning one and all!  I’m off to Sidmouth Folk Festival early tomorrow morning - but not as early as this, for sleep has been elusive.  I plan to miss all the rush hours between here [Bedford] and there, enjoy a Harry Ramsden’s breakfast, save a few bob on petrol at Taunton and have a welcome cuppa with my aunt in Bristol.  I should be on the campsite by noon.


The day after tomorrow, 2nd August, is the anniversary of my coming out.  I feel so much better in myself for having done it and for knowing that so many ERs felt able to show their support.  It means such a lot!  Even Harry, who is cross with me at the moment for other reasons, is glad that coming out has made me happy.  The LGBT community is an interesting place to be, and for the right reasons.  I did not expect The Tie to become quite such a celebrity and the Welsh language T shirt has provided some unexpected amusement.  Both are embellishments, but as my aunt reminded me on that fateful morning a year ago, I’m still Chris.


I will drop in at Railwells on my way home and should be back here on Sunday week.


Best wishes to all




Have a great week, ChrisF.


Pity it clashes with 3 days of Brighton Pride where possibly a Class 700 will be in evidence:



and, I understand, a Class 66/7 from GBRf, adorned in suitable livery, will be named 'Brighton Pride'!

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