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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


The Rain has stopped and the sun is shining, but there isn’t much blue sky, just lots of clouds about. I have to wait in for a couple of parcels so I’ll be working in the cellar today so that I can hear the door bell when it is rung. Sheila is getting ready for her Zumba class, which will resume today as her class tutor is back room her holiday. As usual they all stop for a coffee after and no doubt the topic of today’s conversation will be the recent holiday. Once Sheila has gone I head down to middle earth and continue my work in the cellar. The plan today is to start work sanding down and filling holes etc on the rear of the wooden at the top of the stairs and then progress to the side of the stairs etc. 


Enjoy the day, back later. 

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10 hours ago, Stubby47 said:

I'm going to fill the holes with No More Nails, then poke the wall plugs in and let it all set.


But not tonight...

Green Gripfil would be better and strong .

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Morning All

Bright and sunny and not a woman in sight :umbrage: girl friend in Florida another one is out to dinner with me Wednesday :wub: and there are several women I chat daily to on the dating forum and I get

offered dates from women (money grabbers) all over Europe :nea_mini: .

Today is some repair work at the daughter's flat a cupboard and a new light fitting in the bathroom .

Reading through some of the recent post about DIY I used to make a good living repairing DIYer's efforts to fix various things a round their homes even some clever dick putting a tap on a gas pipe

instead of a water pipe it cost him a fortune I call the gas board and charged him for my visit .

Have a good day all.:superman: I.M Bonkless :biggrin_mini2: 

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Morning all from a sunny place.  Grass needs cutting so the family Honda will get an outing.  Yes 4 wheels not 2 and no seats, but it does the job.  This afternoon  a friend is coming to look at the roof so hopefully the leak will be fixed.  I might even get a little time in the shed making things.


Glad that Sandy is back home.  From our experience  the pharmacy is the biggest cause of discharge delays.



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A bright morning greets the eye today. Just had to make a short-notice appointment with the dentist for later this morning as an unexpected crunchy bit of last night's chicken turned our to be a temporary crown that was fitted last week whilst the proper one is made. Bu**er!


The horde has been active since about dawn and Horace the cat has fled to the great outdoors again. I am reliably informed that we're all going swimming this afternoon and that I am making a pasta dish of some sort this evening.


This time next week SWMBO and I will be on our way to Fraggle Rock. Roll on......


Good to hear that the escape plan finally worked for Sandy. Hope that getting to grips with the new regime goes OK for John.


Have a good day.



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  • RMweb Gold

Catching up with the last twelve hours or so on here I am reminded of the lyrics of an old Steeler's Wheel hit: "Clowns to the right of me, jokers to the left and here I am, stuck in the middle with you!" Why do we now meddle with Darwin's theory of evolution what with water taps on gas mains or people getting legs stuck when climbing in areas clearly marked as being out of bounds? I have just looked out of KZ Towers to see that CowboysRUs are doing much the same clowning to the left and joking to the right and I remain stuck in the middle. 


Still, the sun is presently shining, SWMBO made the first  muggertea for me, I have completed a very difficult jigsaw involving a picture of chess pieces on a very scratched and faded chessboard before dressing and I will soon meander darntheroad to start improvements on our daughter's water system after assembling a selection of plumbing tools, drewscrivers, pipe-manglers and the obligatory battery drill (must operate the trigger twice in a manly fashion as soon as I pick it up to prove it goes round). Other delights scheduled for today include receipt of a delivery of Brazilian capsules (actually only the contents are in part Brazilian, but it implies something better than describing them as little round pots of aluminium, doesn't it) from Mr Clooney's friends, a little light pottering and further work on the operating lower quadrant semaphore advanced home signals required around the twin track junction. That was work that would have been progressed last night but I was ordered to sit with SWMBO and watch a detective program set in a part of the country served by the LNER - if they had cut the adverts to a reasonable length, that could have taken 30 minutes less of my life. My presence was required so that I could explain the nuances of the plot to her but it wasn't as bad as it could have been, although certain contributors on here would no doubt protest the veracity of the processes, just as I do when it comes to ships and breweries (not that those topics feature in much television these days)!


These delays and tribulations are but nothing compared to those faced by some on here I know and they certainly do not require me to resort to a well-known march by Elmer Bernstein. I can almost picture John and Sandy riding across the fields of Leicestershire on a motorcycle combination doing a very thin impersonation of Jennifer Paterson and Clarrisa Dickson Wright aka the two fat ladies. Stay cool (as the original Mr Cool (in my mind) Steve McQueen would have implored you) and best wishes to those in need of them.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning so I'm going to give the weeds that have sprung up on the patio a dose of weedkiller. Best wishes to John and Sandy and Bon Voyage on your return to Cornwall. Tea to be drunk, be back later.

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I hope John and Sandy have a good trip down to Cornwall. Was Kerry pleased to see Sandy return home?


Edited by Tony_S
Can’t spell my own name. Punctuation...
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8 hours ago, AndyID said:


My trick is to serve Budweiser in a chilled glass to unsuspecting guests. They nearly always like it. When they ask what it is I tell them it is lager imported at great expense from the Czech Republic.


 A bit like this then .



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Moaning all...

Not that there's anything to moan about, yet!


Fair knaquered after the weekend filled with continuing to move carp from old (a) to new (b) home. Got plenty done, ahead of schedule and the Mrs is now feeling less tense about it all.

Discovered, as I upgraded some switches etc., that the distant past electrickery work on the new place was indeed performed by a posse of cowboys. Not easy to rectify either, unless I'm prepared to have someone re-wire half the house looks like :( will have to live with it and repair/replace as I go.

Weather over the weekend overall "acceptable" range with some rain first thing Sunday.


Uneventful trip to NY last evening, on time, and managed to score a nice shiny black Mustang convertible for the ride this week - picture will be forthcoming :jester:

Arriving at the hotel, also discovered I'm "Guest of the week", so a bag of goodies (no cash sadly!! :) :O )


Slow commute as we're now back to the "what the f@#$ck is that in the sky to the east, I better slow to 10mph instead of wearing sun glasses/using the sun visor!!" time of year :triniti:

22 and sunny, expected to reach 32 later, humid but may be OK for a top-down drive back to the hotel.


Later, enjoy the start of the week.

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1 hour ago, Ozexpatriate said:

The Hobby Smith in the Hollywood district.



We deliberately avoided the hobby shops this time mainly due to already spending enough at the convention and also Columbia Brewing near Hobbysmith has closed. A good shop though.

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20 minutes ago, roundhouse said:

Columbia Brewing near Hobbysmith has closed. A good shop though.

I've been purchasing from Ron since he was in the basement of the old Rite Aid building (on NE 41st Ave) on the other side of the Hollywood Theater. Despite the roof top parking on the Rite Aid building, Ron's current shop is a lot easier to get in and out of. Since my son and daughter-in-law had obliged me by driving me to the hobby shop I treated us all to ice cream at the Baskin-Robbins next door.


Yes it's a shame that Columbia River Brewing has closed. Nine years ago, this was the original location for Laurelwood - now a much larger business with multiple locations.

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<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Yes it's a shame that Columbia River Brewing has closed. Nine years ago, this was the original location for Laurelwood - now a much larger business with multiple locations.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


In this area there have been several closures of microbreweries as they have admitted themselves, there are too many around. 

        The beer craze, like the wine craze has seemingly burst with over production and over exposure.


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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been sorting out a few old models and found an old plastic kit (Ratio?) for a pair of early Victorian coaches. They are unboxed and without instructions but are so basic that they shouldn't be difficult to build as they have no interior or even floors! I just have to look out for suitable wheels (spoked). Teas brewing so its be back later time. 

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Good evening everyone 


Well the weather has certainly changed from what was thrown at us over the weekend. I know this isn’t scientific, but I had a couple old buckets in the garden and both had about 6” of water in, they were both empty on Friday! By mid morning the sun was out proper and the temperature started to rise again. 


Both my packages arrived this morning, but I continued the job I’d started, which was making a cover for the nut and bolt at the bottom of the main staircase balustrade. I then fixed it in place and plastered round it. Should it ever need tightening again, all I have to do is pull the cover off.


As the sun had been out for most of the day, it made tonight’s swim very enjoyable, the water temperature was initially cool (no wetsuit again tonight), but that was probably down to the difference between the air (24C) and water (19C) temperatures. In what now seems to have become the norm, I managed a mile in approximately 41 minutes.  My first lap was a mixture of front crawl (2 x 200m) and breast stroke (2 x 50m), but I managed to do the last 1k entirely using front crawl only!


The weather has turned now and it’s once again pissing persisting precipitationing it down, no doubt filling up the buckets in the garden again. 


Goodnight all 

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2 hours ago, brianusa said:

In this area there have been several closures of microbreweries as they have admitted themselves, there are too many around. 

        The beer craze, like the wine craze has seemingly burst with over production and over exposure.

It's now more like the restaurant business, particularly the brewpubs. Opening a restaurant is the riskiest entrepreneurial endeavour you can undertake. Brewpubs add additional cost with all the brewing kit.


Based on what I read online, the owner/brewer of Columbia River Brewing retired. It is harder to sell a brewpub on (since you need a skilled brewer) than a restaurant, though there are times when a chef with particular skills might be impossible to replace. These establishments are all about individuals with a passion for the product - unless they reach a 'corporate critical mass' where they can hire the right people they are often not self sustaining once the original principals move on. I know a wine maker who I was told recently sold his vineyard. Last summer he had already closed the tasting room because it was too much work. Then he was still growing and selling grapes and making a little wine. His land is desirable and would have made for a nice retirement.

The local TV news ran a story about a Portland diner. The business was solid but one of their silent partners wanted to sell his/her share. Without a buyer for that share, the business would fail. The wolf is never far from the door with this type of establishment. 

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Apologies to John & Sandy, but raincoats & wellies will be needed later this week in not-so-sunny Cornwall.

Currently it is exceedingly wet...

Edited by Stubby47
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