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We went to Enfield. When we arrived MiL and SiL were having a full and frank discussion about whether or not MiL planned to go out on various days and whether a taxi needed arranging. MiL seemed determined not to answer yes or no to any questions. 

We had a nice meal, relaxing afternoon and uneventful drive home. 


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26 minutes ago, Stubby47 said:

Shower riser installed,  but not very well.


It's a cheap & shoddy version of the previous one, which had lasted several years. The fixing is through the tile and a plasterboard wall, so normal plaster board wall plugs are not long enough. 

Another trip to the big orange shed looms tomorrow. 

I an always amazed on the rare occasion a diy job goes totally as expected. I have tried to be more organised by putting tools away properly and charging spare batteries for power tools but then of course it is not having exactly the right screw length or appropriate wall plug. For a ceiling curtain track I needed 3 different wall (or ceiling I suppose ) plugs. For one I had to make a hybrid fixing out of a normal plastic plug inserted into a plasterboard fitting (one of those metal conical ones with a very coarse thread. 

Hope you find something suitable tomorrow. 


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In the inevitable lurch towards our 200,000th post I shall greet all and sundry and record an adequate day.


To the G****n Centre we strolled after lunch in order to purchase some things with green leaves and red flowers.  I am told they are going to replace the deceased foxglove.  There wasn't time enough to reach the nearby bus running event in Kingston with RT types in green and red covering their one-time haunts on the 406 and 418 as far as Epsom.  There definitely wasn't time to visit the family in Sussex for the Worthing bus rally.  You wait all summer for a decent bus then you miss two together!


Tonight's vegetarian haggis proved remarkably tasty and featured correct seasoning and texture.  Accordingly it will feature on a future shopping list possibly in September when a Scots friend visits in transit from Australia to his home town.  We also harvested the first runner beans which proved a worthy accompaniment in the absence of "neeps" though "tatties" were present in roasted form.


A weekend trip to Cornwall has been arranged to collect items of clothing recently purchased and too large in volume to be conveniently mailed.  Besides which I am promised a muggertee and chat upon collection from a long-time friend.  There might also be a cheeky trip to Swanage on Saturday coming.  It's the final weekend of their carnival and both Former Neighbours (Upstairs) will be there.  My presence has been requested which gives an excuse to sample the direct Waterloo - Corfe Castle train.  


As it is a school night and I have the alarm set for quarter-past-stupid I shall bid all a good night with best wishes from Upon the Hill of Strawberries.



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Good evening everyone


This morning’s break in the weather didn’t last long, I’d only been in the workshop about 15 minutes when it started to rain again. It’s been raining on and of ever since, luckily I managed to find a break in the rain when I came in for dinner. It’s been quite a refreshing change to spend the day in the workshop today and I seem to have got quite a bit done too. A couple of weeks ago I made a start on a small static grass applicator from a cheap ‘bug bat’. Work had already been started and all the alterations to the handle were complete. Today I made a container for the grass out of an old plastic bottle, (I think it originally held some sort of medicine) but it was an ideal size for what I wanted. So today I attached it to one half of the handle and cut a hole in the screw on top for the mesh. I have a few of these bottles so I’ve been able to make two tops with different size mesh, one course and the other medium. Once done it was tested and works ok, it’s not as powerful as my big one, but it will only be used for small hard to reach areas where not a lot of grass will be needed. The only downside so far is that the bottle isn’t clear, so I can’t see how much grass is in it, so I’ll keep an eye out for a suitable replacement whilst I’m out and about. I have seen similar ones made using a small tea strainer, so that also could be an option. So far total cost of this build has been less than £4.00.


Below is a of photo of the BSW MkI static grass applicator with its 2 alternate tops. 






Once I’d finished that job and packed it all away, I continued with the L class Baltic tank. The last thing I was doing on that was blackening the valve gear. It looks a lot better now, but I noticed the piston rods were also blackened, so I cleaned them both up. I then made a start on blackening the nickel silver sides of the bogies, the rear one has been completed and fitted back in place, it now just leaves the front bogie to do, which I’ll do next time.


Now here’s a tip that I was taught many moons ago by an old work colleague. When trying to remove a screw that is very tight, tighten it up first, as this will break the hold of the screw which then makes it easier to undo. I can’t claim that it always works, but I usually have a 99% success rate with it.


Goodnight all

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1 hour ago, lightengine said:

 The job needs a 7.5 mm bit, I have got 6 7mm and 3 8mm, it's 6pm on a Sunday. The battery pack runs out with 2 holes left to drill and the 2nd battery is uncharged.



That almost reads like a "if it takes 3 men 3 days to dig 3 holes............." quandary.

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1 hour ago, Stubby47 said:

I'm going to fill the holes with No More Nails, then poke the wall plugs in and let it all set.


But not tonight...

I stood on a radiator and pulled 2 screws of 1 fixing out of the wall. Unable to remove the rad and refix it, I used some Milliput in the holes, pushed in the old plugs and screws ( I couldn't get new plugs in because I couldn't drive the screws in) and it has been rock solid for the last few years.

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19 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Tragedy struck the picnic after I had used two of my three drink tokens/coupons (torn from the wristband I was issued). The two craft beer options had run out, leaving only Coors Light.


I know this will be regarded as heresy, but I actually like the taste of US Coors Light - and it does have a taste. The Coors Light available in Canada is very different. Of course, that is very much the backup option - I'll choose 'craft' pale ale if it's available.

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58 minutes ago, pH said:


I know this will be regarded as heresy, but I actually like the taste of US Coors Light - and it does have a taste. The Coors Light available in Canada is very different. Of course, that is very much the backup option - I'll choose 'craft' pale ale if it's available.


MrsID (who does not drink) has become quite partial unfiltered IPAs. Recently I found one called "Mind Haze" which is really quite nice.


My trick is to serve Budweiser in a chilled glass to unsuspecting guests. They nearly always like it. When they ask what it is I tell them it is lager imported at great expense from the Czech Republic.

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5 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

On the agenda were a couple of hours at the Oregon Brewers' Festival under partly cloudy skies and delightful temperatures before crowds got too large. Then a detour to the hobby shop to collect Mr. Shron's 'Royal Hudson' which has recently materialized (a delightful example of his craft) and finally the company picnic in the evening.


Missed the beer fest by a week - one day we will actually get the trip to coincide with it.


So was it the hobby shop in Division St or the one in Hollywood?

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John and Sandy


What a frustrating day waiting to be discharged no wonder Sandy had had enough.  Unfortunately I can agree with the previous comments on pharmacies … it seems quite common for them to be last up and so much later than everything else.


aving said that hope your trip down is pleasant and uneventful and that you both enjoy you time down South West



Music choice - the escape plant took rather longer to accomplish than expected.

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare.. eventually having spend 40 Minutes going back and reading this weekends excitement..

 A very good 7.5 hours sleep was had although in 3 pieces..


As you may have guessed my router is fried, along with the other four houses routers at this end of the village. The other end of the village, half a mile away, I don't know about. When SWMBO came back from walking Ben the Scare-dy Collie on Firday there was a Open Reach man down the hole our telephone lines come out of before heading up the telegraph pole.

A new router is promised for tomorrow by the man in india.


Also at work a lightening near miss here, reset many computers but luckily not the one on the major system I'm running at the moment. I'm awaiting the release of the second system shortly...


Saturday was spent hedge trimming before rain stopped play, Having had several night of Thors hammering, Some locals joined in about a mile away, by at 22:44 having a huge firework display... Ben was not impressed...


Sunday was spent boat building, and hopefully except for fitting the keel, that's the last constructional work.. However the resin I used didn't go off as I expected.. so I've left it clamped up for the fortnight, if it's not set by then it's a messy job scraping it all off and mixing a new batch..

During the day we had rain --drops, just the occasional one then another 30 seconds later six inches away. this happened most of the day.


We, as in our area, are on the radio this morning, with a piece about a man who got his leg trapped in the rocks having rescued his child having done the same. These rocks are the sea defences, with big red and yellow signs saying "Danger Do NOT Climb On the Rocks." being up to his neck in the water , with an incoming tide might persuade him / His child not to do it again..


I now start Keeping an Eye on the weather for next week as the regatta approaches.


Time to go do another button Push..





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