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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all.   Thoughts are with John and Sandy and also Tony and Aditi.  John I hope that you get the van back home safely and swiftly. Unfortunately my towball eqipped Volvo is now the other skde of the channel or I would have been glad to assist.  


Yesterday was very warm, with 41 recorded in the car at 6pm as we set off out.  What work that needed to be done was done in the morni g and in the afternoon Beth and I felt a need to inspect the interior of the pool.  It turned out to be fine but it took us an hour to make the decision. Water at 30 degrees felt pleasantly cool.


In the evening we picked up Jill and Grace, a pair of good friends from the neighbouring village of Le Paradis.  Then we went down to a concert in Royan.  A very good picnic was consumed on arrival and shortly after 10pm the music started.  A full and very professional orchestra and as a total surprise, the magnificent cathedral irgan from quarter of a mile away.  The technology that allowed the sou d and vision to be mjxed and in time was impressive.  Thor also added his own accompaniment.  It all finished after midnight. 54 000 people, a great atmosphere  and no trouble at all. We eventually got to bed around 03.00.


An early start dud to Sister Drac arriving for Beth before 8.30. She stayed and had a coffee with us.  This afternoon I will again attempt to mend the outside tap.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Sending positive vibes to Sandy (and John)

Still hot here after a very warm night and temperatures forecast to reach at least 30C today. There were no storms in this neck of the woods.

Didn't do anything much yesterday apart from occasionally watching TV and some men riding bikes. I need to cut more wood and ply but it was too hot (for me) to do anything even slightly energetic outside. I suspect that that it will be much of the same with more inactivity today.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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It's a good job that SWMBO got me to water all her pot plants and hanging baskets yesterday evening as it was at least five hours before the torrential rain, lightning and thunder started. Horace the cat (who for those with long memories was a couple of months ago in the process of adopting us but has now moved in and runs the household) came in through an open bedroom window like an Exocet when it started, his tail like Basil Brush. Or to  bring it up to date, like our new Prime Minister's hairstyle.


Off to the market once muggocoffee has been consumed then SWMBO has promised me a trip to the rubbish tip as a special treat. Life is just one excitement after another....


Have a good day; in particular hopes that John and Sandy's lot improves.



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  • RMweb Gold

The building saga along the road continues. A large lorry has just delivered a quantity of very big RSJs. Judging by what I and other neighbours can see of the extension it could be that they're building a hotel!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All

Sunny bright and fresh  here after last nights storm, yesterday something didn't seem correct I could not put my finger on it and I left it for later , on the dating forum I keyed in 10-20-miles

on my profile and you normally get the pretty ladies in that area on the screen, my Elisabeth :wub:   lives 80 miles away, since HER :girldevil: departed I've had odd things happen like other people in the

house hearing the door bell when the hearing aids are out I do feel that someone is looking over me I was spooked first time but now I am with someone else all those nasty things seem to be floating 

off maybe it's because of the new woman in my life that has made me more focused or the departed one was truly evil I wonder, but my guardian angel  :angel:  seems to be doing a good job.

Enjoy your day all and thought with those who are poorly better get on :superman: L.Ovesic. :wub:

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Missed the thunder and lightning down here in the south east corner. Would have liked some rain to refill the water butts.


One of the joys of living in a chalet bungalow is that the bedrooms are in the roof space which means they do get hot when temperatures and humidity rises. At 10:00pm last night the bedroom temperature was touching on 30c but, luckily, once the aircon was on the temperature gradually fell to 22c and a good nights sleep followed.


The aircon is a luxury and does not get used that much but, compared to six years ago when it was first installed, its getting used more and more each year. Reminds me, must get it serviced next year.



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  • RMweb Gold
29 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

 came in through an open bedroom window like an Exocet when it started, his tail like Basil Brush.

We had a Bn 2ic whom was known as Exocet:


You could see him coming, but there was eff all you could do about it!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


It rained last night! Apparently there was thunder and lightning too, but I didn’t hear any of it! The lightning lit up the whole bedroom, I didn’t see that, but I did hear ransomed rain falling later on. 


Anyway, back to today, after cleaning the patio on Monday I’ve noticed there is a small area that needs some further attention, I’m hoping to do that today, other than that I’ll spend the rest of the day (until mid afternoon anyway) pottering about the garden, there’s always something to do out there. 


Thoughts still with John and Sandy. 


Enjoy the day, back later 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Best wishes to Sandy and John. I did manage some sleep last night despite the muggy conditions. I was woken by flashes of lightning about two  but no thunder or rain. I then looked out the window and saw it was some way off, Chelmsford would be my best estimate. It started in earnest about four hereabouts and with quite heavy rain which cooled things down a bit. Still not too bad at the moment as the house because of its position doesn't get the full blast of the sun until about eleven this time of year. Tea is waiting to be drunk, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thoughts to John & Sandy and others that need them.


Work is being worked.


The temperature is currently 20 C after overnight rain. Forecast is for much warmer later.

NB knees are on show.


Catch up later.





Edited by newbryford
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  • RMweb Gold

The builder's barrow wheel squeaks. A lot. Continually. Or even continuously. Hour after hour. For the past few days. How it doesn't annoy him I don't know. It's annoying me.

If it wasn't for the fact that a). I'd have to expend energy walking along the road and b). He probably wouldn't understand a word I'm saying I'd go over there and erm say something. Of course I could lend him a squirt of oil....

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One of the thunder clouds must have been over Benfleet as the flash and bang were close together. No rain here though. 

Aditi has just had a phone call with an appointment to attend the fracture clinic this Friday morning. It all seems quite efficient. 

Aditi’s sister rang this morning. She was somewhat pessimistic about Aditi’s injury and suggested she got a walking frame on wheels with a tray. Aditi said it wasn’t that serious and she had dresses with pockets. Aditi is the optimistic sister. Her sister always is anxious and expects the worst outcome. 


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  • RMweb Gold

Positive vibes to John & Sandy (like everyone else on here I guess), at least Sandy will not be allowed to overheat in a hospital!


When do you expect the Builder to repay your loan of oil GDB, and what interest rate will you be charging?


Scorchio here too, had to attend No1 Granddaughter's passing out parade leaving primary school assembly and many hot, sweaty, proud Mum&Dads with the odd (in many ways) grandparent thrown in too - and yes, I have been DBS checked!


An amble around town is on the cards, must collect next batch of medication and buy some food. See you later if cricket doesn't intervene...

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  • RMweb Gold
3 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

She was somewhat pessimistic about Aditi’s injury and suggested she got a walking frame on wheels with a tray.

Pray tell how one can propel such a contraption under finite control with one arm in plaster?


Or does Aditi walk on her hands and carry her bags with her feet?



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  • RMweb Gold
31 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

Of course I could lend him a squirt of oil....

Aditi doesn’t know the Punjabi or Hindi for wheelbarrow. We will ask MiL but Aditi said offering an oil can might help. She had no idea what to say if your local Indians are Gujarati! Lots of Punjabi Sikh builders around. A near neighbour of Irish heritage employs quite a few Sikh builders “great bunch of chaps”. 

If I ask Aditi how to say something she can’t remember but if she is in conversation it just seems to return. 


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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, grandadbob said:

Good morning all,

Sending positive vibes


Have a good one,


You still got that Ann Summers electrickerey then.:rofl:

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  • RMweb Gold

Not sure what flavour of Indian they speak but the name on the van says "Singh the King." Of course there is always the possibility that their English is better than mine!

Just been watching a builders merchant delivery of timber, aggregates  and insulation (Interested as that was my former career).  Don't know what firm (no name on lorry) but I do know that if any of my former drivers had seen the antics of this guy and his Hiab they would probably  have died laughing. I think it would have been quicker to offload by hand. Like what we did in the good old days.......:yes::whistle:

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  • RMweb Gold
28 minutes ago, Happy Hippo said:

Pray tell how one can propel such a contraption under finite control with one arm in plaster?


Or does Aditi walk on her hands and carry her bags with her feet?



MiL has one of those wheeled walking frames with a tray but normally walks with a stick so it is useful . However Aditi cannot see how one would help her and she doesn’t need it when her arm is better. She is quite robust.To be honest it isn’t lack of strength that is problem, it has been inappropriate use of force that had caused problems, “was that bit supposed to come off?” as she appeared, clutching a bit of car or washing machine.  This fall was just clumsiness and landing on hard ground. I think the fact that Aditi checked with her sister in law rather than sisters whether or not she should bother the people at A&E with her injury or wait until the morning . Emma said that as Aditi had heard a crunching noise and it was hurting and swelling she should go. Emma (and her husband) are very sensible. The start of the phone call was funny as it was one of those “no, please give me the phone”,as clearly one of our nieces had got there first. 


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  • RMweb Gold
57 minutes ago, Happy Hippo said:


Or does Aditi walk on her hands and carry her bags with her feet?

I do believe if that were the only way she was going to get on holiday next month she would. 

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