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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


The sun is shining and the sky is blue, but there are a few clouds above, which are moving quite rapidly in the stiff breeze. It’s very warm outside, I know this because I’ve been to unlock the gate, just in case the window cleaners turn up whilst I’m out. I’ll shortly be off too pick up some wood for the cellar stairs and Sheila will be heading of to a local coffee shop to meet with her Zumba buddies, as there is no Zumba this week, owing to the fact the class teacher is on holiday. Whilst I’m picking up the wood, I might as well have a look round to see if there is anything else that I need. 


Back later. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a lot to do today but get the car taxed though I've got until the end of the month. It will only take a few minutes on the web. Not much else, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Cheers, everyone. Summer is predicted to return in force, so bracing ourselves is in order!


Friday night saw a t-storm taking down a tree on the other side of the junction outside the house. From what I could see after the clear-up, the trunk seems to have rotted right above the root, suggesting its demise would have been a matter of time in any case.


I also continued tinkering in preparation of the move, including passing some ethernet cable through a wall for extension to the desk.


Currently en route to an appointment, so I’ll try to be back later!

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  • RMweb Gold

BBQ is nice and clean again and muggatea now being drunk. I've spent the last 10 minutes laughing my head off at the Cowboy Indian builder a few doors along. He's attempting to break up some large wooden pallets with a sledge hammer and  it's just bouncing off. I almost went over to offer suggest the use of a large wrecking bar but it's more entertaining watching.  :yes:

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  • RMweb Gold
22 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

. He's attempting to break up some large wooden pallets with a sledge hammer and  it's just bouncing off. I almost went over to offer suggest the use of a large wrecking bar but it's more entertaining watching.  :yes:

So it wasn’t one of those “when I nod my head, hit it” scenarios then?

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  • RMweb Gold

He came close to doing himself a mischief. He then started throwing them against the wall and stamping on them followed by using what looked like a club hammer and cold chisel.  He seems to have given up for the moment and is pacing up and down beside the (overloaded) skip which appears to have one whole pallet sitting on top and several beside it. I expect that when the skip is changed the driver will as usual knock off  the 3 or 4 ft of stuff on top of the load and there will be loud shouty noises emanating from everybody's mouth whilst he's doing that. Once that is done our friend will then pick up all the stuff that's been chucked on the floor and throw it into the skip and the whole sorry process will start again. :banghead:

(They've had at least 8 skips there and it's happened every time!)

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Borrowed from FB but I can't stop giggling over it:


If I were a rapper, my rap name would be "Gershwin" and I'd distribute my music only on CDs with blue cover art.


Because then, guys, they'd be Gershwin's rap CDs in blue.



Edited by NGT6 1315
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  • RMweb Gold

I have painted the utility room ceiling.  I will paint the coving tomorrow. When I do any decorating I always recall watching my Uncle Roland who was a professional interior decorator. He was so quick, cutting in with a 12” brush. I am very slow!



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  • RMweb Premium

Speaking of painting, that'll need to be done in our flat before the end of our lease as well. FiL wants to have his kitchen (our common one in a couple of weeks!) painted till we move in, too.

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  • RMweb Premium

The grey  ballast isn't sticking down... Perhaps they should use PVA instead of black tarry stuff on the roads.. 

Norwich airport reports a few hundred yards away out in the open 28C,


very hot,  my lab went over the top, as the AC is sat on the sunny side of the room in a heat trap.  door propped open to outer lab.. 

 Fully kitted out for motorcycling, I was sweating even when going along at 60.

Landrover tomorrow,  it will be parked up with vents open and windows open...

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  • RMweb Gold
17 minutes ago, TheQ said:

grey  ballast isn't sticking down... Perhaps they should use PVA instead of black tarry stuff on the roads.. 

Norwich airport reports a few hundred yards away out in the open 28C,

I wonder if that is a Norfolk thing. About this time last year we went to Norfolk and the car tyres were  picking up great clods of tar and gravel on minor roads. Never known it like that down here. 

Edited by Tony_S
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5 hours ago, NGT6 1315 said:

... Friday night saw a t-storm taking down a tree on the other side of the junction outside the house.

On the way into work the other day I saw (through a gap in some fir trees) a large fir tree fall. It was so brief that I wondered if I was imagining it and (having to pay attention to driving duties) I wasn't able to see any fallen trees as I drove by.  It wasn't windy or stormy at the time. A day or two later there was a number of sawn logs and other messy detrius of tree felling in that area, so I wasn't imagining it. That area is ripe for residential development. It will be interesting to see what develops.


3 hours ago, grandadbob said:

the skip lorry turned up......it got rather noisy

During the 11:00pm local news on Friday night there was a lot of truck sounds outside my home including compressed air blasts, beeping and so on. (Note that I live on a dead end street.) Naturally I peered through the window.  A very nice looking wake boat (an open cabin power boat intended for towing wake-boarders) and trailer was being delivered (on the back of a large flatbed truck) to people across from my front windows. This carried on for some time with the boat and trailer being carefully lowered down the ramp formed by raising one end of the flat bed. They were done around midnight.


Who delivers boats in the dead of night?


The boat was parked in the street on Saturday. It was no longer there on Sunday. With Sunday's hot (33°C) weather (our hottest of the year so far), hopefully the boat is on the river somewhere and wake-boarders were enjoying being pulled out of the water by it. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Still 25 degrees even this late. According to the forecast the thunderstorms are going to just miss this side of the country so its carry on sweltering. Time for a cool drink, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

What did I do with my day that was mainly uninterrupted by domestic trivia? I hear you ask. Filed point blades and bits for crossing vees, that's what. Not exactly an exciting way of spending several hours but quite productive, even though my wrists and back are aching, as I'm now within one more day's work or so of finishing all the bits and pieces I need for producing my layout's pointwork. As a treat I awarded myself a nice pastie for dinner and am now contemplating a drop of Scottish fermented barley juice. Do I know how to live or what? 





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Apparently our 3 rowing boats,  2 surf boards, 4 body boards and a 2nd hand boxed game of Battleships are off to the Gulf of Hormuz this evening.

Watch out Iran!


The only downside is our new trading partner isnt backing us.

Oh well.

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Sad isn't it.   The largest fleet in the world that kept the oceans free, deterred a German navy twice and was slowly taken apart by economics and misguided governments.  At least Mrs Thatcher borrowed a liner; where is she now that you need her?


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  • RMweb Gold
10 minutes ago, brianusa said:

Sad isn't it.   The largest fleet in the world that kept the oceans free, deterred a German navy twice and was slowly taken apart by economics and misguided governments.  At least Mrs Thatcher borrowed a liner; where is she now that you need her?


For longer than this century has existed, the UK's politicians have shown themselves to be generally un-statesman-like, self-interested and unwilling to learn from history. I give you Gulf War 2, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria as examples. That the same politicians and senior civil servants all went to a very few universities where they were taught a particular doctrine of P,P&E naturally resulted in the outcome we see today. Is there a solution? Sadly, I can't see the present members of government or opposition finding one. Just as we should never allow politicians abroad with the national chequebook, they should never have access to any stick to stir up a hornet's nest.  The idea of the UK exerting soft or hard power is long dead, as is the ability of the UN to reach any agreement and stop conflict. Russia, China and now Iran have called Britain's bluff and our politicians and diplomats have been found wanting. Of course it is almost never them but some poor lesser person that they expect to risk his or her life to achieve their aims.


In other more serious matters, a distinct lack of railway modelling has occurred over the past 48 hours due to orders from on high coupled with community taxiing duties. It is hot and sticky here so perhaps modelling is better left until sweaty hands have cooled down anyway. Tomorrow I am taking No1 Grandson for 9-holes with much cold water in our bags. This will be followed much later by our regular cribbage session. Time now for a very long cooling glass of water to compensate for the weekend's excesses.

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46 minutes ago, brianusa said:

Sad isn't it.   The largest fleet in the world that kept the oceans free, deterred a German navy twice and was slowly taken apart by economics and misguided governments.  At least Mrs Thatcher borrowed a liner; where is she now that you need her?


She's been scrapped, lovely ship.:D 

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