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A quick good afternoon  from a rather wzrm corner of the planet.  The market was duly visited and some friends met and coffee was consumed.  Then lunch and some of the G word.  By 15.45 a halt was called and we adjourned to the pool to cool down.  It was rather nice floating round watching a buzzard doi g lazy circles above us.  I did tell Beth that she was safe as they tend to go for slightly smaller prey.


Neil, very glad that you've been able to get to grumble. I rather like the Honda mower that we have acquired.





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Afternoon Awl inner Temple here.. 


Site like the needles and lands end were not sold off to  make money,  they are bits of land of no importance , that some local had always owned.  Modern  publicity makes people want to go there for no good reason, normally in the summer for a short season, and if people want to pay more fool them.. 


While it seems many, had a lie in,  I set out to the boat at around 08:00, everything was dripping wet after the overnight rain.  So after uncovering the boat,  I set out to find the Stainless tube,  that I didn't find  it there was an old mast I was going to strip for spares. So I decided to get that out,  that took nearly an hour, because one of the stays had got stuck under a garden cupboard..  The humidity  was awful,  sweat was pouring off me .


After a ten minute sit down,  


The boat was hoovered out, then filler/ bonding agent was spread tidying up some previously inaccessable corners.

The seat was to be modified to its final state,  but I needed  new jigsaw saw blades, so went to the railway shed,  and found..  Some boats bits I was looking for last week..  Once altered the chair was then put in the tin shed out of the way prior to sanding and varnishing. 

Two dress panels were bonded into place and clamped up. 

The old mast was stripped, 

About 15:00 I hit the wall,  absolutely, knackered,   a bit dizzy,  so I retired to the house for a lie down. 

After a half hour eyelid observation. I packed away,  and went for a long soak in the bath... 


I now need to order some jigsaw blades fine cut wood, 

Rivets,  to join Stainless Steel parts to aluminum mast .




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I had an email this morning informing me my new boots had arrived at the local outdoor pursuits emporium. Unlike Chris F’s boots mine are a dull brown colour.  After collecting them I went to Homebase to buy some paint for the utility room ceiling. When rearranging the garage (when we had the new door fitted) I moved my layout turntable out of the way. I reinstalled it in place but not electrically. So today I thought I would connect it just to make sure it wasn’t damaged. After soldering a few dry joints everything seems ok and I even ran some trains round the layout just to check it. It hasn’t been used for over a year so the track did need a quick wipe with a cloth but everything seems ok. 


I got the new boots as I didn’t want my old ones to wear out while we are on holiday later this year. They won’t need much “breaking in” but should be fine, we aren’t going for another month.

We are going to a wedding in December where guests have been requested not to wear black or red. I’ll be ok as I don’t have a red suit but will need to think carefully about my attire. I think a pale linen suit may not be that suitable for a wedding in the Lake District at that time of year. 


Edited by Tony_S
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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Have spent a very pleasant morning as guests of the Mid Essex MRC, I collected my friend and his young son and took them with me to the clubhouse. Various club layouts were set up for our delectation and the youngster managed to get his hands on a controller and was as happy as a sand boy. Tea and snacks were provided including home made sausage rolls and bread pudding. Tea to be drunk, be back later.

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We are going to a wedding in December where guests have been requested not to wear black or red. I’ll be ok as I don’t have a red suit but will need to think carefully about my attire. I think a pale linen suit may not be that suitable for a wedding in the Lake District at that time of year. 

There’s always Charcoal, Slate, Tan or even Moss. None of which is “Black” according to the descriptive text offered by suit designers and retailers. 

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5 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

.......but seeing both in steam today is a real treat after all the years of fundraising.



Should have gone toTrack-Shack.

They would have been cheaper and delivered the following morning.

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36 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

There’s always Charcoal, Slate, Tan or even Moss. None of which is “Black” according to the descriptive text offered by suit designers and retailers. 

I have enough problem telling navy blue from black. 



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20 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

Our uniform was allegedly navy blue and we were called the boys in blue but my uniform always looked black to me.  Later in my service I was often called a black bas***d by certain youths. At that point they were usually judged to have failed the attitude test and accompanied me to the station. 



I can pass all those colour vision tests but fail miserably to bring down Aditi’s black shoes and get told “ those are blue” . 

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14 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

I can pass all those colour vision tests but fail miserably to bring down Aditi’s black shoes and get told “ those are blue” . 


Perhaps you should be modelling the Somerset & Dorset - there seem to be plenty there who see blue where all the reliable evidence points to black.

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13 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:

I met a chap in Holland once who used to fly Flockers......


And there used to be a dog on some TV show with Esther Rantzen that could bark "sausages" but I've never heard one bark "distribution".




Gosh going back way over 30 years on the 'sausage front' dog but it did have a little neck help by the owner.

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Evening all, not a bad day, quiet(which is nice......I miss the Fast Show), got the grass cut, so we won't be finding a jungle after our travels south mid week, picked some raspberries and strawberries from the garden, do like fresh fruit, that's if I can beat SWMBO to it. Finished the ballasting on the scenic section, just a bit of titivating to sort it, lots of weathering to do later, much later after buildings are completed. I note GDB is about to start electrickery under his , I made my boards higher to make the job easier, glad I did.

G'night all

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5 hours ago, AndyB said:

Afternoon all. 

It's been a day of 3 halves so far today.

. But you can't hang around forever. Always amazes me that it takes so many weeks and months to build and moments to destroy. 


Take a look at AndyP's 'snails-pace' layout building!  Beats me how he does it. 

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Good evening everyone 


I’ve had quite a productive day in both the garden and the workshop today. I’ve managed to pot up all but 3 of the plants we bought on Wednesday, the remaining 3 have been left, because I was advised to leave them in the pots we bought them in for a least couple of weeks as they’d only just been potted up. I even managed an hour in the workshop. I purchased a very cheap “BUG BAT” (it was a few pence short of £4.00) a few days ago, my intention is to make a mini static grass applicator from it. So far I’ve dismantled it and re-wired it so it now has a lead with a crocodile clip on, I can re-use some of the mesh that came with it for the grill, but I also have some finer mesh as well, so I just need to find a suitable small plastic container with a screw top to hold the grass.


I noticed that John mentioned Zennor in his blog, I remember the place well, I’ve been a couple of times, we (me and a bunch of mates) used to stay a few miles nearer to lands end in a rented cottage close to the Gunnards Head pub, (which is still there) which we frequented regularly. But going back to Zennor, some of the 1970’s Poldark TV series was filmed in and around there.


Goodnight all 

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Good morning one and all


As is so often the case, there are a few things on this week.   This morning I am expecting an engineer.  The idea is that he breathes new life into my landline.  Despite the new router, or hub as I must now call it, the broadband connection is still fragile, having gone down three times yesterday morning and six in the afternoon.  This won’t do.  On Thursday I’m off to Stevenage for some m*d*ll*ng.  Poorly Pal has asked for salmon for lunch.  Without the fresh fish counter this may not be easy.  Friday sees my quarterly Zoladex injection with Sister Syringe.  This is the mainstay of my cancer treatment.  On Friday night I may just have an evening out with members of the LGBT group but whatever else happens it will not, repeat not, involve karaoke.  In between times I need to round up what I will be taking to Sidmouth in a week and a half and make progress on my latest piece for Bylines.  I ought also to mow the lawn but I need some enthusiasm for that particular task.


Best wishes to all



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Morning all from a place that is going to get rather warm later (Mid 30's apparently).  However the first task will be to connect up the upstairs tele after putting the new aerial lead in.   Our first visitors of the summer arrive next week.  Apart from that the boss has decreed a day of relative rest after our exertions in the garden yesterday.   This evening some friends from the village are coming round for the meal.   An evening of conversation in French but they both have a wicked sense of humour.


Readers may have seen some comments about a cockerel that is waking us up rather early. A neighbour who lives about 100 yards away has his garden  next to ours.  He has installed some hens, and the said coq in the corner of the garden just over the wall from ours.   We were thinking of complaining to the mayor.  However he appeared at our door on Saturday with 7 eggs for us, saying that he is getting more eggs than he can use.   perhaps   the noisy bird may stay alive a little longer.


Regards to all.



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Good morning. SWMBO and two pals are off out for the day so apart from a visit to the nurse to get The Toe dressed this afternoon I'm being left to my own devices. Wonder what I'll do........ possibly something with small pieces of metal? I'll have to make the most of this week as on Friday evening the first wave of Huns grandchildren descend on us arrive for a week then a fortnight today we're off to Fraggle Rock for a week.


Jamie - the bad news is that cockerels don't lay eggs.


Have a successful day. Good luck with the broadband and the injection Chris.



Edited by Dave Hunt
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