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  • RMweb Gold


I haven't been on ER that early today as I've either been at the dentist or online shopping. It is quite sunny here so I think I'll take Robbie down to the park now. He has been looking most confused this morning as his blankets and towels have all gone in the washing machine and then on the line. Perhaps he thinks he is next.



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Jam - I just went back and had a listen to your blues offering (something I can't do at work) and I really liked the playing, though that piano sounds more out of tune than last time. It reminds me of a guy called Crazy Otto, who played ragtime on an out of tune piano - though not as far out of tune as yours! LOL :lol:

Jam - One of the worse things you can do as a musician is play any instrument that is out of tune - your "ear" begins to believe it is ok and then being "in tune" is bad. Get your folks to get it tuned! It's cheaper in the long run...


Best, Pete.




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Evening All,


Strange that the picture didn't work - it's fine here...


The wretched Mini is playing up again. She's been in the garage for TÃœV (our equivalent to the MOT), but the guy who rebuilt her engine has discovered a problem with a lumpy idle when warm, and it appears to have stumped him.


He's read the ECU failure codes (nothing), changed the plugs, changed the HT leads, cleaned the stepper motor, and still it's idling lumpy. Lumpy idle = high lambda values = failed emissions test. I am now hoping he can find the problem, and that when it does it isn't too expensive.


It's a flaming nuisance quite frankly - things were much better in the days when cars had a simple carburettor and there wasn't all this wretched electronic malarky to go wrong :angry:


ANNOYED! :shout_mini:

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  • RMweb Gold


The wretched Mini is playing up again. She's been in the garage for TÃœV (our equivalent to the MOT), but the guy who rebuilt her engine has discovered a problem with a lumpy idle when warm, and it appears to have stumped him.

He's read the ECU failure codes (nothing), changed the plugs, changed the HT leads, cleaned the stepper motor, and still it's idling lumpy. Lumpy idle = high lambda values = failed emissions test. I am now hoping he can find the problem, and that when it does it isn't too expensive.

It's a flaming nuisance quite frankly - things were much better in the days when cars had a simple carburettor and there wasn't all this wretched electronic malarky to go wrong :angry:



I used to hate anything to do with carburettors! The Astra I had in the early 1990s used to have a lumpy idle when warm. It was never sorted but I found if I disconnected the lead to the air mass unit (probably all integrated now) the fault would go away for six months. Aditi's Clio occasionally develops a fast warm idle. Garage said the ECU was returning an "unrecognised" error code. Resetting the ECU (very sophisticated, disconnection of battery for a few minutes) "solves" the problem. In the old days a warm lumpy idle would have had me looking for an air leak. Nowadays something electronic failing when warm should generate an error code, even a mysterious one. Though not all garages interpret these things correctly. My brother's Astra kept having errors that the garage said were due to the airbags. It turned out to be the seatbelt pre-tensioner connector.



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Guest Max Stafford

Lads, you've given me a chuckle with that mischief, thanks! :D


Been for day one of the bike course today and didn't fall off! ;) Part of our training involved urban riding round the back streets near Manchester Picadilly - some cracking urban grot round there and we rode along the street where Sam got run over at the start of 'Life on Mars'. Didn't spot the Guv's Cortina though...

Day two tomorrow then long weekend off; made all the better by the fact that this course got me out of four night shifts!


Jam, being the kind of guy who appreciates a bit of blues, I enjoyed your piece. Although I bow to Pete's superior experience of such matters I can't help thinking the off tune-ness might not have been that far out in a real blues dive back in the day! B)



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  • RMweb Gold

Been for day one of the bike course today and didn't fall off! ;) Part of our training involved urban riding round the back streets near Manchester Picadilly - some cracking urban grot round there



I've only been to Manchester once (in 1974) There was some very special offer from Stoke (I was living in Keele at the time) to Manchester on the train where two people could travel at a fare that seemed cheaper than one. I wonder if Aditi regrets asking me to go with her!


I nearly fell over in the park today. It probably would have been less painful if I had as I twisted my knee. It is OK now but I was lurching a bit as I went round the supermarket later. It was my own fault, I shouldn't play games with collies! A friend has a collie that was rescued from a very nasty environment. This dog was frightened of men at first and took some time to learn not to flinch and cower near any men. He is so recovered now he has worked out that men (of which there are very few in the park during weekdays) are more likely to throw or kick his ball for him. I do my best for him though my own dog long ago realised that most other people are better at football than I am.



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Lads, you've given me a chuckle with that mischief, thanks! :D


Jam, being the kind of guy who appreciates a bit of blues, I enjoyed your piece. Although I bow to Pete's superior experience of such matters I can't help thinking the off tune-ness might not have been that far out in a real blues dive back in the day! B)




Well you're right in a way but this ain't Chicago in the '50's and '60's. I loved the late JB Lenoir but listen to his band (especially the timing challenged drummer..................)


So, you're now better equipped to catch felons in downtown Carlisle????


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

I used to hate anything to do with carburettors!


This reminds me of how that Mk. 3 Ford Escort we had in the early 80s once died in the middle of an intersection due to sudden carburettor failure. While my dad was resorting to language unfit for being written down here, I found this hilariously funny, given that I was just about two years old at the time! :lol:


Morning all – it's not as nippy as it used to be over the weekend and the forecast predicts another sunny day with up to 12 hours of sunshine :) .


Have a good day everyone!

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Morning All,


As Dominik said, the weather is quite reasonable over here this morning. Nice and sunny with blue skys. I decided to drive to work - I was going to cycle, and pick the Mini up after work, but with the problems I'll sort it out another way when the car is actually finished.


I used to hate anything to do with carburettors! The Astra I had in the early 1990s used to have a lumpy idle when warm. It was never sorted but I found if I disconnected the lead to the air mass unit (probably all integrated now) the fault would go away for six months. Aditi's Clio occasionally develops a fast warm idle. Garage said the ECU was returning an "unrecognised" error code. Resetting the ECU (very sophisticated, disconnection of battery for a few minutes) "solves" the problem. In the old days a warm lumpy idle would have had me looking for an air leak. Nowadays something electronic failing when warm should generate an error code, even a mysterious one. Though not all garages interpret these things correctly. My brother's Astra kept having errors that the garage said were due to the airbags. It turned out to be the seatbelt pre-tensioner connector.


The strange thing is that the ECU is actually producing no failure codes - I suspect one of the sensors is registering an incorrect value which is within parameters. For example, maybe the outside air temperature is registering as 30°C when it is actually 15°C and the ECU is leaning the mixture right off. Fingers crossed my Mini expert can track the problem down relatively quickly!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all...It looks like it could be a cracking day. Great to hear the dawn chorus in full flow this morning.


I must say we have some pretty talented musicians on here, so thanks to Jam and Pete for your video/soundtrack links. It's wonderful to see someone playing any instrument. I just wish I'd taken it up as a kid, but I went down the science/technology route rather than the artistic side. I suspect it's because I don't have one...:)


Pete, I listened to your music and got seconds into Fortress of Solitude, when Mrs S called out what's that lovely piece of music. Of the six tracks that would be my favourite followed by Requiem. I guess they caught my mood perfectly..


Jam, you're very talented too, although I have to be in the right mood for blues music and I'm rarely up late enough to savour that genre...


Good stuff guys...


Finally got the OK from the surgeon yesterday with an added bonus. The latest scan showed some deterioration on the right side as well, so they're going to do both elements of my spine at the same time. Should be in the next 4-6 weeks and it will lay me up for a while, but at least it should sort things once and for all.


At last.....:)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, chilly start but promised 17C today! MrsB to hospital today is the reason for the early start. Robert often a duff bit of soldering can be responsible for the defect which doesn't show up as a fault. Don that must be a bit difficult you want to move but don't want to wish anyone ill.

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At last.....:)

Quite! You'll be glad to get it over with.


Mrs. S. has such good taste - but then you knew that....when I get around to it I'll put more recent stuff up on YouTube instead.


Best, Pete.








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Robert often a duff bit of soldering can be responsible for the defect which doesn't show up as a fault.


That's what I'm afraid of Mick - It's like looking for a needle in a haystack!

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Morning all, just about to set off for work. Gordon, good to hear that you're going to get the back sorted shortly. Just make sure you have an internet connection when you're laid up! :)


Last day of the working week for me (thank goodness), I'm taking Thursday and Friday off as flexi leave as I've built up enough time to do that. Have a good Wednesday everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Gordon, I'm pleased you got the go ahead for the surgery.

Mick, I really must clean the glasses before reading ER, I initially thought your wife had a bit of duff soldering rather than Robert's Mini.

It is rather pleasant here this morning, very sunny, clear blue sky and I have a shopping list!



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It is rather pleasant here this morning, very sunny, clear blue sky and I have a shopping list!



Me too, well the shopping list at any rate. Though it'll have to wait till tomorrow. It includes 3 lengths of Code 100 flexitrack.


The blue skies we had earlier have now faded to grey, sadly.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all


Clear blue skies here for the third day in a row. What is happening?


Now that you have decided that it is needed , I'm sure that you will be relieved that the op is finally on Gordon.

No one has mentioned the other B word yet.

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