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5 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

And here's the ideal sound for Baz's sound chip - no company bias and lots of noise especially at max volume -



At least it's not a pannier ;)

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. I don't know what happened to my comments this morning, I hadn't finished when I must have had a brain fart and pressed the 'Submit reply' button. I now cannot remember what I was going to say. Mostly recovered from the weekends exertions, nothing planned for this weekend but planning excursions for the school holidays, hoping to drag a certain young man away from his x-box. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.

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23 minutes ago, AndyID said:


At least it's not a pannier ;)

But all the correct GWR accoutrements are there to see in the background:  Pagoda and Lower Quadrant signal.


Plus it's a (saddle) tank in lined green.


Very Swindon

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Never mind these namby - pamby  GWR rubbish, being a colliery lad it would have to be a clanking, wheezing J27 or Q6 struggling with up to 45 hoppers out of one of the local collieries.




Edited by Two_sugars
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Evening all, a quiet day, calm before the storm, we have two youngest grandsons for sleepovers for two nights, not sure I will survive this if it's gonna rain, can we go to the beach with buckets and spades in the rain? Sure we'll manage, there's a Toy story movie to see at the local cinema, I can't actually remember the last time I went to the flicks, gotta be over 20 years ago.

The building of the bridge kit is coming along nicely, it will fit perfectly, would you believe I've run out of glue!! Another visit to a diy shed required once the monsters have been picked up, wish me luck lol.

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Evening all. Great game of cricket today and an excellent cricket tea with proper pork pie, sausage rolls and bread and "dirty" aka dripping with meat juice added.


Up early tomorrow  so its 


Goodnight all!


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Rare!  That over used word and why does it make one wonder why when invariably it doesn't really apply to the sale item.  Two recent items up for sale on EB; one a Hornby O gauge electric turntable for $295 and a Dinky Toy Civilian Jeep for the same price; I have the identical Jeep on the layout and it certainly didn't cost $295!  Both these items were described as rare and while it might have stirred some response years ago, surely buyers are more savvy these days with the internet, etc,  but it would seem that Caveat Emptor still applies.:O


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2 hours ago, Two_sugars said:

Never mind these namby - pamby  GWR rubbish, being a colliery lad it would have to be a clanking, wheezing J27 or Q6 struggling with up to 45 hoppers out of one of the local collieries.




Your due for a slap with that talk.           :punish:       Q6 with how many hoppers.  :jester:

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Good evening everyone 


This morning’s Sainsbury’s Grand Prix was as usual uneventful, with the exception that I was able to get everything that was on the shopping list, :o! Well I suppose there’s a first for everything. 


Once home and all the shopping had been packed away, I decided to chance it and put my wetsuit out on the washing line to dry, then I came in and had a muggertea.


Just before dinner I had a phone conversation with one of the trial nurses at ‘The Christie Hospital’ regarding my latest PSA test results. They’ve decided that they’d like to see me again, hopefully by the end of the week I should receive appointments for another PSA test and a consultation within the next six weeks. I’ve put more info on Jock’s cancer ward thread.


We were just finishing dinner, when Sheila noticed that it was starting to rain, so I legged it outside and brought my wetsuit back inside and hung it back up to dry in the cellar. Not long after that it started to chuckinitdarn, so I had a close call there. Despite the wetsuit only being out for a couple of hours, it made quite difference and now is nowhere near as wet as is was before it went out.


Tonight’s tea, fish and chips, went down very well, particularly with Amelia, who was first to finish, that in itself is very unusual, but nice to see. 


Goodnight all 

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1 hour ago, 81C said:

Your due for a slap with that talk.           :punish:       Q6 with how many hoppers.  :jester:


Why alreet, well . . . . . . . Mebeez arnly fotty.


Goodnight everyone . . .. Sleep well 




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Good morning one and all


The day has got off to a wonderful start, with my broadband lasting all of 30 seconds before failing and having to be restarted.  I think it is trying to tell me that I should go wireless.  These days hardly a day goes by without it blipping, wobbling or failing and I do not have the time to waste fixing it.  To ensure that it had stabilised I went into YouTube, selected the latest video of Pride and found my ugly mug complete with rainbow bobble hat - a reassuringly brief appearance, thank goodness.  Fortunately I was already sitting down with a mug of sweet tea.  There is something to look forward to: once someone who parked their car inconsiderately has taken it to work there will be a space for mine a bit nearer the house and I will be able to unload the boot more easily than lugging toolboxes half the length of the street.


18 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Chris, thats a good idea to get yourself a companion but it should be someone with similar interests. 

I have yet to meet that person.  I have always been a bit of a loner.  Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't.  It wrankles at times that most other people appear to make friends so much more easily than I do.  If I had to depend on having a companion to go places I would go hardly anywhere.  I'm sure that Sister Diabetes meant what she said kindly but I should not have risen to the bait as I did.  Let's move on.


Finally for today, the latest last word on Pride in London.   To my amazement I have received an apologetic reply from the Individuals Co-ordinator.  It seems that I should have been instructed to stand at the other end of the street in which I was corralled.  There I would have found the other individuals in the group and we would all have moved off together when the command was given.  Never mind, no harm was done, though it does beg the question of who the waifs and strays were that Bill saw arriving at Trafalgar Square four hours after I got there.  I’m impressed that I got a reply at all, let alone such a helpful one.


Best wishes to all




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Morning all from your Trans Manche Correspondent.  It's sunny again so work will be done this morning before it gets too hot.  Much timber got moved up to the wood shed yesterday morning. This was the remains of an ash tree that was felled in December. The two rather large pieces of trunk were too heavy to lift. In the afternoon  we went out for a bike ride then went in the pool.  Last night our friend Joanne in ited us for a meal. A good night was had and lots of red liquid was sampled.



Today the chain saw will be wielded to reduce the two pie es of tree trunk to 15" lengths that can be moved and later split.  Apart from that not a lot to report. 


Brian, good luck with your appointment and Dave, i hope that things get sorted. 


Regards to all.



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Mooring Awl,  Inner temple Hare,

 A very poor nights sleep as we kept waking each other up with coughing fits..


When I eventually surfaced it was very dark out side, not due to time of day but heavy dark clouds, the gournd showed we'd already had a shower of rain. But it wasn't when Ben the Border Collie took me on patrol. On the way in it has gone from no drizzle to quiet a lot Here at work.


Later today is our late late Christmas lunch, so that gives an extra hour and a half off work. The way it works out I'll actually stop work at 12:30, as it will be impractical to restart what I'll be doing for just half an hour.


As for what I'll be doing it's another major system,  for which they are already wanting it back, and I haven't got it yet..


The boat is still giving me design problems, some bits of reinforcement are obvious, but the chair mounting is not. I need to go for a search amoungst my good wood pile, I think I have some timber which will match the chair as I would like to keep it varnished..


New junk spam from the company, a 45 minute optional "trainings" on diversity, well that got binned, they don't give me enough diversity of time to allow that and get the work done..


Time to wander done the lab and get started..


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45 minutes ago, chrisf said:

Good morning one and all


The day has got off to a wonderful start, with my broadband lasting all of 30 seconds before failing and having to be restarted.  I think it is trying to tell me that I should go wireless.  These days hardly a day goes by without it blipping, wobbling or failing and I do not have the time to waste fixing it. 


Best wishes to all





I suspect that "Going Wireless" will give you further problems! No internet at all springs to mind!


My reasoning - simple. At some stage, your computer needs to connect to the great wired system that constitutes the telephone network; this usually happens at the point where your computer connects to your telephone cable! WiFi only has a range of some 50 metres.

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Good morning all,

Rather cloudy  at the moment but a dry warm day with sunny spells is forecast.

Managed to do a tiny bit of work on the layout before The Knee said no more. Have now got a back scene attached to the biggest board although it has suffered a bit in transit and will need some TLC.

My telephone physio assessment never happened. This would seem to be my fault as I got the date wrong, it's for next flippin' Tuesday! Two weeks wait for a phone call?

Joe & Gemma were here after school so they cheered me up. Gem made me laugh. It was their school sports day and I asked what she'd entered in as she used be quite sporty, doing gymnastics and the like. It appears that at the grand old age of 15 such things are now beneath her. "I was going to do the shot putt" said she. This made me splutter into to my tea because she is a very slim young lady and not built like any shot putter I've seen. "Why that?" I asked. "Because it involves the least running about and effort but I didn't have to do it in the end because only two people per house could enter and somebody else was keener than me!" Joe, who is now a senior prefect got out of it as he was volunteered by the Head for the admin side of things. 

Steve came round and picked up his two large parcels and stopped for a bite to eat. This was handy as I needed some help transferring some stuff from my old laptop to this one.  While he was here we also paid for our mini cruise later in the year.  Fingers crossed that T.Cook don't have any more problems before they pass our payment on to P & O!

The Boss is hinting that she'd like me to take her out to lunch today.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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