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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare,

4.5 hours plus 1.5 hours sleep today, much less coughing from me.... much more coughing from SWMBO..


This morning was very quiet on the roads unlike yesterday, I knew it wasn't goinfg to go well when while stopped at roadworks 4 way traffic lights I saw an older lady driving towards me... only problem was the lights were green for the traffic coming from the right, getting the cars past each other required cars going up on the pavement on the non dug up side..

Then as I mentioned elsewhere some cockwomble parked on the A road causing a massive tail back, luckily I was on the motorscooter so I trundled slowly past the jam when there was a gap of traffic coming from the other way... Until another cockwomble decided to do a U turn using a shop forecourt, unfortunately he didn't look behind him.. which was me.. As I was only trundling I stopped in time But the motorbike that had blasted past sometime earlier mid trundle wouldn't have been able to..


Unintended consecquences like that parking..

Now I've had to make the decision to move the seating back by 18 inches -ish, I've now realise the seat no longer has anything to stop it falling over backwards.., It's back is lower than the lowest point of the cockpit sides, so attaching either side is not straight forward. Do I modify the seat by raising the back and then attaching outwards, or do I  modify the boat by lowering the cockpit sides and bracketing inwards..???


Time to wander down to the lab... contemplating..


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Ey up!

Mizzling here. Match due to start at1pm. Metcheck says...no way. Pah!!!


I am slowly getting used to the new car setting off in electric drive...it can be very quiet so people beware!


Positive thoughts to all who ail or have family concerns.


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21 minutes ago, Kingzance said:

Good mawning awl,




We did manage some golf too, the weather was pleasant but the course has an appetite for KZ balls. We may do it again this afternoon. Other guests were enchanted with the chain ferry serving to link East and West Cowes on which they were transported as the KZ IoW tour company did the rest of the island for them.



Is this the ferry that arrived a couple of years ago and didn't fit the ramps?

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  • RMweb Gold
12 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Is this the ferry that arrived a couple of years ago and didn't fit the ramps?

Yep, something like that Q. I know that it was a right royal foul up of a project and for several months the link between the two parts of Cowes was broken with pedestrians reliant on a small motor boat. Like so many projects ordered by officialdom, it was delivered very late and way, way over budget. The previous vessel/platform is still moored alongside the spare Gosport Ferry in Portsmouth Harbour, just in case???

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Good morning everyone 


It’s another dull start to the day here in the northwest. As it’s Tuesday I will shortly setting off to complete the Sainsbury’s Grand Prix, No 1 priority is the need to get something for tonight’s tea, as we have James and Amelia coming round. There’s not much else planned for the day, but I do have to make a salted caramel cheesecake for tonight and tomorrow night’s dessert. 


Back later. 

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2 hours ago, Barry O said:


I am slowly getting used to the new car setting off in electric drive...it can be very quiet so people beware!




Have you thought of fitting a sound chip?




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29 minutes ago, Two_sugars said:


Have you thought of fitting a sound chip?






Romove the silencer and fit a double barrelled tailpipe like what the boy racers do.

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Morning all.

Jamie, glad to hear some positive news about your son. I did wonder if the stoma was temporary. I know (as I am sure Beth does from her previous career) people who have been fine after reconnection. When I first had ulcerative colitis  I delayed somewhat just assuming it would get better. I was lucky then to avoid surgery as it was just in time for control with medication in hospital. Over the years I have been told “if this doesn’t work then we need to consider surgery”. 


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Morning All

Warm and overcast here I'm not sure what to do today Her will be here this afternoon as will my youngest I'm meant to be eating/ drinking with her and SiL

I think we will retire to the pub and leave Her to sulk alone here I don't want to be seen out with her.

Later today I have a telephone rendezvous with a very attractive lady I'm hoping to meet later in the week for a romantic evening fingers crossed.

better shift my butt and do something enjoy your day :superman: R. Omantic  :wub:

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Chris, thats a good idea to get yourself a companion but it should be someone with similar interests. For the last 2-3 years I have often taken my (railway and modelling) friend and his young son with me and there has been several events that we attended that I would have not attended on my own especially those some distance from home.  

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It's persisting it down and is forecast for most of the week, save me a job with the hose pipe I guess, so now mid way through building the bridge kit, but it will need modification and painting a different colour in places. Taxi service for SWMBO first into Montrose, I may pop in the gun/fishing tackle shop then maybe into a bird watching hide until summoned for the return journey.

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4 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

Wonder why that printed so dark?


Looks like it's in bold text (The "B" in the top left corner of the reply/post box


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You must have inadvertantly clicked on Bold.  I sometimes find I've done that or underlined, etc. (beaten to it!)


Moderate cloud cover here ATM but still warm.  Mrs mole is asking for money, as if I don't pay enough maintenance already. This is for a ticket for an Okapi feeding experience at Marwell Zoo.  She loves okapis and is also going this weekend to see the new(ish) baby.  If any politicians need to know where the magic money tree is, apparently it's in our garden.  I can't find it though.


I had plans for today but lack of motivation has put paid to them. I'll stick with selling Marvel comics, then go shopping.


Anyone seen this?  It was linked on her FB page by one of her Morris side: https://traintimes.org.uk/map/tube/schematic/?fbclid=IwAR35AwosBzx6SI5XJ7oozHDmD6IlcZDAj7Q7Bl8mVJI28C_4jLfosMETPys.


Have a good day,







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The shelf installation  was easy. All my tools were where they should be and even the batteries were charged.

Next printer problem I was called for was annoying. Not annoyed with Aditi though. She asked why is the printer doing a cleaning cycle every page. I said usually if you have the wrong paper size installed. The person who had given her the document had saved it as US Legal. The first version Aditi had received had been sent in that well known accepted exchange format Microsoft Publisher. Then the person sent it as pdf so Aditi could edit it.  Fortunately she does have a full version of Adobe Acrobat. They were trying to save Aditi having to type a letter.   


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Afternoon all,


And would your HP printer print a PDF file I wonder Tony - because mine does not like them one bit for some mysterious reason.   Weather here is not so hot today but still not cool and no rain although we're gettiung plenty of clouds overhead.a


And here's the ideal sound for Baz's sound chip - no company bias and lots of noise especially at max volume -



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  • RMweb Gold
48 minutes ago, The Stationmaster said:

would your HP printer print a PDF file I wonder Tony

We haven’t had any problem printing pdfs. I was amused that when Aditi asked for something other than  a Publisher formatted file the person sent a pdf. I would have liked to know just what was wrong between Aditi’s laptop and the HP printer today but it works now. I don’t think it was the printer or the network    so probably something to do with the PC. 

Is your computer still a Mac. I haven’t used any of our Macs recently but I don’t recall any pdf problems. Our printers are all network printers connected by Ethernet cables if that in anyway helps. 

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