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  • RMweb Premium

' Morning all from red dragon land.


A bit of unexpected gardening on Friday.  It has been decided to try a screen of bamboo in a wooden planter on top of the 5ft wide old ash tree stump.  So youngest took me to a gardening store to pick up one.  We ended up with a 3ft long one which looks just fine and a matching smaller square one (to be assembled).  Also 4 largish round plastic pots to semi plant in the ground down one side of the garden to form a "hedge" of something or other.  That's the plan.  We also picked up a couple of unplanned plants for my barked area - an osteospermum (youngest's choice) and a pale purple hibiscus (my choice) which we could not resist - and got discount through her friend!  Plants duly popped in the ground and looking good.  

The bamboo will come from the front walled garden which is getting too big for its location.  New shoots branch just below the surface so not too difficult to remove a bit at a time.


Trial 2 of West Shore train tickets did fantastically well on Saturday (even though passengers were down on last week due to poor weather) doubling our donations per ride, so everyone was delighted, if not surprised. Carry on ticketing is on the cards - to be confurmed.


M*ddling project off to a new home next week.  More on that later.


May your day go well.  Best wishes to all.





Forgot to say, passengers were delighted with their tickets and having them clipped, one young lad seeming more delighted with his ticket than the ride!  It is going in his scrapbook.   :yes:


Edited by southern42
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Managed to find a few more bits for the club sales stand which after yesterday is looking a bit thin on goodies and just the usual carp, coffee table railway (so called) books and ancient rolling stock with pizza cutter wheels. I have arranged to dispose of said coffee table books after the show so that they dont have to be taken back. Must go now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all and Many Happy Returns to Phil.

Dull and dismal here and drizzling at the moment. Should dry up later though.  Whatever the weather does there will be a BBQ here today.

All offspring and grandchildren are attending so a great day is in prospect.

The Boss has offered breakfast (I was tempted to cook outside!) and after that I will be making some burgers.

Must dash, I can hear sizzling and smell bacon and eggs etc.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All 

Happy birthday Phil enjoy your day.

Not much happening here today there might be a run or 2 to the skip Her hasn't clear her stuff from the garage as asked so that will go I will probably give most of it to the neighbours who 

like gardening.

Its the ENT clinic tomorrow for me I'm wondering if Dr. Duck will administer drugs or treatment but I don't think there is any chance of HER doing that, it will be a shock if there is action.  


GDB don't scoff too today or you will go bang. :bomb_mini: 

                                                                                          Enjoy your day everyone :superman: Indy Dumps :biggrin_mini2:

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Happy anniversaries and solar orbits to those celebrating over this weekend and congrats to GDB who has achieved erection construction of the beast with little if any personal damage. Yesterday was warm and pretty sunny here so it was time for sand between the toes and immersion for some. I read in today’s ST that Southern Water has the worst record for accidental discharges of unprocessed waters in the U.K. with Sandown and Shanklin being the worst hit. Happily, we were on other beaches and of course happily too for the executives of Southern Water, their remuneration won’t be affected, will it :mad_mini:?

Beach was followed by cooking al-fresco on a three-burner gas jobby that belonged to D and SiL when they inhabited the Common of Wombles just after the start of this millennium. Sardines a la plancha, chicken thighs with oriental spices, pork n apple sausages and pork shoulder steaks were almost completely demolished.

A trip to Tess’s Co is required as we have run out of a few essentials (according to SWMBO) and after 2pm, the two male party members will be allowed to hack around the local 9-holes. This evening we will enjoy (I hope) a meal at a local establishment which should hopefully be taken on the veranda as the sun sets, if the weather gods smile upon us.

As it’s Sunday, I will close with the words of the late, great Dave Allen: May your god go with you.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mornin' all and a Happy Birthday to Phil.


Chris, I'm glad Pride went well and the boots were OK. I suggest you continue to break them in before Bristol by wearing them for a while each day during the week.


I didn't buy a loco yesterday as AC Models didn't have any I felt like getting. I may look online later for something they don't stock.


It's cooler and cloudy which is good as I have things to do today, so I won't overheat.


Have a good day,



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The last group went through about 7pm, then the "unaffiliated" came past and I was expecting to see you.  Except these were only a hundred odd waifs and strays, then the stewards and it was all over.  I hadn't realised that you were assigned and just assumed you had had an earlier discussion with the Routemaster bus.  In truth, 90 minutes were sufficient for my knees and my bladder, and was relieved there was a loo on my train.


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Happy Birthday Phil

Started sunny, now as black as a hat over here, but no rain...….yet, not much planned we tend to stay in at the weekends and go out in the week when everything is quieter, will need to inspect the art work in TOSH, did the mud and sky, need to add hedges/trees and detail next.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


It's quite sunny here now, it was cloudy earlier on. After our usual Sunday morning routine of a lie-in with breakfast in bed, I'm now ready to continue working on the patio. I don't intend to spend too much time as it's going to get a bit too hot out there soon. 


Happy birthday Phil. 


Back later 

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Afternoon all.

I have just finished breakfast so I won’t need to worry too much about lunch today. I am not doing much, I could claim to be waiting for a parcel but it hasn’t left Amazon’s Basildon depot yet. When she returns on Monday (from MiL sitting) Aditi has a mass print job for her French language society and one of the cartridges is very low on toner , hence my waiting in. 


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon awl, 

All the earlier mentioned plans were carried out by 12:00 except for one.... No bacon butty,  there is a distinct lack of bacon in the fridge or freezer. 


So additionally, 

More sanding was carried out,

A kit of parts for the console was produced, 

The mast was put up,  and the boom installed. 

The jib club was loosely put a in place, it fits!! 

Various measurements were taken, decisions taken on boom mainsheet Block positions,  kicking strap position.


Replacement L plate fitted to back of scooter,  it's a bit exposed so breaks off occasionally.

Jungle mowed in main areas. 


A can of cider has been consumed,  time now for a long bath.. 






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The day has ran has planned Her kept asking where is this that and the other I said it's in a box at the daughters house.

Box = skip :sarcastic:


I managed to shift a 1/4 ton of sand over the week-end + 4 old kitchen cupboards a neighbour came and asked if I had a wheel wrench 

he left with 2 full tool boxes and the wrench he wanted the will learn him to knock when I'm having a clear out (no Neal not one of those one's)

Two car loads of junk now gone Her has an Aygo thing I packed the boot out with her garbage and rammed the lid down it will be a nice surprise

when she goes shopping.

Waiting with eagerness regarding the house viewing Saturday I'd like to thing it will go but these Nepalese want the earth  finger crossed.


I hope your day is going well for you mine's been good, now the 10 weeks old little feller now goes for a number 1in the garden, usual for a young male

he p!sses on his rear paws. 

Must get on Zzzzzzs time I'm crackered. and Her should be gone by the time I wake up.  :biggrin_mini2:


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2 hours ago, lightengine said:

Extra sensitive, ribbed or tickler variety Chrisf?


Rainbow to match the hat, tie and boots.



....... and I’ve just had the most awful mental picture.

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6 hours ago, bbishop said:


The last group went through about 7pm, then the "unaffiliated" came past and I was expecting to see you.  Except these were only a hundred odd waifs and strays, then the stewards and it was all over.  I hadn't realised that you were assigned and just assumed you had had an earlier discussion with the Routemaster bus.  In truth, 90 minutes were sufficient for my knees and my bladder, and was relieved there was a loo on my train.





I am sorry you waited in vain.  Clearly something went wrong for I was clearly not with any members of the individuals group.  When the enclave where I had been waiting was emptied I was told to catch up the end of the procession.  I did so with alacrity, which is how I came to be with the representatives of Middlesex University!  I have asked The Management whether I should have been told to go to another waiting area after receiving my wristband.  If I get an answer it will be a very dusty one.


If it is any comfort, I got such a buzz from marching in the parade, though it has the downside that I saw very little else of the rest of the parade.



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Daughter felt the second quake in California. She said it made her feel a bit seasick.


Many moons ago on April 1 I submitted a requisition to our company president for a "seismic simulator" to ensure our telco products were in compliance with "federal earthquake immunity standards" that were becoming mandatory the following year. Of course this was a really expensive piece of equipment and it was completely unbudgeted.


The chief financial officer (a Yorkshire man) was in cahoots with the prank and we did a really good job of making the paperwork as realistic as possible. But there were a lot of clues that it was total BS. The biggest was that it could simulate 8.0 events on the Wechter Scale. (Joe Wechter was the VP of manufacturing.)


The req also included a wind tunnel for "hurricane testing"


The CFO took it to the boss who initially took it quite seriously and was in a state of panic. the CFO had to make the boss re-read it several times before he twigged.

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Evening all, well my planned day of loafing about ended up quite busy, I could do with some green paint for the scenic backdrop on the ra*lw$y says I, oh good, I'll pop next door for soup stuff, you go in the big orange shed then we can call in the garden centre on the way back. So I've lifted turf and planted said pair of rose bushes and added some Violas I grew from seed round the bottom, feet up soup consumed and ginger beer of Australian descent supped, Countryfile watched as it was at the Edinburgh show, I like to see that but refuse to pay pop concert ticket prices to go in the flesh.

Hopefully my bridge kit will show up in the post soon along with a curved switch of parallel bits of metal to get things moving along muddling wise.

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