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Ey up!

We must be the only people in Britain to wake up to dark clouds and evidence of overnight rain..or are we?


Elga's Cello Concerto played by du Pre..excellent choice for a first record buy John. Mine was slightly less classical. Selling England by Genesis.

Have a great day.


Edited by Barry O
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You're not the only ones Baz - dismal and cloudy here too with evidence of water having fallen from the sky overnight. Hope it stays dry for you today Chris but then the reflection from those boots may well breakup any clouds!

Off to Derby today for a Midland Railway Society committee meeting so time now for a quick shower & shave then to Stoke station.

Have a good one everybody and commiserations if you don't.



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8 hours ago, Kingzance said:

If visiting Sandown and Shanklin, you will be near Queens Bower, home of the medal winning Isle of Wight Cheese Co.,  ring the bell and tell Rich that Tony sent you - we have just demolished much of what I bought yesterday so I suspect replenishments will be needed before we leave the island. Fort Victoria model Railway will sadly not be on the itinerary this visit but I can recommend Ale of Wight was on in the Spyglass today and slipped down a treat (as did The Guv’nor). Guests were highly impressed with IoW, say that they will be recommending it to others, probably much to the chagrin of Caulkheads as it will mean even more visitors!


Thanks for the information; regrettably, as I will be travelling by train on this occasion, I may have to give both locations a miss, however I will 'keep an eye out' for other sources of the aforementioned products. There will be another time!

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Mooring Awl,  inner Temple here, 

3.5 hours + 2 hours+ 1hours sleep.. There would have been more but... 


Last night Ben left his last new ball outside during his evening patrol.. Last new ball?  Nasty SWMBO took all the other new balls and put them in a bag for later.  When Ben got me up and dragged me out he ran straight to where he'd left it.. He then has not wanted to do what he should,  but just play with his ball.. 


Having had road closures in the area last week for cycling events, where for a short bit in Effin clown town they managed to get lost and turn off the course.

This Sunday is the "cycling swarm" hundreds of all abilites do various length courses 35 to 100 miles  round this area of Norfolk again. Including going through Effin clown town  and very near our house.  If they know the local roads they could take a short but bumpy cut off the course past us. Many of the courses in this area,  are on single track not closed roads,  which could be interesting  if a large bunch of cyclists meet a tractor and trailer going the other way.

No notices warning of the event have been put up,  I've just seen a directing arrow  notice saying cycling swarm last night,  and looked it up.. 


Plans for today,  fit new battery to motor scooter,  continue with hedge trimming. 


Time too.  Have a Muggacoffee... 

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Morning All


Just a quick check in and sympathetic vibes for BoD - never easy.  Chris, have a good day - I meant what I said yesterday about my admiration for you and your current activities.


Garage awaits.


Regards to All


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1 hour ago, JohnDMJ said:


Thanks for the information; regrettably, as I will be travelling by train on this occasion, I may have to give both locations a miss, however I will 'keep an eye out' for other sources of the aforementioned products. There will be another time!

There are some retailers that sell these cheeses in Sandown and Shanklin. Most receive their deliveries on a Thursday I was told. The company’s website lists them all. They can be bought on the mainland but are sold there at a notable premium.


Light overhead clouds are burning off but last night a band of such prevented me using this area of lower light pollution to photograph starry skies. Today is beach / paddle / dip day and perhaps The Dell for supper. I must leave you now to carefully knot the corners of handkerchiefs to be used as headgear and then take the many dead marines that resulted from last night’s session to the recycling provision. Be good and enjoy your days, beware of  AAPILs, any aged people in Lycra, buses and Greeks bearing gifts.


PS - impeccable music taste indicated by Coombe Barton and BarryO. Mine was less cultured, The Swinging Luke Jeans doing Hippy, Hippy Shakes. Little wonder I and my hips are in their present state :D.

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Many happy returns Pete!

Some 3xcellwnt prope pubs in Liverpool City Centre. And the Weatherspoons in Lime St station has (?had) loads of railway items on display


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Morning awl,


Another long day at Lord's yesterday.  Pakistan v Bangladesh, so minimal alcohol.  The latter have the most gorgeous national anthem, it thrums along gently for about 20 minutes.  I had two casualties, a spilt cup of tea (it was Pakistan v Bangladesh!) and a kid hit in the face by one of those stupid sticks that you are meant to smack together to make a racket but that any normal kid would regard as a weapon of opportunity.  This one's sibling did.


Sort of up late, then listened to the Radio 3 analysis of the Rite of Spring in the bath.  (Next week it's Strauss' Four Last Songs - unpleasant man and crap composer until he was in his eighties, then two wonderful works, Metamorphosen and the Songs.)


So to today.  I might toddle up to London.  Remember at weekends they still run Routemasters on the number 15, so perhaps I should check on Chris' safety?


Back later, maybe?  Bill

Edited by bbishop
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Good morning everyone 


We've also had overnight rain here in the northwest, it’s also dull and grey. This morning I will once again set about the roses and do some dead heading, but I will pre-empt the amount I get through and get the wheelbarrow out before I start, as last week I filled it! After that I’m hoping to put some cement in the gaps of the paving stones on the patio, this is something I didn’t get round to last year when I relaid it all and I wanted to give it a good clean before I did so. I didn’t see the point until after the plastering had been done in the cellar, as this would have meant doing it twice!


Pete. Happy birthday 


Enjoy the day, back later. 

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6 hours ago, chrisf said:

Good morning one and all


You know only too well how I will be spending the day.  My presence in the parade is a good reason for not only being excited but also proud of what I am doing.  Be happy for me!



Have a good day Chris. I think a lot of us are happier being who we are, not what other people think we should be. Think I realised that at 17 when I left a very academic educational institution and started getting my hands dirty on the railway. The place did teach me a lot of things but not on the academic side.

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Morning all.

Happy Birthday Pete, ( I haven’t been to Liverpool even in the dark). 

I think I may go to the Basildon railway exhibition soon. Hopefully there will be somewhere to park. I think Phil mentioned there is also a tap dancing event there. 

Have a good day. 


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Morning All 

Her stayed over last night  face like a slapped butt again, a quick trip to Hobbycraft for a large box to put some of the bigger buildings in without 

breaking them down, so far no track has been damaged I'll get a large cardboard box for that, one trip to the skip with the old overhead shelving 

now gone from one side with 2 kitchen cupboards all the garden tools to the daughters collection, £50 automatic watering hose I bought for Her 

and she couldn't be bothered to set it up will be used elsewhere.

Last night I logged onto a dating site for oldies there are some very attractive ladies out there looking for a man all better looking than the #at #ow 

downstairs I'll keep you posted. :biggrin_mini2:

Lunch time now much get a bite to eat before the ### eats everything, there are some Nepalese coming to view the house a Mrs. Gurung, (the women wear the trousers in that tribe)

glad I won't be around they do like arguing like the thing I'm getting rid of.

                                                                                                                                      Food beckons :superman:H.Opeferabonksoon :spiteful:

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Afternoon all,


Cars 1 & 2  out and parked well befire 08.00 although the sun was well over the bow sprit by then  and car 3 left standing open (for those who understand railwayese) for his Ladship to go wherever he was going.  Cement mixer fully underway by 08.15 for, mainly cement flashing round the slabs on the new garden steps - not a fun job in strong sunlight and half the job invisible in shadow  - I had  to use a torch to sere what I was meant to be doing in some places.  But job done althiugh I do need ti get the masking tape - yes masking tape - off the slabs.  and a row of slabs bedded on concrete/strong mortar mix on the lawn to replace the dead patch of grass (above a drain).


So plenty achieved.  Cars need sorting tonight for the GCR Signalman to get away first then I'm off to watch some GMRC filming taking place at Fawley Hill after receiving an invite frm the owner of a well known RMweb layout on which I'm the occasional meal break relief operator for Loco Yard 'box (or is it a 'cabin' on ther GN?).


enjoy the rest of your day one and all and have a good march Chris - hoping your feet don't suffer as a result.

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1 hour ago, grandadbob said:

Happy Birthday Pete!

So far SLOW good.

Shopping done. 

Gazebo put up as it's too hot to work in the sun (I am an Englishman (albeit with a smattering of foreign) but not quite a mad dog - yet. Watch this space.

BBQ unpacked and all pieces checked and accounted for. That took over an hour!

Muggateatime and then let battle  construction* commence.


*I nearly said erection but then realised some of you lot would take that the wrong way!  :jester:

I presume that a knotted hankie will be protecting the pate.



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Afternoon all, pleasant without being too hot, been to have my eyes tested and they put some drops in my eyes, look like a flippin' Owl now and boy is the sun bright, luckily no change so that saved me a small fortune, I only need reading glasses but have worn vari focals for ages as I used to have to at work for H&S reasons.. Still waiting for muddling deliveries, but I have some scenic stuff to start, so off to paint the scenery backdrop and add some sky sheets I got for a bargain.

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I returned back from the pub just as the Nepalese were departing the woman clearly had the upper hand as the bloke was bowing every time she opened Her

big mouth she didn't like the 2 colours of tarmac on the council footpath outside of the property, thick or what. :girldevil:

Well I've got to get some decent photos done for this dating site looks like selfies will be the order of the day.:pilot:

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Must get on :superman:S.Emilobonn :whistle:



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