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1 hour ago, NGT6 1315 said:

Cheers, folks. Long time no see again, but maybe it'll get a bit better for the next few weeks.


This is due to having got myself signed of sick for a bit following a pair of threatening incidents caused by aggro specimens of pre-pond life, which didn't harm me physically but left my nerves sufficiently maimed to warrant a bit of a timeout and post-incident counselling. I might elaborate a bit further on this in due course, but I hope you'll understand I intend to calm myself down a bit first thing.


Think you've already said more than enough for the understanding folk hereon!


Best wishes for a good recuperation.

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Ah, the Be Kind To GDB message seems to have missed Robert Dyas but been received by Wyevale - a business that I have always found to be rather pricey. I do hope that the 63Kg package doesn't increase the issues relating to a certain knee. Do you have gas with the correct bottle fitting for your grand opening tomorrow? I do hope so!


The morning started with a rather successful trip to the wine seller with regal pretencions and some 15 bottles were taken on receipt of a decent amount of our pooled spondulacks. The Famous Five have today ventured around the south part of the island, followed the underground railway track, enjoyed a leisurely lunch at The Spyglass Inn, travelled The Military Road where an opportunity to go in the sea as earlier requested by one of the five was abruptly refused, been on a trip round the roundabout at the Needles Park before looking in on the remains of Totland Pier. Island Ice Creams were enjoyed at Yarmouth was followed by a direct run home to open the first of the many bottles of The Guv'nor. KZ had hoped to sneak in a bit of eyelid inspection but that has been banned by management so it will be another glass of wine then some local fromages! The northern coastline will be visited on another occasion.


A.B. Out2getp!ssed

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8 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

Morning all,


Two cars duly parked out in the road by 08.00 so start of the day ok.  I do however have to take our visitors to the station at c.12.00 so car No,3 will be deployed to occupy part of the space I vacate.  Hopefully departing passenger numbers won't be too great around midday and Real Time Trains has kindle kept me up to speed with the STP changes for today although the difference isn't too bad.   Yesterday's rumoured visit by the Red Arrows (which if anything would have been an overflight during a positioning move to Farnborough never really took place although two Hawks passed  a mile or two west of us and were turning in a Farnborough direction when they actually briefly came into view to the south.


Now LE's sign question.  Well it's obviously a WR sign which narrows the field.  So where were there buffets, licensed or otherwise, on an overbridge?   The only one that immediately comes to mind was in the rebuilt version of Banbury but there was a refreshment room of some kind on the upper level at Birmingham Snow Hill although as far as I can find out it appears to have gone in 1940 following bomb damage and there were refreshment rooms on the platforms in any case.  Alas I can't find any pictures from the right part of Banbury station from the era when that sign might have been there and I rarely passed through let alone visited that station back then.


I'm racking my ageing brain to try to think of any other WR station with a bridge or similar structure which would have had room for a buffet on it and I can't summon one up although somebody else might manage something?


Off to the station shortly and no doubt a visit to Tesco for the 'paper after that plus whatever shopping is required, but the food stocks are still holding up and no proper breakfast this morning ...  grr


Enjoy the rest of your day one and all.

Banbury was also my immediate thought

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8 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

Home again.


Rather not be, really enjoyed our trips away this summer.


Used to feel that way, now I'm of the 'holidays are nice but glad to be home' thinking.


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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Most of the stall set up for tomorrow and the back is now making strong complaints so its a couple more Ibuphoren before going to bed. But I have to catch up with a few things before going to bed.

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Good evening everyone 


Well the sun came out mid morning and stayed out bathing rest of the day in glorious sunshine. I’m glad I put my wetsuit outside this morning, as by the time I brought it in after tea, it was dry. 


This morning’s shopping trip was uneventful, despite my being accompanied and I was successful in obtaining a pastie for dinner too!


This afternoon we went to Costco to pick up a couple of items that were on offer, Sheila also bought a few magazines from there as they are heavily discounted compared to the usual retailers.


Once home, I made us both a muggertea/muggercoffee, once I’d finished my tea, I intended to read a railway magazine, but completed a bit of eyelid inspection instead. Where did that 60 minutes go?


After I’d brought my wetsuit in, I watered all the plants in pots in both the back and front gardens. But as the front catches the full force of the afternoon sun, I watered all the plants in the front as well. The evening was then rounded off with a nice bottle of red wine. 


Goodnight all 

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2 hours ago, JohnDMJ said:


RTFM and RTFM again! (and again, if necessary!) Then follow it step-by-step! (As it's be kind to GDB time, I'm not even mentioning the 'Caution' section!)



Ventnor seafront and the Spyglass Inn. What memories! Used to love powering up the steep gradients from there (1 in 3 springs to mind) in a rear wheel drive car; wonder how front wheel drive copes?


Ah, the Military Road! A reasonably straight road where one can safely achieve a decent speed and, as my IAM observer (Class 1 police response driver) put it, if you're doing your observation correctly, you'll see the speed traps before they see you!


Seen the model railway at Fort Victoria near Yarmouth yet?


Planning to visit my old haunts of Shanklin and Sandown next Tuesday.


I recall the aforementioned Godshill cider, Burts (of Ventnor, not Newport) and latterly Goddards beers but am failing to come up with any cheeses. Given I moved from the Island in 1997, please advise.

If visiting Sandown and Shanklin, you will be near Queens Bower, home of the medal winning Isle of Wight Cheese Co.,  ring the bell and tell Rich that Tony sent you - we have just demolished much of what I bought yesterday so I suspect replenishments will be needed before we leave the island. Fort Victoria model Railway will sadly not be on the itinerary this visit but I can recommend Ale of Wight was on in the Spyglass today and slipped down a treat (as did The Guv’nor). Guests were highly impressed with IoW, say that they will be recommending it to others, probably much to the chagrin of Caulkheads as it will mean even more visitors!

Edited by Kingzance
Another typo!
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