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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Sunshine and blue sky here with another fine day forecast and temperatures possibly reaching 26°C.

My other two parcels turned up as promised yesterday so I now have a cover and tools for the BBQ that didn't arrive. Following that we went to Sainsbury's and bought copious amounts of food for BBQing and normal use. Booze supplies were also topped up for the planned BBQ. Guess who is going be a very unhappy bunny if the star of show doesn't turn up as promised today?

Went to the shed for and hour in the evening and ran some locos up and down and all seems to working fine. It was pretty hot in there as it had been shut all day.

Today, apart from parcel waiting, I have been asked (tasked) with assisting in domestic cleansing operations. Hopefully The Knee will not play up too much although earlier it was protesting and all I was doing was reading about Brian's day followed by his daily mile swim!  It's been a long, long time since I've swum anywhere let alone a mile. If I remember rightly it was 53 lengths in Mitcham Baths but I was in my teens then.

Tea has been taken up to Her Bossness who is now up and about and I suspect ready to bark commands although she's not in the same league as RSM Brittain.



or even Dicky Attenborough!



Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Just a follow on from Brian's post above.   One of RSM Brittain's replacements was a certain Roy Foster who later joined Leeds City Police.   He was one of the duty inspectors at Elland Road one busy Saturday afternoon.   I was on duty in the detention area in the bowels of the west stand.  The Desk Sgt was also an ex Coldstreamer.   2 PC's brought a stroppy and shouting young lad in for public order offences.  It was soon discovered that he was a serving Soldier in the Coldstream Guards.  The Sgt had a word with Roy Foster who was nearby.   Roy went bright red and started putting the young man through his paces.  I'm sure that he could be heard outside above the roar of the crowd.  Within a couple of minutes the young man had been reduced to an abject quivering wreck and not a hand had been laid upon him.   Just the power of the voice and Roy's presence.   It was quite a sight and sound.  I believe that Roy had been trained by RSM Brittain.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


The weather in the northwest is dull and grey, currently 15C but expected to get into the low 20’s later. 


It’s Friday, so that means a trip to the Trafford Centre, this moi will be accompanied, so that means that I’ll we’ll be there a lot longer than normal. Our return journey will be via the butchers where I’ll pick up the weekly meat rations and hopefully a pastie for my dinner. 


There’s not a lot planned for the rest of the day, although that may well change as the day progresses.


I think I’ve got time to hang my wetsuit out on the washing line to dry, whilst Sheila is getting herself ready. 


Enjoy the day, back later. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Mawning from a sunny and warm Channel Island. Shopping done as planned yesterday then SWMBO and her sister taken to the seafront at Sandown so they could be two old biddies having a cream tea at the seaside. On our return, the remaining couple of the party, who had spent the day sweltering at Hampton Court Flower Show, called to say they were on an earlier boat so the planned eyelid inspection was cancelled and yours truly went to act as a point scout for them.

Barbecue then ensued and I discovered that, compared to SWMBO and me, they have prodigious thirsts so an emergency visit to that regal wine store’s outlet at Wootton will be required. Later we are heading to Ventnor and The Spyglass Inn for a leisurely late lunch and then maybe a drive along the southwest coast towards The Needles. I expect we shall be back at base early evening as the emergency wine stocks will need to be assessed for quality and effectiveness. Bread, cheese, grapes, celery, olives and a selection of biscuits will see out the catering for the day. We (or rather they) shall decide on plans for tomorrow once the wine has been poured but I hope it will be a day of walking down to the beach, taking a light brunch and perhaps a supper at one of the cafes along the sea wall between Ryde and Seaview.

RSMs were something never to be found in any position of command in the Merchant Navy. We did however have a CPO who attempted to get us to behave to his ideals whilst wearing doeskin uniforms, naval officers’ caps and well polished shoes - not boots and certainly with no hobnails - during our basic training although where we would ever put group marching to use on a ship with a crew of 30 or less could never be determined. Chiefy Tozer was almost a caricature of himself, part Jon Pertwee from the Navy Lark, part Windsor Davies from a later tv series about a concert party the name of which escapes me. Three of our intake did use the impressed skills as they were called to represent the MN at the Annual Remembrance Day ceremonies in London and they now rightly look back on that with pride. I never made the cut on tidiness or erectness grounds!

Have a nice day one and all, take care in the heat!

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Another breezeless day in sunny Teignmouth. The wispy clouds, what there are of them, are static.


Yesterday I noticed that the flying ants seem to be readying for flight. I didnt see any take off but there was action in the burrow.


Activity goes on in Teignmouth for the inaugural airshow. Car parks are closed, road parking is banned in certain streets, vessels cannot leave the harbour without permission tomorrow, an exclusion zone has been set up in the sea adjacent to the town beach and and the fair is in town.


An amusing item in the news from Worthing. Southern Water employed hawks to chase gulls away from part of the beach to stop water pollution from gull poo (I prefer the word pooh).  A few years ago the council here in Teignmouth wanted the "under pier nesting birds" removed as they poo in the sea.  I understand blue flags are nice to see for quality of water but next we will be harpooning sea creatures for defecating in the sea and lambasting small children who wee near the waters edge. Come on Southern Water/ South West Water, it might be better if firstly you stopped polluting beaches with your bad waste management.


Anybody any ideas from which station this sign may have come from?



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  • RMweb Premium
23 minutes ago, Kingzance said:

Mawning from a sunny and warm Channel Island. Shopping done as planned yesterday then SWMBO and her sister taken to the seafront at Sandown so they could be two old biddies having a cream tea at the seaside. On our return, the remaining couple of the party, who had spent the day sweltering at Hampton Court Flower Show, called to say they were on an earlier boat so the planned eyelid inspection was cancelled and yours truly went to act as a point scout for them.

Barbecue then ensued and I discovered that, compared to SWMBO and me, they have prodigious thirsts so an emergency visit to that regal wine store’s outlet at Wootton will be required. Later we are heading to Ventnor and The Spyglass Inn for a leisurely late lunch and then maybe a drive along the southwest coast towards The Needles. I expect we shall be back at base early evening as the emergency wine stocks will need to be assessed for quality and effectiveness. Bread, cheese, grapes, celery, olives and a selection of biscuits will see out the catering for the day. We (or rather they) shall decide on plans for tomorrow once the wine has been poured but I hope it will be a day of walking down to the beach, taking a light brunch and perhaps a supper at one of the cafes along the sea wall between Ryde and Seaview.

RSMs were something never to be found in any position of command in the Merchant Navy. We did however have a CPO who attempted to get us to behave to his ideals whilst wearing doeskin uniforms, naval officers’ caps and well polished shoes - not boots and certainly with no hobnails - during our basic training although where we would ever put group marching to use on a ship with a crew of 30 or less could never be determined. Chiefy Tozer was almost a caricature of himself, part Jon Pertwee from the Navy Lark, part Windsor Davies from a later tv series about a concert party the name of which escapes me. Three of our intake did use the impressed skills as they were called to represent the MN at the Annual Remembrance Day ceremonies in London and they now rightly look back on that with pride. I never made the cut on tidiness or erectness grounds!

Have a nice day one and all, take care in the heat!

Oh Dear, How Sad Never Mind....It ain't half Hot Mum.. Lovely Boy..

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. The cars and even the van obstructing my drive had disappeared by late evening, a bit unusual as one of the cars and the van are usually there overnight. LE, I seem to recall a similar sign on Liverpool Street station (suburban side). On the subject of RSM's, I used to work with a former RSM named Len Williams. He originally signed up in 1925 for 15 years but due to the war stayed on until 1946 when he joined the Essex police. When he retired from the police he became a bailiff for the same council that I worked for. He passed away aged 98 only just before I retired.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I don’t think I and the other cubs got shouted at much when we went on parades. 

My father despite being rather short had a loud voice when necessary but never aspired to “shouty” ranks during his army career. He did say he was used as a substitute shouter when the sergeant major had lost his voice mid parade. Dad said his impersonations of various people must have reached official recognition.  

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  • RMweb Premium

My primary school had a teacher who had been a sergeant in WW2, fighting in North Africa and up Italy. He would come up to us, nine year old kids quivering in our desks, shove his nose about a foot away, eyes staring, veins on his forehead bulging, little ginger moustache bristling, and then snarl, “you little gentleman, you!” and we thought he was great.

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  • RMweb Gold

When I was at Keele studying for a post grad cert ed there was a mature chap studying for some sort of masters. He was always pleasant and I am sure he knew everyone referred to him as “The Major”.  Some of us were chatting to him at the end of the year and he said he was aware of this but it was actually Colonel. 

When Aditi graduated she was in the middle of what appeared to be a full dress combined operations day out. King’s College has a big war studies department and it was their graduation day too. 

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  • RMweb Gold
4 hours ago, lightengine said:

Another breezeless day in sunny Teignmouth. The wispy clouds, what there are of them, are static.


Yesterday I noticed that the flying ants seem to be readying for flight. I didnt see any take off but there was action in the burrow.


Activity goes on in Teignmouth for the inaugural airshow. Car parks are closed, road parking is banned in certain streets, vessels cannot leave the harbour without permission tomorrow, an exclusion zone has been set up in the sea adjacent to the town beach and and the fair is in town.


An amusing item in the news from Worthing. Southern Water employed hawks to chase gulls away from part of the beach to stop water pollution from gull poo (I prefer the word pooh).  A few years ago the council here in Teignmouth wanted the "under pier nesting birds" removed as they poo in the sea.  I understand blue flags are nice to see for quality of water but next we will be harpooning sea creatures for defecating in the sea and lambasting small children who wee near the waters edge. Come on Southern Water/ South West Water, it might be better if firstly you stopped polluting beaches with your bad waste management.


Anybody any ideas from which station this sign may have come from?




Mike (Stationmaster) thinks this is WR but its coming out more LMR Maroon on my screen.

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GWR have created a slalom type queueing course outside the station entrance. With about a quarter of the car park taken up by this winding queueing space, Airshow watchers travelling home will be able to stand in the sun for a while in between trains. I can envisage over heating, fisticuffs, queue jumping, fainting and any other number of problems.  

Three aircraft flew over earlier in what looked like practice flights for tomorrow.  Wouldn't know what types, 2 had small wings on the fuselage in front of the wings. The other jet had delta wings. They were the whizzing through the sky very fast type of aircraft.

Edited by lightengine
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. After some mugs of tea its load the car up with a few bits for the exhibition, a fish and chips dinner then off to the venue. Still no sign of the cars and van returning to obstruct my drive here's hoping they don't.

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Dropped into Tescos for a present for Ben the border collie.... Its Wimbledon so they have cheap tennis balls for sale.. 


I've just blown Ben's mind and deposited 48 on Ben's bed. 


I also dropped into the sailing club, and signed on for rescue boat duties for regatta week.  I mentioned the parking problems,  they've got new gates fitted since last week .


Jets with little  wings at the front.. Probably typhoons




Edited by TheQ
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