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Yesterday turned out not to be hotter than Friday in sunny Teignmouth. It was in fact cooler.


I managed to started work painting my latest VW chest of drawers and to fix 3 boards to the wall for our coat rack construction. It just needs the hooks affixed today.


I was going to arise early today but another Nobel Peace prize attempt by the orange one has kept me in bed transfixed from watching paint dry.  It would have been funny if Kim had stayed at home.

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Morning All


Apologies for absence, and generic greetings to all ailing and celebrating, and condolences to Mike over the loss of your cat - never easy to lose a furry friend.


Not staying long, as the cupboard moving marathon is still continuing, and the house is like a tip as a result.


I checked the A6 car boot web page today, and was a little surprised to find this



It's my railway books exhibited for sale - I didn't even see the organiser photographing them.


Regards to All


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Good morning from a much cooler shed this morning than last night after we got back from the pub. It had been locked up all day hence being warm but it wasnt bad considering it was 34+ degrees during the day.


The show in Braintree was very pleasant and only got really hot when taking down the layout as they has a side door open near to us and with our large fan we were OK. Just two of us operating and plenty of interest from enthusiasts and general public. It felt like smaller shows of years gone by as it was in the town centre so plenty of passing trade. Two potential invites aswell which is more than some of the much larger shows. However the layout is 25 years old so has been seen by many but not so many in its new wider and slightly longer current form.


Today is going to be a more relaxing day pottering around the house and shed. Might even make use of the new A2 sized cutting mat and new modelling knife in the shed.

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Morning all.

Another warm day forecast here today. Dinner was outside again last night. Lots of families present. One couple had their dog with them, like a shaggy bearded collie. Various small children soon found that he liked walking round with them or once the evening cooled a bit chasing for a ball.  This wasn’t in the restaurant but in the garden. At various stages children were recalled to eat their dinner. 


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2 hours ago, chrisf said:

Good morning one and all


I had to smile yesterday when a letter arrived from Ffestiniog Travel.  Once again the outward run of the Christmas and New Year trip to Switzerland has been reconfigured.  The original idea was to stay overnight in Cologne but due to problems with the hotel it was changed to Bonn.  Now someone has realised that we would have reached Bonn too late at night so it's now going to be Aachen.  The root cause seems to be departing from St Pancras at the crack of noon instead of something nearer breakfast time.  The group contains several rebels who make an earlier start and their own way to Interlaken, completing the journey in a day.  Last year I was one of them but this year at booking time I could not cope with complicated thoughts, having not recovered from the virus which laid me low for two months.  The Swiss tour is a lifeline for me but it's time someone started thinking outside the box a bit more.


 IIRC, the original plan was to overnight in Frankfurt on the way out and Mainz (again) on the way back. Given the abomination that was Deutsche Bahn on the last trip, I can understand why the overnight stops hgave been moved.


As one of your aforementioned rebels, I had contemplated travelling to Interlaken in one day via Frankfurt, but have since reconsidered thus will be taking the tried and tested route across Paris.


Likewise, although I leave Chur on the same day as 'the herd', I aim to arrive back home on that day rather than have the upheaval of an overnight stay en route so will arrive home a day earlier than said herd.


"The Swiss tour is a lifeline for me but it's time someone started thinking outside the box a bit more." Chris, I couldn't agree more but, IIRC, the 'official' line is that groups can not move as fast as individuals who know what they're doing! This was borne out by two of our regulars earlier this year who, having travelled first class from Cologne to Bruxelles MIdi, failed to take advantage of the station layout and joined the herd to transfer to the Eurorats.


2 hours ago, chrisf said:

Thanks to my kind friend Linda I have a new distraction.  It is a YouTube video which accompanies one of my favourite songs, “Be The Man” by the Young’Uns, about which I and the Guardian have written before.  It speaks volumes for the BBC Folk Awards that the song did not win the best original song category in 2018.  It has already been taken up by at least one choir.  The video depicts Matthew Ogston, the inspiration for the song, viewing slides of him and Naz, his intended, and ends with an empty chair.  It is a simple but powerful complement to an equally powerful song which played a key part in changing my life last year.  You will find the chorus at the bottom of this post.  Invest six and a half minutes in watching the video.  You will not regret it.


Best wishes to all




Any chance of a link please, oh temptress?


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1 hour ago, jamie92208 said:

Good morning from a slightly misty and cooler village.   The house is still quiet but we will be venturing out to the market in and hour or so. 


I got the spare bedroom floor levelled yesterday.  A new experience for me, mixing and pouring 15Kg batches of grey soup, stirred with an electric drill attachment.  I even managed not to end up in the corner furthest from the door.   I did however run out of compound when part way through.   This meant a 20 mile round trip to get another 2 bags.  I estimated that I needed 1.5 bags but ended up finishing the job with just one extra bag.   The floor seems to have dried well and now we need to shop for some carpet and the door will need shortening slightly.


That took care of the morning  and the afternoon was a lazy one with time spent in the pool or reading.  I even managed a bit of modelling later on.


Regards to all.



Jamie, I have used those rise and fall hinges rather than trimming the doors, saves having a draught whistling under the door when it's closed, might be worth a thought?

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4 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

Jamie, I have used those rise and fall hinges rather than trimming the doors, saves having a draught whistling under the door when it's closed, might be worth a thought?

You get him ruptured trying to lift his doors onto rise and fall hinges.




Draft is not a problem, he'll just get one of the footmen to prostrate himself to block the gap.

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3 minutes ago, JohnDMJ said:

Any chance of a link please, oh temptress?



John, I don't know how to do links but you should be able to find it on YouTube by searching for "The Young'uns" and then "Be The Man (Official video)".   If you are at all human you wil need some tissues when you play it.



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6 minutes ago, chrisf said:


John, I don't know how to do links but you should be able to find it on YouTube by searching for "The Young'uns" and then "Be The Man (Official video)".   If you are at all human you wil need some tissues when you play it.




do you mean


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Got it in one, Richard and John.   I'll be interested to learn what you think of the song and the video.  The song in particular had a profound effect on me the first time I heard it.



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Mawning dawning (or has dawned sometime ago). Overnight the temp and humidity has diminished so it is bright and comfortable here. Sadly the antics of one granddaughter are driving me up the wall.


Porkfest was apparently the canine’s gonads according to the hosts, can’t have been bad as they took the trouble to message me during their bash. Son achieved 29mph down the soapbox hill in his cart, his run looked very smooth but his overall time wasn’t the fastest - I think his start-line pushers were not sufficiently energetic! Significant gardening and hedge trimming completed, spoils taken to the tip and then home to have some pleasant (and one errant) grandchild overnight. Just off to take the girls to their Wildcats soccer club then a day that will involve watching The Pyjama Gangs conspire to complete their exit from the Cricket a World Cup and mayhaps something from the RedBullRing. Later, I may escape SWMBO’s telexes telefest with a little something different involving either a bottle or some small tools.


Peace and love brethren, peace and love (A nod to Glastonbury).

Edited by Kingzance
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Good morning all,

A bit cloudy here but some sunshine and it should be a fine day and cooler than yesterday.

Some hours spent in the shed and it wasn't too hot in there so the roof insulation was obviously helping along with open windows and door and a fan on full blast.

Various bits of metal had coloured wires soldered to them so some (slow) progress is being made although at one stage in the morning I nearly had a meltdown and had to walk away from the shed and "le marteau."

Today there will be more of the same  after the usual Sunday breakfast and this afternoon we will be travelling all the way to next door for a BBQ and a drink or several.

Have a good one,

T.R. Acklayer.


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14 minutes ago, chrisf said:

Got it in one, Richard and John.   I'll be interested to learn what you think of the song and the video.  The song in particular had a profound effect on me the first time I heard it.



The Guardian article from 2015 is rather good too. 


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Morning All

Me and the thing are have viewers to look at the house tomorrow so I p!ssed off all the neighbours by trimming a small bit of verge outside the house at 7:30 this morning

and gave the leaf blower a session back and front and rolled the hoses up that some lazy so and so keeps leaving everywhere.:jester:

Her will be here at 8pm for a chat I will be in the pub with my daughter at that time :spiteful:

tomorrow I shall return to employment looking after one very young dog and painting some door frames I have a feeling not much painting will be done the dog sitting is the primary

job he's 9 weeks old today he is a right bossy boots at least he licks me now instead of burying his teeth into my fingers .

 Must get on tidying the cave it's nearly devoid of railway stuff :superman:. M.Opanbucket. :biggrin_mini2:



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Girls delivered to and collected from Wildcats football,  then youngest g'son delivered to and collected from cricket practice. Television is now on with teenager / 'weenager shouting divas and with the set volume turned up so it can be heard all over the house (but I am grumpy and mustn't say anything against them!). I have a raft of stuff to sort, bills to pay and general matters to organise before our little sojourn courtesy of WhiteLink but I'm struggling to raise sufficient enthusiasm, maybe another muggerbrazilian and some earplugs will help.

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Good morning everyone 


It’s a bit duller and cooler than yesterday, but still warm, currently 19C. We had breakfast in bed this morning and I’ve just finished muggertea No2 so now it’s time to head to the workshop. 


Enjoy the day, back later. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A fair bit cooler today so a bit more comfortable, will find out shortly if it will last for the week (5 day forecast, BBC news 1 pm). Fingers crossed that I will have my e-mail back shortly, I'll probably have loads of junk e-mail to clear. As this and other forums are accessible I presume that its a server problem.

3 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

Jamie, I have used those rise and fall hinges rather than trimming the doors, saves having a draught whistling under the door when it's closed, might be worth a thought?

I call them rising butt hinges.

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The sun was blazing in at just after 5 this morning and I gave up and headed into The Old Summer House to set about my shorting problem, we had much conversations with folk of various stands at the Perth exhibition and the consensus was to break the layout into more manageable sections. So armed with insulating connections I have duly split the area into three and all is working swimmingly in analogue, so feeling brave I disconnected the wires and plugged in the digital, nothing, weird? then found a broken wire on the second hand controller giving intermittent supply, now sorted. New loco(which was savaged by a young lad on youtube) was finally re dedicated to number 6(I am not a number, I'm a free man lol) and dare I say it, things are on the up mo*elling wise.

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12 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

New loco(which was savaged by a young lad on youtube) was finally re dedicated to number 6

Percy the small engine?

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G'day all,


It's delivery day - or so it seems - with a stream of white vans (ok, two white vans) drawing up at the gate so persons of varying nationalities can bring parcels (various) to our door.  Van 1 contained a carpet cleaning machine so such items can be shampoooed following departure of his catship in order to leave no hints of his presence to upset future arrivals.  Van 2 came with the necessary chemical additives for the item delivered by Van 1 plus a fan thingy intended to cool the air in the household - or part of it;  which explains while it is both breezier and cooler today.  Tesco has also been visited for the 'papers and various items plus ordering a prescription item.  Said shop was inhabited by considerable numbers of transatlantic giants of youthful appearance which, I'm told, gladdened the heart of a mature lady and left her wishing she was in her teenage years - so much for me (although I was rower I was not a transatlantic giant about 7 feet tall).


This afternoon will presumably be devoted to assembly of the carpet shampooing machine, I'm told.


Enjoy the rest of your day folks.

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4 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

You get him ruptured trying to lift his doors onto rise and fall hinges.




Draft is not a problem, he'll just get one of the footmen to prostrate himself to block the gap.

It's a lot easier to use a tame Hippo to block the doorway. If my late mother could survive swimming in a hippo infested Zambezi I'm sure I could cope and any errant flatulence would of course be blamed on the hippo.



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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just spent the last hour ploughing through almost 400 mostly junk e-mails, I have kept only 8 of them and deleted the rest. As you can gather I have regained access to my e-mails but only by using Microsoft Edge. Time for a computer clean-up methinks or a new computer.

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I was using my iPad to read a novel by the pool when an overheating icon appeared saying it was too hot to continue. So I went and sat in the Jacuzzi which is as close to swimming as I now get.


Not accompanied by iPad though. 

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