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Guest Max Stafford

Last night passed off without serious drama. Not starting until 4 today, so I think some bench time is called for. Enjoy your Sunday chaps.


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It is all very quiet round here. I can see a few industrious people washing their vehicles but otherwise not a lot is happening. I'll take Robbie out soon, probably round some local fields rather than the park. Now that the park has dried out there will probably be quite a back log of football matches to be played down there.

Mick, would a dog entertain the cats so they didn't wake you up? Robbie is very good in the morning, he never makes a noise until we are up, unless there is a delivery or some other person crosses the property line. If we do get up later than usual there may be a gentle "woof" type bark which I interpret as a canine "ahem".



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Raining here now, but temperature is just into double figures Celcius


Managed to sleep in this morning - woke at my normal 5.50 am, then Mrs 45156 (in future to be referred to here as 30747 though she could be known as 73119!) insisted on making a coffee then we decided to just have a lie in until about eight - both fell asleep, and before we knew it, clock was showing 09.25.


So the morning got cream crackered, and the proposed sorting out of my railway book collection started much later than planned - I found a number to be exchanged as they are doubles, and also one book that I intend to send to the open day to be offered on the bring and buy stall as a silent auction, with the proceeds less any postage costs as I'm not going, to go to the RMWeb coffers. That volume is a pristine copy of the Bradford Barton Modern Rail Album, with photos of "modern" traction photographed by members of the Phoenix circle - "Modern" = blue diesels, and electrics, and the vast majority of the classes illustrated are themselves now extinct in daily use (Western, Warship, Peak, Deltic, etc). I am hoping it will raise in excess of £15.00 - more of this nearer the time, though.


Regards to All


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Just back from a very nice ride into Wiesbaden and back. The good weather has brought everyone out, so progress was a bit slow back along the Main - but it didn't spoil the ride. The wind is still a bit chilly though, once you get out of the sun there is a definite chill in the air.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all. Planned to devote today to modelling but as usual I haven't done any angry.gif rolleyes.gif

Yesterday I actually was an ER for the first time in ages - got up at 5am in order to get to Plymouth. Looked around the uni, had an interview then got home by 4. Then I had babysitting from 7pm until midnight. Thus I am pretty tired today, hence no modelling!

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Well you did say it would be downhill this afternoon....


Downhill was the only word for it after that erm ...... penalty.


Had an enjoyable morning at Jarrow. A smallish but friendly exhibition.

Picked up a ruby shark for my aquarium. No, not at the exhibition although there were Hornby sharks there.

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Morning All,


It is quite a nice Spring morning around here. The weather is supposed to be good for most of the week - so fingers crossed!


I went to a film evening with friends last night, which meant a rather late night and consequently the morning came around rather quickly. Oh well!


I see Don is around already - Morning Don.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all....Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings this morning, but I think it's Monday.


Hopefully that glorious SA sun will be out again soon, Don. What film did you see, Robert?


Stitches out this morning and all seems well....:)


....apart from a railway room which looks like a bomb has hit it.


Two steps back and one step forward.


Have a good one whatever you're doing.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Still quite nippy outside, but as Robert said, it looks like it's going to be sunny and warm. Funny how this results in my getting up earlier, though! :lol:


Have a good day everyone!

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I like Mondays! It's so quiet around town and in the stores! I can chat to all the MILF's around here..........Ho, Ho! It's all in the mind, of course.......BUT they do love a nice English accent.......


One more cup of tea then I'm off to bed.....


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cool and cloudy here but I'll be off out in a few moments to drive down to the railway station. Aditi is going to work by train today as she will be going in to central London later to see her dissertation supervisor. The dissertation was "finished" yesterday but it needs editing as it is 22000 words too long.



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Just take out all the "the"s, should do the trick! ;) Congratulations to Aditi on finishing though!


I ended up not trekking through to Glasgow yesterday as I felt like I was coming down with something and thought I'd better keep my germs to myself.


Popped up to the garage where my car's being tinkered with as I'd left my laptop in the boot (not having expected them to need to keep it overnight). The mechanics showed me the problem with the leaking brake cylinder, but I'm a bit annoyed that they'd not noticed what had caused the vibration was something else.


As the rear nearside wheel hadn't turned when I moved the car, it had flat-spotted the tyre (like you see the F1 drivers do under heavy braking), removing the tread and that's what was causing the vibration. Thankfully, it was on a tyre that was close to the legal limit for tread in any case, not a brand new one!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, It may be Monday but it's a vacation day for me. I've just realised, I only have 6 days of vacation left then I won't get any more till they put me in my box! That can't be right. Why don't pensioners get days off?


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - drinking the first latte of the day having just surfaced on a day off from work. This is much needed after a lousy day on the footplate yesterday. I wanted to fail the thing even before we left shed in the morning but was told that the loco I was on was all that was available. To cut a long story short we struggled all day, and after only 30 miles had to be rescued and then pulled around by a 37 for the rest of the day.


I found out afterwards that I was piggy in the middle between a loco owner, management and full time fitting staff - I shall be having some strong words. :angry:


Have to do it all again at our gala next Saturday, hopefully on a better loco. Why is having fun such hard work?

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Guest Max Stafford

Morning all. A lovely morning in Carlisle. Spring is very much here today. I'm working at 11 today so I might grab a cheeky run in the woods shortly when I've finished my brew. Tomorrow I'm off to Manchester for the legendary 'how to not fall off the bike' course. I may need all of my 36 years' riding experience to pass this one! ;) Might pop into the gym for half an hour on the way back tonight. We'll see. I always get a bit energised when nice Spring weather arrives! A quick glance up the side of the garden fence suggests some weed clearance work may be required later in the week!


Enjoy your Monday folks!



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Guest Max Stafford

Morning all. A lovely morning in Carlisle. Spring is very much here today. I'm working at 11 today so I might grab a cheeky run in the woods shortly when I've finished my brew. Tomorrow I'm off to Manchester for the legendary 'how to not fall off the bike' course. I may need all of my 36 years' riding experience to pass this one! ;) Might pop into the gym for half an hour on the way back tonight. We'll see. I always get a bit energised when nice Spring weather arrives! A quick glance up the side of the garden fence suggests some weed clearance work may be required later in the week!


Enjoy your Monday folks!



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