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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning - absolutely beautiful here today. sun streaming in through the lounge windows. Coffe has been drunk, a quick trip to the village Coop for some essentials, then a spot of trackwork wiring before settling down to watch some rugby.


I'm looking forward to tomorrow, driving on the MHR where rumour has it my turn will be on the newly restored U class 31806, which, with 5 on, is a perfect loco for the line.


Have a good one.

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Guest Max Stafford

Glasgow is actually roughly the same latitude as Moscow..........................Edinburgh is not much different.


I guess that explains a lot.


Best, Pete.


They say it's only the Gulf Stream that keeps the British Isles from having a climate like Labrador, Pete!


Anyway, 78 is a big deal when you have to wear the crap I have to at work these days! :D



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Dog walked (in glorious sunshine) and coffee drunk. Trying to avoid the list but rumour has it I am expected to clean at least one of the cars today! I guess as the people mover has been splattered in Somerset mud from our trip to those parts over a month ago it probably is due for a wash.


Have a good one all.




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Morning All,


A lay in was in order this morning - hence me definitely not being an Early Riser!


I woke up at around eight, and it was absolutely chucking it down with rain - so I went back to sleep. It is now sunny and dry.


Have a good day everyone...

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Hmmm... I should be in Glasgow by now, but one wheel of the car decided it didn't want to turn at first. I presumed it was just a bit of rust as it's not moved for a week, but once it did start moving freely it's developed a persistent thump with every rotation of the wheel. Car's now in a garage of a certain company whose fitters, apparently, you can't get any better than them.


The mechanic who took it for a quick test spin couldn't feel anything wrong but they're stripping the nearside rear brake just in case it's collapsed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Car's now in a garage of a certain company whose fitters, apparently, you can't get any better than them.

Whether there is anything wrong with the brakes or not, they'll point out that your shock abosrbers/tyres/exhaust is/are shot, and you just need them replaced NOW while the car's on the ramp.


Afternoon All


Bright and sunny here, temperature about 14oC - in fact a lovely day all round. I was an early riser this morning, but only to take a trip to Kendal as Mrs 45156 needed to visit a clothes shop which was the only one in the area stocking the top that she wanted - oh yes, this was THE top - met her at the coffee shop expecting a carrier bag or two, but no, apparently, it WASN'T the top after all. Coffee was good though.


Job list starts at half past one, so I'd better get on...


Regards to All


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Guest Max Stafford

Off to work shortly but at least it's only eight hours today. That full moon should mean it's a bit busy!

Anyway Abi's been walked, I've had my run and breakfast/lunch has just been administered. Time to get the bike out of the shed. Cheaper than petrol! ;)



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Whether there is anything wrong with the brakes or not, they'll point out that your shock abosrbers/tyres/exhaust is/are shot, and you just need them replaced NOW while the car's on the ramp.

Probably. They were meant to be calling me back after an hour. After 2 hours I phoned, to be told they'd not got the hub off yet. Was told they'd call back in half an hour. It's been an hour since then...


Still, I'm watching the Scotland v Italy game (good guess BoD) while I wait. But not the same as seeing my daughter!!


Dave (MaxS) apparently tonight the moon will be closer to earth than it's been since 1993. Mind you, you're probably talking about a few inches difference.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Was told they'd call back in half an hour. It's been an hour since then...


Sounds about right for that company - I was lucky last time, they were too busy to do their usual trick of trying to get any extras off me when I went for tyres. As I have the car serviced and MOT'd at the garage that sold it to me (a Ford Retail dealer) they pick up any potential faults and on the last occasion, they had replaced the brake discs as part of the MOT, and when I went to the well known tyre fitters, they said my brake discs were getting unsafe - this was 2500 miles after replacement.


Dave (MaxS) apparently tonight the moon will be closer to earth than it's been since 1993. Mind you, you're probably talking about a few inches difference.....

My dog is showing that this is a full moon, as she's getting so scatty - even more so than usual every 28 days!

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Right, car's now in dock till Monday. Needs a replacement brake cylinder and two brake drums.


If I'm going to see Jamie this weekend, it'll mean 4 hours on trains/buses or 6 hours on buses, as the Edinburgh-Glasgow line is closed tomorrow for engineering works between Falkirk and Queen Street.

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  • RMweb Gold

Mike. Sorry to read about the car problems but it better to have them happen near home rather than somewhere remote. Last brake problem (not counting the renntal Hyundai Getz not coping with the Grossglockner road) was half way down a track (allegedly a road) after visiting a zoo in the French Alps. As we approached a crossroads, I slowed, stopped and applied the handbrake, at which point the car rolled forward. I thought modern cars (was a Volvo 340 ever modern?) didn't suffer from brake fade. I just pulled over and waited for everything to cool.

I don't think we have had a problem with the fitting service I think you are using apart from the lack of speed, good price but very slow to get the parts for the Clio when the exhaust dropped off!

I've had a nice day at the model railway club . I ran one of my Christmas presents properly for the first time, a 2-10-2 freight loco can't really get going on 600mm of programming track on my desk! One more normal meeting and then the club is hosting the NMRA Spring Meet event up in the north of Essex. This is on the Saturday immediately after the Royal Wedding. I'll probably have to miss watching too much as I've got to be up early on Saturday to be at the other end of Essex at an ER sort of time.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Sunny out here and quiet, but quite nippy at just above 0°. I've been up since about 5.30 actually as I was feeling terribly warm, and just had breakfast. Oh well!


Have a good day everyone!

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Morning All,


We have a very nice spring morning here - but it is more than a tad cold. The temperature is just below freezing.


Nevertheless, I'm off to church by bike.


Have a good one everybody...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all


A trip up to the exhibition at Jarrow might be on the cards this morning. I think I might call in on the local fish stockist on the way home see if he has anything interesting in.

This afternoon it's all downhill, planning for next week and a bit marking too.

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Good morning all.

Late login on here but been up since 5:00, then Church, then the News (T.V. and paper.)

PHEW! Yesterday was the hottest I can remember! Oficallly it was only 36C but the breeze carried HOT air!

Instead of having everthing open to allow a through breeze I had everywhere sealed to prevent the outside heat coming in.

I watched the Scotland - Itay game and the Ireland-England games and enjoyeed both.

Pleasant clear 26C today.

Have a good Sunday all.

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