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Morning All

Bright with a layer of thin cloud here at the moment.

Her has gone out so peace prevails saying that I did get a scowl form Her and we did watch the Trump interview on one of those naff breakfast shows in silence. 

Nothing planned yet unless the car comes back early afternoon.

I will have a peek at the DJM thread then wander through the gold lounge.

                                                                                                                                     Better get a move on or nothing will be done today enjoy yours.:superman: A.S.Louch  :biggrin_mini2:

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I have just heard that the D-Day flypast has been delayed by an hour or more. I have decided therefore not to go and watch it. Probably get a lot better view on the news this evening anyway.

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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

The RSDG were a fine regiment, although their rather natty no 1 dress hat made them look a bit like  traffic wardens.



Regiment of Suspicious and Dodgy Guards?

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We have a man bolting the air ducting through to supports they put in the roof space yesterday.

Meanwhile we have a section of ceiling covered in plastic Sheeting..


Because a man fell off the ladder yesterday and grabbed the only thing around, the ceiling, and pulled a section down..

 oh once up there all  suited and booted they found the asbestos level  so low it was almost off the bottom of the sacle..


I could have told them that, we had cementatious asbestos sheeting the sheets of which were taken off whole, when they replaced the roof. that stuff is almost totally safe unless you saw it or grind it up.

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium
6 hours ago, chrisf said:


I look forward to meeting you!  I'll be the one sitting in the front with a block of A4.



I sincerely do hope tha the block is A4 and not C4. That would enliven the proceedings .

4 hours ago, newbryford said:

Minor detour to work today to avoid traffic on the back lanes attending a local farming event - called "North Sheep"...………...


(Hmmmm - that sounds like it could be a good name for a layout)


It's being held in a series of marquees constructed on farmland in Rathmell Bottoms. (Readers who have noted my past references to RB will be aware that it is well known for flooding...……..)





First of all Mick, we might need an EA alert. I hope that there were no Welshmen in wellies around.


Yes Rathmell Bottoms.  Allegedly the most valuable farming land in Yorkshire, when the Fylde Water Board proposed biulding a reservoir there in the early 60's. At all other times it was cursed and valueless. My late dsther used to call them the Rathmell rice fields.



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  • RMweb Premium
6 hours ago, chrisf said:


I look forward to meeting you!  I'll be the one sitting in the front with a block of A4.




Bloomin' 'eck Chris. A block of A4? Is that an indication of how many black marks I'm likely to get or how much doodling you're likely to do to pass the time? More importantly, will the tie be present?


Looking forward to meeting you too, though.



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1 hour ago, jamie92208 said:

I sincerely do hope tha the block is A4 and not C4. That would enliven the proceedings .



Well, I am hoping it will go with a bang Jamie.....

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1 hour ago, The Stationmaster said:

 But odd that they should use a photo taken in NSW to illustrate an article headed Queensland.

One suspects that photographs of said snowfall in the Stanthorpe area might not have impressed as much to an audience who sees snow on perhaps an annual basis.


Based on this report from the ABC, the amount of snow in the southern downs would be described in most places where snow is frequent as a "trace".

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11 hours ago, BoD said:


Are you really sure you should be going?


Don't forget this is in London; no buses for ages then three come along at once!


10 hours ago, chrisf said:


Absolutely!  Walking in the parade is one of the objectives I set myself for 2019.  Given that this time last year it had never even occurred to me to attend a Pride, it will be quite something to be part of the biggest one in the UK.  The answer to your next question is that all the buses will be long gone by the time those of us at the back set off.




Take pride in what you're doing. Yesterday, Google celebrated 50 years of Pride.

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A plea for help, if I may?


I am preparing an article, as some of you already know, with the working title of 'Scale vs. Gauge'.


Back in the late 70s, this fine book was produced and I was given a copy. However, as I am (still) in the process of moving house, my copy is buried in a box deep in the rooms of boxes.



I recall that there is a section devoted to the development of the model gauges, starting at Gauge 1 and descending via 0 to H0 etc.


I am looking for a scan of this part of the book for reference in my article and will duly credit you (by full name, not RMWeb handle) as well as the book.


My deadline is 21st June!


Thanks in advance.

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2 hours ago, JohnDMJ said:

A plea for help, if I may?


I am preparing an article, as some of you already know, with the working title of 'Scale vs. Gauge'.


Back in the late 70s, this fine book was produced and I was given a copy. However, as I am (still) in the process of moving house, my copy is buried in a box deep in the rooms of boxes.



I recall that there is a section devoted to the development of the model gauges, starting at Gauge 1 and descending via 0 to H0 etc.


I am looking for a scan of this part of the book for reference in my article and will duly credit you (by full name, not RMWeb handle) as well as the book.


My deadline is 21st June!


Thanks in advance.

Will you then contact all manufacturers and request that they print boxes, adverts and all other printed matter with the correct detail?

Model railway pedants on these forums constantly correct, whilst manufacturers maintain the errors.   

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