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1 hour ago, Ian Abel said:

20 and partly sunny as I rushed to the failed dental appointment, supposed to become a rather steamy 31 later <phew>, and we had 6+ inches of SNOW at the beginning of the month, gotta love Minnesota

There really are only two seasons in the upper Midwest - frigid and hot. That may be a slight exaggeration, but Spring and Autumn really don't exist except for a couple of weeks each.


During my days in Chicago I distinctly remember it being 'normal' to have the AC on at the end of September for "Indian Summer", yet need the furnace on (with freezing nights) by mid-October.


I do like the extended Spring and Autumn here in the northwest. Even that can be exasperating sometimes. I spent the long weekend in the Central Oregon high desert where at this time of year it is usually warm and dry. Last weekend however was frequently wet and unseasonably cool (Sunday was 10°C). The locals kept saying "we never have this much rain at this time of year".


Despite a heavy morning marine layer, we might see about 27°C today - warmer than 'normal' (21°C) but not unusual. I can't really complain. The south, plains and lower midwest have had devastating weather over the last week or so with extensive flooding (most recently on the Arkansas River) and a truly stupendous number of tornadoes - a record of 13 consecutive days with at least 8 tornadoes per day, totaling at least 225 tornadoes since May 17.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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9 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Morning from a very wet Fraggle Rock - this is due to it being TT time - not much bike racing going on.  Like none.


Been for a blood test this morning, got somewhat annoyed with a youngish mum with kids who pushed in front of a  lot of people (who had been standing in the rain for ages waiting for the door to open) in an attempt to get an earlier ticket (its like a supermarket counter thing, you pick a number ticket) - and when I asked her to please take her place in the queue wasn't too pleased - then proceeded to complain to her friend that I had done so.  The other 20 or so people she tried to move ahead of didn't agree with her stance though!  Manners seem to be in short supply these days.


Very short supply; it's amazing that some colleagues approach you to find that you are in conversation with another colleague but interrupt none-the-less.


3 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:




Bet solder wouldn't melt in her mouth!


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At DM's, Richard?


My SWMBO is often referred to as 'my opinion' - in her earshot even.  It helps her know she really must be obeyed.....yes we do both have a good sense of humour!


Still raining or windy or foggy here, sometimes all 3.  no racing since Tuesday, this is awful.

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Had a reasonably productive day..complete with a little bit of eyelid inspection.


Strange sort of day weather wise here..windy, warmish but with a cool wind.


Her indoors has just realised she should be at her Recorder group..oops! Apparently it is all my fault!! (how?????)


Have a nice evening/afternoon etc...



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<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<I do like the extended Spring and Autumn here in the northwest.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

We like PNW year round with its four seasons!  Anything under 23C is good and anything over that the A/C gets switched on.   The longish winters provide the excuse for plenty of toy train time.:good_mini:


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38 minutes ago, Ian Abel said:

The colloquial here is "there are two seasons, winter and road construction", and really IS the true!

Indeed so.


A boss of mine in Chicago liked to say of Minnesota (and other parts of the Great White North) that the seasons were "winter and rough sledding". He kidded of course. His pun doesn't mention being carried off by the summer mosquitoes.

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3 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

There really are only two seasons in the upper Midwest - frigid and hot. That may be a slight exaggeration, but Spring and Autumn really don't exist except for a couple of weeks each.


44 minutes ago, Ian Abel said:

The colloquial here is "there are two seasons, winter and road construction", and really IS the true! :rtfm::triniti::butcher:


In Winnipeg, Manitoba, they say their two seasons are winter and mosquitoes.


An organisation I worked for had a joint project with a US company, and the joint operation was based in Kamloops in the BC Interior. They have 4 very distinct seasons there. The senior person from the US side had grown up in Georgia, gone to university in Florida, then gone to work with the company which was based in Texas. The project lasted three years, and she didn't go back to the US during that time. She loved the changes in the seasons, and the accompanying changes in activities, and insisted her family and friends came to Kamloops to experience it all.


(Edit - Michael posted above about mosquitoes while I was typing.)

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4 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

A boss of mine in Chicago liked to say of Minnesota (and other parts of the Great White North) that the seasons were "winter and rough sledding". He kidded of course. His pun doesn't mention being carried off by the summer mosquitoes.


2 minutes ago, pH said:

In Winnipeg, Manitoba, they say their two seasons are winter and mosquitoes.

And very accurately so. We posted those independently within a couple of minutes.

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3 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

During my days in Chicago I distinctly remember it being 'normal' to have the AC on at the end of September for "Indian Summer", yet need the furnace on (with freezing nights) by mid-October.



I'm not a BIG FAN of A/C (see what I did there?) Six years in Phoenix made me come to hate it. If the A/C in your house conked out you were heading for a motel PDQ.


Fortunately we don't need A/C here, although many people do have it. The slightly higher altitude (2,000 feet), shade from the whopping great trees and proximity to the lake help to keep average temperatures down to reasonable levels. It's actually 29C here at the moment but it won't stay up there for long.


The sky would be blue but for high altitude haze from wild-fires in Alberta.

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Evening Awl,  just back from the SC,  well I dropped into the MRC on the way back. 

The landrover is loaded with buoy,  flashing lights,  radios, aeriels, batteries,  all sorts of forms that need filling in as the boats go by.  All ready for the 3 rivers race tomorrow.  Sadly no during race piccies though my instructions for positioning the buoy are out of range for the Wi-Fi. 


As for the MRC not many around, they are taking holidays between our open day and the start of the school holidays..  The open day was very successful,  about 200 visitors,  and children under 12 were free.  So that doesn't include them. The second hand stall did very well too. 

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1 hour ago, AndyID said:

I'm not a BIG FAN of A/C (see what I did there?)



1 hour ago, AndyID said:

Six years in Phoenix made me come to hate it. If the A/C in your house conked out you were heading for a motel PDQ.

Without Mr. Carrier's invention, Phoenix would be little more than a truck-stop, motels and gas stations. You wouldn't choose to live there without AC for at least nine months of the year. It's a balmy 36°C there today and it's not even summer yet.  "At least it's a dry heat!"


The opening scenes of Hitchcock's Psycho (1960) are set in Phoenix around the time that residential and light commercial air-conditioning was becoming more affordable. It's an interesting time capsule of the transition to ubiquitous AC in the Valley of the Sun - even though very few scenes were actually shot there.


I prefer not to use it but it's nice to have. Traditionally few homes (including apartments) in Western Oregon had air-conditioning. That's rapidly changing.


1 hour ago, AndyID said:

The sky would be blue but for high altitude haze from wild-fires in Alberta.

The smoke had reached western Washington as of last night. It's not in Oregon yet. Increasing wildfire smoke in the last two summers drove me to close up the house and use my AC more than I prefer to.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Evening all from Estuary-Land. The tea problem has been sorted out. I received an e-mail from the Wee Tea Company offering their profuse apologies and the correct tea is on its way. They made no mention of returning the tea that they did send, if they don't want it returned I'm sure I can find someone who can use it, I'm thinking of church groups or the Sally Army or groups that provide meals for the homeless. Still sorting out the timber for the lads layout, to save a bit of sawing I might make it about 4 inches longer than planned. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Good evening everyone 


Well the sun made a valiant attempt to breakthrough the clouds as we were having dinner, but after only a few minutes gave up. It tried mid afternoon, managed a few minutes longer, then gave up again. 


This morning’s shopping trip was very brief, in fact, I left home at 9:45, called at Asda to get some yogurts that our local Sainsbury’s don’t stock. Then called at the Trafford Centre for a few more bits that Sainsbury’s don’t do, then called in at the butchers, I was back home just after 10:45. After the shopping had been packed away, I made myself a muggertea, whilst drinking that the postman delivered the latest MERG and RHS magazines, so I sat and read those, which nicely brought about dinner time. 


After dinner I put my wetsuit on the washing line to dry in the warm breeze, then continued reading the above mentioned magazines and generally rested, I even managed a bit of eyelid inspection. 


The evening was then rounded off with a nice bottle Cabernet Sauvignon. 


Goodnight all 

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Mooring Awl,  and in an hour and a half I'll be off to the moorings,. 

A good nights sleep of 5.5 hours + 1.5 hours. 


Ben the border collie has been patrolled,  there is already a light breeze.  The forecast for the race has improved  5 to 10 mph at the start.  Rising to 15 to 24 mph at the end. Still southerly. 


A bacon butty  has been had,  and coffee is being consumed, there will be much more coffee as I won't get to bed till 15:00 tomorrow.. 

Shortly a pile of sarnies need to be made. Then I'll  put on this years 3 Rivers Race Polo shirt,  for this year it's black. 


So for now it's radio silence 

Time to,  make those sarnies.. 


Edited by TheQ
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