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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!

Been raining here overnight. Different forecasters suggest it will either chuckinitdarn all day or just shower every now and then.

Similarly it could be fine all day in Harrogate or very damp most of the afternoon.  As I am umpiring a county women's game tomorrow I have been rereading the weather rules...hopefully it will be nice!

Cough abating to be replaced by Ed Cold. Pah!

Mugatea being drunk..perhaps a bit of crust earning can be done today.


Have a great day and positive thoughts to all who ail!


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Cloudy but no hurricanes in Hertfordshire so far. Muggertea No1 downed but disturbed by earthshaking equipment working on a Sunday now, and they’ve only sold one of the first phase of houses they released onto the market eight weeks ago. I suppose that isn’t surprising as they are asking near enough half a million for a three-bed detached on a small plot. How can an average earning young family afford to buy?


For those on a day trip to Aylesbury, enjoy the show. There is much to admire and of course the fellowship of ERs too. For brethren visiting Fawley Hill, hope all is good and to those instead doing the transport of elderly family members, well done and remember that you never miss something until it’s gone, something I can vouch for as a long-standing orphan whose parents left us when they were 80 or more several years back. Like many others, I am now left with memories and reflections, I try not to dwell on what I could/might/should have done.


Happy birthday or celebrations to those partaking of such events and a pain free day to those suffering. Now awaiting starter’s orders and will meanwhile study yesterday’s acquisitions. Watching working semaphore signals inspired me to buy some suitable magickery, do layout exhibitors get a kick-back from traders? I think they should :rolleyes:.


l’ll be back (I hope) later.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick hello before going out to Southend. I wish I was going to Aylesbury too but fighting my way around the M25 in bank holiday traffic is not my idea of fun. Thats it for now, be back later.

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I'm pretty sure that Jamie is correct in thinking that his workshop houses a miniature black hole into which pinged items disappear; in fact, I reckon that it is a feature of most, if not all, modellers' habitations - certainly of mine anyway. Somewhere out there is most of a locomotive of mine. You never know, they may all be linked via wormholes in the space/time continuum and if anyone ever comes up with a way of accessing the central chasm they could open a model shop with the contents.


A rather dull and damp North Salopland today, which matches my mood as I contemplate venturing into the dark recesses of Dad's garage and trying to make a start on sorting out the mess. Once I finish the mugocoffee SWMBO has provided I'll have run out of excuses. As Captain Oates would have had it, "I may be some time."



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All

Method in your madness then Bob :biggrin_mini2:


Dave & Q just to point out I suffer from Spondylosis probably the worst back condition going I'm cared for by a top pain specialist team ( no not Miss Whiplash I wish)

if you can wheel a self steering super market trolley and not suffer any pain good luck as you will cause more damage progressively to yourself than you think if you

are having problems with it now.

On the bench today are 3 Hornby Kings all waiting for brass nameplates to go on a bit of a task as the new plates are smaller that the one's on the loco's micro-

surgery is require to remove the existing plates and reduce them in size.:butcher:

Her has just come into the man cave soaking wet with a towel rapped round her "why didn't you answer the phone" me "co's I can't hear it " her "oh", that's after

telling her the condition of what I can and can't hear first thing this morning. :banghead:

                                                                                                                                                      enjoy your day :superman: I.H.Opeican :senile:

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Good morning everyone 


It’s raining, so any thoughts of working in the garden have been scuppered, what a shame! So I’m off to the workshop to find something to do, I’m sure I’ll find there is something in there that I can find to occupy myself. 


I also suffer from spondylosis of the back, but I’m currently taking no medication for the condition. I’ve found that since I lost weight and got myself fitter, swimming was part of the regime, that my condition has improved, hence not needing medication. Oddly enough, it was whilst I was initially taking meditation for the condition and due to some of the side effects of them, that they my cancer diagnosis came about!


Back later

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Afternoon All

Busy does not explain my day adequately, but I HAVE now read and rated all posts.  As usual generic greetings are sent to those who need them.


Started off with a 7.30 rise,  though Lily had me up at 6,00 and I made a mugatea, a mugacoffee, and a couple of slices of toast, but I did manage another half hours kip.  As it was chucking ot down, we decided not to venture to the A6 car boot at all, as it was probably a wash out.


So instead it was the start of day 2 of the bank holiday house refurb, which seems to be happening in a very short period of time.  Managed to finish the spare room, and that was no easy task, then various other jobs around the house - seems that I have been wrong in using a steam cleaner on the bathroom floor, and should be using a scrubbing brush, cream cleaner, and a floor cloth - we'll see.  However, the work has, as usual, left me cream crackered, and I've just heard the peeper go for dinner.


Back tomorrow (?)

Regards to All



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We arrived in Enfield in time for lunch. There was some awful driving today, both in the Sainsbury car park (We stopped to purchase some greetings cards and discounted petrol  ) and on the  M25. Best was somebody doing about 50mph in the third lane. I moved to the 4th lane to overtake and they accelerated madly using lanes 1 2 and 3 to get ahead and slowed down again. No idea why. 


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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


A good but tiring day at Didcot yesterday followed by another good day at Fawley Hill today - from which the Good Doctor and I have just returned.  Strangely yesterday's good RMweb attendance at Didcot doesn't seem to have been matched by today's at Fawley Hill although there might well have been folk who I didn't recognise and we were lost among attendees from various other clubs and societies.  For those who couldn't make Fawley was as good as ever and there was even a train which stalled trying to climb the hill to add to the interest.   I did wonder if some didn't make it because they couldn't find it or maybe they didn't stop for long?   For future note the catering was attractively interesting - tea or coffee at £1.80 a decent size paper cup plus a wide variety of cakes to a standard that almost puts Wycrail to shame; regrettably we had taken sandwiches.  Didcot yesterday was enlivened considerably by the hidden away presence of 'Lady of Legend in her almost complete full 1912 livery glory, no photos permitted.  


Some light rain showers today at Fawley but on arrival home I was told that they had been good for the garden (and had prevented the Head Gardener from doing any work) so they should not be moaned about.  Didcot yesterday was (rain) shower free.


Emjoy the rest of your day

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29 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

 I moved to the 4th lane to overtake and they accelerated madly using lanes 1 2 and 3 to get ahead and slowed down again. No idea why. 



Never mind the cockwomble you mention, irksome as it was, it's good to see someone else naming the lanes correctly; 1, 2, 3, 4.... As 70mph for a car is legal in all lanes, there is no such thing as a slow or fast lane (unless you're on the M25 carp ark!)

Edited by JohnDMJ
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  • RMweb Premium

Awl, Afternoon, 

Knackered I am, 

Sore feet,  have I. 

Show, well went .

Visitors,  lots we had, 

13:00 , rain, heavy, arrived.

Visitors then less we had. 

Sore throat have I

 to visitors, many, I talked.. 


Before,  the show much carpentry and Polly's styrene was carved, ( and much sweeping up)..So then just polly's fillas, were plastered around ,  and painting   done during opening time.  Seagull rock ( Scarinish) was created. 


Much interupted by explaining the history and my ambitions for the layout. Also there was much interest in my landscape creation and the methods used.  I also had pictures of Tiree, and the abandoned radar station (RAF) on this tablet computer and could show the landscape style  I am aiming at... 


The carriages you have been bored with, worked extremely well.  However the folding legs for the lifting  doors were a failure.

When packing up I cleared my layout on my own and all the muddling materials  and was on the road in 45 minutes.  There were some teams clearing smaller layouts still packing .


I've worked out a way to over come the leg failures,  and to store the non carriage mounted boards in the carriages in a better way than previously planned. With this I can,  I think, get the layout assembly down by fifteen  minutes- half an hour.  

Major carriage surgery will start on Friday. 


Two carriages  have been placed at the MRC,  one left in the trailer, I've to sort the muddling stuff in the landrover and take what's required and a board back to the MRC tomorrow. 


Dinner and Muggacoffee have been had,  eyelid inspection  is very over due.. 

Bye for now... 





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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had a pleasant morning at the car rally, it seemed to be the same group that used to hold a rally at Vange near to where I live until a few years ago. I purchased three second hand books at £2 each. Two were about road vehicles one about the RT bus and the other about British Road Services. The third caught my eye as it was the history of W & J Glossop and Co. who were a road laying company. Quite interesting details about road laying in the 20's and 30's with a railway connection as they had their own fleet of PO wagons for carrying road stone. When I dropped my friend of at home his daughters were in a panic because there was no electricity. The supply had tripped so it was a case of switching out each circuit to find which one was tripping out. It turned out to be the one to the pump that pressurises the boiler so they have no hot water. We had popped into Wickes on the way back for the Celotex for the lads layout and while we were there we looked at replacement flooring for the lads bedroom. It had suffered woodworm that now has been gotten rid of but some of the floorboards are now like a Swiss cheese.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Good evening.   Much has been achieved.   The market was attended and coffee had with two friends.   Jill lent me a copy of her 2015 French tax return. I then made a start on filling in mine for 2018.  We then went to the Mairie and voted in the Euro elections.  Lunch was then had with the friends across the road and since returning I have been working on the tax return. The afternoon and evening seem to have slipped away but I think that I have now sorted out the figures and relevant paperwork.  I've even constructed an explanatory spreadsheet.  This now needs translating into French.  Life is great fun.  



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4 hours ago, Tony_S said:

We arrived in Enfield in time for lunch. There was some awful driving today, both in the Sainsbury car park (We stopped to purchase some greetings cards and discounted petrol  ) and on the  M25. Best was somebody doing about 50mph in the third lane. I moved to the 4th lane to overtake and they accelerated madly using lanes 1 2 and 3 to get ahead and slowed down again. No idea why. 



Perhaps it was a case of "auto-envy"? When I'm driving my truck everyone pretty much ignores me but when I'm driving IDSPIDY some people get quite aggressive and do some really strange things. The effect is even more pronounced when I have the roof down.


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