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1 hour ago, AndrewC said:

Little of note happening here. Just a question that I hope someone can answer. I've found 2 train based model shops in Brussels online and one further out. I'll have time to visit one. Suggestions and recommendations. 


There is a good one in Namur, 90 mins south east ish of Bruxelles, and also 1 in Huy a bit further towards Liege.

Edited by lightengine
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  • RMweb Gold

G'day all,


No east end adventures today and more likely the tackling of various weeds and nettles once I've been chased out to attack them.   Tomorrow will be far more interesting as I shall be off to see the good Count's daughter so might well have an excuse for not doing so much and I'm far from sure where faux Friday might be fitted in (on Friday perhaps?).   There might also be some sort of voting taking place but to be honest I'm totally turned off by all that shenanigans so won't find much of interest in that area especially as it sounds as if it will be an awfully long ballot paper to spoil andI might run out of profanities and home truths (applied equally of course across the whole lot of 'em).


Anyway back to RMweb for now anda few interesting threads where children and idiots do not lurk thank goodness.  OH and welcome back Bob (81C) - are you partaking this weekend at 81E and the Sub-shed of 81D?


Have a nice day one and all.

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14 hours ago, Simon G said:




Camped at Ashness Farm 40 years ago. Saw this from the tent each day.

When it wasn't obscured by fist and mog - wettest camp ever - rained for 13 1/2 days out of 14

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

Talking of holidays, we have 2 cruises booked. A mini cruise in October with all the family and another one next year. Booked through T. Cook..........hope we don't regret that. :scratchhead::sorry:

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  • RMweb Gold
15 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

Talking of holidays, we have 2 cruises booked. A mini cruise in October with all the family and another one next year. Booked through T. Cook..........hope we don't regret that. :scratchhead::sorry:

I didn’t even know Thomas Cook booked cruises but I am sure your money is safe but it would be a shame if the plans had to be changed. Apart from our first cruise which we booked through a newspaper advert ( it was a good deal as lots of people cancelled as it was the Costa Concordia incident year) we have always booked directly with the cruise company. Probably why we don’t ever seem to have as many perks as other travellers! I don’t think we will get an upgrade on our trip over the Atlantic later this year as it was down to the last few cabins when we booked it last year! 


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Son Steve who is our "Travel agent" as he works for a large business travel company assures me we should be OK at the moment as we've only paid deposits so far and are ATOL protected. Hopefully  Thomas Cook's problems will be resolved.  We've always booked direct with P & O in the past but for some reason Steve did it this way, I think at the time he was having problems with P & O's website.

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Great news for Sandy and John... :drink_mini:


HUMP day.

Another day yesterday with nothing of note to report.


Much the same will occur today with the exception of a happy hour meeting with a group of long-time friends.


8 and rain first think, 11 the forecast high with rain all day.


That's all folks...

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

Cruisin’, pah. The only cruising I did was in my late teens and twenties, attempting to “pull birds”.

As for sea cruises, SWMBO has been known to suffer discomfort (and datcomfort) on the ferry from Portsmouth to the Isle of Wight. Together with my previous existence circumnavigating the globe, this suggests we will not be enjoying the delights of the cruise ship operators although pressure is being applied to go “on a river cruise”. Now I am officially acknowledged as having passed over the threshold into real grumpiness, the thought of being treated like cattle in airports and paraffin budgies doesn’t appeal either. I shall not be turning left at the top of the boarding stairs either, do you think I’m made of money???

G word completed despite massive jams on the M1 but brake pad material disintegrated on way back home so a gentle trip to another g word tomorrow to have new ones installed, vital if I am to make RailEx on Saturday. Additional grandchild taxiing duties to be performed this evening, thank goodness we still have two cars. I feel I will have earned a small libation by the time that is done and he is returned home.

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43 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

Good morning from Philleas Fogg, currently in a motel in a sunny Cheyenne. Small breakfast has been consumed  first big bag in the car a d now chilling.  Off across the car park at lunchtime for a 'proper' breakfast, steak and eggs with pancakes or something similar. Then it's off down the interstate to Denver to drop the car off and then to entrust ourselves to the tendsr mercies of British Airways.  All being well we should get home a out 10.30pm Thursday.


Great news about Sandy and Neil (BR) glad that you got sorted out. We will be heading across the channel next Tuesday night, all being well.


Chrisf, get rid of him on FB.


As to the sub group of shed builders, I could offer extortionate rates for accommodation in the super shed so that the things can be erected in the dry. You would then have to ship them back over the briny.





Mine's Bigger Than Your or's . . . Ner  Ner , Ne Ner ,Nerrrrr . . 

Edited by Two_sugars
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. ChrisF, as others have said, ditch the Xxxxxx, either he'll go away in search of another victim or he will show his true colours. Either way your best rid of him. Nothing planned for the Bank holiday weekend, its either been there, seen that or too far away/roads will be congested. Club night tonight were no doubt events in Stamford at the weekend will be discussed.

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  • RMweb Gold


Facebook. If you are not Facebook Friends anything you can see on Facebook has been set to Public status. If you are Friends or Friends of Friends on Facebook it is seems odd that someone doesn’t want you to “look”. If someone doesn’t want you to look they can block you, in which case they would not appear to exist for you on Facebook. If people have time they can make things visible to certain users so even “Friends” don’t see stuff. 

I have been blocked once by a family member. I mentioned that the so called humorous post had originated with a rather nasty group who used such things for “likes”, a typical clickbait technique.  Person seemed to think I was saying he had the same views as the post originator and blocked me, both on Facebook and in real life.


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4 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

G'day all,

  OH and welcome back Bob (81C) - are you partaking this weekend at 81E and the Sub-shed of 81D?


Have a nice day one and all.

Hopefully I shall be Steve said he is happy to drive again it was nerve wracking on the M25 this morning with a lack of hearing I've an appointment with ENT quack in 2 weeks time to see if Her Uslessness 

can do any thing for me I might have to go private for hearing aides if the NHS can't help.

I need to rustle up some cash for it as her raped my pockets over the past 2 weeks to buy a suitcase full of tacky presents for everyone,

btw have you seen Drews PM he wants a bank transfer on the Fawley Hill jolly. 

Must go real food on the table tonight instead of this Creole stuff :bo_mini: I've eaten when away.:superman: F Ried-Chikin :biggrin_mini2:


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  • RMweb Premium

I too am never going to fly again in a paraffin budgie , neither am I going on a cruise,  I may love sailing but floating in a tin can, in close confinement with thousands of people fills me with dread. 


I've just seen my motor boat on TV part of a clip on tourisum, luckily from a good distance not showing the work needed,  me SWMBO and Ben the border collie is a crowded as I like it on board.. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Only on interesting photo from Cuba this year is our taxi from Guardalavaca  to Holguin 54 miles each way cost about £30 total.

Btw The aircon worked really well.



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  • RMweb Gold

I don’t really have any interest in boats or ships really so a cruise isn’t too bad for me. I really resisted going initially as I didn’t like the idea of formal evenings but I survived. For me it is a hotel that moved about. I think in 2020 we will do another car cruise to Austria again, possibly early summer instead of late summer as we did last year. Hopefully the German autobahns that were being doubled in size (well it looked like that ) will be finished.


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Each to their own. I don't enjoy airports and flying so we join our cruise ship at Southampton.  Our luggage is taken away as soon as we unload it from the car and then the car is taken away and securely parked. From then until boarding the ship only  takes about an hour or so. Yes there are a lot (thousands) on board but to be honest we've never felt it intimidating.  We do pay a bit extra for what they term "freedom dining" which means we can eat when we want and not at set times  and all in all have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I must admit my personal preference would be for a smaller ship but this has been the only way I could get The Boss afloat as she could possibly get seasick in a rowing boat on our local River Wandle. 

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3 minutes ago, 81C said:

The aircon worked really well

A couple of years ago we were in Wengen in Switzerland. The hotel had a notice (only in English) that stated that there was no air conditioning and as a typical Alpine hotel they suggested opening the window.

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  • RMweb Gold
1 minute ago, grandadbob said:

Each to their own. I don't enjoy airports and flying so we join our cruise ship at Southampton.  Our luggage is taken away as soon as we unload it from the car and then the car is taken away and securely parked. From then until boarding the ship takes about an hour or so. Yes there are a lot (thousands) on board but to be honest we've never felt it intimidating.  We do pay a bit extra for what they term "freedom dining" which means we can eat when we want and not at set times  and all in all have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I must admit my personal preference would be for a smaller ship but this has been the only way I could get The Boss afloat as she could possibly get seasick in a rowing boat on our local River Wandle. 

We enjoyed the Freedom Dining on P&O but the equivalent on Cunard would be significantly more expensive so we go for second sitting. The “big ships” are rather steady even in inclement weather. Often the first realisation of bad weather are the notices banning deck access and on P&O we noticed drinking glasses with heavier bases. 

 We went on a small (small enough to use the Kiel Canal) cruise ship in the Baltic.  The weather was bad but the waves were of a long rolling kind. I felt “odd” but not seasick. Allegedly, people prone to seasickness were less affected. 


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