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10 hours ago, lightengine said:

Barry, have they invented walking cricket yet?  Similar to walking football for the non runners of this world.

No the over 70s play a slower type of cricket...with less vocals and more clicking joints..


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39 minutes ago, newbryford said:

have your sunglasses ready for the issue that comes out on Thursday



He looked at himself in the wardrobe mirror. He stuck out his tongue. “Yellow,” he thought. The word yellow wandered through his mind in search of something to connect with.


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Morning All,


Great news from Sandy and John, and good to hear from Debs.


It is a rather grey morning in this part of the world.  It was raining earlier, but seems to have stopped.  The forecast is for brighter weather as the week goes on.


Time for a coffee!  Have a good day everyone...

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Morning, weather bright and yesterday went according to plan - first time for a long time! After that significant erection, I do not expect to get another for many moons :derisive:. Post the normal gentlemanly morning routines I shall be departing northwestwards to do another round of the G word and return in time to clean the vehicle booked for its MoT tomorrow. Whilst some would question the sanity of cleaning a car before it goes to the spanner-wielders (or the electronic equivalent today) it is something I have always done as it suggests that I care for my wheels.

Fish man had some lovely black bream yesterday, quickly fried to give a crisp skin, it went down a treat on a bed of sesame coated noodles with stir-fried sliced capsicums, ginger, garlic, shallot and asparagus stalks. SWMBO limited herself to a fillet of sole, Jersey potatoes and peas :-). I have a kipper for lunch tomorrow too and a whole crab to prepare for a salad tomorrow evening. Normally Thursday evenings would be interrupted by The Boss and her requirements for the village Table Tennis activities but tomorrow the village hall is booked for some dubious electoral purpose.

Nice to hear a positive story from John of Coombe Barton, good wishes to you all and others facing tribulations, wonky parts or just the results of previous self imposed abuses.



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Good morning everyone 


It’s a bit of a dull day, with evidence that it’s rained overnight. Breakfast has now been consumed and I’ll set off shortly to the big orange DIY shed for a small bag of mortar and a few bits of wood for the cellar. On my way home I’ll call at the butchers and collect the steak and ale pies I ordered last week for tonight’s tea. 


After dinner I’ll decorate the cakes I made yesterday and then potter about for the rest of the day. We have Ava, Evie and Max coming round for tea tonight, I hope we don’t get the same performance from Max as we did last week. 


Back later. 

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4 hours ago, chrisf said:

Good morning one and all.  Let us all rejoice at the good news from John and Sandy.


I’m up early because there was no point in lying in bed any longer trying to grab a few minutes’ sleep.  The probable explanation for my not sleeping is that I am in the doghouse with Harry because he discovered that I have been looking at his Facebook profile after he had asked me not to.  Where could be the harm?  Anyone would think that he had something to hide - like the day he got out of bed at 9.39 pm after a night out!  Whatever the answer, we will never know because he has now deleted everything except the photo of him standing on a salt lake in Bolivia.  In doing so he has destroyed what was by any measure a fascinating social history.  The lesson must be, surely, that if you do not want people to know what you have been doing, don’t put it on Facebook for all the world to see!


It must be summer, because yesterday I bought the makings of a salad on the fodder run.  Sadly the deli counter is no longer there but this did not stop me finding a slice of gala pie and a pot of potato salad to complement the staples of lettuce, cucumber, beetroot and tomato.  I have yet to try quinoa, which I see that ‘Spoons include in some of their salads.  I had never heard of it when a friend first told me about it and thought it was a Pacific island rather than a type of grain.  Later I had about half an hour in the garden and pretty well despatched the nettles.  There was no sign of the supervisory robin but there was a black and white moggy that I had not seen before.  I fear the worst.


Today I will brave the X5 bus to Cambridge for the beer festival with two friends.  The festival chucks us out at 3 pm, so we will go into the city for some record shopping.  It is on days like this that I have trouble recalling what is already in my collection but the shop can be full of surprises, even for someone with off the wall taste like mine.  The discovery that Russ Conway was top of the charts 50 years ago with “Side Saddle” set off a train of thought.  No, surely not?!  Let’s see what happens.   Perhaps I will sleep on the bus home.


Best wishes to all



Chris, a Facebooker has never, and still cannot see who has looked at their profile.


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. First of all best wishes to Debs and Sandy and any other ailing ER's. Inspected the bottom of the garden, the brambles are back. Not a surprise as they come through from an adjacent property that is rented and frequently changes tenants. I shall have to finish emptying the old shed and remove it to get better access. I mentioned that my (not so) old house in Romford is being demolished to make way for blocks of flats. The Romford signal box was quite literally at the bottom of the garden, perched on the embankment. I can't help wondering if the Japanese knotweed that used to come through from the embankment has been dealt with. One of the last things I did before I moved was too cut the stuff down to about six inches and fill the hollow stalks with rock salt. This was effective within my own garden but there were still some on the embankment.

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