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Early Risers.


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Morning all(I have been up for a while, just other things got in the way of forum reconnaissance)rain seems to have stopped and the wind has dropped and the new roof is still there, so a bonus all round. Nothing planned for today, we tend to do the reverse of every one else, do my jobs at the weekends and have five days off in the week, I should have tried that before I retired lol. The rain has certainly greened everything up, apart from the grass that needs cutting again, the garden is looking pretty good and Roses may well be in bloom this coming week, it also seems to have put out the wild fires on the moors further north and west of us, so that's done some good too. Next week I shall be examining the contents of the big orange diy shed, now need to add some insulation to TOSH, trouble is some seem to be foil covered and can envisage condensation dripping and giving me a rather too realistic look to the new railway in there.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit cloudy this morning but predicted to brighten up. Was there a soccer match yesterday? I listened to the BBC radio 2 news this morning and there was no mention of any game. There was plenty about Eurocrap but little else. Not that I'm bothered anyhow as footie registers only slightly above Eurocrap on my interest scale. Little else to report so be back later.

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Good morning everyone 


It's also a bit dull here too. Not a great deal planned for today, I'll put away all my ill gotten goods purchased yesterday then possibly make a start on the replacement set of valve gear for the L class. 


Back later 

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Afternoon noon Awl,  

Trailer door fitted and hasp and staple,  painted. 

By 10::00 the sun broke through and burnt off the mist. 

Dragged lawnmower out of shed,  would not start,  put on charge. 

Started building  frames for planter shelves,  onto front of tin shed.,4 decking boards chopped up, and installed,  individual shelves await purchase of pots. 

layout board released from clamps, a little work done on it.

trailer door painted. 

two battens installed in ally way for SWMBO to hold curtains to keep sun off wool store.

Lawnmower still no start battery dead.. 725-1705..

Lawnmower dragged into tin shed.

cyder oclock declared,  while sitting outside deciding what to do it started raining. 

Packed away everything

Having Muggacoffee  before long soak in bath. 


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1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

Update update. All installed. 




The automobile industry might want to get their act together and develop an open interface standard that allows owners to attach a tablet of their choosing instead of forcing owners to use propriety technology that's probably obsolete before the a new model ships and definitely will be obsolete long before a car is scrapped.


(Steps off soapbox ;) )

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Morni g all from Laramie. It's sunny now but wasn't an hour ago when I went out to photograph a cerain steam special. Not a lot of drivi g today, we are in Cheyenne for the last three nights.


Updatinf car sarnav's is a pain. The Renoult one for Beth's Clio takes about 2 hours to go through the motions. I take a good bok with me.


Rick, I hope the Lurgi gets sorted.



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I forgot to mention... 2X GDB achieved. 

The tin shed has 2 cross beams,  held together by angle brackets,  on going in on one occasion I did duck low enough and it scraped the top of my head blood flowed.. 

Later SWMBO wanted a hammer,  to tap down some staples she'd not got right in with her now fixed staple gun.  As I picked it up I stood up and the angle brackets the other side of the beam got me on the back of the head.. 

Pipe insulation foam is to be bought and installed.. 

Edited by TheQ
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16 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

Morni g all from Laramie. It's sunny now but wasn't an hour ago when I went out to photograph a cerain steam special. Not a lot of drivi g today, we are in Cheyenne for the last three nights.


Updatinf car sarnav's is a pain. The Renoult one for Beth's Clio takes about 2 hours to go through the motions. I take a good bok with me.


Rick, I hope the Lurgi gets sorted.




I was a bit concerned that I'd run into snow but the weather improved as I travelled North and West and traffic was very light. Including several stops it took ten hours to home from Jackson, mostly at a steady 82 mph. On the twisty bits I've found it best to turn off the cruise control and knock the transmission into "manual".


Idspidy does not have built-in satnav. I use Navmii (free) on my phone connected by Bluetooth to the car's audio system. Works very well. All upgrades/downloads are through Wi-Fi straight to the phone. The biggest problem is finding a place to mount it. When the phone or app become obsolete I'll simply replace them.

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Afternoon All


Rick - hope that the Lurgi soon leaves you, and that you are fit and well enough to at least get to work - at least then you have been seen to get there by your line manager, then perhaps go home sick.  At least that's what I'd probably do.


Generic greetings as usual to the ailing and the celebrating.


Ah now, Satnav updates - my Peugeot has a Clarion Satnav/CD/Radio/Bluetooth, and to update it, all I need to go the the Clarion website, pay 89.95 Euros on my credit card, (current offering is still 2018 Q4, which means that the Lancaster Bypass which opened some time ago now will still not be there), get the mini SD card from the Satnav, plug it into my laptop (it doesn't have a mini SD card slot, so I would need to buy a USB one). download the new version, and insert it into the unit in the car.  Repeat each time an update is needed.  No way, Hose, I can buy an up to date road atlas for £1.99 at most petrol stations, and in any event, I don't think I've ever used the voice in a box anyway.  Anyway, I'm changing the car soon anyway, and hopefully it will just have a radio and CD, and if I really need a Satnav, I can just buy one that I can update for a more reasonable charge.


Yesterday and today it has been the P word which has predominated - P for painting.  After the plant sale yesterday (I sat in the car and read Steam World) it was painting the back patio floor with tile red, and the walls with Sandtex, then the side of the garage, as I did the front the other day.  Today, after the A6 car boot (not standing, just attending) and Greenlands car boot, it was home to be told that the garage side window was to be done in the green paint that we got for the front porch.  Now our garage side window is surrounded by a bit of a wilderness where it is almost impossible to get a ladder in as the ground is so uneven, and it has a pyrocantha to one side - so not the easiest of jobs.


Builder back tomorrow first thing, then I'm out to LASAR.  Possibly won't be able to visit here until Tuesday.

Regards to All




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22 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

It may just be terribly unprototypical, I'll have to watch my back!


All I can say is "have at it!"  I might be able to suggest a few topics you would be well advised to stay clear of ;)

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4 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

If you're running a competition then I must be in it, according to Sandy.



As an (at one time anyway) engineer I should be methodical and tidy - umm, fail.  No chance of a competition though, as Mrs NHN makes a good job of tidying up after me.  I suspect many wives/partners act in this way.   The garage should look tidier after the amount of junk I have moved or thrown, but fails to live up to that image.

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2 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Morning all from Laramie. It's sunny now but wasn't an hour ago when I went out to photograph a certain steam special.


Appropriate music to read that post by:




2 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Not a lot of driving today, we are in Cheyenne for the last three nights.


That's somewhere I have to visit someday. My grandparents and two great-uncles lived there for a while in the early 1900s. Grandfather and his brothers-in-law all worked on the Union Pacific. 

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32 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:


Go on then....always open to ideas!


What I meant was you might not want to post you ideas about mixed-era equipment on certain topics...........oh, never mind ;)

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6 minutes ago, AndyID said:


What I meant was you might not want to post you ideas about mixed-era equipment on certain topics...........oh, never mind ;)


D'oh.  my excuse is I'm tired.  :blush:


I could do so and get that popcorn eating emojie ready for use!

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