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Early Risers.


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HUMP day!

Nothing exciting or even dull to report form yesterday, just a work day <yawn>

Today much of the same will be taking place.


Back to early spring weather here for a couple of days, 6 this AM light rain, and supposed to stay about the same all day, high may reach 8!


Right, off to get anothercuppa then continue with work, carry on.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. My Euro elections ballot paper dropped onto the mat this morning (postal vote). I have duly recorded my vote and dispatched said ballot paper. It remains to be seen if anyone on the ballot paper will take their seat in Brussels though. 

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2 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

Neil, the door in the partition inside the shed is actually only 6ft high so OK for me but I've ordered "Mind your head signs" for taller visitors like my son and grandson amongst others.

What about a sign saying "Duck or grouse."?

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7 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

Neil, the door in the partition inside the shed is actually only 6ft high so OK for me but I've ordered "Mind your head signs" for taller visitors like my son and grandson amongst others.

Wot no IKB flat arch GDB? I guess your shed can’t be imitation art-deco either then. Utilitarian Southern Region?

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Evening all, what a wet and grotty day, but everything needs the water, might even tempt a Salmon to run the local river(if there's any left as we have a huge population of seals camped at the river mouth). We did a hobble round the Asdas with both of us sore with that nice Mr. Arthur Itis paying our bones a visit. Weather will hopefully improve soon as I need to do some prep work before the roofing sheets arrive, would be nice if it was dry. I was in for a DCC controller on ebay, but was outbid, prices seem to be going up and up, the modelling tokens are being severely stretched just now.

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15 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

I've never found Gill Sans to be very seductive, though that does beg the question of what a seductive typeface might look like.


I looked up "R" and learned it was similar to "S" and while less piratical sounding, that description was not very helpful, and yes I am being slightly facetious, I did note that, "S" stands for statistics, "R" follows "S" as the gnu walks etc. Modern students really need a stronger basis in statistical analysis than I was given - particularly on the mathematical side, given the burgeoning employment opportunities for data scientists in AI programming. Design of experiments was the most complex topic I was introduced to.

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Good evening everyone


This morning’s rain lasted all day, although it lessened during the afternoon and strangely enough it wasn’t very dark whilst it was raining, particularly in the afternoon, it finally stopped around 8:00 this evening. 


A little bit more progress has been made in the cellar. As I only planned to work up until dinner time, I decided to concentrate on a couple of small fiddly bits.


First I tackled the area above the door at the top of the stairs, for this I cut and fitted the narrow piece above and Tom the rear of cellar the door. It is just over 4” wide and just under 30” long, so drilling a 65mm hole in the centre, without snapping the piece meant I had to work very carefully. After several test fits, removing a small amount and re fitting it, I finally got it right and it looks really good. 


That done, I turned my attention to the bottom of the stairs. The slope above the stairs is too long to enable a single piece of board to fit, so it meant using two pieces. So I decided to put the short piece at the bottom of the stairs where a couple of cut outs are required, one on each side where the slope meets the framing around the floor beam ends. I felt it would be a lot easier to handle a small piece, when I was checking and rechecking the fit. I’m hoping that I can get the final 2 panels up tomorrow. 


Once done, I packed up and got changed before dinner. After dinner I decorated the cupcakes, ready for the arrival of the Mongol horde grandkids. Which it turns out wasn’t time wasted as the cakes went down very well. 


Goodnight all 

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We were in Stratford today (no, not that one. nor that one either.) to the Shaxpur festival and saw Henry VIII. I first (and last) saw that there about 1962 with a school group. Hadn't the faintest idea what was going on then; a little better now but I really can't tell some characters apart. But the production was well done and reasonably traditional.


When I had a low opening to duck through, I added a sheet of Styrofoam insulation to cover the top board. I also kept a cap lined with bubble wrap handy as the are beyond was the crawl space.

On my train layout I have some plumbing insulation (foam plastic tube that goes around pipes) over the 1x3 beams and joists.


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