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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone 


This morning’s shopping trip to the Trafford Centre was, as Sheila put it, successful. Successful in that she was able to pick up her friend a birthday gift. The rain eased off too and by the time we were heading for home, it had stopped completely. I was however, unable to get myself a pastie for my dinner from the butchers, so I had to settle for a steak and potato pie instead!


After dinner I spent the afternoon doing a little research and make a list of loco number and maker plates so that an order can be placed with Narrow Planet for some of there fine etched products. 


This afternoon we enjoyed the company of James and Amelia who came round for tea, fish, chips and mushy peas was on tonight’s menu and going on the fact that there were 4 empty plates, it went down very well with everyone. 


Once they’d left for home, we had a quick tidy up before settling down with a nice bottle of merlot.


As for childhood deseases, I’ve had measles (3 times), mumps, chicken pox, German measles and at one point it was thought that I had polio, but it turned out to be a problem with my knees, which thankfully never seemed to be a problem afterwards. As for vaccines, I’m all in favour of them. 


Goodnight all 

Edited by BSW01
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29 minutes ago, Kingzance said:

Is Mr Murphy likely to remain at the helm?


Only if following the tradition of the captain going down with the sinking ship I think.



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  • RMweb Premium
17 minutes ago, BSW01 said:


As for childhood deceases, I’ve had .........


So you're posting through a medium then?


Hat and coat time?


Goodnight again.



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1 hour ago, Coombe Barton said:

I had the measles, the mumps, the chicken pox, the whole gamut of childhood illnesses before the days of vaccinations. I'm now immune, I trust. The vaccines available now should not be ignored by anyone. If people do, or fail to take them up, this to me smacked of irresponsible parenting. Never mind the freedom of choice, it's just plain irresponsible to expose your child and anyone they come into contact with, something so easily preventable.




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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, 

Woken by heavy rain storm hammering on the windows. 

Slight headache, 

Oh the world does exist on TV now the election is over. 

Time to try for more sleep... 

time to try for more slee

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring again, 

Not much extra sleep, Ben the Border Collie wanted out, 

It's b******y windy out there,  and cold. 


Plans for today, 

Second Muggacoffee, 

Wrap up warm

Build doors of shed in shelter of shed,  

Finish trim of shed not in shelter of shed,

Finish floor of shed in shelter of shed,

Move wood for trailer hard top into shelter of shed, 

Come into house to get warm and decide what do next.. 



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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up! Sunny but chilly here.

Mugatea being drunk...

My T20 starts at 10:30. Precipitation due about then for 10 minutes or so. Warm jumpers and waterproofs added to umpire gear for today.

Her indoors has picked up a bad cold. I am valiantly resisting its advances on me.


Congratulations to Councillor Laddo. Hope you enjoy the position. Election here it wasn't about po!iti(s it was about a road scheme being Bulleid through by the council. Not a good idea as it involves a lot of trees being cut down and being replaced by asphalt. 


Have a great day!


Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

The sun is trying to make an appearance through the clouds and sunny spells with the chance of some showers are forecast.

Last night's rugby was rather poor but at least Tigers are almost safe.  I can't see Newcastle surviving, it would take several miracles now. 

This afternoon I will be watching Saracens v Exeter which should be a great game. Before that however there are a couple of blinds to fit in the shed.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Mawwnin one and all. SWMBO is sipping her muggertea and so I have had a chance to view the important events of the night courtesy of ERs. Invited out for late lunch today at nearby zoo which houses all my grandkids so, with presence of SiL (who regaled us last night with many tales of NHS farce) and the normal task list, modelling is unlikely. Results from some rugby grounds will be awaited with some trepidation, but not as much as perhaps by certain supporters of green, red and white shirts.

As for local elections, it would be nice to think that the councillors we have elected, including any Councillor Laddos and Lasses associated with you learned lot, were free to act on the best interests of the people you offered to serve. Sadly my experiences show that party politics pervades even the local levels. Very good luck to you and long may you stand by your principles although life is an endless series of compromises.

Tis bright and windy outside, may the fourth be with you and all that.

Edited by Kingzance
Ukulele type o’s
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All

It's dry and windy today

We done to Mike's Laddo with his new council post .

Years ago there was a chap by the name of Joe King in the office where I worked god knows what his parents were think of

when they named him. :biggrin_mini2:

Today will be a R&R day "railroading" in the garage I did get in there yesterday to tidy up I will be throwing out some buckets 

she has been collecting for a rainy day. 

                                                                      enjoy your day I will I found the ear plugs :superman: Copta Deffen  :music_mini2:

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  • RMweb Gold
3 hours ago, chrisf said:

Good morning one and all


I'm going to get dangerously close to politics.  In the local elections in Bedford I managed to pick three winners - two ward councillors and a mayor.  In the case of the councillors I departed from my orange instincts purely because I am acquainted with one of the successful candidates through the LGBT group and before that the commuters association.  This is just as logical as most of the reasons advanced by the pundits for maverick behaviour on the part of the electorate.  I am far from persuaded that the inability or reluctance of Parliament to do what is expected of it is a valid and logical reason for giving hapless local councillors a good kicking. 


I don't doubt that many voters on Thursday did take out their frustrations with Mrs May and Mr Corbyn over Brexit. Very unfair on some hard-working local councillors who have had nothing to do with that.


But I also think that the journos are making too much of it - being the story rather than reporting it. Many voters, like Chris, will have voted for perfectly good LOCAL reasons.


The good news is that the electorate has not become so disenchanted that they did not vote at all. Turnout, although poor by the standards of some countries, was pretty healthy by UK standards for local government elections.

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  • RMweb Gold
7 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

Oh dear, I've done a GDB, sort of. No blood spilt but somehow I've twisted my dodgy (replacement) knee. Something went pop and it's now painful to put weight on. Walking stick has been deployed. 

And there I was thinking you were limbering up for a trial with a rugby XV.


After Biggles' (Dave Hunt) suggestion of  having a go, perhaps we ought to have an ERs All Stars XV.


You me and the Bishop in the front row

Biggles snapping at our heels and keeping us in line.........................


.............Olddudders as a Jaques Brunel style rugby coach.................


What could possible go wrong?



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  • RMweb Gold
5 minutes ago, Happy Hippo said:

And there I was thinking you were limbering up for a trial with a rugby XV.


After Biggles' (Dave Hunt) suggestion of  having a go, perhaps we ought to have an ERs All Stars XV.


You me and the Bishop in the front row

Biggles snapping at our heels and keeping us in line.........................


.............Olddudders as a Jaques Brunel style rugby coach.................


What could possible go wrong?



Everything, I doubt very much any of us would manage the walk onto the pitch.  :laugh:

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