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Good evening everyone 


The weather today has been bl00dy awful, rain, rain, lots of rain which has lasted all day. We also had some very strong winds late afternoon and into the early part of the evening, but thankfully they’ve now subsided, but we are still having the odd strong gust of wind every now and then and it’s still chuckinitdarn!


Max and I had a good time in the workshop this morning. I showed him how to use a few hand tools, files etc, but he’s a bit too small to reach my bench vice properly at the moment, so he really struggled when it came to filing. I’ll perhaps have to think about making a raised footboard he can stand on until he gets a bit taller. He also had a go with the soldering iron and he actually made his first soldered joint today. He was particularly pleased when he couldn’t break it! We even found time to play engines too! I got the impression that he would like to spend a bit more time in there with me in the future. 


Vickie and Ian were due to pick the kids up at around 12:00, but I got a text from Sheila just before 11:45 saying they were here! Max was gutted that he had to leave early, but apparently they needed to go shopping early, as Vickie was off out again in the afternoon, meeting up with a friend. 


After dinner I sat down at the table in the dining room and made a quick sketch of wooden support bracket (I’ll be making 4). When the plaster and plasterboard was delivered on Thursday, they were on 2 separate pallets, so there is quite a bit of wood to play with and there should be more than enough for what I’ve got in mind, there should even be some left over. I will then to use these supports to hold the plasterboard in place when it comes to fitting the new ceiling.


Goodnight all 

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15 hours ago, Joseph_Pestell said:


I have to work a lot with HMRC being the alcohol business. Can be very trying.


My late FiL "worked" for  was employed by  received a paycheck from the revenue ;)



Edited by AndyID
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4 hours ago, Tony_S said:

 I had the recall letter for my car from Land Rover. It needs a software update to keep CO2 emissions within tolerance. 



I doubt if it will improve the performance much.

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Today yesterday was a busy day.

Golf - avoiding the worst of the showers to play in our annual "Lancashire v Rest of the World" golf match.

I won my game 6-3 and the overall result was 1 point in front for the Red Rose County - YAY!


Then my old favourite layout NB was dispatched to new climes in the North East. Modelling tokens were earned in exchange for it. They will be duly exchanged for models in due course............

Finishing the day with a visit to the Blackburn Hawks end of season presentation night, where NB Junior picked up her sponsored player shirt (fully washed and any bloodstains removed.......)


Currently researching transatlantic flights to potentially meet up with our US friends for Thanksgiving later in the year.

Although Mrs NB can fly a couple of days earlier than me, I will have to wait until the day after the NEC/Warley show for my travel.

Currently, I've found £376 return for a 2 stop trip via AMS and BOS to RDU.  Not a bad deal methinks. Next research will be suitable model stores in NC........


Work tomorrow today.

Have a good Sunday folks.




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28 minutes ago, AndyID said:


My late FiL "worked" for the revenue ;)


Judging by the amount of money I've paid (and still pay) the revenue over the past 52 years I suppose technically I employ them but I've yet to discover what it is they actually do for me! :banghead:


After thinking about that decided I needed a(nother) large brandy before retiring. 


Night all. Hic.

Edited by grandadbob
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Mooring Awl,  Inner Temple Hare, 

A good nights sleep,  but I've woken up with back pain, breakfast plus pink pills required.


Ben the Border Collie  got me up,  the ground is wet but there are no deep puddles so we haven't had the amount of rain expected. 

I forgot to mention Ben has bandages on.. While charging around he manage to remove a dew claw again,  it doesn't seem to bother him though. Even when he did it he was more interested in his ball. 


Scattered clouds, a cool north easterly breeze, not strong enough to stop roof building shortly. 


Yesterday my sailing club had a special sailing event,  or rather didn't  because sailing and 50mph winds don't go together. 

Time for that breakfast.. 

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Ey Up!

Sunny here this morning so part 3 of my umpiring schedule may go ahead..


House is full of plaster dust. Our plasterer/painter reckons he will be finished next week. The furniture move will start then..although her indoors is now saying that we need new carpets fitting before we move everything back in. Pah!


Have as good a day as you can!




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Well, it's miserable and wet in North Salopshire this morning but at least it's not blowing a gale. On Friday evening we had a beautiful, blossom laden cherry tree in our front garden; this morning there is a cherry tree with a few blossoms clinging to it whilst surrounding it and covering a large area of garden is what looks like a pale pink, soggy snowdrift.


Today we (SWMBO, Dad, No. 1 son, two grandchildren and me) are supposed to be going out for lunch but SWMBO is coughing fit to bust and her voice has reduced to a croak so we'll have to see. This evening No. 1 son and offspring return to Derbyshire so relative peace will be restored here just leaving the wreckage of what was once quite a reasonable house to be sorted out. How small children can devastate their surroundings so quickly never ceases to amaze me. Mind you, once the cleaning up process is finished I may well be able to get in some decent workshop time.


Whatever your plans are for today I hope that they work out and you have a good one.



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Morning all


The view outside appears to be of Taunton this morning. 


A somewhat uncomfortable ride was not enjoyed on the Marrow from Paddington yesterday with constant vibration through an inadequately soft seat accompanied by occasional loud thumps and bumps from what passes for suspension on a modern train. Woeful. 


A bus ride followed to the Lydeard of Bishops and a gathering around an impressive model of Bath Green Park. There followed a convivial and rather good meal in the Lethbridge Arms before retiring for the night. I shall shortly be setting out on the Staplegrove Crusade with the intention of relieving myself of a few pasty tokens. 


Messages received from SWMBO indicate she has had a reasonable evening. We reunite tonight back Upon the Hill of Strawberries. 


Best wishes to all. At least the wind has abated here. 

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The very ordered day yesterday proceeded quite well and even managed to cope with a curved ball added by son who needed assistance determining how he will construct and enclose six power supplies for his astral photography set-up. I was amazed how many different bits are involved beyond those which a basic pic-taker would expect!

My dentist managed to complete the restoration of a smooth surface to one of my teeth that had developed a pothole, shame our local council can’t do the same with our roads. SWMBO duly minded the babes (now six, going on 12) during the afternoon and it’s seems that various rugby clubs managed to align their scores to best suit my team. We didn’t do too badly in the village quiz last night, fourth out of fifteen teams of eight in a packed hall - no need for coats or sweaters! A somewhat circuitous return home as SWMBO had taken much Sauvignon Blanc and struggled to walk in a straight line, not helped by a gusty winD.

Sunshine is being rapidly replaced by grey clouds streaming in from a northerly direction suggests work outside will be short lived today. Kingzance may see some more progress unless fresh orders are received. Be good or be careful one and all.

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Morning All 

Up very early I had a flit through the red button to catch up on the scores of yesterdays snooker Her constantly turning channels most of the day

 yesterday I gave up and watch a few frames in peace this am.

I've almost finished building the wagon kit which was purchased yesterday, I glued the lead weight in last night with contact adhesive and let it set up 

overnight the roof and detail parts will go on it shortly and a rattle can is on stand-by for this afternoons fun if it warms up a bit outside.

                                                                                                       enjoy your day I must get on :superman:A.Waggunmaka :biggrin_mini2:

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Good morning from a cloudy Surrey. yesterday we had a good day at Rotarail with a firend new Swiss layout. Usual teething problems with any new layout at its first shwo depsite testing beforehand - never the same till in a show environment but he has till November to tweek it before Warley.


Red car was fine till we got up the top of the lsip road off the M27 then no power and load of lights on the dashboard. Pulled over switched off and restarted, all fine til next roundabout so had to do the same and oncem ore when we arrived at the venue.


The trip home and all was fine, so hopefully just the managemrnt system having a once in a lbue moon wobbler.


Today I am deciding on whether to proceed with the price for the shed base which had gone up quite a bit after changing ot ply and adding underfloor insulation. He has given me a cheaper price for moisture resistant baord (need ot aks what sort of board) but do require insulation. If i do give the go ahead they will order tomorrow and commence Tuesday. I know that I could do the base myself for less than half the price but they have the ability to get it done level and true and quickly allowing me to then build the shed sooner with a decent base to work off.

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Overcast today in sunny Teignmouth.


Three teens who were part of a larger group who were involved in smashing up an elderly couples summer house yesterday have handed themselves in to the police this morning.  Amazing the power of your photo bring posted on Facebook.


Earlier this morning I thought about going to SWAG at Taunton but I didn't.


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5 minutes ago, lightengine said:


Three teens who were part of a larger group who were involved in smashing up an elderly couples summer house yesterday have handed themselves in to the police this morning.  Amazing the power of your photo bring posted on Facebook.


Whatever the excuses, I really hope that these culprits are made to restore the victims’ property (including any fencing) to its status before their anti-social actions and at the perpetrators’ cost. Sadly, I suspect that won’t happen.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull this morning with signs of rain, glad that I have nothing to do outside. Among the 009 goodies purchased yesterday was a wagon loaded with barrels and beer crates so an idea is forming of an isolated pub served by its own narrow gauge railway. Thats it for now, be back later.

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8 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull this morning with signs of rain, glad that I have nothing to do outside. Among the 009 goodies purchased yesterday was a wagon loaded with barrels and beer crates so an idea is forming of an isolated pub served by its own narrow gauge railway. Thats it for now, be back later.

Or perhaps a craft brewery???

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Good morning everyone 


The sun is shining and the sky is blue, but there are a few clouds about though. Later up this morning after having had breakfast in bed. Now sat in the kitchen with muggertea No2, in about 45 minutes or so we are are to a local pub for lunch, we will be meeting up with Vickie, Ian, and kids, James and Amelia, Mike and Sarah plus the rest of Ian’s family to celebrate Vickie’s birthday. There will be about 30 people there all told, so no doubt it will be a loud, but very enjoyable afternoon, we probably won’t get back home much before 5:00! The sunshine should make the walk there and back very enjoyable, I’m so glad the bad weather was with us yesterday. 


After that we don’t have anything else planned for the day, probably just relax once we’re back home. 


Back later

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17 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull this morning with signs of rain, glad that I have nothing to do outside. Among the 009 goodies purchased yesterday was a wagon loaded with barrels and beer crates so an idea is forming of an isolated pub served by its own narrow gauge railway. Thats it for now, be back later.


9 minutes ago, Kingzance said:

Or perhaps a craft brewery???

Or a combination of both?

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Just went to print out a single sheet on my printer only to have it start printing 7 copies of a 26 page set of recipes that SWMBO had told it to do. What she actually wanted was a single copy of two pages but by podging buttons at random set in motion the aforesaid paper forest. The big problem was that I couldn't stop the printer; even switching it off didn't work as when it was switched back on it took up where it had left off but the print management section didn't show anything in the print queue. Fortunately No. 1 son, who is a software systems engineer, was on hand and managed eventually to sort things out but not before it had printed about sixty sheets. SWMBO is now taking lessons from No. 1 son on how not to screw up print jobs.


Apart from that the day is going swimmingly.



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Afternoon from a still overcast south east coast although its possible that the sun will make an appearance later.


Having spent most of my working life living and travelling to and from the Far East I've now decided that my days of international travel are over especially as I've seen most of the places I want to see. Instead I've decided that I must see more of the UK starting with a number of day trips by train.


Having visited Snowdonia a couple of weeks ago a few day trips have been organised for the rest of the year. First trip is May 11 by Hastings Thumper to Lowestoft. Will join the train at Tonbridge and travel through south, west and north London onto the Great Eastern mainline at Stratford and then to Norwich and Lowestoft for a break of around three hours which will allow me some time to explore the north part of Lowestoft which I missed do on my visit last year. 


Yesterday my copy of the latest issue of Tramfare (magazine of the Tramway & Light Railway Society) arrived which gave details of the TLRS AGM to be held in Birkenhead on May 18. Having attended and enjoyed last years AGM held at the Docklands Museum in London suddenly thought why don't I pop up to Birkenhead this year. Headed for National Rail Enquiries and found that such a trip (with reserved seats on the Virgin sectors) is feasible although it does mean starting with the 06:02 Javelin to St. Pancras giving me enough time to have a quick breakfast at the Golden Arches before catching the 07:35 Pendolino to Crewe changing to a London North Western train to Liverpool Lime Street arriving at 10:11. Return journey starts at 17:47 with arrival back home at 21:32. The AGM is being held at the Wirral Transport Museum for which we will be issued with a souvenir ticket which will give one day access to the museum and unlimited tram rides. Also thinking of taking a ferryboat across the Mersey, last time I did something similar was a trip on a paddle steamer on the Woolwich Ferry!


In the meantime the azaleas, bluebells and clematis are in flower in the garden, summer just round the corner:




Have a good day,



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