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  • RMweb Gold

Morning has broken - well one of next door’s fence panels is broken and I thought I lived where hurricanes hardly happened! As per Brian W above, grandkids can be wonderful when they are well exercised, fed and watered. I expect that also applies to those with canine dependents.

Last evening listened to sporadic rain lashing study window and Falcons attempting to prolong their Gallagher Premiership survival but the gods (well, Saints) didn’t smile upon them. The closeness of that league this season has vindicated the imposition of the salary cap, even if it hasn’t fully filtered through yet. F1 set to record, CBA to manage my days just to watch it live anymore.

Very unlikely to make any progress on Kingzance today as I have to visit my rather good Romanian dentist before attending a village quiz this evening and no, the tooth puller isn’t in Bucharest but in Northamptonshire.

A good day / night / weekend to all who have important events scheduled and may your wallets live to fight another day / show / SWMBO shopping experience.

Edited by Kingzance
Tooth not pulled, but he is a tooth puller.
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Collected SWMBO's car from the garage yesterday for the loss of a severe number of modelling tokens but at least its warning system has stopped complaining. Next will be new tyres as two of the present ones are down to 3.5 mm of tread so I'll have to keep an eye on them. And I've just had a complete set on my Passat. Cars eh?


As an added bonus SWMBO and I appear to have developed colds which were probably imported from Derbyshire by one of the grandchildren. At least they don't  seem as bad as the recent attacks of lurgy, just  bl***y annoying really.


Today is starting with gales and rain in North Salopshire with a forecast of more gales and rain followed by gales and rain. At the moment I'm trying to ignore it all with muggercoffee but the market calls. Chin up, as they say in Swaziland, full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes!


With sympathies for all those who may have to cancel cricket matches etc. and envy of them that get to attend modelling events today - have yourselves a good time and go home lighter in pocket but greater in spirit.


Bye for now.



Edited by Dave Hunt
Predictive text rubbish again
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Opened my e-mails this morning to find one purportedly coming from Virgin Media claiming that my service payment had failed and that if I didn't re-submit my bank details my service would be discontinued, I immediately smelt a rat, a long dead and very smelly one. So I put it in the spam folder and contacted Virgin Media who confirmed it was phishing. Blowing a hooley with horizontal rain at the moment. Soon be on my way to the Romford exhibition, be back later.

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Shopping completed. Rain still raining Pah!


No phone call yethrough so I may end up sitting in a cricket club waiting for one minute past four. (Games must start before 4pm.)


I note we are missing a number of ERs at the moment, hope they are well.


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  • RMweb Gold
13 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Opened my e-mails this morning to find one purportedly coming from Virgin Media claiming that my service payment had failed and that if I didn't re-submit my bank details my service would be discontinued, I immediately smelt a rat, a long dead and very smelly one. So I put it in the spam folder and contacted Virgin Media who confirmed it was phishing. Blowing a hooley with horizontal rain at the moment. Soon be on my way to the Romford exhibition, be back later.


Over the past couple of days I have received phone calls on my mobile from numbers beginning 0300 300 31xx. In most cases, there has been an annoying lack of connection when I answered the call but finally yesterday there was a pre-recorded message purporting to be from HRMC advising that there was fraudulent activity on my account. This was certainly a recorded message so I am equally sure it was an attempted scam, hence why I am highlighting the source numbers. 

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  • RMweb Gold
4 minutes ago, Kingzance said:


Over the past couple of days I have received phone calls on my mobile from numbers beginning 0300 300 31xx. In most cases, there has been an annoying lack of connection when I answered the call but finally yesterday there was a pre-recorded message purporting to be from HRMC advising that there was fraudulent activity on my account. This was certainly a recorded message so I am equally sure it was an attempted scam, hence why I am highlighting the source numbers. 


It is a scam. But worryingly, the scammers are able to "spoof" the numbers which make them look as though they are genuinely from HMRC. This has been going on for months now but Govt seems unable to do anything about it. Probably to busy with B*****!

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5 minutes ago, Joseph_Pestell said:


It is a scam. But worryingly, the scammers are able to "spoof" the numbers which make them look as though they are genuinely from HMRC. This has been going on for months now but Govt seems unable to do anything about it. Probably to busy with B*****!


I thought as much Joseph but have reported it by e-mail to HMRC's phishing line. As for the B word, I suspect that HMG uses this as yet another excuse for its continued failures. I am not alone in being minded of the lyrics from Hotel California - "you can check out any time you want but you can never leave" followed by Joe Walsh launching into a guitar solo.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


Whilst browsing on my ipad, I was suddenly thrown off the interweb! So I've reverted to my phone. Grandkids up just before 9:00 which was brilliant, they've now been fed and watered. So once Sheila has got herself ready, Max and I are off to spend a few hours in the workshop, I'm sure we'll find something to do in there!


As for phishing and scam phone calls. I never reply or click on any link in an email unless I'm expecting it.

I don't answer any phone call if I don't recognise the number.

If they don't leave a message, I don't reply, simples. 


Enjoy the rest of the day, back later 

Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Gold
22 minutes ago, Kingzance said:


I thought as much Joseph but have reported it by e-mail to HMRC's phishing line. As for the B word, I suspect that HMG uses this as yet another excuse for its continued failures. I am not alone in being minded of the lyrics from Hotel California - "you can check out any time you want but you can never leave" followed by Joe Walsh launching into a guitar solo.




I have to work a lot with HMRC being the alcohol business. Can be very trying.

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Mooring again,  

Snooze button worked.. 

Ben the Border Collie  got me up,  our patrol showed no rain so far and a breezy but cloudless sky.


  In 5 minutes I'm going to get started on the shed roof. I Intend to keep going till either it's too windy or the rain arrives. If that's just a short time I'll move into the garage to do some trimming of wood, while most of the boards for the tin shed floor were cut to size some need trimming due to things like going round the sliding door rails, which are also angled vertically.. 


If I get a lot done I might return to the house and start studying a package of two, wheeled objects that currently are in a post 1923 colour scheme . There were a class of 6 of these and I now have: 1 built complete, 1 chassisless built,   1kit, plus two donor chassis still in their donors. 

I hope to take them to the MRC next week for testing before building /repainting commences.. 


Opps I forgot to post the above 3 hours ago,, 

Centre roof beam fitted, during which it clouded over. 

The wind came up further and it's already blowing 36. Not the conditions for waving sheets of steel in the air. 

So the floorboards were trimmed and fitted. 18 are now in place, 8 to go of which the orange shed will cut 6 and I'll have to tailor the other two. 

Three left over pieces were cut to form bases for the equipment  trolleys for the workshop, when BQ cut the remaining floor boards the next week, they can cut the left overs more to size.  That will give me tops and bottoms for 4 trolleys. 

The intermediate shelves in the trolleys will be made from more left overs. So I need to buy some supporting beams for the corners,  and the thin ply skin turning each trolley into a cupboard. 


We're about the take Ben out before the rain gets really  heavy..


Bye for now 




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Morning, had my brekkie earlier, now I am on a 5 percent or less sugar diet(failed my MOT last year, not dealing with sugar/glucose as well as I might), but I am allowed some "proper" honey, so this stuff comes in it's comb in a tin, very nice it is too. Only downer is I am now finding little bits of what is now un honeyed wax between my teeth, a bit like chewing a candle...……………………...yuk

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Nescot visited and as usual an enjoyable show. This was helped by the company of Bob81C and his mate Steve and also brief chats with BillB, ChrisF and Dave Searle.

As suspected I was tempted and came away with a book on oil tank wagons and two O gauge open wagons obtained for a bargain price. All in all an excellent morning out.

Even The Boss hardly raised an eyebrow at my purchases, I think she realises that it would be like talking to the wall. :yes:

Now for some Rugby.

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Again GDB ceases to amaze me with his spending It was a good show all the gang enjoyed it and yes I spent a few coppers on a wagon kit.

Good luck to Bill he exited the canteen with a spillage on the front of him  I hope he gets that mess off his shirt. :biggrin_mini2: 

Off to watch some snooker or fall asleep whatever comes first.

                                                                                                                enjoy the rest of it :superman:I.M. Crackered:boredom:

Edited by 81C
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Recently I discovered the Milwaukee Road "Olympian Hiawatha" (Seattle/Chicago) ran within six miles of here. I'd know about that bit of track for many years but I never realized it was part of the main line. It's still in operation today with a few freight trains a week. There's still evidence of a turning triangle at Manito in Washington - probably for turning the banking locomotives.

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  • RMweb Gold
4 hours ago, 81C said:

Again GDB ceases to amaze me with his spending It was a good show all the gang enjoyed it and yes I spent a few coppers on a wagon kit.



Ha! and I say again Ha! In fact HaHa! I am but a mere amateur in the spending stakes compared to you old friend although I must admit that today, for once, you were very restrained. You must try harder. :yes:


In other news son Steve visited this afternoon and informed me that he is on the case and is tracking down a good laptop deal for me. It can't come soon enough because my current machine is upsetting me to the extent that I may cause it GBH before long.

Edited by grandadbob
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We have returned from Enfield .  Aditi’s sister had asked me last week to look at MiL's laptop. It had refused to update since a year ago. I wasn’t planning to do anything else while we were there so set everything going while I had lunch. Then after that all worked it did a virus check (while I had tea). 

Not a lot happening tonight. There will be a trip to Leigh tomorrow to collect some stuff I ordered. Also today I had the recall letter for my car from Land Rover. It needs a software update to keep CO2 emissions within tolerance. 




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41 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

 Two things:

  • Laptops have been known to fight back. 
  • Or they get their friends (for example phone, TV remote, power drill, say) to do it for them

Or he will get a back hander from the missus for being a silly boy. :girldevil:

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day at Romford today despite not seeing Bill, or no one to his description anyway. I may well have outspent GDB however. One of the traders had a mass of 009 goodies that I just couldn't resist and I subsequently spent it on 009. Here comes the rub, I gave up 009 over 25 years ago but now I have decided to start on a micro layout.  Among the goodies purchased was a loop of 009 track ready wired for a controller (which I already have) fitted to a 4" by 6" card so it shouldn't take too long. Among the rolling stock I purchased was a little railcar from a company called Jelly, apparently the bees knees when it comes to 009.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Quiet day today, poured with rain on and off and the fires been lit for most it, did a bit more of the "G" word in the greenhouse and generally had my feet up, no inside of eyelid observing, just chilling whilst SWMBO was out with her pal for the day. Not had the tv on in case they show my rugby teams poor showing, well if they can't win at home, there's not much chance, besides they didn't come to see me when I was bad.

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