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5 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:


Since it's my birthday I'm being treated royally this morning and am opening cards whilst consuming muggercoffee  in bed.

Your punishment for such decadence is the possibility of seeing me and Gordon at the NWOG show at Leigh on Saturday.

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20 minutes ago, Happy Hippo said:

Your punishment for such decadence is the possibility of seeing me and Gordon at the NWOG show at Leigh on Saturday.

Perish the thought. :mocking_mini:

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Happy birthday Dave! May a tincture or two of Scotland finest pass your lips today!.


Dr Eldest Herbert delivered to the Station.

Shopping done but at a smallerror cost than usual.


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2 hours ago, 81C said:Here's one for you Phil Reg across the road has conned his son into buying a car why I don't know I would well imagine just to block any one parking in front of their house

the word is out about the lads lack of skill around the driving schools we haven't seen one for a good few weeks the lad took 5 minute just to do a 3 point turn to get out of the

close on his last lesson Reg went in doors after the tenth maneuver with embarrassment the poor sod is clueless.  

Reg doesn't spend one minute with the poor sod teaching him to drive unless it's an insurance thing, the car has sat for 2months collecting dust only to be shuffled round with his 

Reg's car and her truck he spent the entire day washing and polishing the 3 of them on Monday with his pile of 50 duster or more, 8 buckets, 2 hoovers ,a power wash and thousands

of car cleaning bottles of liquid the guy is a total Nerd.:rofl:

Reg wouldn’t like us. There is moss growing on Aditi’s car. My excuse is that it is due to our exceptionally clean air locally. I suspect it will be cleaned up before the service. We wouldn’t want the garage technician to get grubby. I had better explain though that the interior is immaculate. My car seems to be the target for gulls and pigeons in competitive poo bombing games. 


I may not  have planned much but today so far we have sorted out possible days to go to Dublin to retrieve Matthew’s possessions from the Guards (stored in Finglas now).  Also I have got my unavailable anywhere (for 6 weeks) medication today. I was almost down to looking under the bed for dropped ones. 

The final thing was that Aditi has booked a week in Italy at the end of June. At least a lakeside holiday won’t require me to walk up and down hills. We may even get a train ride while there. 


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Thoughts and condolences to Big Jim, celebrate the life shared.


Happy Birthday Dave.


BIN day, quiet at present for some inexplicable reason, usually by now the BIN trucks are ever present, calm before the storm I guess.


Good meeting with the sub-committee yesterday evening, enhanced by sharing a decent beer and pizza at a place we'd not been before.

Sounds like at least we'll have plenty of support and help as we take our place in the planning for this event.


11 and cloudy first thing, 21 for the high later with partial sun. Still forecasting a high of 3 (low -2) Saturday with sleet and snow, possibly some accumulation.


Carry on.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Catching up after the outage this morning, at least it was only a couple of hours. Ian, thanks for reminding me about BIN day, mine is tomorrow instead of today due to the bank holiday. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Firstly condolences Big Jim

and then Happy Birthday Dave.


Our bin men have been on strike, but they turned up to empty one of the bins, no idea if the strife is resolved or not. Woke to sunshine, went out with the camera and by shear fluke turned for home just as the rain finally arrived, not much of a downpour, but much needed.

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8 hours ago, laurenceb said:

Why it has desided to quote Bryan  I dont know 


This new incarnation seems to remember the last quote (IIRC, there is a 'clear' button, but still no 'groan' button!)


Condolences Big Jim.


Happy Birthday Dave.

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Good morning everyone.


Well I was right about the delivery this morning,  5 minutes of my post the door bell went. It was the first of my deliveries arriving and the second part arrived a couple of hours later, just after 10:00. That was the bulk part of the order, namely 12 sheets of plasterboard and 8 bags of finishing plaster and 4 sheets wooden flooring. However, when I checked the original order, I found that I was short by 3 items. So a quick phone call to the big orange DIY shed revealed that my shipment had actually been split in 3 parts and not 2, as I first thought, I was informed that the missing items were due today later today, sometime between 12:15 and 1:15. They arrived at about 12:20, so bang on time. 


I’d already drawn up a cutting schedule for the plasterboard a few days ago. So whilst the plasterboard was still on it’s pallet, I decided to cut it outside, it meant that pieces were smaller, easier to handle. I’d got most of it was cut and in the cellar before Sheila got back from her Zumba class. But the rest were done whilst she was in the shower. I’d just got the last couple of offcuts stored away and was rinsing of the drive, when it started to rain, so I guess I timed very nicely. 


After dinner it was just a case of clearing up outside and generally tidying up, I also mopped the hall floor as I’d trodden quite a bit of plaster dust in, as one of the bags had a small hole in it!


By the time I’d finished it was almost 4:00, so I went for a quick shower before sitting down with a well earned muggertea and unwrapped this month’s BRM, which dropped through the letterbox this morning.


This evening, like yesterday we had a heavy rain shower along with thunder and lightning. The evening was rounded off with a nice bottle of red.


Dave. Happy birthday 


Goodnight all 

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John: (on proliferation of hairdressers)

I used to complain that 90% of the stores in the mall were ladies' dress shops.

That is now down to about 60% and 30% are cell phone stores.


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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple hare,

 A three piece sleep last night, unfortunately the gaps were rather long, I'm extremely tired this morning.


The've reduced the flow of water from the burst mains in the next village, unfortunately they've also reduced our pitiful water pressure. The lack of pressure is such that the upstairs toilet cistern ballcock  is shutting of the flow long before it's filled. You have to stand there and hold the ballcock down for a long time.

Filling the sink alongside isn't much better, several minutes to fill..


I'm getting demands from my bosses boss to fill in the training required section of the annual assessments. 3 years to go to retirement and I'm getting somewhat disinterested.. As it was they changed the password system and mine didn't have enough characters so I'm locked out. When bodies arrive later I'll have to go see the IT man.


I'm going to warm the lab later by running 120Amps through a DC current transformer, I'm just waiting for someone to finish with the second current supply equipment as they are rated at 100A so I need two.


Also because we've rolled in a new rack of test equipment yesterday for me to use (not calibrate), I've just wound down the set point of the A/C as was 0.2C high before I start. Worryingly the A/C has responded by going up 0.1C of a degree, we'll see what happens as it settles..


I went via the Big orange shed last night to get floor boards (OSM cut to size) for the Tin Shed /garage. Due to it not being in multiples of 8X4ft I'll have had 8 sheets demolished. The spare not used will however make good shelves for the equipment trollies for my workshop.


Time too... go see if the equipment is ready yet...






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Good morning all.

Very sorry to hear the sad news about Jack. I've never met him but he has given me some helpful advice on more than one occasion. 

I almost agree with Tony but think that I would take longer than a week to do John's daily tasks although some of the very clever lectury stuff would be waaaayyyy beyond me! My brain hurts just thinking about what all that involves.

The sun is shining and birdies have been singing although not in the wasteland that is my garden as I've had all trees and shrubs removed prior to Shedgate. Heavy rain and thundery showers are a possibility later.

Having been involved in supplying building materials all my life Brian's 3 separate deliveries of a small order seems rather strange to me.

It appears that domestic tasks are scheduled for a couple of hours and my assistance is required.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning from a sunny and noisy Robin Hoods Bay..the noise is from a large variety of birds.

Last morning here until next Easter. Pah!

We are leaving a day early as some of us are umpiring a T20 cricket match this afternoon..yep it is supposed to be chuckinitdarn but hey ho, one must show willing.


Breakfast then the delights of the A171 and A64 await.

TTFN as I need a mugatea 


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Morning All

RIP Jack (Shortliner) may your god go with you.

Up early to get on Her wants to do more holiday packing I said my old working clobber is ready to go in the case I'll get them from the box in the garage as she has emptied

the draws we must be going for a year.:banghead:

I've got to get my clothes hidden for tomorrows' show or they will disappear into the suit case, the man bag needs restocking after the trip up north I'll wander over

to Horrorsons later and get the necessary items, more railway things todo today all the loco's need a test run after winter storage several have stretched legs already

the large Prairies have been out towing the new suburban coaches around there is several large replacement 4-6-0 to be swopped over and the old one's tested ready for

selling once I get my golden ring piece thing set up.

                                                                                          enjoy your day don't get too wet Baz :superman:K.C. Jones :locomotive: 

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