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Sunny Teignmouth is gearing up for another day of sun.  Its already lovely and warm.


Twas good of the red Mancs and Arse**l to lose yesterday. Every little bit of help is appreciated in Spurs current situation.

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Good morning everyone 


The sun is shining and the sky is blue, breakfast has been consumed and as soon as I’ve finished my muggertea I’m off to the cellar to continue working on the new lighting circuit. 


Back later. 

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28 minutes ago, grandadbob said:


Rugby duly watched yesterday and Leinster will be in the final with Saracens next month. Should be a great game.


Yes, it should be a very good final as both teams exploit the game's rules to the maximum. It will need a VERY good referee and assistants to manage that, our Nige for example? Some of the activities by supposed fans at The Ricoh were certainly not in the spirit of the game and I remember to well being kicked in the head by a drunken Leinster fan as he fell forward from his seat in The Principality Stadium as I watched my team collapse against them.


Barbecue this late afternoon at Daughter & SiL's, I must break out my Padstow School apron for its initial season's airing!





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24 minutes ago, lightengine said:

Twas good of the red Mancs and Arse**l to lose yesterday. Every little bit of help is appreciated in Spurs current situation.


At the risk of upsetting daughter if she ever gets to read this, I suppose you will claim that your team was spurred on to lose their latest outing against blue Mancs!
Hat, coat door ->

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Over the weekend I used the car A/C for the first time for ages. It was OK to start with but then the car was filled with a smell best described as rotten cheesy socks. Luckily it soon cleared and hasn't come back. I suspect it was some water trapped in the system that became stagnant and warmed up with the car standing in the sun.

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20 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Over the weekend I used the car A/C for the first time for ages. It was OK to start with but then the car was filled with a smell best described as rotten cheesy socks. Luckily it soon cleared and hasn't come back. I suspect it was some water trapped in the system that became stagnant and warmed up with the car standing in the sun.

A similar odour can be easily created by mixing two varieties of screen wash concentrate in your washer bottle! In our case, it has also created a primordial soup so the poor screen wash pump is not delivering to its previous capacity. It pleases my simple soul to have SWMBO demanding that I use the screen washers to clean her side and then complaining of the sweet perfume of such actions :mocking_mini:

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Knackered I am,  another 7 hours out in the sun... 


Those roof beams and trusses took a long time to assemble  from many bits of metal. 

My shoulders ache, not helped by the fact the cartoon destructions didn't mention that one bracket had to be a particular way up,  half had to be taken off the trusses swapped round after they had been  mounted up in the air. 

There is still one roof beam to assemble and fit,  then all the roof cladding needs screwing on. 


Ben enjoyed it out there,  he spent a considerable time sun bathing.. 


Time to have a long soak in the bath... 

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Afternoon All


Again well cream crackered after a second 5am start to the A6, but at least some cash was generated, but which will not be to augment the modelling funds.


Rick, as with yesterday, hope that the missus manages to recover soon.  Everybody else, generic greetings are on offer to the ailing and the celebrating.


Regards to All


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Monday moaning here, and that means a regular work day again.


Saturday we shopped for the tile to use for the fireplace surround in the other house basement. Success and laid said tile, but that ended up with some very achy muscles!

Sunday early start as the choir sang at both services, standing for a LONG time, not helping the muscle aches.

Afternoon everyone over for dinner, successful BBQ and the weather was excellent. Very enjoyable day, but early to bed to rest aching body!


Turned back to early spring here this morning with thunderstorms and a high 0f 4 first thing. Rain/thunderstorms forecast most of the day high of 11.


Enjoy your additional day off those who get one. Carry on.

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Afternoon all.

Nearly finished the garage roof space restoration!

I will need to cut a small piece of plywood to do the last few inches but I was getting tired and my hands were shaking. Also having cut my thumb I was bleeding onto everything. Tomorrow it shouldn’t take too long to finish and I hope to start putting stuff back in the garage. 

It is getting cooler here now, still pleasant though. 


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9 minutes ago, AndyB said:

Evening all, and limbering up to a day or two in the office after several days away. Most of the diy jobs were completed, although there's still a few bits to do. 


Popped round with some shopping for mum earlier. 

Mum:"The TV doesn't work."

SWMBO "Let's see what's wrong with it.", switches it on and finds the problem.

Mum had used the remote control channel "up and down" to switch channel. 

Unfortunately, if you're on BBC1 and then start clicking "down channel" you end up on the adult channels. 

And yes, mum had got the subtitles on. :o




Do they have subtitles for groan and squelch?

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Popped into town this afternoon, went down a road that I haven't walked down for ages. Virtually every shop was boarded up on one side, then I remembered being told that that side was designated for redevelopment.

7 hours ago, Kingzance said:

A similar odour can be easily created by mixing two varieties of screen wash concentrate in your washer bottle! In our case, it has also created a primordial soup so the poor screen wash pump is not delivering to its previous capacity. It pleases my simple soul to have SWMBO demanding that I use the screen washers to clean her side and then complaining of the sweet perfume of such actions :mocking_mini:

I usually wait for the washer bottle to empty and then top it up, I carry fresh fluid in the car for that purpose. Having said that I had used the washers a couple of days before and some could have got into the air vents.

46 minutes ago, Harlequin said:

The day after Easter Sunday's big roast meal I can tell you, in case you are wondering, that Lamb and Rosemary pizza is not as nice as it sounds...


Better in a shepherds pie, that was the usual fate of left over roast lamb from Sunday dinner. I still have my mum's old hand operated mincing machine somewhere.

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Hoping the Hill of Strawberries is less panic stricken.


Some interesting shouts today; the last one just before I X-rayed, which lasted for more than two hours.  I was first on scene to a rather chaotic scenario and was later thanked by the neighbour for "just sorting it out".  Actually the neighbour was pretty impressive and I suggested she "google" Community First Responders - she would be good.


I have a problem.  The food waste goes in a small bin, with a handle that locks the lid when it is upright.  But Reynard has worked out how to open the lid and distribute the bin's contents around the garden.  And the council collect the food bin at 6:30am, which is a bit early for a pensioner to be getting out of bed!  Any ideas?


I'm listening to the Classic FM top 300.  Down to the last five; my problem isn't with the music (albeit Anton Bruckner won't win) but with Suchet's utterly smarmy voice.


Keep well all, off to don medical gloves to recover Reynard's scatterings, well after the Vaughn William piece, Bill

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Bill. Our local foxes haven’t learned that technique yet. I wonder how long it will take for the knowledge to get to South Essex. We have a similar bin but I notice the council are now distributing one that looks more robust. 

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26 minutes ago, bbishop said:


I'm listening to the Classic FM top 300.  Down to the last five; my problem isn't with the music (albeit Anton Bruckner won't win) but with Suchet's utterly smarmy voice.


Yes Bill, I'm absolutely with you regarding Mr Suchet's presentation. There are few presenters that have the skill to appear to be personally addressing the listener. On Classic, Anne-Marie Minhall does pretty well and in the pop sphere, Peter Waters Dingley (Johnnie Walker) and the late John Peel excelled. Personally, I would not argue with the contents of the top of this chart, maybe a little tweaking of the order but so what.

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We heard the results of the first one of these in 1996 on a field trip - was the Bruch violin concerto then. RVW at 1 and 4. The nation must have good taste. And Rach 2 at 2, Romanticism still to the fore.

Don't listen to ClassicFM on a regular basis - the playlist seems just too restrictive - gone back to Radio 3.

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Good evening everyone 


More progress has been made in the cellar today. I managed to complete the wiring installation for the lights. I then wired up the new lights, albeit temporarily and then connected 2 2-way switches into the circuit. The reason for these is that I usually exit and enter the house via the outside cellar door whenever I’m spending the day in either the garden or the workshop. It means that I don’t get in Sheila’s way or that I tread in mud etc. However, although the large cellar room gets plenty of natural light from the window and French doors, the small room gets none at all, so it can get quite dark. So I used to leave the light on whilst I was outside, which meant that it could be on for most of the day. But, now that the small room has a 2 way circuit I can switch the lights off/on at either the top or bottom of the stairs, I’m planning to do the same in the big room too, where I will put a switch by the internal door and the external door. 


So, once I’d finished and packed away my tools and tidied up. I came upstairs and placed a large order at the big orange DIY shed for plasterboard, finishing plaster etc. It’s all due to be delivered on Thursday,  it for some reason, the order is split into to deliveries!


Goodnight all

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3 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

What's my muddy hollow getting dragged into this thread for?


Which bit of you is muddy and hollow Richard? On second thoughts, maybe that would fall into the 'too much information' category?


4 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

RVW at 1 and 4. The nation must have good taste.


Can't argue with you there John. Just about my favourite composer.


Not a lot to report today, the most energetic activity for me having been drinking chilled prosecco with an ex-RAF buddy on the patio watching the grandchildren wear themselves out tearing round the garden. Not a bad way of spending a sunny afternoon.


Night night everyone. Peace and contentment to you and yours and sympathies if you are ailing or troubled.



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