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12 minutes ago, Robert said:

A little on the chilly side,


You're not kidding. I just took the dog out and it was snowing.

(Tomorrow is tax filing day in the US and it's not unusual to see snow showers around this time.)

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare,

No Snow round here, however even as the radio womble was saying no frost this week I was passing white frosted potato fields..


3.5 hours leep woke by a certain Dog going woof, since SWMBO didn't move, I suspect that was in my dreams. A futher 3 hours sleep on the sofa no sound from Ben except snooring...


Woke with some back pain, pills taken, I suspect cause by lifting and placing breeze blocks on a floor which forever seems to be moving away..


My socks are boring black, woollen, airmen for the use of. Actually they are a wool mix, but very good quality and last many years. Last time I bought some they were £3 a pair. I still have some that cost me nothing as they were issued at least 31 years ago. I tried various normal shops socks when I left the RAF, and found even the so called quality ones wouldn't last long on my heavy feet. The exception to the boring black, are my kilt socks, red with yellow /gold diamonds on them or Green with the diamonds on them, actually shooting socks that if fully wound up come to over the knees, they are about £20 a pair. But this is somewhat cheaper that true kilt "Diced" socks which if bought from a more up market shop cost £132 a pair..


Time to go process the results of various tests that were running when I left work on friday..

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Good morning all,

The sun has made an appearance and a dry day with sunny spells is forecast.

Rather pleased about that as in about an hour or so the shed men should be here to demolish the old one, remove it and lay the new base. :imsohappy:

Rugby enjoyed yesterday but although Exeter started well they were not quite themselves and Wasps played better than of late so a bit of an unexpected result. Good game to watch though.

I recorded the F1 highlights but must admit I found it rather boring to watch.

After that a very nice piece of Topside of Beef was enjoyed although if we'd cooked it for as long as Messrs Sainsbury suggested it would have probably been charcoal. I've noticed that on all their beef and steak labels. Good job I always do it my way which resulted in a lovely tender medium rare joint.

Today I will be mainly making cups of tea and  watching men at work.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning everyone 


Its a dull and quite a cool (6C) start to the day. Breakfast has been consumed and very shortly I’ll be taking the car in for a service. Very close to the service centre is a swimming pool, so I’m going to make use of that whilst I’m waiting, which will mean that Wednesday will be free to make a start on preparations for the Easter Friday buffet we are having, where all the family will be attending!


Back later

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Morning all  from a pretty worn out LNER HST.


I think this used to be the Yorkshire Pullman or White Rose. Alas the days of silver service are long gone.



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Mooring again,

 Arrived in the outer lab to find it strangely vacant, half a dozen equipments have been moved over the weekend into a training room. In their place the new AC will be fitted. when that's done they will turn off the old one and try the new one.

 If OK the old one will be disconnected covered up and pushed to one side.

Then the wall behind it will be removed, and the old AC pushed through to it's new home, cooling the old boiler room /new lab extension.

Then a half glass partition will be installed with double doors.

The old AC will then be set up in it's new home, when that's up and running OK, there will be a grand case of musical equipments and then the stuff in the training room will return.

I'll gain a space  6ft by 8ft as a bit of equipment will also move into the new room. That will save me a lot of hassle as there won't be any people coming to my lab to attend to that equipment and upsetting my readings..


The Weekend runs of equipment were OK, so I'm now working my way through a set of 26 Current shunts, to be followed by a set of 5 current shunts to be followed by a set of 14 current shunts. That will keep me going for most of the week with very little brain strain after the last fortnight..

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3 hours ago, chrisf said:

 Over Easter weekend...…. I will be visiting York show on Sunday


That is a pity in as much as I will be there on the Monday.  It would have been pleasant to say hello or have had a chat over coffee.

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2 hours ago, grandadbob said:

Good morning all,

The sun has made an appearance and a dry day with sunny spells is forecast.

Rather pleased about that as in about an hour or so the shed men should be here to demolish the old one, remove it and lay the new base. :imsohappy:

Rugby enjoyed yesterday but although Exeter started well they were not quite themselves and Wasps played better than of late so a bit of an unexpected result. Good game to watch though.

I recorded the F1 highlights but must admit I found it rather boring to watch.

After that a very nice piece of Topside of Beef was enjoyed although if we'd cooked it for as long as Messrs Sainsbury suggested it would have probably been charcoal. I've noticed that on all their beef and steak labels. Good job I always do it my way which resulted in a lovely tender medium rare joint.

Today I will be mainly making cups of tea and  watching men at work.

Have a good one,


Yes, recent rugby results have been “interesting” and F1 not so.

We have a local farm that slowly raises cattle and pigs as well as having a large flock of egg producers. I am a huge fan of their produce - locally produced with obvious animal care and meat that is superb. The beef is so well marbled that it has to be cooked at lower temperatures that one would expect or it will burn. A hand of pork from there is the favourite of les grandkids as it produces so much gorgeous crackling that they sit still for ages. Whenever I do a roast for them, they form an orderly queue for the carver’s perks - their parents have obviously dragged them up well in some respects.

Today SWMBO is requiring to be taken to visit son - she likes to ensure his house is cleaned to her standards even though he is 35 - and I will be travelling onward to collect the result of a successful e-bay bid. It is not railway related but a tracking 10” reflector telescope that I hope I can use to capture astronomical images when someone  turns the lights out or we get more street lighting rationing.

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11 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:

Back from Derby via No. 1 son's place in Chesterfield but now there's a warning light on the car's dashboard that the manual states to be something about the catalytic converter so it'll have to go and see the nice man at the garage tomorrow. There's allus bl**dy summat as the French say.


I also plan on getting the plywood for my ba***oards ordered.


Until then, nighty-night all. Sleep tight.




It is quite likely to be a faulty sensor rather than the cat itself. At least yours just shows a warning light rather than cutting out the ignition when you are doing 70mph on the outside lane of a busy M6.


But also, take the car to someone who really knows them well. Some warning lights have more than one meaning and it's not always covered in the owners' handbook.

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Mornimng all,


And the sun is shining and according to the seaweed wranglers of Exeter the temperature will be rising (here, not so sure about 'there').  


As far as 'there' is concerned the Met Office continue to mess around with their website and currently it is the shipping forecast, and more particularly the 'Extended Outlook' part of it which is suffering from the depredations of their 'web wranglers'.  So instead of looking at, and clicking on the appropriate part of, a map of the forecast areas the Extended Forecast currently just gives a list which means you need to know the Sea Areas covered by Cullercoats, Niton, and Portpatrick although the map is cunningly hidden on another page.  First world problems strike again.


Part of today will however have to be devoted to some research into mid 1930s GWR coach workings for a chap whose writing an article for the GW Study Group - it would seem that I happen to have a document which Kew don't have so he couldn't get the information there.


Havea good day one and all and may your weather get that bit warmer.

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20 minutes ago, Joseph_Pestell said:


It is quite likely to be a faulty sensor rather than the cat itself. At least yours just shows a warning light rather than cutting out the ignition when you are doing 70mph on the outside lane of a busy M6.


But also, take the car to someone who really knows them well. Some warning lights have more than one meaning and it's not always covered in the owners' handbook.

A friend in the motor business advised vehicles were given a good run to raise the temp of the diesel equivalent of the cat in order to de-gunge it.

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Now On our north on an LNER HST. Comfy seats after the Worm from RDH to STP that was wedged due to the previous one being cancelled. Glad I dont commute anymore as I am sure my blood pressure went up on that part of the journey. However it’s not going to be quiet with a young family opposite heading to Leuchars!!


Talking of not bing able to get on rmweb, I have had the error screen a lot last night and again his morning. Very frustrating.


Edited by roundhouse
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny and a bit warmer this morning so out to zap the brambles (with weedkiller) before they get a hold, and this time I'll make sure I'm wearing gloves.

8 hours ago, BR60103 said:

  Apparently the wires for the sensor had been lying on top of the exhaust system and the insulation had finally melted through.


I had a similar problem many years ago with a Fiesta. A wire had become dislodged and fell against the exhaust manifold. Luckily I was only doing 25 mph when all the electrics died.

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I had the "502" thing on all devices from tea-time Saturday, till this morning. . . . . I thought it was because I didn't want to go Gold!


Jamie . . .that tree 'Photo looks as though someone  has been fired into it 4rse first . . on the other side can you see a head and a pair of feet.


York show . . .haven't decide whether to go on Sunday or Monday . . . .Grand Central return from Hartlepool to York is only about £16 . . . 



Sun shining, blue sky, PHAPHING COLD!


enjoy your day, folks.



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If you are in Norfolk that day, come and see what all that sailing about in ever decreasing circles ia all about..

 Note, most other yacht and sailing clubs through out the country will be holding similar events in May or June. just contact them to find out about it..


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GDB.  I'm fairly certain that the cooking instructions given out by supermarkets have one over-arching aim. And that is to prevent customers undercooking food, giving themselves food poisoning, and then blaming the supplier. 

Cooking food so it retains flavour, texture and gets the customer coming back again is important but I'd hazard a guess that it comes second these days. 



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5 hours ago, chrisf said:


I would have enjoyed it too.  I do a lot of shows in the course of a year so we may meet one day!  More often than not I wear a namebadge suspended from a distinctive lanyard to help anyone who wants to find me - yes, there are such people! 




I very rarely venture far from home for exhibitions these days.  I regularly go to York and try to get to Model Rail Scotland in Glasgow each year.   I got to Ally Pally a couple of times a few years ago and did indeed meet a few fellow RMwebbers and ERs in particular.  It was good to put faces to names and talk.  As you say ........ perhaps …… one day.


If you, or any other ERs,  are ever in the North East (I mean proper North East not York or Leeds, they are doon sooth) and have a bit spare time on your hands the National Trust's Ormesby Hall is worth a visit.  There are, uniquely for the Trust, a couple of good layouts there.  The main layout, Corfe Castle, was built and donated by Ron Rising who also produced some buildings for Pendon.   This is where I volunteer so if anyone does get a chance to visit,  PM me.

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If the pilot gets his engines full pelt maybe he can drown out the oranges.. 

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