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  • RMweb Gold
17 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

This site can be almost unusable at times with the buffering, or sometimes it just doesn't open at all, some upgrade eh?


Which browser are you using? Working well on Firefox today after four/five very poor days.

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  • RMweb Gold
43 minutes ago, chrisf said:



The 300 miles on the road were accompanied by a selection of music.  A recent chance purchase at The Stables was a 20 track CD for £5, worth it to have the Nic Jones version of "Canadee-i-o".  From the hessian bag came two CDs purchased from last Sidmouth.  "Alchemy" by the Emily Askew Band contains a dozen renaissance dance tunes with liberal doses of bagpipes, for which I am an unashamed sucker.  "The No Testament" by Sam Carter dates from 2012, longer ago than I had realised, and showcases some of his finest songs.  One day, maybe, someone will recognise an album title or artist about whom I have enthused.



Canadee-I-o is one of my favourite tracks on Nic Jones “Penguin Eggs” album. 


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold
40 minutes ago, Joseph_Pestell said:


Which browser are you using? Working well on Firefox today after four/five very poor days.

I also wonder if it is browser related?  At times I find pages a bit slow to open but it's hardly measurable in minutes let alone double digit minutes although sometimes a new post takes a while to appear and 'saving' sits there smiling smugly but if I open the site on another Safari page I find the post has 'taken' but still showing 'saving' on the original page.


 I wonder also if bandwith has anything to do with slow opening as some threads are very picture heavy?

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49 minutes ago, Ian Abel said:

Weekend muchly taken up with the doing the "Taxes". Relatively painless, although thanks to he who shall not be named (orangeutang!!!) the middle class, as I certainly am, fared less well than predicted and seems the supposed "tax break for the middle class" cost me about $1,000 MORE in taxes - not sure how that is a benefit!

I was told that employers are withholding less tax in anticipation of the 'so-called' tax cut. I had to make a substantial tax payment. New limits to the ability to deduct last year's state income tax meant there was no tax cut for me.


A very wet weekend ensued. So much so that rivers are rising and flood warnings are in effect in parts of the valley further south. Notwithstanding the rain I found sufficient gaps between rainfall to get my emergency gardening (the dandelions) done. These were some of the healthiest looking plants I have ever seen - very sturdy and well developed with bright green leaves glistening in the wet. They will be back. Precious little else was materially accomplished. Saturday afternoon did dry out enough that I might have evaluated whether some mowing was possible but by that point in the day it was time to run errands to the cleaners, pharmacy and supermarket.


The next dry weather in the forecast is Friday. Hopefully I will get to the mowing the small strip of lawn between the kerb and the paving next weekend. It is the only lawn I am responsible for but it is in the front of the house and therefore very visible.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mike it's difficult to say whether the issues are browser related without a lot more knowledge of the architecture. It's all rather speculative and I for one would want to "bear with" Andy Y whilst it gets sorted. 

Suffice to say on other applications browsers can definitely cause problems and cause violent alopecia! Ask me how I know. Actually don't.  Just pass me beer. :D

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Still feeling a bit cream crackered from yesterdays exertions. Brooklands has got a lot bigger than when I last visited 25 years ago. I would like to go again though as theres one or two things that I missed. The young'n had a marvellous time and also wants to go back and have a go on the simulator driving a modern-ish Formula 1 car around the Brooklands circuit, in fact I'd like to have a go myself but the queue was too long.

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4 hours ago, Joseph_Pestell said:


Which browser are you using? Working well on Firefox today after four/five very poor days.

Microsofts Edge, this site has been consistently slow and the others I use mostly work exactly as I would expect, I select via my favourites and sometimes it won't open at all, then when it does and I post it often takes an eternity, only a real problem if posting on the song title thread, as often someone else posts and the subject can then have changed. It is not just me that is having the problem it would seem.

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, tigerburnie said:

Microsofts Edge, this site has been consistently slow and the others I use mostly work exactly as I would expect, I select via my favourites and sometimes it won't open at all, then when it does and I post it often takes an eternity, only a real problem if posting on the song title thread, as often someone else posts and the subject can then have changed. It is not just me that is having the problem it would seem.


Not surprised to hear that MS Edge is slow or sometimes not allow you to open it at all. I've heard of this on other applications. 

Might be worth seeing if you get the same error / performance on a recent Chrome version. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone 


Although the day started out sunny, rain and thunder was predicted, but thankfully neither materialised. 


More progress has been made in the cellar, as I’d hoped this morning, I managed to pull down the rest of the ceiling in the small cellar room, in fact I’d done it all before dinner. I even filled 4 large heavy duty bags up the resulting mess before dinner too. A small amount of dust came up through the floor boards, as after dinner I filled up the mop bucket and mopped the hall floor, I then I took the mop and bucket downstairs and mopped up in the cellar floor too. It’s looking a lot cleaner now, but it is now very dark, like the black hole of Calcutta. Once done I needed a shower and was all cleaned up and sat with a muggertea for 4:00.


My next task will be to reroute the cables for the kitchen ring main, the boiler supply, the shower supply and the immersion heater supply, which entail drilling holes in the beams. I’ll then disconnect the cables from the distribution board, pass them all through the holes and then reconnect everything back into the distribution board. My plan is to do this on Thursday whilst Sheila is at her Zumba class.


Goodnight all. 

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