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Good evening everyone 


This morning’s dull and grey start ended up turning into a lovely sunny day, with nice warm temperatures to match too. Like yesterday, I’ve spent the day in the workshop, but done no modelling, but I did manage to revive my faulty voltage tester, so that’s something. However, by the time I’d reassembled it and tested it, first with a proving unit, then actually on mains voltage, it was dinner time. So after dinner I tidied up my drilling bench and cleaned up my drill stand and my mini drill stand too. I also organised my safety glasses, putting the tinted pairs in the shed and the rest of the spare pairs (I have several) on a shelf, with a pair by the drill and another pair by the lathe. When I’d finished for the day and come back inside, I ordered my new lights for the cellar, hopefully they’ll be here in the next couple of days.


This evening there was a bit of a cock-up on the catering front. I’d taken some chilli out of the freezer for tonight’s tea, as well some corned beef hash for tomorrow nights tea. So off I goes into the kitchen and poured the corned beef hash into a pan, it was only as we sat down to eat that I realised I should have cooked the chilli! So, any guesses as to what’s for tea tomorrow night then?


The evening was rounded off with a nice glass of wine in front of the TV.


Nice to see Deb’s popping in to check on us awl!



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Nice to see Debs call in and I wish her and her mum the very best.


We had a mass visitation of Kites this afternoon as bits of chicken carcass were put outside and it was quite amusing, and slightly hair raising to watch three of them diving in together - and the rear two in the close formation having to go round for a second try after missing out.  We don't have rabbits in our garden - Mr Fox takes care of that for us and no doubt sometime this evening he will also be taking care of some pasta left over from this evening's dinner, hopefully he will be a keen on penne as he is on tagliatelle.l

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Morning All,


It is a rather overcast morning in this part of the world.  Still, it is mild.


I made a start on tidying my office over the weekend.  There is a lot more to do than I thought there would be!  However, the first steps have been made.


Have a good day everyone...

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare, 

2hours sleep,  a few minutes awake, 

1hours sleep over an hour awake, 

3hours sleep woken by Ben the Border Collie, Just as well I'm not at work today, I'd be late. 


Just a light mist out there, chilly and sunny .


Much brighter news with her debship checking in, yipppppéeeeeeeee. 


I see the ultra Low pollution zone starts today in inner London,  planned to expand to inside the north circular in 2021. This means next year (or possibly 2021) will be the last time we can go to the national dinghy exhibition or me to the ally pally show until my sailing compatriot or me changes to a newer car. His is over the 4years for a diesel, mine will be over the 14 years for a petrol by 2021.


It will be interesting to see if numbers drop for shows at ally pally or similar places.


  Also since there are restrictions for commercial vehicles as well, the boat yards, sailing clubs,  traders and MRCs,  using their vans and old estate cars,  may have to make a decision whether hiring a new van is a justifiable expense. 


So if you are booked for A.P. for 2022 possibly 2021 it's something to consider. 


Time for a Muggacoffee.. 

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Ey up!

Special positive thoughts to Debs and Elsie today.


Need to drop the car off to be fixed, then a bit of walking, then some unspecified "tidying up" to do.

But..we are off out tonight for a pint..which should have a head on it Roundhouse.:jester:


Enjoy today everyone, hope that all who ail see the light at the end of the tunnel and see positive improvements to their health.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A dull start today and  the possibility of a mixed bag of weather with sunshine, showers and even the chance of some thunder. They said something similar for yesterday but it didn't happen.

First task today is to take The Boss to the dentist for a check up. Normally she doesn't need anything doing but today she is full of foreboding. I usually go to the nearby Sainsbury's for breakfast whilst waiting. Free car park there so the money saved on the parking meter outside the dentist is better spent on food!

After lunch "Window man" Andy is coming to do the measuring up for the new windows. Lead time when we started all this was 6-8 weeks from now but will find out today if that's still current.

Quite amusing yesterday watching a neighbour. He picked up a new (to him) car which looked immaculate when it arrived. He then spent about 6 hours jet washing the engine, washing the car all over, polishing, washing, polishing........ I think he only packed up because it got dark and he couldn't see what he was doing.

That reminds me, my Duster is rather er dusty.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning everyone 


The sun is shining and the sky is blue but, according to the weather app on my phone, there is a 50% chance of rain with possibly some thunder too, I’m glad I’m staying in. Sheila is currently getting herself ready for her Zumba class, once she’s gone, I’ll head back down to the cellar and make a start on removing the ceiling in the small room. As it’s only a small room, approximately 13ft x 6ft, hopefully it shouldn’t take long. I’ll then be able to start drilling holes for the new cable runs etc. 


Back later

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Morning all.

Rather damp out. I wasn’t planning to go anywhere today. I think I volunteered to move a bookcase in the study. 

We will have one of the guest speakers for Southend French Circle staying overnight on Wednesday so the guest bedroom will need to be prepared but fortunately at the moment it isn’t being used for storage. 



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Morning all,


According to the highly scientific seaweed in Exeter it should be raining here now - and it's right :o  So that's knocked the G word on the head, for now.  Looking at Tony's post it is impolitic to mention the spare bedroom here but 'someone' keeps on about it in the same tones in which she talks about the dining room,  maybe I could relocate things from bedroom to dining room?  And coincidentally the spare room will be required in several months time to accommodate a French speaker and her daughter, who is also a French speaker.  The linguistic entertainment around the house should be quite amusing once they're here - unless Françoise can still speak reasonable english and her daughter can also manage it.


Ah well back to today and time for a look at the more entertaining parts of RMweb.


Have a good day one and all and following Baz's hint I trust all will go well for Debs and her mum.

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Car delivered..and I walked most of the way back as the roads near the Armley Gyratory seem gridlocked. While waiting for my non existent lift back home I watched the passenger trains coming and going on the old Midland lines into Leeds. Nodding donkeys, electrics, dmus ..the lot (142,143,144 bendy buses) the last ones was off to Carlisle - a 153 coupled to a two car 158. As the 153 had something about the Peoples Republic of South Yorkshire on it I take it that will spend the rest of the week going from Carlisle to Barrow and back.


Plasterer is plastering.




Purley Oaks had offered something to someone called Bob. He will know what it is but in the meantime if Bob sees this or if you know who Bob is can you please let me know as Gabe (Mals widow) has no clue of who Bob is either.


TA in advance




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Well this Bob doesn't know what it is so it can't be him.

The Boss was taken to the dentist and in view of her forebodings I waited for her. No need because as usual she didn't need any treatment. Never does, unlike me.  That meant that I had to go on a parking meter but never mind, we went to Sainsbury's as some shopping was needed so I had some breakfast anyway.

Now needed to "assist" get in the way of domestic tasks.

J. D. Yson.

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23 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:


And Tony if you ever stop in Crewe (well you never know?) use The Crewe Arms as it's right next to the railway at the north end of the station.  They always used to have the habit of booking BR staff into the rooms next to the railway for some reason :lol:

Thanks for the 1977 memory - Jubilee year.  There we were with the car on the Motorail for an overnight to Inverness ... the day Scotland 'dug up the pitch' to take their treasured turf back in their coffee cups.  The Crewe Arms was comfortable and refreshments were provided while we waited to board for the sleeper.  The highlight of the trip was an early morning stop somewhere on a curve - our lad looked out of the window and said 'There's our car" clearly seen.  Breakfast in the Railway Hotel in Inverness was great and we were refreshed for next stage of our holiday.

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12 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:

Had a very pleasant couple of days doing missionary work visiting friends in Wales but no hippos seen.

This is good as it shows my covert operating skills are still up to par.


As an aside we once had to do a covert recce and were puzzling how to get in and out without raising the suspicion of the neighbours in the street.


As it was a council owned property, I tooled up in high viz!


Carrying various gardening implements, proceeded into the garden and strim the overgrown lawn and borders and clearing all the pathways.


Meanwhile my two mates were tidying up various bits and bobs around the place and bagging some of it up.  We then loaded it all in the van and drove off


Job done and no one batted an eyelid or came asking who we were or what we were doing!


Talk about hiding in plain sight!

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Afternoon and greetings to one and awl. 

Relaxing weekend with my youngest taking charge of Sunday lunch. It was that or going for a long walk. He elected to stay home. The sight of him working away at a leg of lamb putting slivers of garlic in brought back happy memories. I was shown this as a youngster myself by a now (elderly) French lady. Seeing him chopping up all the herbs and loving the resulting smells was a delight. 



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Afternoon All

I'm back from sunny Drab Sussex haven't seem the sun for 3 days, it was a very indifferent week-end the 5 star Ashdown Forest Hotel

was a sh!te'ole very shabby and unclean I'm glad I wasn't staying like some of the party the food was the worst I'd every had the salmon fish cake was 

haddock mixed with something pink as there was chopped back bone in it, steak you could not cut with a knife the waiter asked if the food was OK and 

he was told it was  #ucking rubbish but not to make a scene another idiot waiter didn't know how to mix an orange and Lemonade god know what was with the orange

as it wasn't lemonade, her and I stayed in the Buxted Inn 4 miles up the road or 4 miles down the A22 whatever is easiest on your brain.

Sundays trip on Bluebell railway everything  is looking tired and worn out in places I thought the train was going to jump the track on the southside of Sharpthorne tunnel

and Horsted Keynes looked like Woodhams's scrap yard rows of wreaks in the station paint peeling off every last bit of woodwork on the station buildings still we had a

rousing ride behind the little H class in one of the Met' 4 wheeled coaches it's clear they are not getting the money in like they use to the Pullman train did look impressive.

On the way home this morning we went into Lewes town her was not impressed with the place I dived into Smiffs then exit stage right after I purchased a couple of

paperbacks for the Holiday in Cuba next month.  

               Anyway must get on her want to get packed for the off to Yorkshire and the Skipton hotel for 4 nights on Thursday, enjoy the rest of it .:superman: G.L Obetrotta. :bye_mini:


Btw Baz I don't think I'm that Bob unless it's someone giving money away.


Edited by 81C
BTW bit
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Afternoon Awl,  

Eyesight now returning,  the optician said they looked OK, but the full results won't arrive for a couple of weeks by letter.  Just why is it a beautiful sunny day when my eyes are on overload,  dark glasses were required to take Ben to the empty beach. 

Talking of which "escape to the country " is showing places nearby including the beaches at this very moment and the Bure Valley Railway. 


It's just got expensive, after discussions with SWMBO,  another tin garage has been ordered,  that will make 3 tin garages and a double concrete one. It seems a lot but. 

Concrete double is workshop and garage (when cleared) 

Two joint tin sheds are the boat shed ( once rearranged) 

The new one to be delivered Wednesday,  will house the lawn mower, generator,  shredder and all the gardening equipment currently  blocking the garage. 

I ordered on line from a company that delivers on a required date,  and had what I wanted in stock.  Some companies have up to six weeks delivery, by chance the company is just 20 miles away.


Dinner has been had,  time to test the eyelids.. 


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