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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Before I forget I trust Jamie and Beth will have a good trip and I look forward on their return to seeing some good pics. especially from the vicinity of Sherman Summit.


Here in the depths(?) of the Thames Valley the rain has at last stopped and we'll get no more today according to the seaweed wranglers of Exeter. (I'm sure we had better weather when they were still at Bracknell).  And in the day's big news faux Friday goes to the real thing and there is a Waitrose visit intended which might or might not take us to the trainspotting branch.


Havea good day one and all and may the coughs gradually banish themselves.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny outside but with a cold wind. GDB, Is the fruit to be avoided banana's? They do contain a lot of potassium, and a lot of sugar so if BG is high they are best avoided anyway. If you require potassium beetroot (without vinegar) has plenty. Getting ready for the trip to Brooklands on Sunday. The forecast is a bit warmer with the odd rain shower, the young'n is looking forward to seeing the Concorde especially as he now has discovered that he can have a go on the flight simulator. Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Phil, yes, bananas along with oranges and tomatoes. I rarely eat bananas, occasionally oranges but lots of orange juice and tomatoes or tomato soup virtually daily.

I also eat lots of spinach, brocolli, leafy greens, potatoes,mushrooms,peas, cucumber,beetroot, tuna, cod,meat & poultry - you name it, almost everything seems to contain the stuff!


Signed: K.Alium.

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold
19 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

You couldn't make it up! Just had another phone call from the surgery, This one telling me that I haven't got diabetes (which is a good thing) and keep up the good work.  Two years ago I was very near the limit and took steps to reduce my blood sugar levels and they still appear to be working. The lady I spoke to knew nothing about yesterday's call but on looking things up did confirm that I need another kidney function blood test. It seems the fruits concerned contain high levels of Potassium which can be a problem. This started me looking at everything I eat and drink and it would appear that I could actually be a walking lump of Potassium so henceforth should be referred to as "K." :rolleyes:

I was going to send you a PM mentioning that a “avoid certain fruits” before test was probably to check potassium levels. I think it should say don’t eat rather than avoid. That sounds more like keep away from the fruit aisle at the supermarket. 


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  • RMweb Premium

I've been told to avoid citrus fruits because of Arthur Itis. In fact anything that is acidic, about the only fruit that is low in sugar and acids seems to be raspberries. Red wine, and red meat are also no no's.

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Gold

Oh bu##er it. I've got some Arthur Itis as well. 

No red wine, red meat etc etc. 

We're all doomed I tell you.

Might as well give up the ghost now. :(

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1 hour ago, The Stationmaster said:

It seems to relate to getting a certain number of 'friendly/supportive' ticks on a  post.

Yes, 20, Lurker was on 19 on a post and a gratuitous tick tipped him over the brink to a heart.

If only Facebook gave marks for spelling.

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  • RMweb Premium
5 hours ago, Barry O said:

Ey up!

Jamie, enjoy your trip to see the 2nd biggest engine..or are you going to visit the H8  as well???



I should have put "working" in the sentence Baz.   


1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

I was going to send you a PM mentioning that a “avoid certain fruits” before test was probably to check potassium levels. I think it should say don’t eat rather than avoid. That sounds more like keep away from the fruit aisle at the supermarket. 


Is that like "Avoid Alcohol"   Beth always takes that as having the words "If Possible" added.   Mind you she was once in hospital long term and was allowed out to attend a fancy dinner with the Oulaws.   She was delivered back and the nurse getting her ready for bed asked her how much she had had to drink. The reply was "Only one glass like you told me"...….."But my brother kept filling it up."



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  • RMweb Gold
12 hours ago, AndyID said:


I was driving around with the roof down the other day and the Sun was making it quite difficult to see. I broke down and bought a baseball cap in Walmart for $5 which does help a lot but so far I have resisted the temptation to put it on backwards.


(MrsID thinks it makes me look a bit like S. Speilberg but her eyesight isn't so good.)

How about a ten gallon hat and a set of moose (elk) horns bolted to the bonnet (hood)?

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  • RMweb Premium

Oh Dear, Someone who sits polishing a desk has upset the lab next door..


They've decided the Cal lab will pack all the customers goods into boxes after calibration, instead of goods in/ out..

Not only that they stated it will not cost the lab any working time!!!?

 They also haven't taken into the account training, working area, protective equipment etc etc..


This is going to end in tears.


I'm still waiting for the boss to assess the chinese system, I'm not here for 3 days from 2.5 hours time,

I've managed to do 99% of the other major system, but it requires the new softwear from the boss.

I can't finish the system similar to the chinese system because a piece of equipment is being calibrated for the boss..

See anything in common here?


Mean time I've chosen LED floodlights from Screwfix, I collect them on the way home,

Another decision has been made on the exhibition layout, and if I remember to pick up the jig saw will carry that out tonight (no I'm not cutting the layout up.)


Meantime I'm on the 2nd of 3 measurements of 10G ohm. They take about 1/2 hour each to settle with out me moving.


Time for a little surfing


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon from No 1 I/C washing hanger out here!


Most of the time if you are Diabetic the reason given is obesity (even by Diabetes UK) ..Sister Drac and her helpers check to see if it is hereditary..mine is...and then suggest any offspring get checked regularly..they now do.


Apparently I have some more "house work" to complete but her indoors didn't tell me what it is before going to work as a volunteer for a local hospice....this could mean some muddling going ahead...


I hope to see some ERs at Trainwest in a few weeks time...I shall be  creating havoc  operating Herculaneum Dock.



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So, this morning I had my annual opticians appointment - reading the chart the lady optician said "that's not bad - this line is what is classed as 20/20 vision, and you've just read 2 lines below that perfectly!" She then gave me the reading card and I read that perfectly on the smallest size. There is a very small change to my right eye of "less that a quarter of 1% " and my eyes are better than at the previous test- Very happy! she also said that if the sight test for drivers comes in she will be very happy to sign it.  Whoopee dooo!  Also didn't have to do the "yellow eye drops" game - since it is done regularly by the local health authority anyway, she said there is no sense in doing it twice.

Edited by shortliner
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POETS - will probably be taking that option as I'm rather tiring of the Long Island client "confusion" of late...


Yesterday choir practice shortened as the lurgi took over my throat and vocal chords - though NOT before a decent couple of beers and pizza were consumed before hand fortunately :jester:

Off shortly to see the ENT specialist who hopefully can provide some answers/medication/other options for said lurgi!


+2 overcast, humid and light drizzle/fog at present, expected to brighten later with a high of 16.


Later all...

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Dusted off a lap-top that has hardly been used in the last 12 months and pleased to see that everything seems to be OK so its just charging up the battery at the moment.  Prepared the 'day out' bag and the 'spare' lap top will be added to it when it is fully charged, being about half the size of the lap top I am using at the moment. Muggatee awaits, be back later.

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6 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

I will do my best to comply with your orders Dave.   There is even a chance that there might be a meeting of ER's somewhere near Sherman Summit, not quite as high as you used to go but about 8000'.   I will only have my tablet with me so will have to wrestle with that in uploading any photos.


If the rendezvous works out I'll have my Nikon and a tripod. Bon Voyage!



Edited by AndyID
Bon not Bob!
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  • RMweb Gold
6 hours ago, grandadbob said:

You couldn't make it up! Just had another phone call from the surgery, This one telling me that I haven't got diabetes (which is a good thing) and keep up the good work.  Two years ago I was very near the limit and took steps to reduce my blood sugar levels and they still appear to be working. The lady I spoke to knew nothing about yesterday's call but on looking things up did confirm that I need another kidney function blood test. It seems the fruits concerned contain high levels of Potassium which can be a problem. This started me looking at everything I eat and drink and it would appear that I could actually be a walking lump of Potassium so henceforth should be referred to as "K." :rolleyes:

I thought your name was Shirley :jester:

Anyway I've finally surfaced today I've felt p0xed all day Her has cost me 70 nicker for a hair do I pay £6 She came back full of beans saying what do you think, it looks bloody awful to be honest until it's combed out.

I'm not in the mood for this "do" tomorrow my hearing is about zero and getting up at 3.45am yesterday didn't do me any good it's knocked the sh!t out of me I've a 2 hour drive in front of me tomorrow morning 

and not looking forward to that.

                                                          enjoy the rest of it  :superman: S.I.Kantired  :biggrin_mini:

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3 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

How about a ten gallon hat and a set of moose (elk) horns bolted to the bonnet (hood)?


I do have the such a hat (if you want to get a hat get a head) but I'm not sure about the antlers (moose don't have horns). I think the extra weight might lift the Fiat's back wheels off the ground.

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