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  • RMweb Premium
38 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

Morning all.

Aditi is cutting the lawns. I have just woken up. I was dreaming that an elderly Basil Brush and a group of schoolchildren had taken over running the country.  Very strange.

I don’t think much is happening today. 


I've been trying to think of an appropriate BOOM BOOM Joke, but without Guido Fawkes there is no hope

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

 I was dreaming that an elderly Basil Brush and a group of schoolchildren had taken over running the country.  Very strange.


But not as strange as what is really happening to the country.


Early morning rain has really messed up today's plans here. A large trailer load of woodchip (behind a huge tractor) was due to unload where we are putting some log cabins next week. But having nearly put said trailer on its side, decided that better to unload elsewhere. So many hours of digger/dumper work in prospect.

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Morning(just), been to the Dentist for a check up, the car thermometer says it's 3 degrees out there, fires lit and feet are up , a copy of Steam World, archive experience is ready to go into the computer and a muggacoffee is at hand, have a nice dayyyy

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  • RMweb Gold
8 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

I will need to read it again but at first read if I cancel my subscription to the BRM print edition would I be missing anything apart from a trip to the recycling centre?

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  • RMweb Gold

Why is it that whenever I go to the loft to work on the layout/tidy up/do something useful I end up just running a couple of trains and randomly shunting some wagons?

Answers on the back of a ten pound note to...……..

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  • RMweb Premium
17 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

well if this site can get back to full normality perhaps..but why do I want a free ticket to something I very rarely frequent??



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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon All 

I was going out today but the rain precluded that so I've done a dummy run in the suit I need for Saturday luncheon at the Ashdown Forest Hotel *****:smoke:

it's my eldest sisters golden anniversary "do" it's a snob thing to show off in front of her church cronies I just hope they stay clear of me and my young brother 

or they will have the p!ss taken out of them, no doubt we will get the lecture about being nice to them, :nono: :punish: we are leaving there as the tight ar$e's are not

staying overnight my other sister is but her husband is boring so we are going down the road to The Buxted Inn gastro pub for 2 nights I hope it's OK the photo's on

the web look alright, then off to the Bluebell railway the next day  I've not been since the first week they opening the line through the smelly cutting and into

East Grinstead, Her will be happy with a few hours in Sheffield Park Gardens as long as the rain holds off, Monday is a stroll around Lewes or Denbies Vineyard and 

a wander round Dorking antique shops(and model shop if he's open) and home by tea time. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Enjoy the rest of it. :superman: W.Histle-N'Floot  :bye_mini:

Thanks TB you reminded me to book the dentist. :wacko:


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  • RMweb Gold

Blood successfully given this morning and for the first time ever (for me) the phlebotomist was male. In and out of hospital and car park in less than 40 minutes and they have the cheek to charge £3 for the privilege.

Spent  some time in the layout room which is now just a room! Boards all stacked on end and hopefully I can salvage something from them. Just as I finished the window man phoned to arrange the survey for next week so at least he can get to that particular window easily now. Now just got to tidy up all the stuff that was stored underneath and is currently spread around the other bedrooms. Management is tutting and spluttering as I type! Apparently "the place looks like a bomb's hit it." Or should that read "a Bob's hit it?" However she has just supplied tea and homemade jam tarts so I suppose that's not too bad.


Edited by grandadbob
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Chewsday arrives...

Rather interesting/informative committee meeting last evening, and we (Mrs and myself) afforded a very warm welcome - something tells me that managing ticket sales for the event is more harrowing than we've been led to believe! All in a good/fund raising cause so I guess I need to just "suck it up" and carry on...


Decidedly spring-ish here, at least by Minnesnowta standards, +1 getting the newspaper and 11 expected for the high with party sunny skies.

Only a few isolated icebergs remain where snow was piled from plowing, otherwise it would look almost like we never had a winter :jester:


Right, RMWeb break over, back to work.

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  • Administrators
3 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

I do not want to become embroiled in divisive ... arguments


Please don't cultivate them then.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all.   Eric the grass (Actually Eric Proust) came to cut the main part of the grass.  He got most of it done then the rain really started so the tractor is now parked in the top of the shed and he's coming back tomorrow to finish off.   I then helped a neighbour out whose electrickery had all gone off.   Turned out that something had tripped the ELCB which she couldn't see.  It reset no problem so job sorted.   She's on her own after her husband died of cancer just over 2 years ago and then he son died in an accident that many of us feel was suicide.   Several of us are trying to help her out till she gets her finances stable when her old age pension finally kicks in next March.  

I also won't be taking out a gold subscription as it doesn't have any benefits for me.




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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, Barry O said:

well if this site can get back to full normality perhaps..but why do I want a free ticket to something I very rarely frequent??




I think Tony might have the right idea if the digital thingy gives access to the full version.  I was thinking of taking out a couple of subscriptions again, one to Back Track and one to a modelling mag.  This might just edge me in the direction of BRM.  Like you I probably won't use the free ticket. I doubt if I'll flog anything (I'm a terrible hoarder).  Although I read a digital newspaper I've always preferred hard copy of books and magazines so will have to buy one digital copy and see what it looks like on the iPad/Tablet.

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3 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:


Sorry, but "NO!" - I dislike the idea of 2 tier, semi-subscription web sites - either everybody pays or nobody does ( I, as an example , have been a subscriber to TrainOrders.com for many years) - Model Railroad Hobbyist https://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/  has gone down this route  with its "always free" monthly magazine, to its total detriment, and the interesting articles now have to be paid for - the quality of the "free" edition has dropped right off - and I can see the same problem(s) occurring with a two-tier RMweb  -  I'd certainly gain little, being too far away to have any use for the free ticket offer - Sorry Andy, bad idea - but that is just my opinion.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Booked the tickets for Brooklands this Sunday. £31 in all, ouch! Thats for just one senior, one adult and a child.  Mind you with £800 to spend on wine, women and song and the rest I will just fritter away.

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  • RMweb Gold

Keeping an open mind on the Gold subscription at the moment. I've subscribed to BRM mag for a few years and I suppose Tony's idea has some merit but I do like an actual magazine to look at so need to decide one way or t'other. A free ticket to Ally Pally is certainly something to consider as would access to Classifieds as, after clearing out the railway room, I seem to have quite a lot of stuff that needs moving on. 

Decisions, decisions. Thought I'd given all that up when I retired. :banghead:

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21 minutes ago, shortliner said:


Sorry, but "NO!" - I dislike the idea of 2 tier, semi-subscription web sites - either everybody pays or nobody does ( I, as an example , have been a subscriber to TrainOrders.com for many years) - Model Railroad Hobbyist https://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/  has gone down this route  with its "always free" monthly magazine, to its total detriment, and the interesting articles now have to be paid for - the quality of the "free" edition has dropped right off - and I can see the same problem(s) occurring with a two-tier RMweb  -  I'd certainly gain little, being too far away to have any use for the free ticket offer - Sorry Andy, bad idea - but that is just my opinion.


I admit I have not (yet) followed the link but I fear you might be comparing chalk to cheese above.


As RMWeb is a community-driven information exchange, I believe it a polar opposite to the edited magazine-type site you mention.


My first reaction is that RMWeb Gold is akin to the 'difference' between first and second class passengers; hope it doesn't result in a repeat of the infamous John Cleese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett sketch!



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  • RMweb Gold

I came to the same conclusion as you Bob about shifting some stuff on I might give it a try it at some stage I going to let the dust settle first, as for shows I can't be @rsed   

to go to those crowed affairs I really don't think it's what I want from a forum. 

                                                                                                                                             SIr Tainly Undecidered :biggrin_mini2:

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  • RMweb Gold

 The  RMweb gold bit had passed me by, after having a look I wont be taking the offer up at this point in time in the future who knows.

Will be interesting to see the take up and how it develops further in the future though.

Gold/Silver/Bronze membership levels?

Forgot Platinum level!!

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Evening awl,


I model Spur Null so have no need of Classified, I can normally get a free pass to Ally Pally by manning a stand (if I'm not at the International Spur Null Tage in Gießen that weekend) and anyway I dislike faffing around failing to post a piccie - so another NO.


As for today, physio on my knee went well, the lass watched me on one of their machines and reckons that I can ride the bike again, but only short distances and no main roads.  Then I collected my best teeth from the dentist!  Got home to a summons for jury service.  The fortnight is clear, but is immediately followed by my CFR course, then by a medical procedure.  So I'm saying "yes", but will write them a letter.

Keep well awl, Bill

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Evening all, well that's another day sort of drifted by, lousy weather sort of finished it off, got my blood results back and it seems I have passed my MOT for another year, just need to get the car done now, 4 years old, doesn't time fly when you're dossin' about doing as little as possible(I should have retired years ago lol).

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