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  • RMweb Premium
... Tony. Is it heavy? Is the Pope a catholic? I like things that are solid and in any case it won't be leaving home......


That'll be good for the back then. Mrs S is going to struggle to get that up the stairs.


Morning All, I think you'll find the prototype metre(meter) is held by BIPM in France. With my carpentry if I could get close to a millimeter accuracy in 300 I'd be well chuffed!


Vacation day today so it's a busy one. The wife has left a list for this morning then I'm off to lay some track on a mates layout in the afternoon then onward to shift the club layout down to Portsmouth ready for the South Hants exhibition tomorrow. I had less to do when I was working!


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Bit later on as I preferred to get various jobs done first. I'm still stuck with that cold, too, so I guess lots of tea will be consumed today!


Have a good Friday everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Isn't the metre standard at Trafalgar Square or was it Greenwich? Either way, it's a long way to go to measure a bit of wood......



Physicists don't seem to like hanging round bars in Paris so the metre is now defined as "the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1â„299 792 458 of a second" although it was amended (probably as a result of lobbying by finescale modellers) in 2002 that this definition be restricted to "lengths which are sufficiently short for the effects predicted by general relativity to be negligible with respect to the uncertainties of realisation."



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  • RMweb Gold

What about the role of the observer and quantum mechanics?ohmy.gif


Best, Pete.



I think they count the number of waves while peeping over the top of the lab bench so that the laser doesn't think they are looking,




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  • RMweb Gold

This is all getting a bit clever for me. I'm off to work to give my brain a rest...! ;)




I used to like the definition of the yard as being the distance from nose to finger on outstretched arm. It was advantageous to have short arms selling cloth once upon a time. Have a good day at work!






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Morning all! We have been busy this morning!!


In work now after a slow start. Been feeling shattered the last week or so.


Gordon, your circle's looking good. Dave/Max, I'll be sending a load of kits down to you if you're getting through yours that quickly! ;)

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Too many pancakes?

No, didn't have that many! :)


Been trying to get more exercise and eat less to lose some of the extra pounds I've gained over the last year, so have ended up well and truly worn out. That plus work and probably less sleep than I need recently.

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  • RMweb Gold

My NAS (LG special offer from dabs.com) drive arrived this morning and unlike previous attempts to attach such storage to our home network this worked perfectly. I've already backed up all my wife's research files so she now has 3 separate backups so hopefully there won't be major panics (last year's was somewhat traumatic!).


Matthew is at the Geography Society grand ball tonight. This is a formal affair. I wouldn't have coped with such an event when I was his age but he seems able to cope. However he reckons he looks more like the chap in the "Go Compare" adverts than James Bond when he wears his dinner jacket!


Hopefully he'll send us some photographs of the event. He did send us a group photo taken when he was out on a bar crawl with his friends last week. Aditi was very relieved that his friends looked "nice"!





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Morning all...:)


Been up since 4.30 with hospital/general anaesthetic lag again. Had my knee done yesterday and all is well. In at 12.30, all done by 16.00 and home an hour later. Bandaged up and in heaven as I have no pain at all, but I suspect the morphine is hiding anything caused by the procedure. Had a look at the pics and before made my joint look like a littered back street and the after, clean as a whistle. Can't wait to get the other one done now.


Shocked by some of the footage from Japan. Dreadful to see the carnage and loss of life from the tsunami that followed. :(


Any exciting plans this weekend? I think the Basingstoke show is this weekend, but sadly I'll have to give it a miss.

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Morning All,


I am currently sitting here typing, with a fantastic view in front of me. Getting a signal isn't that easy around here - so I am somewhat sheltered about what is going on in the world. Heard the news of the Earthquake/ Tsunami and it doesn't sound good.


It is a wonderful, but dangerous world that we live in - all of our technology cannot prevent Mother Nature at work.


Have a good day everyone...

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Guest Max Stafford

Nature has a way of putting us in our place when we start thinking we're too clever, there's no doubt of that.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Glad to hear that all has gone well Gordon. I hope the rest is as painless. Look after yourself....... who will keep the woodburner stocked otherwise.


Plans for this weekend mostly involve a TV and lots of different shaped balls. Shouldn't really, there's a long list, but I think that might get lost.


Have a good weekend all.

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Great news about the knee, Gordon.


Some good news from Japan in that the missing boat has turned up and 87 passengers are safe.

Perhaps balanced by the Nuclear Power Stations situation and the four missing trains.

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  • RMweb Gold

The BBC are reporting at least 1300 dead already. Sadly, I fear that this will rise considerably over the next few days.


You are right Dave, nature can put us in our place, in so many different ways. It has the powe to be beautiful, awesome and deadly all at the same time.

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  • RMweb Premium

You are right Dave, nature can put us in our place, in so many different ways. It has the powe to be beautiful, awesome and deadly all at the same time.


Very well said indeed...:unsure:


Morning all – I believe the inhalation I did last night helped with the cold. Think I'll be taking things easy this weekend so that I'll be back in shape soon. Weather's predicted to be quite balmy for the next several days, at up to 17°.


Have a good day everyone!


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