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  • RMweb Premium
43 minutes ago, The Stationmaster said:

Morning all,


And first the important bit - John please pass on my condolences to Deb.  It's time fate dealt her a better hand.


And now back to yesterday evening -  or the best part, off & on - for three hours when I managed to fall asleep in front of the telly.  Presumably down to an early start to the day plus the fresh encountered while partaking in the G word chemical warfare against moss in various parts of the estate.  But on the other hand it could be down to reading some of Ossie Nock's more dreary prose as notwithstanding interesting subjects he does manage at times to write in a way which  encourages sleep;  perhaps a tip there for 'The Q'?



Have a good day everyone and enjoy the sunshine  if you receive any.

Last night I was reading Peter Tatlow's Highland carriages and wagons... (looking for a simple carriage to model grounded).

 I do have some Ossi Nock by the bed, whilst once he goes into reams of details on train timings I do fall asleep, that's not the problem... It's staying asleep...


Just had the computer come up and say 1:59:30 to reset... then it reset straight away.. luckily everything had been saved..


PS our downloads are caused by In house I.T. for once not MS's fault.

Edited by TheQ
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2 hours ago, Tony_S said:

The pilots flew the plane to the flight plan they were supplied with. BA are investigating how this happened. It was a plane hired from another company. 

Allegedly the same thing happened next day. 

Now one might think passengers would notice something but we were flying from Southend to Dublin recently. A group of passengers behind us noticed the Irish coast and they agreed that it must be America as “Ireland is joined to England, innit”. 



I find all this very difficult to envisage. I don’t know much (anything, really) about commercial aviation, except as an increasingly cynical passenger, but is there no correlation between the flight and the flight plan? Do pilots not know their destination in advance? That flight must surely have been on the Departure Boards as “Düsseldorf”. Was it on the Arrivals board at Edinburgh? Is it no one’s job to conduct pre-flight checks which might highlight this sort of mistake?


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They said on the radio that the passengers boarded for Germany. 

The flight plan was given to the crew for Edinburgh.

No passenger announcement was made on board that Edinburgh was the destination.

No passengers spotted the direction of flight.

Quite weird all round, apart from the fact that it seems legit in flight regulations.

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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

Morning all, the usual glorious sunrise that at present is still in action, so warmth is a distinct possibility in the frozen north, a lot of the winter migrants are leaving and a planned trip up the Glens later in the week is on the cards. I hope to be photographing Ring Ouzel and Adders and even a Cuckoo if I'm very lucky. I get my MOT tomorrow so hope I do better than last year, got a rollicking as my weight has crept up, hope to be out cycling soon, so that will fix that along with a re attempt at climbing Lochnagar a local Munroe mountain that bust my hamstring last year when I gave it a go. Take care all.


I tend to confine my acquaintance of Lochnagar to the distillery.  

Which reminds me. Just over 4 months till my next visit!

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  • RMweb Gold
23 minutes ago, rockershovel said:


I find all this very difficult to envisage. I don’t know much (anything, really) about commercial aviation, except as an increasingly cynical passenger, but is there no correlation between the flight and the flight plan? Do pilots not know their destination in advance? That flight must surely have been on the Departure Boards as “Düsseldorf”. Was it on the Arrivals board at Edinburgh? Is it no one’s job to conduct pre-flight checks which might highlight this sort of mistake?



A while since I flew with BA. But on all the flights I have made recently, the cabin crew have checked boarding passes and the captain or first officer have made a welcome announcement which gives the destination. Someone should have noticed the discrepancy.


And what about airport control tower/air traffic control?

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  • RMweb Gold
23 minutes ago, rockershovel said:


I find all this very difficult to envisage. I don’t know much (anything, really) about commercial aviation, except as an increasingly cynical passenger, but is there no correlation between the flight and the flight plan? Do pilots not know their destination in advance? That flight must surely have been on the Departure Boards as “Düsseldorf”. Was it on the Arrivals board at Edinburgh? Is it no one’s job to conduct pre-flight checks which might highlight this sort of mistake?



A while since I flew with BA. But on all the flights I have made recently, the cabin crew have checked boarding passes and the captain or first officer have made a welcome announcement which gives the destination. Someone should have noticed the discrepancy.


And what about airport control tower/air traffic control?

1 hour ago, TheQ said:

The world is cut off from North Norfolk, by road works..


norfolk road works.JPGMap from   https://roadworks.org/


Much the same round here and in Somerset. Could there be local elections soon?

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5 minutes ago, Joseph_Pestell said:


A while since I flew with BA. But on all the flights I have made recently, the cabin crew have checked boarding passes and the captain or first officer have made a welcome announcement which gives the destination. Someone should have noticed the discrepancy.


And what about airport control tower/air traffic control?


Quite so, all these things are usually as you describe. I find it very difficult to envisage events as reported. 



My experience of Norfolk is that it is cut off from the remainder of the world by.... Norfolk. Roadworks are just a sort of bonus point. 

Edited by rockershovel
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  • RMweb Premium
1 minute ago, Tony_S said:

 According to today’s Telegraph Norfolk is “a land of posh pubs and pony clubs”.


Obviously written by someone who lives in a different world.. They probably only visit Chelsea on Sea (AKA Wells Next the Sea). (on weekends)

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  • RMweb Gold

A little bit more work has been done in the garden and now Deltic is currently running in quite smoothly around my test track. After that's done I need to fit a decoder but I am not installing a sound one. Yet. :whistle:

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  • RMweb Premium
37 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

 According to today’s Telegraph Norfolk is “a land of posh pubs, pony clubs and sailing clubs”.



Amended accordingly...….



Edited by newbryford
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  • RMweb Premium

The pilots had a logged flight plan to Edinburgh so Air Traffic Control will have expected a plane flying to Edinburgh.  The  crew check your seat numbers on the plane..so it can happen fairly easily. I would think the on flight teams will check the boarding passes with a lot more diligence in the future.


Stationmaster Mike, last time we were in Jersey was just under 40 years ago for our honeymoon.  We flew in a F27 Friendship from Kirmington (it was, I think,known as Grimbsy airport then). The company was Anglian Airways.

Food here is still excellent, people still friendly but the prices are a lot higher.


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:( Finally working my way back through the past weeks worth of posts, truly saddened for the loss and condolences Baz on the loss of your marra, and also very sad to hear about Mal.

We "spoke" a few times in PMs and he was such a gracious person. :scared:

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  • RMweb Premium
57 minutes ago, newbryford said:


Amended accordingly...….




57 minutes ago, newbryford said:
  1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

 According to today’s Telegraph Norfolk is “a land of posh pubs, pony clubs and sailing clubs

Now the last three words I'd agree with, there being 47 sailing, boat,  related clubs and associations  in the green book... http://www.thegreenbook.org.uk

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5 hours ago, Tony_S said:

 A group of passengers behind us noticed the Irish coast and they agreed that it must be America as “Ireland is joined to England, innit”. 



It isn't?

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7 hours ago, jamie92208 said:


After the shopping expedition there will be some tidying up as a French neighbour is coming round.  He and his wife are off on a fly drive holiday in Scotland (Via Edinburgh which is perhaps just as well).   He's never driven a right hand drive car so we are going to go out in the Volvo for a practice.   


You might suggest he puts a big left pointing arrow on the dashboard while he's in the UK. It's quite easy to get confused, particularly when there isn't other traffic. (Don't ask me how I know.)

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Been phoning around for concrete laying companies. There's plenty that will supply the concrete but not one that I phoned will lay it. I still have a couple of firms to call including one in Benfleet that advertises laying as part of the service. Measured up the area, 5 square metres only about two of which will require digging out.

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  • RMweb Premium
5 minutes ago, AndyID said:


You might suggest he puts a big left pointing arrow on the dashboard while he's in the UK. It's quite easy to get confused, particularly when there isn't other traffic. (Don't ask me how I know.)

Its very easy to forget which side of the road you should be on when driving in countries where the rule of the road is opposite to what you are used to. I have seen travelogues aimed at Americans visiting the UK to look right when crossing the road. Even professional drivers can get confused, I was on a coach visiting the WW1 battlefields in Belgium and the driver upon leaving one site proceeded to drive on the left until someone reminded him.

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, TheQ said:

Obviously written by someone who lives in a different world.. They probably only visit Chelsea on Sea (AKA Wells Next the Sea). (on weekends)

Much of the article seemed to be about how an alleged falling out between members of a couple of titled families would affect invitations to social events. 

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  • RMweb Gold
3 hours ago, newbryford said:

Commiserations to Debs, Barry and Mal's family.


Been a bit busy over the past couple of weeks with a work project for Ally Pally.

A 20 feet long layout to demonstrate our new DCC shuttle system.

All laid, wired and tested in less than two weeks as well as trying to keep up with the normal tasks...




It performed well apart from the odd short induced by operator error or a customer leaning on the track with his silver bracelet. That took a couple of minutes to find!


Had a chat with Mike SM and managed to part him from some modelling tokens...…...


3 days off later this week for an injection into my spine to hopefully relieve the sciatic pain and then collect Mrs NB from her Sri Lanka Guides trip.



Mrs NB is just visible poking her head up at the rear right!



Catch up again later.










The Obergrumpenfuhere is thrilled with the guiding content of the latter two photos.


She thought the first looked too much like our garage!

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