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Afternoon Awl, 

Just back from the beach with Ben the Border Collie,  he enjoyed that.  Bit of a cool breeze coming off the sea though. 

Boat fished out of the River..  First time without the crane,  the lower rear half of the landrover had a good wash to get the trailer in far enough. Low range diff lock engaged to pull out on a metal slipway. 

The only problem we had with getting the boat on the trailer Was The bows had to be lifted onto their support while the keel  floated well clear above the channel the keel drops into. 

This was achieved by me standing on the stern, while my compatriot  pulled on a belayed rope .


If the information given at tomorrow's crane syndicate is not satisfactory then a front towball with winch for the landrover, may well be in order from recovery of my boat.. 

Certainly information of how we recovered this boat will influence the modifications to my trailer. 


Coffee to be drunk,  then eyelid inspection time.. 

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Attempted to clear some more of the brambles at the bottom of the garden. In doing so I managed to pull a bramble through my bare fingers. It did sting a bit but no broken skin so after a rinse under the tap I donned the gardening gloves which I should have done at first. Also one of the shed windows fell out, not a great problem as the shed is rotten, the reason for the window falling out. Luckily I found an old board that is ideal for blocking the hole which it now is. I have decided that its replacement will be aluminium, a bit more costly than wood but rot proof. I hope that those attending Ally Pally had a good time and spent plenty of modelling tokens and Rick, did you forget the deodorant?

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Evening each,

Back from Ally Pally with muchly aching left knee so liquid anaesthetic being taken.  Good journeys to and from, about an hour and 10/15mins each way which is not bad for a 5 minute walk, 1 bus, 2 Tube trains and then another bus. (Oh and no cost thanks to my Freedom Pass) Stepped from one to the other with the only delay being a 9 minute wait for the W3 back to Finsbury Park. 

Enjoyed the show and met up with Mike, John and Chris for a nice chat and a couple of pints passed my lips followed by a large Cumberland sausage hot dog.

Sorry we missed you Rick, we did look for you but alas you were nowhere to be seen. Unsurprisingly I did manage to spend some tokens and came away with the prototype Deltic DP1 from Locomotion Models which I've always wanted and also an O gauge brake van to add to the little (possibly getting bigger) proposed shunting plank. I did balk at getting a sound chip for the Deltic. That needs a bit more thinking about as after talking to Charlie Petty it could work out rather expensive.



P.S. Also looked at the Terriers on show and admit that I am very taken by the Rails/Dapol version and may possibly, only possibly mind, put down a deposit for one. :whistle: 

Edited by grandadbob
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I read PhilJ W's update on bramble-shredded fingers but saw GDB's photo below and put two and two together. Yep, that's typical GDB I thought. 

But for once GDB is in the clear. 


Bob, a Terrier would go nicely with your M7, methinks. Be tempted. BE TEMPTED! 

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7 hours ago, lightengine said:

As they say in Germany, "the best laid plans of Meissen men". 


Guten Abend von Deutschland.  Had a good day at the Internationalen Spur 0 Tage in Gießen and am typing this from the hotel beside Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof.


Auf Wiederhoren, alles in Ordnung halten, Bill

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10 minutes ago, bbishop said:


Guten Abend von Deutschland.  Had a good day at the Internationalen Spur 0 Tage in Gießen and am typing this from the hotel beside Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof.


Auf Wiederhoren, alles in Ordnung halten, Bill

Que? (in my best Fawlty Towers Manuel accent.) 

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've decided on where my new (garden) shed is to go so Monday I will be phoning the mix-and-lay people for quotes. This afternoon I tidied up a few shrubs in the garden, one,  a privet with yellow/pale green foliage was sporting a few dark green shoots which were removed. Thats all for now, be back later.

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3 hours ago, grandadbob said:

 I did balk at getting a sound chip for the Deltic. That needs a bit more thinking about as after talking to Charlie Petty it could work out rather expensive.


You talked to Charlie and you didn't cough up cash...he must be slipping:jester:


Go on..buy it..you know it makes sense!!!


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Off to do some training ( ie play trains) tomorrow. Wooooppppidddooooo!

Youngest Herbert and his girl friend are off to Rome for a few days. So they came to us for roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for tea tonight.

One mi or culinary disaster. Red carrots done cook as quickly as orange ones...and don't  mash up easily. Pah!


Sleep well all!

Especial thoughts to all who ail or are missing



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On 22/03/2019 at 23:47, JohnDMJ said:

Then, as there seem to be other plans, why don't we shift our meet at the GM stand to 12:25 and then adjourn to the aforementioned palm tree?


12 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

Seated in the bar area of Allypally with a pint and a pasty. Anyone else here?


10 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

Failed to locate any fellow RM webbers :( Not a bad visit though of course there was some congestion around the popular layouts and retailers.


5 hours ago, grandadbob said:

Evening each,

Back from Ally Pally

Enjoyed the show and met up with Mike, John and Chris for a nice chat and a couple of pints passed my lips followed by a large Cumberland sausage hot dog.

Sorry we missed you Rick, we did look for you but alas you were nowhere to be seen.


Rick: sorry we missed you; from your comment, it seems you were at the bar with the Dartmouth Ale on draught just along from the dcc concepts stand instead of either of the suggested venues! As GDB says, we did try to locate you.





Mike (StationMaster), the 'likes, thanks, agree, etc. buttons only relate to the specific post. The original poster (not Bill Stickers!)  does not seem to receive such information.

Edited by JohnDMJ
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Good evening everyone 


I had a very productive day in the garden today, plenty of pruning, dead heading was done and weeds were removed from the pots. The camellias are in bloom, as is the evergreen clematis ‘armandii’ which is quite spectacular at the moment, with a wonderful fragrance too. There is plenty of evidence of new growth about too, bluebells, sweet peas, roses, hostas, hydrangeas, peonies, meadow sweet etc. I took 2 full barrow loads round to the green bin. I also did a bit of maintenance on the gate, as the hinges were getting a bit tight and the thumb catch was sticking, I also oiled the lock mechanism whilst I was at it. 


This evening’s meal was absolutely delicious, great service and good portions, not too big and not too small. In fact, we enjoyed it so much, we’ve booked to go again in a couple of months when it’s Sarah’s birthday.


Goodnight all 

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37 minutes ago, JohnDMJ said:





Rick: sorry we missed you; from your comment, it seems you were at the bar with the Dartmouth Ale on draught just along from the dcc concepts stand instead of either of the suggested venues! As GDB says, we did try to locate you.




Indeed I did adjourn there and the Dartmouth was in fine form. I must have missed you by moments having shopped at the GM stand at 12.25 and gone by way of the palm court .... 


There’s always next year ;) 


G’night all 

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1 hour ago, Gwiwer said:

Indeed I did adjourn there and the Dartmouth was in fine form. I must have missed you by moments having shopped at the GM stand at 12.25 and gone by way of the palm court .... 


There’s always next year ;) 


G’night all 


I can only apologise! Moments indeed.


I did mentiond to my colleagues on said stand that we had adjourned to the palm court but it seems that we had failed to make the connection. As you say, there's always next year.

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Mooring Awl,  inner Temple Hare, 

A very good 3 piece sleep all in bed,  7 3/4 hours


Ben is asleep in his bed,  he was very much out of sorts last night not snoozing in his bed,  but wandering around complaining,  we couldn't work out what he wanted... 

I'll enjoy lying here on the sofa till he wants to patrol. 


The last of the repeated BBC weather which I just caught was a bit odd... "this is what the weather will be on Saturday" yep they repeated yesterday's forecast. 


As the summer sailing club has taken over from today,  I won't be. In a couple of hours I'll start work on the garage door,  to be finished next week. The job after that will be,  make the hard top for the trailer.  Once that is done, weekends will mostly be reserved for finishing the rebuild of the sailing boat. 


Later on we finally have the meeting on the sailing boat crane,  for the last 18months it's been locked up because someone failed to use it properly.  Although no damage or injuries occurs management went off the deep end and arguments have been going on ever since.. 


I hope later to take final measurements of both the boat and goods trailer,  and start drawing up plans.. 


Time to were... Do nothing.. 





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Ey up!

Woken by a bout of cramp in my leg. Ouch!

Her indoors has made me a mugatea as "it helps with cramp "...a new one on me but I will still drink it.


The picture taken in the palm court made me think about " carry on up the Khyber" for some reason.


We are missing a lot of ERs. Some disappeared pre forum changes ....some are poorly. Can I suggest that you make sure a close friend or relative has access to your account to let people know what is going on?


The sun is shining, it's a bit chilly but who cares...Herculaneum Dock here we come!


Stay calm, enjoy everything yo do and positive thoughts to all ERs.




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Good morning from the continent that gets cut off now and again.   We had such a warm day yesterday that I even dug my older pair of sandals out.   The poo

cover was safely removed and the water was clear with just a little collected sediment visible, no green colour.  The pH is going to be raised a bit before I put the cover back on and leave it till the summer. Some garden tidying got done and the kitchen  and I even ended up in the shed learning silver soldering.  Beth set to work to clear a freezer in the shed.   She discovered several bags of plums from our own trees, and these were turned into jam during the day, which left a very nice aroma in the kitchen and there are now 10 full jars on the kitchen table.  I suppose that someone will have to eat them at some point. Some jobs are very difficult.


The sun is shining again.  No major tasks are planned for today so I may continue with a bit of garden work but will also head for the shed.  Beth is off out to some form of secondhand sale with a friend.


Regards to all.



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