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Up late watching the snooker, a good game that could have gone either way level in the last frame,  have to get up as we intend to try and get to the garden centre that was cancelled on Wednesday after the puncture saga,oh well good night all

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Good evening everyone 


One way or another, I’ve had quite a busy day. This morning I made a huge pan of soup, 14 portions all told. I then gave the shelving a clean off before loading the car up with it all and also the necessary tools for assembly when I got to Vickie and Ian’s. Then whilst waiting for the postman (he didn’t deliver the expected parcel) I sorted out some stuff in the cellar now that I had a bit more room. I also dug out the lighting plan for the new cellar lights, which I’d drawn up a while ago. I will also need draw a plan for all the new sockets, but that can wait for now. 


James and Amelia came round for tea tonight, as he couldn’t make tomorrow as he’s having a new broadband service installed as his current provider has doubled the price without any significant improvement in service. Once they’d left for home, we had a quick tidy up then opened a bottle of Shiraz and enjoyed a relaxing evening. 


Happy anniversary John and Sandy


Thoughts too with Tony and Aditi. 


Goodnight all. 

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Morning All,


Happy Anniversary to John and Sandy and of course thoughts are with Tony and Aditi.


It is a nice bright morning in this part of the world.  Still fairly chilly, but the temperature yesterday afternoon got up to around 18°C, so Spring is definitely on the way.


Have a good day everyone...

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Today involved driving 400 miles west to home in 8 hours 45 minutes, including one gas and lunch (in that order) break, one bathroom break and another gas break. Over 300 miles on mountain roads, mainly two lane with stretches of passing lanes, in glorious sunshine, and with snow on the mountains along the way, but absolutely clear roads. 


An interesting phenomenon was that for a large part of the journey, the snow at the sides of the road appeared not to be melting, but rather subliming. The air temperature was in the range 6 to 17 Centigrade, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, but there was virtually no water on the road. I presume the air was so dry that solid snow was turning directly to water vapour.


And while the roads were now clear and dry, they had been wet and dirty last week when driving east. The (white) car is filthy and will need washed externally and vacuumed internally tomorrow.

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Good morning all and a Happy Anniversary to John and Sandy,

Welcome to ERs Chris, you'll find us to be among the friendliest people on t'interweb.

Another dry start to the day here and it will be mainly cloudy with the chance of a few bright spells.

A shopping trip required first thing. Hopefully by the time we get back the scaffolding will be being removed. Once that's out of the way I can start thinking about organising my temporary shelter for the shed contents. As I suspected the invoice for the roofing works wasn't delayed, it was emailed at 21.45 last night! It will be paid promptly once I've checked that everything has been left as it should be after the scaffolders have finished.

Will then need to start sorting out a timetable for the next lot of works. (New shed is already scheduled for 30th April)

There is also the small matter of psyching myself up to do battle with TFL's various modes of transport for tomorrow's visit to AllyPally.

Have a good one,




Edited by grandadbob
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Ey up!

Welcome modellerchris!

Congratulations Rick! Is that £5 for every month or just a crisp, plastic coated fiver to cover everything ???? moi? Jealous? :jester:


Lots of positive thoughts to Tony and Aditi, John and Sandy, Debs , Keith ane Elsie.

No contact from Mal and I fear the worst, as I do with my very poorly pal.


As it is Friday..let's think positive! Trip to moreasons coming up, breakfast shall be paid for and eaten once Chopin has been completed. I have some household and crust earning tasks to complete the...I am allowed to enjoy the rest of the day.this may or may not include a stroll to help with my weight loss plan (if you are off your food Chris has it had a positive effect on your weight as this is seen as a good thing by medicos)


Now off to enjoy my mugatea (Yorkshire's finest from Harrogate.


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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple hare,

A very good nights sleep of 6 3/4 hours with just a short interval in the middle. this meant I was ahead of schedule this morning and Ben the Border Collie got rather confused as to what I was up to..  He is in better  sorts this morning I don't know what was up with him yesterday.


When I closed the garage old door, after depositing the timber for it's replacement, it came off of it' s runners.. If I can't sort that tomorrow I will have to remove it a week early.


The workers in the old boiler room next to the lab were still drilling hammering and sawing away the old concrete pads, whoever built those pads did a good job!! meanwhile the bricky is here and has been filling the old ventilator holes.


The chinese system is progressing better since I found a problem with one of our test boxes. A nut was working loose on the inside which held a signal cable to a 4mm bananna socket.


It's MRC time tonight, I must remember to sort the deliveries, to enable work tonight, there is also somewhere  a bag of things from a man called Pritchard, which choose which parallel pieces of metal to use. Once thats done, I need to make like Slartybartfast with some expanded metal.


Time to.. check the company mail..

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20 minutes ago, grandadbob said:


Welcome to ERs Chris, you'll find us to be among the friendliest people on t'interweb.


And I heartily endorse that sentiment - we don't only post here early (and anyway with the geographical spread of the ERs, what is early for some is late for others).  We don't need much moderation here, and we are very tolerant and by comparison to some areas of RMWeb, there's no acrimony here, and we can all take a joke.


Morning All

Supportive thoughts to Tony and Aditi, Debs, John and Sandy, and Keith and Elsie, with generic greetings to everybody else who is ailing or celebrating.  Likewise worried about Mal.


Got to go into town this morning, and also need to take a wee sample to the vet first thing (luckily they are close to 30747's workplace) - took one yesterday, but by the time it got there it had apparently gone off, and also was not of sufficient quantity.  It is not easy to get a sample off this bitch as she squats very low when weeing, and there is not a lot of room to get a receptacle under her.  Also need to get a bank printout, as they couldn't oblige yesterday - I despair of B++rclays somtimes - I will NOT go to online banking as I just don't trust it at all.


Back tomorrow

Regards to All




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Greeting from Western France to Chris, welcome to a friendly place.   Chrisf, I ma glad that the lurgi seems to be in retreat and hope that things may continue in that direction.    Thought are also with John and Sandy, Mal and Gabe, Debs and Keith and Elsie plus any others that I have forgotten.   How we miss Jock67B and he daily roundup.


Here the sun is shining brightly.  A lot got done yesterday and I even used my modelling skills to do a drawing for a proposed security grill for the back door. That is now in the hands of Madame Mayor's son in law.  He owns and runs a very good steel fabricators on the northern exit from the village and he is bobbing round in a couple of days with an estimate and to do the final measuring up.  


This morning we are off westwards to a firm that makes plastic wood effect shutters in various colours.  Our wooden ones will need repairing/repairing/replacing soon  so this seems like a good alternative.   Various other sales establishments are due to be visited a well.   


Apart from that there is not a great deal on the agenda.   


Regards to all.



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Morning and welcome to the inner sanctum Chris, I'd also like to echo lots of positive thoughts to Tony and Aditi, John and Sandy, Debs , Keith and Elsie.

Hope all those lurgiefied are soon up to full speed and that Friday really is the start of the weekend, now we seem to have our world in reverse since retiring. We tend to avoid most places where people gather at the weekends and stay close to home, we have our 5 day weekend when everyone's at work. lol

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Morning, congrats to John and Sandy, welcome to 'New Chris' and supportive thoughts to all those in need.


A quick look in before going to the old farts bike club, it is actually dry out if rather windy so will have a wander down to the garage in a moment to see which bike to take.  Once it would have been which one doesn't have a flat battery but with the advent of superb AGM batteries, they all will start at the asking!


Actually looking at the way the trees are bending it'll have to be the BMW (with indicators I'll have you know) as the little ones will be a bit of a handful.


Then off to the Cathedral as I am having a 'tour' of the organ by the head of music, Dr Peter Litman, as a birthday present.  Whilst not being religious I love pipe organs.  A bit of Widor will make my day.  Toot tot as Gavin would say...  ;-)

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Good morning everyone


Welcome to ER modeller Chris, as others have already said, were a very friendly bunch here. 


It’s another dull start to the day here in the northwest, but temperature wise it’s not too bad, I won’t need a jacket when I go to the Trafford Centre later. For today’s trip I will be unaccompanied as Sheila will have to wait in for the parcel that didn’t turn up yesterday. As usual my return from the TC will be via the butchers where I will pick up the weekly meat rations and hopefully a pastie for my dinner. After that we plan to have a lazy afternoon, I don’t mind that at all. 


The fact we’ve had no news from Mal is very worrying. 


Back later 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A hearty welcome to Modeller Chris. Congratulations to John and Sandy and great to see that Chris F is on the up. Thoughts of course with Aditi and Tony, Keith and Elsie, Debs and any other ailing ER's. I too am a bit concerned about Mal, hope to hear something soon. The sheet of ply being straightened will hold up work on the shed until it is straight. The reason is that it is 4 X 4 feet of 12 mm ply and I want to use it in one piece. I only have a jigsaw so I want to avoid too much cutting. I've worked it out that more than 90% of the ply I'm using for lining out the shed was free, coming from old furniture, packaging and rescued from skips plus a few left over offcuts. Muggatee awaits, be back later.

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Morning all,


Happy anniversary John and Sandy, and many more of them to follow I hope.  Welcome ModellerChris - this is sometimes a rather loony corner of RMweb but there are other places which are even loonier on the forum if you look for them.


So to today and a visit to Tesco for the 'papers and one or two items of eatables as I need some shallots and had better restock on prunes whilst I'm there.  I need to do a modicum of timetable planning for tomorrow with the big question - start time apart - being whether to make the second stage of the outward trip by heading westwards in search of a fast train or to take the slow train eastwards to the big city.  Once I've got there all the routes I require to use are shown to be operational from an engineering work viewpoint although whether TfL will be offering a 'good service' on anything it operates remains more of an insult to the English language than a reflection of its ability to provide a decent service in terms of frequency, or much else, on the Circular Line  Up the hill for the last leg is easy - just avoid the shuttle 'bus and use the equally free for me service 'bus - have Oyster will travel




All I need to do once I'm in is d find a particular stand at 12.00 and wonder whether to collect my goodies from Cornwall before or after the palm court convivials.  One thing I will be doing is thinking very much of Tony and Aditi.


Right, the making of today's third mugaYorkshiretea is underway so my mug will be needed in the kitchen shortly. (note there is no bias here, we also have Cornish tea in stock as well)).


Have a good day one and all.

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Well that was a day and some. The first time I have been required to reach the House of Fun by bus as not a single train was running. 


Someone in Notwork Fail did something (or omitted to do something) overnight which caused Waterloo station to be completely closed until around 7am and trains unable to leave Wombletown depot as well so almost nothing could run. 


Having arrived late I was of course obliged to leave early to make up for it. Well it is POETS Day. 


Most of the morning’s customers were actually quite understanding and no doubt many had checked their apps before travelling. Some probably took one look and stayed in bed. 


Things started moving just after 7 but will be disrupted all day owing to stock and crew dislocation.  


gas break

How very polite. Far too many people seem happy to let rip inside the car and blame it on the dog ;)


Tomorrow - If I understand correctly there will be a small gathering under a large palm tree at around 12.30. I shall aim to be there. I’m the one wearing glasses and with grey stuff growing out of my head. 


There is movement Upon the Hill of Strawberries as Neighbour (top flat) is departing. She is the paramedic who has had enough of students sharing her air and has bought a place in Hampton Hill. I respect skill and expertise but they must get paid quite adequately to be able to afford Hampton Hill. 


We have no idea who the new tenants will be nor when they arrive but we know there have been viewings and they are not students. It isn’t student moving-house season. 


It is Friday Drinks season however and SWMBO will be joined at a suitable hour for alcofrolics. I shall raise a glass while holding all our sick and absent in mind. The silence from Mal and Gabe is very concerning indeed. 


Baz that’s one £5. You need a great deal more luck to receive a monthly income for a year (five main numbers) or for “life” (maximum 30 years - five main numbers and the bonus ball). 


Yayyy for the weekend!  Be good. And if you can’t be good be careful. 

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