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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Sunshine here, still a bit breezy and some blustery showers are forecast.

Last night's steak was excellent though I say so myself.

Sorry John, I misunderstood what you were saying. I was referring to the blue star (blue dot if you haven't posted in it) beside the thread title on the "View new content" page.

If you've read up to the end of the thread the star fades but you can still get to the last post by clicking on the number on the right hand side.




Hope this helps.


Time for some breakfast.

Have a good one,






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9 hours ago, grandadbob said:

Very well done Wales, you deserved it. 

Extremely well done Scotland, you deserved to win.

Well done Engl....... you have to be bloody joking. I've been playing and watching rugby for 59 years and I'm pretty sure I've never ever seen a side give up a 31 point lead. 

I think I'll start watching tiddlywinks instead!

Disgusted of Sutton.

Hard luck Italy ... a great improvement in performance this year.


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9 hours ago, grandadbob said:


I think I'll start watching tiddlywinks instead!

Disgusted of Sutton.


Having calmed down and thought rationally about this I won't be going to tiddlywink matches. Too dangerous by far, I'd probably get hit in the eye! :blackeye:

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Morning All

Rugby, PAH and twice PAH.:ireful:

Yesterday I spent more time tidying the cave up again looking for stored parts to go on items of rolling stock, that will be visited again today.

Tomorrow I'm being dragged off clothe shopping with Her god help me I need a new suit for a posh do in Sussex my eldest sisters 50th and

my youngest brothers wedding in Stratford upon Avon in September I've a vague Idea I might be best man it's in a period hotel again termed

posh, I'm lost on that one as I have no seen one there. :scratchhead:   

GDB I see no star either on this screwed up forum unless it's a personal setting, just seen your post TA.:mail:

                                                                                                                                                        Must get on to make most of the day, enjoy yours :superman:  S.L. Owcoach. :scratch_one-s_head_mini:


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Morning all,

Negotiation on the double glazing continues.

Funny how a salesman's apparently irreducible price tumbles and the reasons given.

I'm not sure how they live being in a permanent state of volte face

Oh, hold on. I remember now.

The commission. :D


More work on the layout is planned for this afternoon. 


Meanwhile in the garden the bluebells are now in leaf, as is the Juneberry tree. 

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1 hour ago, grandadbob said:

Sorry John, I misunderstood what you were saying. I was referring to the blue star (blue dot if you haven't posted in it) beside the thread title on the "View new content" page.

If you've read up to the end of the thread the star fades but you can still get to the last post by clicking on the number on the right hand side.




Hope this helps.

Thanks! It seems more of a faff than just going straight there, though! Hopefully, I'll have 2 seconds with Mr Y at Ally Pally next Saturday!

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Yes it was me that mentioned the hundred days cough Dave - coined by friends of Mrs NHN - I'm at day 40 now.  Still feeling not quite 100% despite a week off on holiday, it is a rotten lurgy.


Actually sunny outside, but a strong wind.  Surprisingly we didn't get the deluge of rain, just 'normal' amounts!  It must have just missed Fraggle Rock.


No sure of the Orders of the Day, Mrs NHN out doing Institute of Advanced Motoring training currently, apparently its going well.  We are having lunch out somewhere with friend Jayne IIRC, other than that a lazy day perhaps.


We have started watching a boxed set of Endover Endeavour, we didn't like it when it started and didn't bother with it, but after enjoying the current series have gone back to the start and are enjoying it.....odd.  I don't think he's well cast, in that he's a lot taller than John Thaw, but I do wonder if in fact John Thaw wasn't tall enough to have been a policeman back then.  The same for Strange, the new one is a big lad!  Max is well cast though.

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Good morning everyone 


The sun is shining but we’re getting the odd heavy shower every so often, so that will put paid to any gardening activities that I had planned, oh well, I suppose I COULD spend the day in the workshop, oh go on then!


Back later

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I should be done under the trade description act this morning, very late on parade due to, ironically, watching the Dirty Dozen(again) on tv last night, it's a very dated movie, but I just can't sit and watch new ones, I get bored after 10 minutes. 

Have nice relaxing Sunday all(just checking calendar to make sure what day it is, I lose track these days lol.)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


The sun is shining (occasionally): the G word has not yet been mentioned (it is not exactly warm out there).   I have breakfasted (unusual in itself) on beans on toast but have just been mightily b*ll*cked by the management for failing to turn off the gas ring. (although at least the kitchen has warmed up a bit - she didn't thank me for that).  Tesco has been visited and the 'papers acquired but I am also tasked with cleaning the vacuum so the sudoku will have to wait.


So very much an ordinary Sunday and no doubt there will some of the usual unintended hilarity and amusement hidden in various threads on here.


Chrisf - go to the doctor.


Have a good day one and all

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  • RMweb Gold

When I returned from Switzerland a couple of years ago I had a cough and fever. I thought perhaps I might have to remind the GP that due to my other medication the consultant recommended I would need them when not normally prescribed. After listening to my chest she said it wasn’t a case of whether I needed antibiotics it was which one (or two as it turned out).


This seasons cough cold hasn’t been too bad for me but Aditi being asthmatic has a persistent throat irritation, not a cough though. She has an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss this later this week. It could just be an irritation caused by the asthma puffer, (family diagnosis yesterday). A few years ago Aditi was diagnosed with tonsillitis even though she had had them removed as a child.  Although this seemed odd it would appear that the site of the former  tonsils can become sensitive.  This led to one of those all the doctors in the family discuss sore throat complications while we are eating lunch conversations. 


Not it as funny though as when many years ago when we were sitting down at dinner and Aditi’s Dad (a GP) announced that he would like her to look at a French letter he had received. Much sniggering round the table. FiL was quite serious and wasn’t really amused by the explanation. He repeated his request stating it was a letter written in French from a French hospital who had treated one of his patients while she was on holiday. He then said if had wanted a condom inspected he would have said condom not French letter. Anyway Aditi did translate the letter (he had “redacted” the patient’s name for confidentiality reasons) . 



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The Welsh half of me is still celebrating while the English half is wondering how they threw it away.  All credit to Scotland, but they shouldn’t have been allowed to do it.


Nice sunny day here today, with only a moderate wind, which makes a nice change.  We have been out for a walk to try and loosen up my very stiff back, but without success.  It was bad a couple of weeks ago, and and been getting better until I managed to aggravate it while in the shower this morning.

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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

I shall not crow. 


This bottle was bought the last time Wales won the Grand Slam. I said it would not be opened until they won it again. 


My brother and I are going to enjoy it next time we meet up. 



So that'll be the seven year twitch then.....

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I have returned from a sunny Derbyshire. Roads were busy and apart from an eediot driving a Mercedes A Class....no indicators, no brake lights no idea which lane they wanted to be in...the roads were fine.


Mugadecaf drunk..home made gluten and sugar free biscuit tried (very nice).


A bit of soccer has also been watched. Not sure why I watched it but I did!


Calm, sunny but a bit chilly here. Our moat  garden is drying out a bit, long may this continue. May get out to the pub tonight so long as the weather stays dry!




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Afternoon Awl, 

Well for the final time this season it's sailing day.. So here goes. 

Wind varying between not a lot and way to much,  between south westerly and North westerly.  Basically difficult. 


Race one , 4p,1p,2p.

Not too bad a start, the wind meant we sailed up the left hand bank until a wind shift forced a tack across river.  After a couple of tack s we had worked our way to the front,  then just as we decided tack we ran aground.  We came off the mud straight away , but we certainly slowed, Losing our momentum . Three boats got past us. 

We rounded to bend to find ...wind and lots of it.  Hard work tacking up to reach buoy 4, round bouy 4 and... 

No spinnaker it was just too windy,  we were nearing planeing speed as it was.. 

Running / broad reaching all the way to buoy 1 we slowly caught up to boat 3. We kept close behind boat 3 all the round buoy 2 and up round the bend,  in the strong wind there we managed overtake right at the buoy. Because  they arrived on port tack and us on starboard they had to give way round the buoy.


 Heading back buoy 1 of course the wind was from behind so they blocked it, catching up and getting alongside by the clubhouse. On rounding  the corner we were on-the-go inside so got in front again.  Rounding buoy 1 in third place. We held that to buoy 2, but on the  tacking up to the bend they got past us again.  Rounding the bend back into the strong wind,  we got ahead just in time for the buoy.  Yet again they blocked the wind on the way back this time getting in front of us by the club bend. This they held to the finish.. 


Race two,  

A poor start but we weren't the only ones,  only one boat made the start well and they disappeared off and won. 

The second place boat by the end of the first straight  was following on,  that left us fighting with the same boat as previously , we were exchanging places all the way round,  the one major incident  was a tourist day boat was on the wrong side of the river out of control  and rammed our starboard bow.  We had nowhere to go with other boats around us.  Somehow we came out of that well as the boat we were fighting against was just behind us had to swerve out of the way of the tourist.. 

Eventually in that race we came third


Race 3 after a cheese roll and coffee for lunch. 


Just before the start we unrolled  the jib,  and some how the main halyard tail wrapped it'self round the jib furling line under the foredeck. So we were stuck going down wind away from the start.  While I was under there undoing the tangle.  Once sorted we turned to see the start,  300yards away. 

 Eventually we got close enough to polish the boat in front's stern but never really had a chance in the Race.. 


We were stripping the boat down ready to pull the boat out next week,  when the world turned white, heavy hail!!! Not much fun, as I was left skating around on the foredeck taking the jib off. 


Boat away the heavens opened and the sun came out for the drive home...  


Dinner is on it's way,  we're living it up with sausage egg and chips... 

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So I watched two minutes of the game yesterday, and Ireland scored a try!  That's six minutes of live viewing across the six nations and we ship three tries.  If I'd watch all the Welsh games we would have the wooden spoon!  Then to Orpington Liberal Club for the Calcutta Cup and saw the last ¾ of the game.  Glee!!  England have a serious leadership problem and it's not just down to Farrell.  After the third Scotland try, someone should have decided the forwards put the ball up their jumpers and take ten minutes off the clock; but no, there is a rigidity to the England thinking progress.  And a reliance on the Coach - note the different ways Jones and Gatland manage their teams.  Anyway, back to Farrell: he should have been carded after that shoulder charge, there was no attempt either to tackle the player or charge down the kick.  Bad refereeing, compounded by not blowing up immediately because potentially their was a serious injury.   And he was an Aussie, so no attempt to referee the scrums, the Scottish front row got away with dropping several scrums.


So today, church, a walk round Greenwich Park and most of the day wiring the layout in the garage.


Keep well all, Bill

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening All

It looks like John is p!ssed off with this forum like me I've spent the day on other forums without a hitch come on here and it takes a while to open on what you click

it can't be just me there's not many posts on this page today. 

Anyway I've had a good day fixing pressfix transfers to wagons and coaches boring job yes I find it passes the time away.

I didn't watch the Grand Pr!cks Prix as the Feckwit BBC gave the game away it's about time they privatized that inept lot and disband that Juggernaut of a new team

who are on heinous amounts money for sitting on their butts dishing out fake news. except for the totty who read the sport in the morning of course. 


                                                                                                                                                         I'm off to have my pills and hot milk. :superman:  Hypocon Dreack :bye_mini:


edit I though I will just add that post took over a minute to save. PAH

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Evening all.   It is running very slowly tonight.  Get my personalised activity stream up no problem then click on the first unread post and it take anything up to 3 minutes to load.  Something is seriously wrong.   




PS.  It took 28 seconds to save the above 2 line post.


PPS, 1 minute 10 seconds to save the  PS.   


Anyway thought that Richard was a Hippo not a crow.


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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day at the Southern Expo 2019 today. Purchased one plastic kit and won two items on the raffle, a set of Mini drill bits and a small display case, just big enough to hold a 00 scale wagon. The young man declined to come with us so the other half of his birthday cash is still intact. Thats all for now, be back later.

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