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  • RMweb Premium

Evening to most, afternoon to some, morning ish to othere.

Attended a 2 hour cricket law refresher for umpires. Lummy that is 2 hours of my life gone forever....


Positive thoughts to all that ail or are missing. Sleep well all.



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Good evening everyone


Like a few others, I’ve also had some difficulty getting on the rmweb, around dinner time, I gave up trying. I did manage to get on for a short while mid afternoon, but it was very slow again during early evening, it was slow just now when I tried to log on. 


Anyway, back to this morning, it was surprisingly busy in the pool, but not long after I’d gotten in the water a few got out. As I suspected earlier, I didn’t manage my usual quota of 110+ lengths, but I did manage 80, 8 of which were single underwater lengths. 


This evening we had Ava, Evie and Max round for tea, which tonight was a roast chicken dinner and as usual there were 5 empty plates at the end of tea time. But I’m sure they would have eaten more if I’d put more on their plates. 


Goodnight all 

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Oh, dear, one of those days.


Woke up to find that last night's gales had flattened the front garden fence which was blocking next door's path so friendly landscape gardener chap called in.


Then I had an invitation that I simply couldn't refuse to accompany SWMBO on a shopping expedition to Shrewsbury (but at least that included lunch).


Once back at the ranch I discovered a letter from the bank stating that a cheque I had paid in was refused because the name on it wasn't mine; actually it was but not my first name - Dave is, in fact, my middle name but is the one by which everyone knows me and I have been paying in cheques made out to that name for over 50 years. The person  on the other end of the phone, however, just kept saying, "But that's not your proper name," even when I pointed out that the letter from the bank was addressed to me with David included and anyway they had never since before he was born refused a cheque for that reason. Suffice it to say that it was akin to talking to a wall so eventually I had to contact the person who sent the cheque and ask for another one with a different name on it. 


Eventually I sloped off to the workshop to finish some lining only to find that my brand new Rotring pen used for the first time yesterday with fresh ink in wouldn't work and ended up having to take it apart and clean it out. In the process I took off the ink reservoir and propped it up on the bench...... you guessed it, I now have a pair of khaki chinos with several decorative black patches attractively arranged to match the chair cover on which I was sitting.


Oh, well, off to bed now in the hope that tomorrow will be something of an improvement.


Night night everyone.



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Just watched part two of the Hornby program on iplayer from the comfort of my work desk......


We all went out for a meal earlier and I "volunteered" not to drive the 22 miles home afterwards - otherwise known as code for I'll have a couple of drinks. So I have the luxury of a camp bed in the small store next to my workspace - it is actually quite cosy.

Judging by the sound and intensity of the rain, I've made a good choice as there's a high chance that my normal route to work will be flooded tomorrow morning.


Currently just about to spend a few minutes using my workbench for a sound installation for myself before turning in.


Have a good Thursday folks.




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Night awl.


A mere relaxation from the debate about Hornby and what was edited out from the filming contributing to James May's 2 hour adverts for Hattons and Rails of somewhere beginning with S

Edited by JohnDMJ
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Dave Hunt

I once had a cheque refused because it was made out to my wife and I deposited it using my bank card.

We're getting into melty weather for a few days. There are warnings about river levels. Probably on the weekend we'll have ice because the melted snow will freeze again.


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  • RMweb Gold
7 hours ago, newbryford said:

Just watched part two of the Hornby program on iplayer from the comfort of my work desk......


We all went out for a meal earlier and I "volunteered" not to drive the 22 miles home afterwards - otherwise known as code for I'll have a couple of drinks. So I have the luxury of a camp bed in the small store next to my workspace - it is actually quite cosy.

Judging by the sound and intensity of the rain, I've made a good choice as there's a high chance that my normal route to work will be flooded tomorrow morning.


Currently just about to spend a few minutes using my workbench for a sound installation for myself before turning in.


'Sleeping on the job':rolleyes:. Many years ago a number of us would sleep in the exhibition hall at our clubs show to add an extra level of security so I would almost sleep under my layout. It was great as we would go out for beers (normally leaving someone in the hall whilst we were out) and bring back food. If we woke up early then we just worked on the layout. One year when I could not stay overnight someone did break in but terrier heard them and they soon scarpered back out of the high level window they entered through. Of course these days sleeping in the show is  definite 'no'.


Morning all. My first decoder installation job should be completed this morning as had to make up a couple of holders (and spray them) for the replacing the bulbs with SMLED's. Fitted an iphone 4s speaker as a much better fit than a sugar cube in this instance. Just need ot speak to the person so he can decide which horn sound he prefers as I cant find what the prototype locos horn should be based on the factory fitted one fitted on the model.


Then out to see how a friend is getting on with his new layout as it is out at its first show in April.


Tomorrow I may have a lot of weathering to do for someone.

Edited by roundhouse
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Morning All,


It is a rather blustery morning in this part of the world.  Fairly mild, and a little damp.


There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Ey up! Blowing a hoolie in the North West Leeds Highlands at the moment.

Perhaps NHN may spend another day on this sceptred isle?


Today is another crust earning day. I hope swifter progress happens today! Too many interruptions  them my Sprog refuses to work. Pah!


Youngest Herbert now in full house buying mode. Seems like spring has sprung!

My mugatea awaits so TTFN.


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  • RMweb Gold
10 minutes ago, chrisf said:



Finally for now, much secrecy surrounds the intentions of fellow RMwebbers to attend Ally Pally and to gather together in huddles under the palm trees.  Anyone would think that this is a secret society ...



I will be there but behind SANTA BARBARA. No doubt usual panic from 08.00 when they open the hall for set up as we try to get in to the hall with the layout and set up in time for opening at 09.30. Unfortunately setting up Friday is a non starter as no way will I be on the North circular on a Friday to / from our location directly South of London. Meeting at lunchtimes is something I cant do as we have to get through relief for our crew for lunch breaks plus I have somemone calling by to collect an HO kettle that I sold this week.

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Good morning all,

Yet another wet and windy start here but it should ease off later with some brighter spells this afternoon. Whether or not this will tempt the roofers into action remains to be  seen.


7 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

Is that 0 gauge £s or 00 gauge £s


Ah, decisions, decisions. I'll have to think about that Mike.


31 minutes ago, chrisf said:


Finally for now, much secrecy surrounds the intentions of fellow RMwebbers to attend Ally Pally and to gather together in huddles under the palm trees.  Anyone would think that this is a secret society ...



Oops, I didn't know it was a secret Chris. If anybody here knows that I was thinking of going please don't mention it and you never heard it from me! :negative:

Time to take some tea to Herself.

Have a good  one,




P.S. I seem to have missed wishing Neil a Happy Birthday so apologies for that and I hope it was!

Edited by grandadbob
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I know those palm trees, but sadly I won't be there this year, too much to do round the house, it's also the sailing club prize giving dinner tomorrow night and end of season being blown away on Sunday.. Actually most times I've stood sat around by those palm trees were at the National Dinghy exhibition which was a couple of weeks ago, though I missed that this year too.


Mooring Awl Inner temple Hare,


 A reasonable nights sleep of 5 hours solid plus a couple of hours dozing on the sofa listening to to the rain..


SWMBO is still suffering from the remains that Lurgi now nearly 3 months later, still coughing occasionally, so the Doc sent her to a asthma clinic to check if she had it... After various tests the nurse came and said.... Bad news I'm afraid you've got the lungs of a 58 year old, to which SWMBO said, that's all right I'm 59... SWMBO has always looked young she was being refused alcohol in pubs when she was 27,  when she was 30 she got asked if I was her dad... I'm only 2 years older...


I use a couple of other forums that use this software and they too have had problems restarting after an update, however RMweb is much busier and larger so the indexing doesn't take so long..


Well after much faffing around the man in charge of Test equipment IT couldn't do anything without the man from the site IT, unfortunately he does several company sites and wasn't here yesterday.  By the time both are in here and have got their act together I will lose at least half of today on the chinese system so it wont be finished this week. So I've had to push that system to one side as I need the room for next weeks scheduled major system. It's going to be a busy week next week..


Time I wandered down to the lab to find something to do in the meantime..





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Morning all.   The kitchen sounds busy as Beth is busy baking cakes for tomorrow's meeting of the Charente Maritime Railway Group, which is being held here. My task is to do some tidying up when I have finished my mugecoffee.   


A good bit of time was spent in the shed yesterday, some of it productive.  Then we had a very nice evening meal out with two friends who are here for another few days.   


Dave, I can empathise about the cheques.   I have had trouble with the odd one made out to Jamie and not my Sunday name of James.  Beth is officially Elizabeth but that was only ever to her late aunt and father (When he was unhappy with her).  She gets some cheques made out to Mrs B.  The Building Society would never take them but the bank always did.


Glad the hear that the various Lurgi's seem to be in retreat.



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9 hours ago, grandadbob said:

Result! Just discovered I've won £133 on the lottery. :yes:

with your vast wealth now assured, please bear a thought for that wonderful and hard working charity, the Central African Sanctuary for Hippos.


anything you can donate by way of financial support is much appreciated.  Cheques can be made payable to CASH......................

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