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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Raining steadily here. It did stop long enough for the window cleaners.

Our neighbour called this morning to tell us they were having to go to Wales to help their daughter. They were in the middle of decorating and basically downed tools and departed. 


We have a smart meter. We needed a new meter as the clock in our old one was a few hours out. We have the economy 7 tariff.  I can read a meter but appreciate that now I don’t have to go out in the rain to read the gas meter. 


The gas meter connects to the electric meter via its own WiFi signal and the electricity meter connects to the energy provider via its own mobile phone signal. It does not use our WiFi or any of our phone services. You can’t have a smart meter if there is no phone signal in your area. There was a concern that our gas meter may be too far from the electricity meter for its signal but all was fine. I have no intention of changing my energy supplier. So I can’t see any disadvantage for me. 


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  • RMweb Premium

Oh, weather. Sunday saw us through another storm in the evening hours, strong enough to buffet 32-plus tonnes of tram and with a major downpour for good measure. It ended as quickly as it had begun, though!


In other words, it‘s a bit April-like roughly one month early...


I obtained us a cookbook with Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Armenian and Azerbaijani cuisine recently, so dinner tonight will be Ukrainian fish pierogi with carrot, apple and walnut salad.

Edited by NGT6 1315
Word got gobbled up in electronic nirvana
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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs NHN!


In other news I have been with youngest Herbert doing a second viewing of two houses. Both looked OK but I identified a couple of problems..in one house the problem could be very expensive to fix..so he is bidding for the other one.


Our first day in India was spent in flying to Amritsar (from Delhi) then getting to our hotel. Indian Lorries are very well painted..and built to last! One of these is travelling the wrong way up a road...but..so what??






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Happy anniversary Neil and Mrs NHN...


Late checkin today, no particular reason! :O


Successfully retrieved Jemma from the airport yesterday and she stayed for dinner - roast beef and trimming :)


Zero first thing and headed for +5 with rain expected. Supposed to be the start of enough rain to seriously deplete the snow piles, BUT, potential for flooding as a result. Many folks locally with roof issues due to ice dams. What a mess!


Carry on.

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy Anniversary Neil and Mrs Neil.

Wind and rain have died down a bit but it sounds like there's a lot more to come. Roofers will phone me in the morning to let me know if they are coming or not.

Another dozen locos now boxed up but that'll do for today.


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  • RMweb Gold

Happy Anniversary to Neil and Mrs H. 

Have you obtained a product appropriate to the number of years? Coral was the only anniversary Aditi chose an appropriate present. We haven’t really bothered in other years but she does like coral.


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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Happy anniversary Neil and Mrs Neil. Like Tony I have no intention of switching suppliers and the chap from the people installing the smart meter explained how it worked. Also its quite simple as both meters share a space beneath the stairs. It was persisting down until just after lunch then the sun broke out but it was, and still is blowing a hooley. Dinner about to be consumed, be back later. 

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Happy anniversary to NHN and Mrs NHN.


Storm Gareth is positively howling outside just now.  The wind must be in excess of 60mph, and could get worse overnight. Hopefully there won’t be any damage as a result!

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Cricket umpired. Nothing of note..apart from me scraping my car down a corner wall trying to avoid a pedestrian trying to text and walk at the same time..An unwanted spend of modelling tokens is heading my way. Bummocks!


Sleep well all and especial thoughts go to all who ail or who are missing.



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8 hours ago, PeterBB said:

We too are on Economy 7 and it is still the best for us in spite of the 'contract quotes' that they offer all of which have a fixed time limit.  Smart meters are there for their convenience only and like others I have refused them.  On another aspect they came to fit a smart meter in a relatives house but were unable to do so ... why?  he doesn't have internet access so they are not smart meters but just parasites on ones own already paid for internet service. 

I had a phone call a few weeks ago asking if I wanted a smart meter.  I said no.  She asked why.  I said why do you continue to write to me and phone me about having a smart meter but you never ever phone me and ask me if I want your cheap fuel deals.   Phone call finished.

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Started the day with a warning in the car about a brake light failure. Made immediate appointment and took it in. They couldn't duplicate it, but replaced the bulb anyway, free under warranty. The warranty expires sometime next month.


I had a sore knee start about Christmas. It's varied a bit but I saw the doctor last week. He put me on a course of Ibuprofin measured in grams and it feels better now. SWMBO asked tonight how much longer I'm to be on it?  no idea.





Edited by BR60103
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Morning All,


Time for me to check in, having been absent for a few days.  I went to a meeting on Friday, came back on Saturday and promptly went down with something.  I've spent the past two days at home, but it seems to have improved this morning.  At least enough that I made it to work!


It has been a very windy few days, but seems calmer this morning.


A belated happy Anniversary to Neil and his wife and best wishes to anyone I've forgotten.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all, with belated anniversary greetings to Mr and Mrs NHN.


Yesterday was a struggle.  I got some m*d*ll*ng done in the shed where the layout lives and inflicted two burns on myself with the soldering iron. By soon after 5 pm it was clear that I was in no fit state to attend the RCTS AGM.  I dropped Poorly Pal at the pub, where I hope he enjoyed his mixed grill, and headed for home and bed.  Radio 5 Live can be remarkably soporific.  I woke at about 11 pm and thought it best to undress.  This morning I shall have a long hot soak before doing anything.  Why did I have to bring a chest infection home from New Zealand?  Most people would have chosen a cuddly kiwi and then found that it would not fit in the suitcase.


When I'm feeling a bit more up to things I need to track down a coveted item which a fellow member of the tour group saw in a shop window in Auckland and thought of me - oh dear, typecast already.   Apparently Doc Martens make Pride boots, bedecked in the colours of the rainbow.  Heaven knows how much they cost but I won't know unless I make inquiries, will I?


Best wishes to all



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