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8 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

Morning all. 

Bright and breezy here, well at least the weather is. 

Some friends from Norfolk are coming to visit us today. They managed to choose a route that had delays form after they left. 


Andy (AndyRam). I looked at the list of Channel 5 programmes. I can see why you have to keep quiet about such things!


Have a good day 


Look forward to seeing you build

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What a load of rubbish.


Accidently left the heater on all night in the model railway room, which has encouraged my latest balasting to dry.

That means I can place the platforms and ballast that area and move on to getting my BM1s in place.


However the wind overnight means the chicken coop needs some attention.

This means no model railway this afternoon, busy tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday - three primary days more ballast/paint could be drying.  Tut.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon All

Bit slow off the mark today Her has given me no ear-ache YET she has p!ssed off gone out to assist her aunt in buying a kitchen I can see the Howdens Farnborough staff having their day spoilt

things got a bit stressed last week for her aunt now Her has got involved god help them. :tender:

Had an enjoyable day at the Basingstoke show the show going round with GDB we did spend time looking for SM Mike with no success the show it's self was carp, crowded car park in disarray, many layouts not working even the big Hornby train set packed up then some idiot operator tried to walk through me he ended up going over a barrier the pompous sod said he was a exhibitor I said that was no excuse " you ########" it a pity the show has gone down hill it use to be one of  the best, 19 layouts, seen 11 of them before, 5 had zero interest as stock was derailing or not working, the other 4 had a 5 second glace before I walked on and made use of the traders, then made tracks for home it was just too hot in the halls to hang around BTW the catering was pants. :negative:

Well my layout now has 2 newly painted and lettered GWR Siphon G's one has had the correct bogies retro fitted as well so the day has not been wasted.:senile:

                                                                                                                                              enjoy the rest of the day I must get on:superman: S.H.Owcritik :biggrin_mini2:


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A pleasant sunny day here so far today.  It is most likely the calm before the storm, as we are due a wet and windy week according to the BBC website.  I have spent some time outside gardening and cutting firewood, which made a nice change after recent gales.


Some modelling done too as I am fettling the GWR locos recently bought at auction.  A new drawbar for a Hall has been fitted to the loco, but the bit on the tender where it locates is missing, so that is the next job.   

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Found the on-line Citibank claim form (for PPI) and duly completed same. A good sign perhaps is they still retained my details (address, tel. number) so they should still have my account details despite the account being settled ten years ago. Glad to hear from Andy R, hopefully we should hear from a few other absentees soon. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening All

The Saga of the vertical blind headrails is over she has been trolling the Argos stores for 3 more went into another store and the kind assistant tracked down the last remain rail we were short of and arranged to have it delivered  I 

just wonder why the last  toss pot in the other store could not have done that it was delivered before Her got home she has booked the window cleaner to come and clean the conservatory inside and out he does a good job,

the only thing I will clean is the propeller on the light fitting then start replacing these bloody rails she has given grief about the past week. :umbrage:

Andy wait until you retire then you will have a new boss :girldevil: :sarcastichand:

                                                                                                                                 Must dash :superman:  Weeta King 

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a phone call from my gas/electricity supplier this afternoon. They're coming to fit a smart meter or should I say meters in a months time. It will save me having to bend down to read the bl@@dy things.

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  • RMweb Premium
13 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:



He calls it a shed, but in fact it is bigger than my house!


Just a slight exaggeration, it is, in fact, 35ft by 20 ft. Actually, it was only supposed to be 8ft by 4ft but I designed it using Templot and got the scale wrong.


I did, in fact, get some time in there today doing what I probably dislike more than anything else involved with modelling, which is lining. For a couple of hours all went well (ish) but just as I began to think I would get what I had planned on for the day finished without mishap, WOBBLY LINE !!! 'Oh dear,' I thought (actually it was more like :diablo_mini:    but is better glossed over). However, instead of my usual habit of compounding the mistake by trying to fix it there and then I decided to leave it and let things dry before attempting rectification.


Apart from that I had a lovely time sorting out house insurance. Our present insurers decided that the premium had to increase by 80% despite the fact that nothing had changed and we haven't made any claims so I did some ringing around to get more sensible quotes and ended up with one that was within £1 of last year's premium. When I then rang the present company to tell them we wouldn't be renewing the young man there asked me why. When I told him he asked me to wait a minute and came back saying, 'My manager says we can match that' !!! So why the stupid renewal quote? I asked, then told him that I was a tad disgusted and that they could stick their policy where the sun don't shine. Well, actually I didn't but that was the general drift and then informed him that they had lost a customer due to what I regarded by as sharp practice.


For dinner I made spag boll but with courgette instead of pasta. We've got a gizmo that turns the courgettes into thin strips and five minutes in the microwave makes a sort of spaghetti substitute with almost no calories.


Well, to quote the Magic Roundabout, 'Time for bed said Zebedee.' Night night each, sleep tight.





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