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50 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

If you can fix it simply by looking at it there's a career opportunity awaiting ;)



'tis enfixed now. Did take a bit of looking (at the interweb thingy) to find out what the two thermostats are supposed to do. I decided the upper one was banjaxed. I've replaced both of them.

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12 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Back home to an evening meal involving liver, onions, mashed potato and cabbage. Lovely!


None of that sort of thing here (although it is possible to buy it).


I'm not sure if I'm even allowed to be a blood donor yet. I was banned as a Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease risk because of the time I had spent in the UK.

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Busy day at work, with a POE for a long-promised trip to Sheffield with Junior NB.

Target venue: ice Sheffield to see the last but one away game of the Blackburn Hawks season against Sutton Sting.


Just over a 6 hour round trip including watching the game was not a bad use of the evening - and that included a significantly reduced speed over the M62 with high winds and sleet, going on for snow on the return.


A solid 6-2 win for the Hawks guarantees a finish above Sutton with only 2 games left. There is a faint possibility that they may gain one more place, but that depends upon two wins from the last two games and the other team losing both - one of those games is home to Blackburn next weekend......


Tomorrow is a consultant visit to see if my sciatica medication can be changed from 10-12 tablets  per day into something less "repeatable".


Then it's busy busy with a project for BRM Alexandra Place in less than two weeks.


Have a good week folks.






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Good evening everyone 


Well I spent a good few hours in the workshop, tinkering with a few bits and pieces, tidying up but absolutely nothing of note done at all. 


This evening I’ve spent a couple of hours with pen and paper altering a circuit diagram so that I can fit 2 servo drivers on to a single board. It was a bit fiddly, but I finally got there in the end.


Goodnight all

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9 hours ago, grandadbob said:

....... a lot of swearing and a bit of minor surgery but all is now sweetness and light so I can settle down for  some rugby. :yes:


Was that minor surgery to you or to the model Bob?


Following much time spent under a towel sniffing up salt fumes, drinking Lemsip maxes and bingeing on cough linctus, al prescribed by SWMBO, I began to feel a bit better about lunchtime so finished off the bookcase sorting and then spent a relaxing couple of hours flat out on the sofa watching Ireland - France. I was then daft enough to do some Templot wrestling this evening so I now feel yuk again and it's back to mainlining Lemsip etc.


Night night everyone; sleep tight.



Edited by Dave Hunt
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This afternoon brings the long dark teatime of the soul, prolonged by the onset of daylight saving time, and mocked by this glorious sun of Mars' month.


It is a beautiful sunny day. It's brilliance has tormented me since it awoke me as I have procrastinated all day on some work left over from Friday. I watched golf. I corrected wristwatches and most of the clocks. I paid bills. I downloaded photographs from an evening out with my son last night. I caught up on the doings of Early Risers. I now write this with nothing else to keep me from my appointed rounds, even though it is now fast approaching dinner o'clock - unnaturally early of course due to said onset of daylight saving time.


It's not even that the work is laborious. (Is that supposed to have a "u"? I can't tell any more - it didn't look right with one, in the same way that "labour" still does despite the red, squiggly underlining courtesy of the US English spell checker.) I shall have to gird myself to the task, even though I am suddenly feeling muscle aches sitting in my office chair in some unconscious plea to go sit on the sofa.


Some people asked about features of the post editor with the new software. I had thought that while there are some editing capabilities introduced by the post editor (like bulleted and numeric lists which are all implemented using HTML tags), default line spacing, and paragraph line wrapping, much of the base editing functionality (like spell checking) is not a function of forum software, but of the chosen browser and other default settings of the machine itself.  I have never noticed any automatic capitalization of paragraphs in RMweb posts.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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I have ignored the Fire Department's suggestion to change the batteries in my smoke detectors with the change to/from Daylight "Saving" Time. With the alteration a few years ago, we now have 4 months of real time and 8 months of the other. Seems like a waste of battery, especially as ours are also hard-wired to the mains. I do have a use for not depleted 9V batteries: a garage lighting unit that also mimics a welding unit.


I don't get notification of opinions on my posts anymore. Is there a setting for this?


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1 hour ago, BR60103 said:

I don't get notification of opinions on my posts anymore. Is there a setting for this?

Same for me. I'm not sure whether I miss it or not. I do get notifications if someone quotes me. I didn't get that before.

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Mooring Awl, Inner temple Hare,


A good nights sleep of about 5 hours + one on the sofa, I really didn't want to get up though.


The wind is still howling around, and with clear skies it was very chilly during Ben the Border Coliies patrol.

The radiowomble reported the was a short blizzard when he came in to work (03:50) and the gritters were out. I've seen no sign of either as I now sit here, a couple of miles away Norfolk radios offices.


I awoke with backache which is odd as this weekend no real physical activity was carried out.


Sailing and Aviation, red port left, green Starboard right. (and anything else i know of)


One of the members of the sailing club now has hearing aids, and had to take them back as they weren't working properly. the audiologist said...


You've got them in the wrong ears red right,  green left,,,,,,


Time to ... go find some work...






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Ey up!

Liver is good for you..God knows what genetically modified beef does to you.


Not sure Boeing are on the ball with the latest crash. I feel for those who died, and their relatives and friends. 


Mugatea being drunk, the day today involves a bit of crust warning, then a bit of ironing of shirts.


Have as good a day as you can with best wishes to all who ail or are missing from ERs.



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Morning All


Just a quick visit before taking 30747 to work, then back to take Lily for a short walk, then into town to visit a couple of shops, and the bank to make a Direct Debit indemnity claim, then off to LASAR for whatever they want of me,


Back tomorrow - hopefully.


Regards to All


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Good morning everyone 


The sun is shining and the winds have died down. I was awoken a couple of times with heavy rain lashing the bedroom window, it’s all quite now though, thank goodness. 


Today I will be finish off the cellar lights and sockets at Vickie and Ian’s house. I did the first fix a couple of years ago, one room was finished shortly afterwards, but the second room stalled, but he’s finally ready for final fixing. 


Back later. 

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Morning, we are frost and rain/snaw free this am, not much of a breeze either, I need to have a reccy round the village as we have the A1 "Tornado" passing through the village on Thursday and returning later, need to get some nice photographs. With rain and winds forecast I will probably be sat in my car with the window wound down, I had planned to be travelling on the train, but not fit enough for the drive to Edinburgh yet.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning but still a bit breezy, its forecast to stay the same for today. Not a lot else to report, C & C's to all that require them, be back later. 

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Bright and breezy this morning in North Salopshire with no sign of the ice and snow that was threatened. I'm still full of yuk but am doing my best to plough on regardless, helped by Mug O'Coffee No. 2 after a long hot shower. Various admin duties call but I also hope to get a bit of quality shed time in as the bookcase business of the last few days has apparently earned me some unexpected brownie points and I might as well use them. 


I hope that everyone has a good day if at all possible and my thoughts are with those who can't. Best wishes also to Jamie for a smooth transition back to wedded bliss after three days of bachelordom.


Cheers People.



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44 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

Various admin duties call but I also hope to get a bit of quality shed time in as the bookcase business of the last few days has apparently earned me some unexpected brownie points and I might as



He calls it a shed, but in fact it is bigger than my house!

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