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  • RMweb Premium
5 hours ago, roundhouse said:

Q, we have taken layouts to the Norwich show some years ago and a goid show it was each time. No car to get there today and currently on the class 37 top and tailed Wherry line service that now runs on Saturdays. Let's see if this photo stay with this post and not end up on one we out pregruping finescale modelling (no emoji tried this time)


Ah but which Norwich show,  todays was the little one run by Norwich railway Society, 

The big one run by Norwich model railway  club is held at hellsdon school previously held at the Hewitt school,  on 13th April this year. 


Hope you enjoyed your trip to GY... 


Actually  I was a little disappointed by todays small show,  I think the balance of real layouts to others was wrong.  By others I mean 4 childrens layouts,  plus a triang TT layout, IE all triang ready plonk on a flat baseboard,  a similar style Hornby doublo,  a similar style Lego,  a similar style large scale tram layout. 

The above dominated the 4 or 5 small scenic true layouts. 


As it was I came away with a couple of interesting second hand books.. 


Coming home was entertaining,  on reaching the main road after leaving the hall I could see big black clouds ahead...  And then it hit...  A big squall.. Plastic barriers around holes in the pavement blew over,  futher on 6ft high steel security fencing blew over.  A 3ft square site warning notice blew down the road towards me before going into a garden. 

The rest of the journey the landrover shook as each gust hit, slowing if it was heading into the wind... 


Since then I've attempted to fix SWMBOs orange juice soaked tablet computer  to no avail, although ive stopped it continually resetting by washing the connectors and switches with IPA, the display is black.  I'll try to empty  the memory into the main computer sometime soon.


Just been watching "coast" first they were on a cliff near me in Norfolk,  next they were on Tiree, which is where my future exhibition layout was built. 


Well dinner has been had,  coffee has been drunk, eyelid inspection beckons.. 


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Afternoon all.


Just back from rugby.  Thunder, rain, hail and sleet and that was just in the first half.  None of your poncy roof covered stadia here.  A nice club building in one corner and a small leaky stand is all you get.  Favoured team won by one point with the last kick of the game although it was hard to distinguish the sides because of the mud.


Entry, a pint and a bacon and sausage sarnie all for under a tenner.  What's not to like (if you like that sort of thing).

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It is quite windy here.  

It didn’t affect my bit of tidying in the garage.

Quite a lot of the garage floor is now visible. Tomorrow I will empty and dismantle some shelves. Hopefully I can dispose of some stuff. Some of the tins of paint must have gone off by now. 


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30 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Since then I've attempted to fix SWMBOs orange juice soaked tablet computer  to no avail, although ive stopped it continually resetting by washing the connectors and switches with IPA, the display is black.  I'll try to empty  the memory into the main computer sometime soon.



If you can remove the battery you could immerse the whole thing in warm DI or distilled water and to remove the sugar. Then immerse it in alcohol to remove the water. Might need to repeat that a few times.

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51 minutes ago, AndyID said:


If you can remove the battery you could immerse the whole thing in warm DI or distilled water and to remove the sugar. Then immerse it in alcohol to remove the water. Might need to repeat that a few times.

You can buy a can of electrolytic spray specifically designed for cleaning electrical contacts(some can even be used whilst circuit is live).

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,

Attended and returned from Basingstoke. Arrival delayed by the crash on the M3. 

Didn't spot GDB or 81C but had a nice, albeit brief, chat with Mike. 

Modelling tokens were expended on some populace for my station scene. 


Interesting news from 81C about a new emporium in G'ford. This may mean there's a reason to leave the office at lunchtime and do a bit of shopping!

Any idea whereabouts they are plonking the shop?  

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8 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

You can buy a can of electrolytic spray specifically designed for cleaning electrical contacts(some can even be used whilst circuit is live).


I'm not sure that's a great idea, but maybe as a last resort if all else fails. The problem is more likely caused by contamination creating low resistance paths between things that should be well insulated from each other. Water should dissolve the contaminants, and because water is used extensively as a cleaner in PCBA manufacturing it's unlikely to do further damage.

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  • RMweb Gold
56 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

I noticed that on the baseboard I removed that the bloodstains from assembly have changed colour to something more like mahogany wood stain. 



I bet you polish up nicely for formal occasions.

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  • RMweb Premium

never had bacon sandwiches when I played  in the 2nds/3rds at Horden BoD ...where were you??


Wales should breath a major sigh of relief as, in the 2nd half, Scotland gave them a big rattling.


Watched the England v Italy game..a bit one sided despite the effort the Italians put in.


Strange happenings in the Wycomb v Sunderland game today - 3 sent off, but both teams ended with the same number of players.


Time for some red wine methinks!



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  • RMweb Premium
9 hours ago, BSW01 said:

I’m now off to the workshop where I’m hoping to complete the repair on my soldering iron. 


Back later 


I hope you don't have the requirement of a soldering iron to fix your soldering iron.......


Season opening golf competition today.

A friendly Texas Scramble with a draw for teams. As it turned out, I was teamed up with a couple of regular playing partners.


It was a proper "four seasons in one day" with hail (for about 90 seconds), high winds for most of it, squally showers and sunshine (for about 10 minutes)


We gelled as a team and finished second.

Hopefully a precursor of things to come for 2019


There is much work to be done in the next two weeks.


Have a good Saturday evening and Sunday folks.




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  • RMweb Gold
30 minutes ago, Barry O said:

never had bacon sandwiches when I played  in the 2nds/3rds at Horden BoD ...where were you??


Durham City v Northern.


The pavilion/clubhouse/changing rooms is quite nice and can obviously cater for various functions but on match day is limited to said sandwiches, slices of pizza and chips.  I guess there must have been 150+ there today as it was a top of the table clash.  They even ran out of programmes.

Edited by BoD
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Good evening everyone 


I’ve had a bit of a frustrating day in the workshop, I successfully made a sleeve for the soldering iron, but every time I tried to fit it, it broke, after the fifth attempt and with fifth sleeve snapping, I gave up. The main reason I’m trying to repair it is that this particular iron is a 24v 25W temperature controlled iron and is very light weight, but I think it is now obsolete! I also have a 24v 50W iron aswell which I use a lot for white metal kits. However, the 25W iron is really useful when soldering up electronic circuits, particularly very fine SMD components.


This evening I had a quick check on the Antex and RS websites and I can still get the same model, but it’s almost £50.00:ohmyclear:, so I might invest in a 240v 18W or 24W model instead, as they cost about half the price and I don’t really need the temperature control.


 Goodnight all 

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Didn't do anything to the shed today, pottering about with other things seems to have taken up more time than I thought. Tomorrow I'll have to remove a shelf which is saturated in brake fluid from a leaking bottle but at least I can rescue the brackets. Also to be removed are some masonry nails hammered into the brickwork, the claw hammer I have I inherited from my cabinet maker grandfather, it must be well over 100 years old.  

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When I had my altercation with a bookcase a couple of weeks ago it obviously started a train of SWMBO thought that culminated in the decision that the largest of the study bookcases (which is indeed large) needed sorting out and despite the recent acquisition of brownie points (which it would seem I severely over-estimated) this morning's routine daily orders included its sorting. By the time SWMBO returned from shopping I was knee deep in rubbish that must have taken longer to accumulate than we have lived here but at least that resulted in half the bookcase looking a bit less like the cross between a jumble sale table and an accident in a library than it had previously. It only took until a quarter of the way through the Wales/Scotland game for the process to reach the stage where I was allowed time off for good behaviour so the rest of the afternoon was spent watching rugby but the project is scheduled for completion tomorrow. I can hardly wait.....


Chicken Caesar salad with bacon bits and pitta bread for dinner as we are both on a waist reduction kick.


My euphoria concerning the followed topics was premature  - they now once more bear no relation to anything I follow and in one case refer to a topic that hasn' t apparently had any posts since 2011.


And you're right BoD, the editor doesn't automatically capitalise new paragraphs. I'm beginning to think that this new software was sold by the same guys who offered to tarmac my drive quite cheaply a while ago.


The only thing to do now is lie down in a darkened room and hope that Wales get thumped next week.


Night night everyone.



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5 hours ago, Barry O said:

never had bacon sandwiches when I played  in the 2nds/3rds at Horden BoD ...where were you??



Couldn't afford them . . .The fust team were lucky to get Spam . . . .mostly it was Jam n Bread.


Canny little show at Aycliffe today, although the parking was  Sh!te.


Goodnight everyone, . . . . . Sleep well






Edited by Two_sugars
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  • RMweb Premium

Dave: I have never followed any topics but I get a small list at the bottom of the page.  I use the "new since last login" option. Sometimes there is an ancient thread at the bottom, and I've had last post 7 days ago in between the 7 hours ago ones.


Tomorrow is Blasted Daylight time again. I spent from 9:00 to 9:30 looking for timepieces to change. There's half an hour I shan't get back. 


Weather is supposed to be various flavour ice overnight.


Book store for some reason had a half dozen Hornby catalogues this month. Today there was one left.


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