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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone 


I think I spoke too early this morning, as the sunshine didn’t last long, by the time I’d packed up for dinner it had started to rain. However, it was only light rain and it had stopped by the time I went back out after dinner. But by then, the wind had started to pick then too and it steadily got stronger as the day progressed. I initially suspected that it was Freya making its presence felt, but it’s currently very quiet here now.


Extensive and successful trials of the test plank have been made today. A couple of problem areas became evident and needed a little work to sort out stalling etc. But once the track was cleaned and a few uneven bits sorted out all then went well. I think some of the problems may be down to the fact that I’ve laid the track on some 1mm thick soft foam, although it’s acting as a good sound deadening material, I won’t be using that again. I also had to alter the 18” radius double curve, as it proved at bit too tight for a couple of my larger engines. This was relaid to 21” radius and after that it was fine. The track has been tested with 5 of my R-T-R (3 tank engines and 2 tender engines) which have yet to have a DCC chip fitted, or have not yet been converted to DCC. But I’ve quite enjoyed playing trains today, but tomorrow I’ll get back to working on the kits.


 Goodnight all 

Edited by BSW01
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Mooring Awl,  Inner Temple Hare, 

Not a good nights sleep the wind is howling,  and I've just been woken by wheely bins blowing down the street on their sides.. 

We were exceedingly fortunate last night,  the rain stopped,  so we took Ben the border collie  out into a gentle breeze.  We reached the turning point.  Then turned our backs to the breeze.... A couple of minutes later the heavens opened and the wind started increasing to a gentle howl.  But at least it was on our backs.. For some reason Ben was keen to get back... 

Ben woke us by barking during the night as some drunken ******* argued their way home.  He's not used to people out side.. 


Today's plans.. 

Try for more sleep

Walk Ben, 


Load car, 

Drive for two hours, 

Walk Ben, 

Drive for two hours, 

Refuel, walk Ben,  eat something,  

Drive for two hours,

Walk Ben, 

Drive the last bit, 

Home,  let Ben run round garden,  turn up heating,

Make up fire in stove, 

 Unload car, 

Eat something, 


Exact Timings above maybe altered by Freya... 


Time for the snooze button.. 


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Morning All


First off, generic greetings are as usual on offer to the ailing and the celebrating.  Q - safe jurney home with Ben.  John (CB) hope Sandy's sense of taste returns soon, and that she is feelng less yuk.


Pleased to say that 30747 is a bit better this morning, after sleeping a lot yesterday, and about nine hours last evening.  We will. apparently, be going to the Barton flea market this morning, and touch wood, so far there is not a great deal of wind here - there is a yellow warning for later, but then the met office website for here is predicting wind speeds af up to 40 mph.


Theatre was as good as their word, and I had an email to show the purchase of -2 tickets, and also surprisingly -2 booking fees, and that it has been credited to my card.  Well it will cover the amount I had to spend the other day at the fangmeister, where I had to have a broken filling replaced.


Better go now, as Lily needs a walk, as she is a bit boistrous this morning, and we need to be going sooner rather than later to the aforesaid flea market,


Possibly back later.


Regards to All


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Good morning from a cloudy Charente.   I believe that we may get a slight sideswipe from Freya over the next few days but at the moment it is calm.  Some work got done in the shed last night but no great progress to report.


This morning it is our usual trip to Aulnay market this morning.  Coffee will be consumed and some cheese and other things bought.   On our return my plan is to spend about an hour chainsawing to replenish the ready use log pile.   Not a lot else to report at the moment so generic c's and C's to all and sundry.



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Morning, bright and very breezy here, but the real maelstrom hits later when my two young grandsons arrive for a belated birthday brunch, got everything nailed down lol. Pity I can't get to the railway room as the boys do like to watch some trains go by, they might yet join the hobby, if they ever get past the "where's Thomas the tank engine" stage.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all, 

Very damp and breezy here and it has been for most of the night. Forecast to stay like that for most of the day.

Still feeling carp and bunged up  but I expect things will improve eventually.

Had a call from the shed men yesterday so will be visiting them on Tuesday to (hopefully) finalise details.  I've been sorting out the contents of the old one and quite a lot of stuff has been disposed of and some boxed  and crated up ready for removal to temporary residence.

My big task once the new shed is built is of course transferring the railway stuff from the house to there. I'm not expecting to salvage much of the layout as unfortunately I didn't foresee this move and the track wasn't designed to come apart. The new space will be twice as big as well so I'm going to start again although I should be able to use most of the boards as they will come apart. 

The Boss brought me tea in bed earlier and is now almost ready to crack eggs and fry bacon etc so I will return later.

Have a good one,




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1 hour ago, jamie92208 said:

On our return my plan is to spend about an hour chainsawing to replenish the ready use log pile.  Jamie

Can you imagine the horror and apprehension if GDB had posted this? 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,


Having not attended this thread for a couple of days I was quite surprised by the number of posts that awaited inspection this morning. Maybe the suggestion that the traffic was diminishing was illusory and just a hiccup? Apart from repeating the various congratulatory and well-wishing messages that others have left, I must say that It has now been brought to my attention that as a Leicester Tigers fan I am in illustrious company here on ERs. 


As as far as dogs and alcohol is concerned, when I was doing my flying training at Leeming, one of my instructors had a Labrador that was a bit of a p***head. At Friday evening happy hours it used to go around scrounging beer and chaps would pour some into ashtrays (and there's a sign of the times) which it would gratefully lap up. By the time dog and owner left the former would be happily sloshed and would weave its way down the path occasionally    pid*ling and hiccuping. The last time I saw the dog it was in a ripe old age but still indulging. That's not to say that alcohol is a good idea for dogs, just that like most things there are some that tolerate it better than others.


A good day at Kettering yesterday that seemed well attended. By ten minutes after opening time the car park and overflow were both full and we had to use the school car park a bit away with the excellent courtesy bus laid on by the organisers to take us to the show. The only thing that didn't enjoy the day was my credit card but as I told SWMBO it was all in a good cause.


I am reliably informed that after church it is curtain rail fettling day today and that I am a participant. Whether that will leave any time for some of the important things like solder and paint manipulation remains to be seen. So far it is quite calm here in North Hippoland but according to the met office this is just the calm before the mayhem.


Have a good day everyone and thoughts and prayers for the more unfortunate.



Edited by Dave Hunt
Getting rid of some of the annoying predictive text stuff
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  • RMweb Premium

Good Morning all. It is somewhat blusterous and damp Upon the Hill this morning but there is still blossom on the trees and the tricycle cover has remained in place. 


Eggzanbaycun is under way and Muggertee No.1 has appeared. There are no plans currently known to me which require my time or attention. 


Stay safe outside. I’ll see you later. 

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Croissant & pain aux raisin have been washed down with a cuppa.  Fortunately I don't get given plans so I have to make my own.  Maybe I will just sit using my tablet, watch some sport or a film whilst the missus does similar. Later a little bit of cooking of dinner and then a repeat of the earlier relaxation techniques.

Freya is wandering around outside.  I know its windy because the empty plastic flowerpot that always gets blown around in the wind has just got blown down the steps for the 2nd time this year. It's like a gauge. I leave it at the top of the steps and if its at the bottom, it was windy.



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38 minutes ago, lightengine said:

Can you imagine the horror and apprehension if GDB had posted this? 


Having heard what can happen with a chainsaw mishap you can rest assured that I will never go anywhere near one. Chap was using one on a site next to where I worked many years ago and was cutting through thick shrubbery etc and it kicked back off a wire fence that was there and almost took his arm off at the shoulder.

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Only just a breeze here currently, but it is twirled at to get yellow later.  Not sure how wind can be yellow.  Unless standing down wind of something…..


Friend Jayne seems to have turned a corner almost five years after losing Gary, and discussed plans for her future, options to consider etc.  This may involve her leaving Fraggle Rock, which we would be upset about but may be her best option.  We will of course support her in whatever action she decides upon.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Precipitation is duly precipitating and it's a bit blowy - according to that nice Mr Beaufort it currently counts as a 'Strong Breeze' but we are forecast to have 'Gale Force' gusts this afternoon.  But at leat it ought to wash all the muck off various bits of wood I piled into bonfire shape yesterday afternoon, after I had relocated 100+ engineering bricks to where they will actually be needed.   All the talk of bacon & eggs does raise the little green tint in me however I shall be at the mushrooms for lunch and there is cream to go with them so I am not too worried and a bit of dietary sacrifice has knocked off another 1.7 kg which came as a nice surprise.


And Mrs Stationmaster struck lucky - yet again - with the medical fraternity yesterday as the Emergency GP at the hospital saw her on time and was very helpful in prescribing the right stuff for her hay fever and it has worked quite well.  Incidentally if anybody wants a chainsaw I have one sitting in the shed still in its original box - too frightened to use the thing.  A chap who used to work in  Jewsons locally suffered something similar to the incident GDB described, the saw bounced back off some metalwork hidden in a hedge and took a major chunk out of his leg and the trauma woke up some nasty cells in his body and that killed him within a year.


Anyway back to RMweb until it's time to visit Tesco for the 'papers and anything else the management might ordain.  I wonder if the car park will be accessible today as yesterday it was jam packed due to the football tournament in the adjacent sports ground.


Have a good day everybody and keep dry if you can.

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I own all the afore mentioned power tools, but manage to avoid actually using them as much as possible, I do however have all the ppe for chain saw operation, they are useful but very likely to bite you if you haven't been told how to use one by a professional.

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2 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

I own all the afore mentioned power tools, but manage to avoid actually using them as much as possible, I do however have all the ppe for chain saw operation, they are useful but very likely to bite you if you haven't been told how to use one by a professional.


Funny you should say that Tiger,


Mt father bought several power tools many years ago and hardly used them - I inherited them.

I've made almost no use of them as I make GDB look like an amateur, so last weekend I gave them to my SiL, except the jigsaw which I use on Danemouth





p.s. It is precipitating in the  Capital of the Principality

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