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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Alas 'The Ghost Train' deprived me of thought for RMweb late last night - some very nice GWR footage in it amongst all the nonsense.   Probably somewhat knackered too after shifting near 900kg of ballast plus bags of cement and sand, oddly 25 kg bags seem a lot heavier than they used to be.  I don't mind hand mixing concrete (in small quantities) but muck is another thing - far heavier to turn over so out comes the mixer.


Good to hear that Ian (RH) has survived the apocalypse - judging by some news reports it would seem that some folk thought judgement day had arrived.


Anyway it's near ablution time and then off to be chiropracted - proabably useful timing after yesterday's labours.


Have a good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All

Yesterday I got dragged out shopping first to Furniture Village for a carpet/mat thing to match the new sofa's then Hobbycraft for sewing thread for Her black Acrylic paste and spatula's for me

then dreaded Sainsburys for rice wine the car park is sheer hell no-one can park there without using 2 or 3 spaces the layout defies all logic and then Chavda for god knows what she came back

to the car empty handed.

The filler arrived from Kernow yesterday so it's more work to be done on coaches and I may cut some polystyrene.

There is a Small fence job to be done this afternoon requiring access in next doors garden when the neighbours dogs are out they won't leave me alone all 3 of them keep dropping ball at my feet to play.

Nearly forgot dinning at Chez Bob's tonight is Prawns & shredded Lamb dunked in fish oil & wine with noodles, Portobello mushrooms and onions. 


So up an atom :superman: B Woodhouse

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45 minutes ago, roundhouse said:

Good to hear from you Pete. Hope all is well.


Morning from another sunny one. We had an earthquake, a magnitude of 3.00 this morning at 03.40 . I didnt feel it but heard the ceiling creek in a way I hadnt heard it before.


Might be doing more rubble shifting later but plenty to do to get the alyout ready for this weekends Freemo meet.


God moves in mysterious ways, welcoming Southwalk Diocese Council of Trustees to Redhill!


Edited by bbishop
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5 hours ago, trisonic said:

Just wanted to come on to pay tribute to Mark Hollis - the great unsung hero of English rock music. "The Spirit of Eden" is on my top 5 list of greatest albums. It's wonderful.

Lots of obits seem confused as to where Talk Talk came from. According to my memory they were formed when all of them were living in the Wickford, Essex area.

RIP Mark. He knew when to stop.


Best, Pete.


Good Morning Everyone.


I played The Colour of Spring last night, as a personal tribute to Mark Hollis and to remind myself what great music Talk Talk made (Some stellar musicians played on that album too, eg Steve Winwood and David Rhodes, perhaps showing how highly regarded Mark was). 


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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


Once again the sun is shining brightly and there only a few clouds in the sky. It’s currently 6C here in the northwest, but it’s due to get much warmer later. So I think I’ll leave my jacket on it’s peg when I walk to the swimming pool this morning, but I’ll definitely need my sunglasses.


This evening we only have Evie and Max coming round for tea, Ava has been invited to one of her friends, so that means that there will be more cakes for us!


back later. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit frosty here this morning but predicted to be almost as warm as yesterday. Club night this evening and I have some things picked up at Tenterden  for some of the lads constructing a layout. Muggatee awaits, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is very pleasant out. I am off to a newsagent to leave some items that need returning.

Then off to a diy establishment to buy salt tablets for our water softener. 


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


It looks like another lovely day here too.  I'm having trouble getting a new fish tank to start the nitrogen cycling process. May need to do some research.

As its so nice, I may take the opportunity to go up into the loft, open the windows wide,  and spray some sleeper grime  on the trackwork.                   

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  • RMweb Premium


Odd temperature inversions on the way to work this morning, 3c at NHN Towers at a soaring 90 feet ASL, 8c up on the mountain at 1500 feet, 0c with a heavy frost in Glen Vine back at a couple of hundred feet.  All in a lovely sunrise though.

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HUMP day...

Forgot to mention yesterday that Jemma and her boyfriend came back from their trip early (returning Monday) as he developed a high fever and diagnosed tonsillitis. They figured the best solution was to return to the comfort of home...


Busy yesterday with some very challenging report development for this finance department, they're getting closer to drowning in paper/data!


Observation/real experience -> commercial/business cloud computing is FAR MORE at the mercy of incompetent support teams than on-premise systems ever were :O:jester:

At least with in-house IT I could go over kick them in the arse and have some serious face-to-face words with the managers...


Officially - at least for the locals - quite nippy here this morning at -4 and cloudy may hover only around zero or just below all day, oh the human... yeah right! :)


Head on over the HUMP everyone




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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!

Walkabout continues but the wi fi wet string so sometimes isn't working very well.

Apologies I have skim read the posts but not had time to rate everything.


Currently watching India playing Australia.....


Tea time so TTFN



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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


It seems to have been  unusually quite on here for some reason.


I had a very nice walk to the swimming pool in the glorious sunshine this morning, there was hardly a cloud in the sky, which made it cool, but I’m glad I didn’t take my jacket as it was a lot warmer on my return journey. However, I definitely needed to wear my sunglasses! It was quite obvious that all the children have now gone back to school as it was fairly quiet, for the majority of the time, it was done to single figures. I managed 110 lengths, I completed 10 under water, each on a single breath, even managing to do 1 1/2 (approximately 35-36m) on a single breath.


Tonight’s curry (yes again!) went down very well, as did the cupcakes afterwards. Ian picked them up on his way to collect Ava, so I didn’t have to take them home. Which as it turns out was a good thing as I have a flat tyre! So I’ll have to put a it of air in it in the morning and then take it to be looked at!


Goodnight all 

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl,  Inner Temple Hare, 

Not a good nights sleep,  strange bed,  dog unsettled,  road traffic... 


Noticeably more daffs crocuses and plant life in flower up here. 


Ben the border collie went straight to my parents front door in the terrace,  out of a choice of 5. We stayed here for a week 8 months ago. 


Plans for today. 

Up walk Ben, 


Sit around for a while, 

Take Ben for long walk on sea front cross and observe parallel pieces of metal that probably won't have kettles running to day



Get ready 




Sit around 

Evening meal. 

Walk Ben 


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  • RMweb Gold

My plans for today:


Already up:rolleyes:

Wake other half:o

Spray another matt varnish coat on a freight car


Go back wake other half up again:rolleyes:

Get ready

Drop other half at station

More modelling

Go for a walk to footbridge to photo Purley empty stone train

Back home - fit leg extensions to make layout Freemo compatible

More rolling stock fettling

Move more rubble at back of garden to fill old pond

Sort boards out ready for loading into car

See if I can get grade crossing working properly on layout as some between rails detection sensors dont appear to be working

Beer o'clock:drink_mini:

Await other half to get off train and meet in pub





Luckily no funeral - hope that goes as best as can be expected TheQ




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Morning All,


It is a nice bright morning in this part of the world.  It is also starting to get light earlier which is nice.


17 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

Observation/real experience -> commercial/business cloud computing is FAR MORE at the mercy of incompetent support teams than on-premise systems ever were 



Agreed!  There is no cloud - it's just somebody else's computer.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning from an overcast and noticeably chillier (although to Ian it would seem tropical) Salop borderland. My plans for today? Going to the dentist in just over an hour for root canal treatment - and that's as far as the planning goes as I'm far from looking forward to the event, having had such before. A bright spot - going to the GOG show at Kettering on Saturday.


Hope everyone has a good day and the usual thoughts at this time for the truly unfortunate members.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A bit of a dull start here and there may be some rain.

That may possibly curtail outdoor activities in Nicki's driveway which we were hoping to finish off by tomorrow.

Woke up feeling rather carp and with a sore throat and cough. Hope that doesn't develop further.

Whatever the weather does we will be going to Nicki's later as it is Joe's birthday today.

Have a good one,



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