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54 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

Hope the paw is OK, Andy.


So far so good, thanks! The worst bit is the skin irritation that I can't get to (which I really should not be whining about). The PTs will give me a more comfortable brace tomorrow.

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8 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

I was born in Cardiff (Grangetown), and apart from model railway exhibitions or Internationals when I have a ticket, I avoid the place like the plague.


I thought Cardiff was supposed to be quite genteel compared to Swansea, but by the sound of it Glasgow might be safer than either of them.

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  • RMweb Gold
7 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

Afternoon All. 


No spurious registration emails here and I note Andy (in his new guise as AY Mod) had put up a banner explaining awl. 


But my notification emails are still awry. Several repeats but separated by an hour or two for the same post, not in sequential order meaning I cannot sensibly read just the emails and must link through to the site to read in the right order.



Am having the same problem - nothing coming up on RMweb and emails coming long after I have chased up.  I am also having trouble finding my 'followed' layouts ... in fact impossible ... probably me but I just cannot seem to be able to sort out the new format and finding it very frustrating!

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22 minutes ago, PeterBB said:

Am having the same problem - nothing coming up on RMweb and emails coming long after I have chased up.  I am also having trouble finding my 'followed' layouts ... in fact impossible ... probably me but I just cannot seem to be able to sort out the new format and finding it very frustrating!


22 minutes ago, PeterBB said:

Am having the same problem - nothing coming up on RMweb and emails coming long after I have chased up.  I am also having trouble finding my 'followed' layouts ... in fact impossible ... probably me but I just cannot seem to be able to sort out the new format and finding it very frustrating!

Peter, I'll ring you tomorrow to talk you through finding your followed Topics all in one place , unless you want to do it now.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been a bit warm here today and still hasn't cooled very much but make the most of it as it will be cooler towards the end of the week. Oats are also reckoned to reduce blood pressure, I sometimes consume a soya based yoghurt containing oats that also has minimal amounts of sugar and salt.



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Good evening everyone 


One way or another I’ve had quite a busy day today. I managed to get all the track pinned down on the test plank. Once done I tested it all with a multimeter, which showed up one point blade not making contact properly and I ended up replacing the point operating arm, with one slightly longer and that seemed to cure the problem. Hopefully I’ll be able to put power to it later in the week and give it a proper testing.


All that activity nicely brought along dinner time, after which I made a dozen cupcakes for Wednesday evening’s tea. Once they were out of the oven and on the cooling rake I made myself a muggertea, once that was finished I cut the centre out of each cake, filled them with jam and then topped them off with whipped cream.


We have quite a few plants in flower at the moment, a camellia by the front door, one in the back garden and also our ever green clematis too!


Porridge made with oat milk is very nice, according to Sheila.


Goodnight all 

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13 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

There is a wiring diagram in Iain Rice's Finescale track book.


I have a copy.


You are welcome to borrow it next time we meet up.


Thanks Richard - and for the PM.



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I' m with several of you on the notifications thing. Additionally, the items followed list, which for a short while actually did display items I followed, has now returned to showing quite randomly things I've never visited or even been aware of.


A mixed day today. Jill's hospital visit resulted in an appointment for an MRI scan for further analysis so still a bit in limbo land there. Then when I tried to use my centrifugal casting machine the bl**dy thing wouldn't run properly and I spent two hours trying to sort it out. The fault seems to be with a careworn potentiometer on the speed control knob, which I kind of fiddled with until it actually runs but with a fixed speed of about 60% or so - I'll have to see if that is sufficient over the next few days and am keeping fingers crossed as the alternative is liable to be a drag and I need to get some castings done.  


But it then came some good bits - the lurgy seems to have gone into retreat, I can clear my ears, breathe through my nose and go for several minutes without coughing my guts up, although walking up a flight of stairs is still knackering. But best of all, I spray painted a small replica of a transportation device without producing runs or orange peeling and ended up with a half decent finish!!! And that was before I'd read all the good advice people have given here, so I must have been lucky and guessed about right on the mix. Grrrrrreat! But thanks for the advice one and all, even though I'll have to spend a fortune on various types of milk to be sure to get the right one.


Tomorrow I've got to take my Dad's car to Crewe for servicing, as he still isn't up to driving after his hip operation, and go to a charity committee meeting so potential workshop time is limited. However, if the ebb tide of lurgydom continues I'll be a fairly happy bunny, casting machine permitting of course.


Night night everyone.



Edited by Dave Hunt
Correcting gobbledegook
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12 hours ago, TheQ said:

I must point out the blame for this quote goes to Samuel Johnson, I like my porridge..


 'a grain, which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people.'

"Which is why Scotland is noted for her men, and England for her horses."  (Boswell)

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Morning All,


It is a nice bright morning in this part of the world.  It is still pretty cold though, -1°C in the forest on the way to work.


There are definitely signs of Spring in the air, but we are behind the UK at the moment.  My Mum was saying that she already has daffodils and crocuses out in the garden, whereas here they are only just starting to appear.


Have a good day everyone...

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3 hours ago, BR60103 said:

"Which is why Scotland is noted for her men, and England for her horses."  (Boswell)

I'm off to Scotland tomorrow, though I won't be wearing one of my Kilts..


Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare,

A terrible nights sleep mostly caused by SWMBO not sleeping well, but also by my left hand side reminding me not to fall over again..


Ben the Border Collie has realised that something is up, with preparations for tomorrow's long drive going on, He point blank refused to go out on morning patrol, which was handy as I was running late..



Failure to stop behind the white line at traffic lights, ( by half a car)

Failure to indicate while turing left,


Failure to stop behind the white line at traffic lights, (by half a car)


Failure to indicate while turing right,



The faults of one car in front of me in an 800 yard stretch of roads on the way home.


A BMW M6 with a very heavy right foot.. 


The work for when I return has now been set up, we have a test system in from China for Calibration and I've been asked to pull forward calibrations for any test systems for our new product, who's initial launch is imminent..


In the meantime, I have one resistor from a large set I did yesterday left to do, after that  there's not a lot left, Admin time I soppose,


Time to stroll down to the lab...


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All 

Yesterday I had a good day with Her outside in the garden and me in the cave both coaches and polystyrene were messed with today

will be much the same but Her is going out for coffee with an old workmate.

Filler was ordered from Kernow and should see the light of day here later  I did try Eileen's Emporium after 30minutes getting logged on

and doing the order their basic charge for postings is £7.20 I can't see packing would cost £3.50 so I won't bother using them again either

from their store or show stand.

Does any own a PPE bump hat I can borrow GDB is visiting my garage soon where the layout lives you have to duck under to access the middle

of the layout he has manage to bash his head on every previous visit. :crazy_mini:


                                                                                                                                   things to do and places to go I must get on  :superman: Ivor Helmet-Knott

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Good morning everyone 


The sun is shining and there are only a few clouds in the sky, I’ve no chance of getting to the workshop today as there are other plans afoot. This morning will see us both completing the Sainsbury’s Grand Prix as Sheila wants to do a bit of shopping at one or two of the local shops as well. After dinner we will will head to Waitrose to pick up the items we want, but can’t be locally. 


Back later. 

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Morning all,


Bob I have got a bump cap lurking somewhere in the garage but I would think a full on sooper dooper safety helmet would be more appropriate for what you're thinking off.  But on the other hand safety helmets are dangerous things when moving underneath anything so perhaps a beret strengthened with some steel plate would be better?


The sun is shining and melting away (most of) the frost, the cars are parked out in the road as Mr Jewson should be delivering some ballast, sand, and cement 'some time' today and we'll have the same performance on Thursday when Messrs Gibbs & Dandy will be delivering some engineering bricks of the sort which according to Jewson's staff are impossible to get hold of because they're no longer being made in quantity.  I do wish those French saints who own both names would get on with taking up my suggestion that I should be able to use my Jewson's account at the other lot as well.


Little else to report but the noise from the kitchen indicates that I shall shortly be enjoying this mornings third muggatea.


Have a good day one and all.

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Having worked on several jobs where a hard hat was required, I found you hit your head more because you always forget the extra 2 inches perched on your head...


 It just got very noisy in here, I think they are cutting the old air conditioning ducting..

Edited by TheQ
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Good morning all.

Sunny here. 

I suspect I may be asked to do some pruning in the garden. I did mention I was going to get some telescopic loppers but last time we went to Hyde Hall Gardens we spent so long wandering around ( and eating in the restaurant) the shop was closing. At least we know what we want to buy next time we visit. So my extra height and reach comes in useful. 

We have ordered a garage door. Measuring etc took place yesterday afternoon. 4 to 6 weeks delivery from Germany and then installation takes less than a day. 


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