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My brother gave me (in 2012) a bottle of the 2012 Penderyn Grand Slam whisky.


We agreed to drink it when the next Grand Slam  would be available for sale.


I've dusted the box off today, just on the off chance.


Next move, apart from keeping my fumble fingers crossed, is to get some tickets for the 'friendly' on 17th August.


Not only is this a warm up for Wales, but also for the Obergrumpenfuhrer and I who have tickets for two of Wales's WRC pool matches in Japan

Edited by Happy Hippo
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7 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:


Looks good Andy, hope you 're able to maintain the pain relief. I should think that'll stay in, but if the screws loose or anything they may change that.  My screws were always going to come out as they did say they would begin to cause issues, unfortunately one screw was already broken so it is still in there, deep, deep down so too difficult to get out.  They wouldn't let me keep the bits either, rotters.


Thanks Neil.


Oddly enough I'm not in any pain at all. I'm only taking a few Paracetamol (equivalents) and I'm not sure I really need them either. I think it's because the plate is doing a really good job of stabilizing my wrist. Obviously I better not get too confident :mellow:



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9 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Shades of one of the Blaster Bates tracks that was summed up by the photographer along these lines, "Pictures be B**ggered I had a bowel movement " and "40 miles there, 40 miles back sh1t myself and had a bowel movement."..



42 miles there 42 miles back, him self and left the lens cap on.  


















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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone 


Well the weather has been absolutely glorious, lovely warm and sunny all day, in fact, it’s been so warm that I took of my jumper and was down to tee shirt and trousers for most of the day. 


A fair bit of progress has been made on the test plank. I decided before I started that I would use live frog points and that I would make the frog switchable too! So the necessary alterations were made to each point and the frog wiring was extended, I’ve also decided to make the points and the frog switch simultaneously. So far all the point work is in place and I’ve also put in the control rods for the points. These will be connected to some slide switches which I’ve had in my “that’ll come in handy one day” box. Tomorrow I’m hoping to get the switches in place and wired up, then the rest of the track can be laid. 


Tonight’s tea was a very quick affair, I raided the freezer yesterday and took out a vegetable lasagne that I made a couple of weeks ago once thawed all I had to do was make a cheese sauce to go with it and put it all in the oven. We also finished off the cheesecake I that I’d made on Tuesday. The evening was then rounded off by catching up on some recorded TV with a bottle of Merlot.


Neil, thanks for the tracksetta info, I realised when I got them out of the box that they aren’t an exact match for set track. However, as I don’t intend to use set track on my layout anyway, I’ll use the two that are closest to both 2nd and 3rd radius.


Goodnight all

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45 minutes ago, BSW01 said:

Good evening everyone 


Well the weather has been absolutely glorious, lovely warm and sunny all day, in fact, it’s been so warm that I took of my jumper and was down to tee shirt and trousers for most of the day. 


A fair bit of progress has been made on the test plank. I decided before I started that I would use live frog points and that I would make the frog switchable too! So the necessary alterations were made to each point and the frog wiring was extended, I’ve also decided to make the points and the frog switch simultaneously. So far all the point work is in place and I’ve also put in the control rods for the points. These will be connected to some slide switches which I’ve had in my “that’ll come in handy one day” box. Tomorrow I’m hoping to get the switches in place and wired up, then the rest of the track can be laid. 


Tonight’s tea was a very quick affair, I raided the freezer yesterday and took out a vegetable lasagne that I made a couple of weeks ago once thawed all I had to do was make a cheese sauce to go with it and put it all in the oven. We also finished off the cheesecake I that I’d made on Tuesday. The evening was then rounded off by catching up on some recorded TV with a bottle of Merlot.


Neil, thanks for the tracksetta info, I realised when I got them out of the box that they aren’t an exact match for set track. However, as I don’t intend to use set track on my layout anyway, I’ll use the two that are closest to both 2nd and 3rd radius.


Goodnight all


Don't forget that trracksettas are fixed radius and need a transition curve leading into and out of them!

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, 

6.5 hours solid sleep,  Just a little nagging pain left after yesterday's exertions.

Off to the moorings later,  not much wind forecast,  but low / no tide for the start of the first race, so that will help. 


Talking of low tide , yesterday was the lowest I've ever seen on our beach,  a sand bar appeared that I've not seen before.. 


Time to hit the snooze button... 


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  • RMweb Premium

Welll, the one good thing about yesterday's disaster is that whilst watching the game my lurgy symptoms seemed to recede a bit. I suppose that the same thing happened to people on the Titanic.


However, this morning, which is fisty and moggy here in top end Salopshire, the lurgyitis seems a little less debilitating and since SWMBO is off to Derbyshire with a friend to visit No. 1 son and offspring for the day I may even get in some workshop time. Once I've had got a couple of sudafed inside me to dull the headache a bit and spent some time with Mug O'Coffee that is. Of course, if I admit to feeling a bit better there is the distinct possibility that some domestic duties may be found to occupy my time but since the hacking cough is still apparent I may get away with it.


Of course, I still have the gloating of Welsh friends to look forward to......


Cheers everyone and have a good day.



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Morning all


Muggacoffee on the go before I turn furniture removal man - off to Seaford shortly to move a desk for an elderly relative who has recently moved into a care home. After that, we are going to Eastbourne marina for a curry with the in-laws which will be good. 


And so goes another weekend! What is it about these two days of the week that go far quicker than any one of the preceding five?


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All 

I thought it would be a good idea to watch the rugby in the man cave she was in click click mode on the telly catching up on the news she had seen a hour before

door to man cave opens I was asked why was I watching rugby in the cave I said you were using the tv well I suppose you can watch it on tv no I'm fine I'll watch it here

and so it went and on and on and on and on she didn't come up for air I went and watched it on tv why do you watch it upstairs she says I say you were watch the news:banghead:

thank god she's :tender: in a better mood today.


Went on Sainsburys online site all I wanted to do is find out if they sold rice wine all the site done was asked me for an order, that was a waste of ####### time, I had better 

luck with Chavda seems the have a Chinese meal counter, I will don a hoodie, drag my knuckle on the ground and pay them a visit. :biggrin_mini2:  I wonder if the banjo player will be there

at the door serenading the customers.:sarcastic:

Today I think I will clean the cave out there is polystyrene everywhere and a lot of plastic dust and if it really warms outside I might do some more spray painting of coaches.


must get on.:superman: T.R.Ampledonn 


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

We had a very pleasant afternoon in Enfield. The nieces took it in turns to defeat me at some pattern recognition puzzle game. At least the 3 year old didn’t exhibit signs of triumphalism. The traffic was flowing nicely in both directions and it was fog free.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all, (Again)

Lovely sunny day here and it should stay like that with temperatures rising to 15°C

Just enjoyed a late breakfast and am now pondering what to do today. I may venture out into the garden and cut the grass and do some other gardening stuff.

I do have an appointment with my armchair at 3.00PM to watch rugby and expect to see Ireland win in Italy.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


Another sunny day here in the northwest, currently 10C but it’ll no doubt get warmer as the day progresses. Once again an lie-in and breakfast in bed, it would make more sense if we used bowls!


Once I’ve finished muggertea No2 I’m off to the workshop, I may be some time. 


Back later

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