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2 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

Thanks Andy.  The 'full file check' bit did imply it was going to be a long job and a tough Sunday evening if you suffered from the fallover of someone else's software.  As ever the Farcebook page was helpful thanks.


The funeral went well, if such things ever can, with a very good turnout which meant standing room only in the chapel - so about 40 attendees.  Now here's the amusing bit so a little quiz for everyone - I was told that the catering etc aftewards would be held at I-ex, which I also heard pronounced as I-it.  The written directions said it would be at 'Eyot' - which I hadn't heard of before (well it's less than a mile from where we live so that's not surprising) but what totally confused me was the way it was pronounced and if it had been pronounced the way I pronounce it (i.e. 'ait') I would have immediately know where it was because one of those is directly opposite it in the river.  So how does everyone else pronounce it?


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2 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:


The funeral went well, if such things ever can, with a very good turnout which meant standing room only in the chapel - so about 40 attendees.  Now here's the amusing bit so a little quiz for everyone - I was told that the catering etc aftewards would be held at I-ex, which I also heard pronounced as I-it.  The written directions said it would be at 'Eyot' - which I hadn't heard of before (well it's less than a mile from where we live so that's not surprising) but what totally confused me was the way it was pronounced and if it had been pronounced the way I pronounce it (i.e. 'ait') I would have immediately know where it was because one of those is directly opposite it in the river.  So how does everyone else pronounce it?

Mike - Oxford online has two pronunciations for the two spellings - sounds below


[EDIT] Origin - Old English iggath, īgeth, based on īeg ‘island’ + a diminutive suffix.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Evening all from Estuary-Land. One of my subscribed to magazines dropped onto the mat this morning. Not a railway mag but it had reports of the London and Nuremberg toy fairs. Ironically Revell have just introduced a kit of the Airbus A380 just as Airbus has announced that production of said aircraft is to cease.

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2 hours ago, Tony_S said:

So I asked Aditi and she said an eyot  is a little island. Place names with “ey” are islands, the ot is some sort of diminutive. She said any local pronounciation may have changed the original old English. Sounded good, I don’t think she was making it up. 

It is indeed a little island so she very definitely wasn't making it up.   I found, rather to my surprise, that according to an OED link on the 'net, 'ait' was an alternative acceptable spelling, possibly an older form?

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1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:

Still lurgied.


Perfect storm at work - feeling really crepe after an appalling nights 'sleep', two staff on holiday (half term - childcare) one other called in ill (same lurgy), one printer croaked, really really busy with orders.  Totally wiped out by 9 never mind 5.  Still, it pays the bills. 

If you've got what I had (and preferably not the version Mrs Stationmaster had) I'm not surprised as it washed me out in my life of leisure (allegedly) with very little decent sleep for well over a week.  Could you manage to 'sleep' sitting up - I found that helped a lot as did some of Mr Beechams patent remedies in dulling the impact of all the various which went with it?   Hope it  keeps away from your sinus - that phase was distinctly not pleasant but passed in a couple of days (and a whole box of paper hankies) thankfully.

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My empathy is offered to anyone still enlurgied (is that a word?  It is now) as I am yet to fully recover from mine.  The cough has almost gone and the doctor was quite pleased with my progress when consulted today.  But there remains some lung soreness and - at times - a deep hacking which can be difficult to stop until the puffer is deployed.


This has been one nasty little gremlin.  


Thankfully amid the collection of medical issues SWMBO has been enjoying this has not been one.  She has again today complained of constant abdominal pain and already awaits a consultation with the gall bladder removalist. I know she was suffering because she has been very tired and teary this evening and has admitted using Australian vernacular to a member of her staff today in a manner she would never normally do in this country.  Suffice to say the answer to the question asked was along the lines of "Uctifino" ;)


We can but hope things will be easier in the future.  For now we have to grin (if possible) and bear it.  Which is taxing for both of us.


I have put her to bed with a mug of camomile tea. It is now my turn to turn in in the hopes of a peaceful and rested night.  G'night All.



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25 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Anyone else seeing this, over and over again, while reading (not reacting to) threads?



Not only but also. Still getting the Sunday night error at times and not apparently related to caching or device. 


I do hope Andy hasn’t invested in a whole lot of trouble. Still underwhelmed by the new site’s look and functionality. 

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4 hours ago, Tony_S said:

So I asked Aditi and she said an eyot  is a little island. Place names with “ey” are islands, the ot is some sort of diminutive. She said any local pronounciation may have changed the original old English. Sounded good, I don’t think she was making it up. 


That's what I understand it to mean too.

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3 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

Evening all. I see our hiatus of yesterday was only short-term. 


My answer to Question of the Day is “Ait” or “A-yot” depending which one is being discussed. Locally Chiswick Eyot is “Chizzick Ait” while Twickenham Ayot is better known as “Eel Pie Island” ;)  I have always understood the term to be a corruption of “islet”. 


A grey and chilly Moan-day was largely uneventful with one exception.  I was alerted by his fellow passengers to a chap who had lost consciousness aboard his train up to Waterloo. 


I very quickly assessed that he was in a bad way but was, by the time I had alerted the guard and reached the patient, partially conscious. Sufficiently so that I was able to assist him off and dispatch the train. For which around 500 of his fellow passengers were grateful and largely ignorant of the reason for an extended station stop. 


I summoned our duty medics while gathering first-response information as to his condition, essential medical history and medication. Name and address could wait. The medics worked on him for a half-hour on the platform before he was stable enough to be wheelchaired to a more private location. 


After another half hour he was assessed as well enough to be taken home by car with his rather anxious wife having been called to do the honours. 


Later in the shift our medics let me know that it had been “touch and go” for that first half hour but they had managed to get him stable enough to get home. Hospital was, apparently, not the best option.  Thanks?  No. We don’t get that. I was only doing my job as trained albeit not a part of the job we have to do very often. 


In other news .... tomorrow is another day.  I hope it treats you all well. 


All I can say to this is Well Done Rick!!  If I ever get taken ill on a train, I hope that there is someone like you on hand to help.

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6 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

I was told that the catering etc afterwards would be held at I-ex, which I also heard pronounced as I-it.  The written directions said it would be at 'Eyot' - ... if it had been pronounced the way I pronounce it (i.e. 'ait') I would have immediately know where it was because one of those is directly opposite it in the river.  So how does everyone else pronounce it?


6 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:

I'd say eye - ott


"Eye-ott" for me. But I speak a trans-Pacific dialect of 'Strine.

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54 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

Not over and over but a couple or so times.

I think I understand why. I had "reacted" / clicked to rate a number of posts and moved on. When I revisited the page, none of my "reactions" were recorded. So, I suspect seeing that message over and over was a response to each post where my "reaction" was not recorded.


The delay in the message appearing was significantly slow enough to make me think it was related to reading posts.


Posts are very slow to save/submit right now.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone 


Another day in the workshop which has seen more progress made on the old L class loco. Today I cast a pair of tank filler caps, the kit’s filler caps were cast into the tank top and were located in the wrong place, so before I removed them, a made a mould of the original caps, which I used to cast the replacement ones from 2 part resin. There are now in place with a little added hinge detail. I then started work on making some frame extensions to go under the bunker, but these aren’t finished yet. That will probably be the last more work done in the workshop until weekend. 


Goodnight everyone 

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