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Good moring from a very sunny Surrey. Plenty to do indoors today though.


A dull day yesterday but not a dull day for our pub crwal part 2 in Petersfield with a short taxi ride to the first place. A cracking tiny pub down country lanes not far from the A3 serving ales straight from the cask behind the tiny bar.


From there it was a pleasant into town walk back via various drinking establishments.


After the last pub it was back at Petersfield station for trian to Havant then Barnham where I was picked up to go back to other halfs parents.




Looking forward ot part 3 John!



Edited by roundhouse
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Been doing it wrong all these years apparently.  Curry, rice, Naan & poppadums, sometimes replacing Naan for stuffed paratha.  If visiting an Indian restaurant I also have to eat all the lime pickle in the little dish.

Edited by lightengine
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1 hour ago, Barry O said:

Ey up!

The walkabout continues.

Hope Chris enjoys Melbourne, a very nice place with lots to see, drink and eat.


Tony, thanks for that info regarding rice. Quite a few loiners/bradfordians  don't have rice with curry. I prefer Roti myself.


My c ough and b ark seem to be diminishing. (At last).

Time for a cupatea then....whatever!

Positive thoughts to all who ail



Aditi’s family version of “dinner is served” is something that sounds like “Roti tiara hai” even if there isn’t roti. MiL’s arthritis makes rolling out chappati, parathas etc painful so gets her cleaner to make batches and freezes them. Making naan at home is a bit awkward. Aditi’s dad seemed keen on making a tandoor for the garden. MiL wasn’t really. She just gets them from Waitrose now. 

Our lunch today will be some soup. Aditi found a recipe for a soup recommended for people recovering/suffering  from coughs and colds. 

Will report back!


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53 minutes ago, roundhouse said:

Good moring from a very sunny Surrey. Plenty to do indoors today though.


A dull day yesterday but not a dull day for our pub crwal part 2 in Petersfield with a short taxi ride to the first place. A cracking tiny pub down country lanes not far from the A3 serving ales straight from the cask behind the tiny bar.


From there it was a pleasant into town walk back via various drinking establishments.


After the last pub it was back at Petersfield station for trian to Havant then Barnham where I was picked up to go back to other halfs parents.




Looking forward ot part 3 John!




Part 3 beckons, but we're running out of pubs! 2 remain, 1 I've never been in in > 42 years there!

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22 minutes ago, lightengine said:

Been doing it wrong all these years apparently.  Curry, rice, Naan & poppadums, sometimes replacing Naan for stuffed paratha.  If visiting an Indian restaurant I also have to eat all the lime pickle in the little dish.

I don’t think you can do it wrong really.  There are so many different ways of  serving and different cuisines from India. One thing I have noticed was that Aditi’s family never seemed to have poppadoms. Very fond of pickles though, MiL will pickle any excess vegetable or fruit. 

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Ours had turkey stock and meat substituted as that is what we had. Aditi substituted Pak  Choi for spinach too. I suspect she put a little extra ginger and garlic in. She wimped out and removed the seeds from the chilli .


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Greetings all from a sunny Sidcup.


the magpies have been busy picking up sticks for a nest for the last week or so. Not too much to report from here; a lazy Sunday is being had. The others are all on half term although I need to go to work most of this week.


i hope that all those suffering improve sooner rather than later.

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Editor cleared.


Afternoon Awl., 

Sailing day, 

Sunny warm, wind nice, tide almost nonexistent... 

What can go wrong.? 


Today in the Martin Dugdale (Tino ) trophy, I rememberance of Tino who died having been taken Ill while sailing some years ago.  In attendance was his widow,  daughter and grandchildren along with several other members of the extended family. 


Wind,  southerly, 5 to 15mph slowly increasing all day.. 

 High tide around start time so Not a lot. 


THE race,  1p2p3p. Two starts all added in one event total about 30 boats.

Due to the wind direction the course was short,  however this race was long so we went many times.   Keeping sailing till the finishing buzzer went. 

Therefore I won't relay each lap but only the low lights.. 


The start,

my sailing compatriot said at the race briefing they said use start line C,  when we started only one of the boats was over the line but there were many up front of us... Why?  They used start line B,  50ft further on....  Did I tell you my sailing compatriot is deaf one side? 


So we started second to last,  going round the bend outside the club heading down river.  also a 40ft motorcruiser was going down the right hand bank.  Very well controlled,  they went on through the course keeping out of the way as best they could. Once we turned round buoy one they turned themselves and returned to moor on the village staithe. 

 Being on the right though as they passed us they were blocking our wind to some extent. 


A couple of laps later we were going round the same bend,  with a 20ft hire day boat JUST in front of us,  it went from the right hand bank to the left with no warning as we were tacking the same way. It crossed our bows,  if it had gone on to the bank nose in as it should have done we would have clears it.  But it suddenly went parallel  to the bank ten foot out, and tried to reverse in..  

There is no way that will work, their nose drifted out and hit us hooking on to us and dragging us into a boat moored in front of their objective.  It took a minute or so to get sorted out before we could carry on. 


After that the wind was increasing and we slowly started catching up.  And passing the odd boat easily. 


 Several laps later..

Two boats were tacking together as we approached,  we tacked early so as to be completely on the opposite tack as we arrived,  so while they were getting in each others way we swept past on the other bank. 

We could see the shortened  course flag in the distance,  and had the spinnaker up we passed the last we could feet from the line.  

We managed to finish in the top half of the fleet which was something.. 


The winner was a young lady  late teenager, ..in third was the sister in law of Tino,  and she was his sailing compatriot the day he died... 


After the prize giving and lunch,  we  had a fun race, all in together


We started in third,  but very close behind the others.  After tacking to buoy 1 round we went and up spinnaker,  we overtook the second place boat on the way to buoy 2. We sailed a couple of more laps getting very close to the lead boat,  coming in second to the boat that was second in the first race.


Then to home, I've consumed a Chinese peppered steak,  and a large Amber liquid.  It now eyelid inspection time


Bye for now. 






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Still cack.


Spent the afternoon on the sofa half asleep.


Looks like 81C Bob is in trouble.....


I love poppadoms/pappads, in all varieties, lashings of pickles and things, yum.  A 'Mr Vikki's' tamarind one is my fave.  I could leave the rest of the curry sometimes and just have them, and maybe the erachi beef cubes one local restaurant does. 

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10 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

Still cack.


Spent the afternoon on the sofa half asleep.


Looks like 81C Bob is in trouble.....


I love poppadoms/pappads, in all varieties, lashings of pickles and things, yum.  A 'Mr Vikki's' tamarind one is my fave.  I could leave the rest of the curry sometimes and just have them, and maybe the erachi beef cubes one local restaurant does. 

Fortunately even if we can’t be bothered to make there are many Indian spices and condiments fairly easily available. One of my favourite dishes is matter paneer (many other spellings available ). Paneer cheese is available in most supermarkets now but back in the late seventies it had to be homemade. Aditi and I went into Bodgers (a department store ) in Ilford. Aditi wanted cheesecloth but only a short length.  The assistant asked what it was for and Aditi replied  “making cheese”. The assistant accused her of being sarcastic. 

At about the same time I recall having some difficulty buying an aubergine in Southend. 


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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Dinner is cooking, a lasagne and chips as the intended Sunday dinner is still frozen solid, I forgot to remove it from the freezer.:banghead: Anyway it will now be tomorrows dinner, instead of the lasagne. Its nearly ready so I'll be back later.

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1 hour ago, Tony_S said:


At about the same time I recall having some difficulty buying an aubergine in Southend. 


At that time you would have also had great difficulty buying an aubergine in Forest Gate, Ilford or any of the then-Indian eastern suburbs. 


You could of course obtain a brinjal almost anywhere ;)

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1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

Aditi and I went into Bodgers (a department store ) in Ilford. Aditi wanted cheesecloth but only a short length.  The assistant asked what it was for and Aditi replied  “making cheese”. The assistant accused her of being sarcastic. 



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Morning All,


We had fantastic weather over the weekend.  The mornings are still pretty cold (-3°C on the way to work today) but it has been sunny and clear during the day.


Saturday was partially spent in the garden, getting some pruning and tidying done before everything starts to shoot.  Sunday was spent doing relatively little, apart from going for a walk.


Hopefully this week will be a little less hectic than last week was!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good moaning from the Charente.   It's light outside so it's time to get motivated.    Yesterday was a faffing day doing not a lot and then we spent our usual Sunday evening watching TV but have both decided that the new Endeavour is appalling and we've now cancelled recording it.  Today the first job is to take the mower for a service and then this afternoon it's off to The Danglies of St John. Beth has an appointment at the eye clinic to check her retina and beforehand we'll be looking for a new Fridge Freezer.  Not a lot else to report.   Thoughts with all those in need and the missing that we haven't heard from for a while.


Regards to all.



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Good morning everyone 


I tried to log on to the rmweb late last night, but I kept getting the message error 521 saying that the server was down!


Anyway, yesterday I continued working on the old L class loco kit. I fabricated a pair of piston tail rod ends and a pair of tank vents for the tank situated below the bunker. I’ve also soldered on the last of the white metal items to the boiler.


Today’s weather is a little better than yesterday’s dull start and, according to the app on my phone, a nice day has been forecast. Breakfast has been consumed and I’m just waiting for Sheila to set off to her Zumba class then I’m once again heading off to the workshop.


Back later 

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An overcast day here in the Shropshire/Staffordshire borderlands. SWMBO is sufficiently recovered from her lurgy to go to her art group this morning, although she still has a hacking cough at times. Hence there is much activity with the preparation of materials etc. whilst I am communing with Mug O'Coffee and contemplating the day ahead. A Probus committee meeting followed by giving my talk then checking on my Dad's house (he's still living with us at present after his broken hip episode) and some more work on the various writings I have to do will pretty much fill it up.


Sorry to hear Jamie's verdict on the new Endeavour series; since SWMBO is a firm fan of The Midwife I've recorded Endeavour and was looking forward to watching it so we'll have to see....


What is MYOB anyway?


Everytime I start to compose a post on this thread the reply box contains one that I started composing days ago that I have to delete. Any ideas how to get rid of it permanently?


Have a good day awl.



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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare,

A good night sleep was had, but while in my  awake periods I thought with bricking up the door of half the garage to turn it into a workshop, It may get a little dark. There are a couple of old windows hidden around the place left over from the  house rewindowing, So I'll search out those and see if any are suitable.  Long and thin 1.5ft by 4ft or shorter and squarer 2.5ft by 3ft? Either way as high up as I can get it..


I'll have to build a heavy work bench or two in there so later I'll get my  graph paper book out to sketch out the plans. I think I'll Put the wood lathe, Pillar drill, band saw and bench grinding wheel in there.. On a Norfolk broads forum there is a man with a tiny shed where he does some magnificent wood work. Each of the bench drills, bandsaws, and a blank table etc is mounted on a rolling stand, which plugs into a work bench, giving a larger work area around it, An Idea which I'm going to pinch so that each Item can be used in the middle with 8ft clearance either way..


Comparitively warm and light this morning, but for some reason Ben the Border Collie only did the neccessary this morning and then ran straight back to the house.


With an imminent unwanted  journey to Central Scotland expected next week or possibly the following week, I'm busy reorganising the work programme. So I've called forward next weeks major system, and luckily it was freed with no argument. Some less important work I had planned for today and tomorrow has been put off till later this week. 

While typing all the above I've got the spreadsheet for Next this weeks majors system set up, I'm just waiting for it to be released after it's weekend runs..


Actually with revisions and spell quacking of the above, the instrument has now been in here some time and has been zero'd and had the first two measurements taken,


Time for the 3rd..


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I suspect the local white-tail deer population will be somewhat depleted this year. There's about 18 inches of snow on the ground here and a lot more at higher elevations.  We could feed them, as some people do, but it's not a good idea to make them dependent.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. No RMweb last night and this morning I had to reset the parameters from the defaults. Dave H, It only happens sometimes to me that a previous post appears. It only happens if I leave the thread before the post has loaded or if I open the box and then decide not to post. The first only happens when there is a delay in loading when I leave the thread then I go back in to make sure it has loaded. Now time to put the kettle on and have a bit of breakfast, be back later.

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