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3 minutes ago, JohnDMJ said:


Good to see you Mick on 'home territory'. Hope the trip was satisfactory.


If all goes to plan, the trip was most satisfactory!


I couldn't leave without making a small purchase.


But as it was related to your place of employment, I couldn't post a picture of it here, but it did have the name Walthers on the box..............






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Good evening everyone 


This morning’s misty start cleared just after 9:00 and turned into a beautiful sunny day. By mid afternoon the temperature reached 13C so it got quite warm. As expected Sheila brought back 2 empty boxes and informed me that the cakes went down very well. My visit to the butchers was also fruitful as I was able to bag myself a nice pie for dinner. 


The only down side to the day was the fact that I had to dismantle the lid of the pressure cooker, as I had great difficulty in getting it off the pan when it came to serving up tonight’s tea. However, it turned out to be down nothing more than needing a good clean, as I think particles of food got into the locking mechanism, probably during the cleaning process.


Sheila and I agreed quite a few years ago not to buy each other gifts for VS day, we just exchange cards and even with the cards we don’t pay excessive amounts for them, usually less than £2.00 and that goes for all other cards too! The evening was rounded off with a glass of fortified wine and catching up with some recorded TV. 


Goodnight all 

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On 13/02/2019 at 03:04, TheQ said:

We often mention Cockwombles on here.. so just for a change, how about what I shall call Duckwombles...


Errm, "drakewombles" surely?  "Duckwombles" would be the amphibious analogue to "Henwombles".


Enhancement requests for a groan button addressed to Mr. York if you please.


My apologies if someone already made that pun. I've been on the road the last couple of days and am terribly behind.


It feels to late too respond to posts about jam and marmalade factories with olfactory reminisces of a tannery and a pig packing works on my long ago daily rail commute, but I have posted about those before anyway.


Nor does it seem timely to complain of my complete lack of athletic ability, even in my formative years. The number of cross-country enthusiasts here is noteworthy. I hated it. I've never sufficiently experienced the (mythical?) runners' endorphins to ever want to run anywhere. If you ever need to outrun the bear, I will be a valuable companion for you.


I did go out for soccer (since anyone with any athletic gifts, excepting a couple of round ball die-hards, played Rugby) and spectacularly broke my wrist in a practice tackle at 14.  Even when fit and healthy I was the last one around the oval at jogging. When a volunteer was required for goalkeeper I took the step forward while all others stepped back. I was delighted to be part of the team and not have to run around the sward chasing the bladder all day.  My defenders were terrific. They knew that it was all up to them and they manfully stepped up to the challenge. The less said of any of the running, jumping, throwing, swimming pursuits we were encouraged required to attempt, the better. 


You might wonder about genes. My brother (younger by ~two years) was School Captain and captain of the first XIII and the first XI so the gene pool is evidently not evenly decided.  As for me, I never learned to hold a straight bat until I was an adult and was forever being clean bowled. Took me years to figure it out. I did (and still do) maintain a deep abiding love of tennis though.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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On 13/02/2019 at 09:37, Gwiwer said:

Definitely too much thyme ..... 



On 13/02/2019 at 09:45, SouthernRegionSteam said:

No thyme like the present Rick! Oh.. hang on...


On 13/02/2019 at 13:36, JohnDMJ said:

Clearly, too much thyme on your hand(s). Best seek out a wise old Sage who knows their onions to help you thyme-out!

Third thyme's the charm.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Winter poems? Here's one from Bud Neill, a Glasgow cartoonist. He is an acquired taste.


Winter’s came, the snow has fell 
Wee Josie’s nose is froze as well 
Wee Josie’s frozen nose is skintit 
……..Winter’s diabolic, intit?

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A Google news feed on my telephone directed me to this article.


Any article that begins with "Science says" should be taken with several grains of salt, but this one (unlike versions of the stories in large British dailies) at least included the equation for the rating system - which is of course what makes it "scientific".


Nevertheless I love the outcome. Were anyone to celebrate my inevitable passing (and I won't insist that they do) but it would please me to think that "Don't stop me now" would feature on a playlist.


Far better than all those endless classic rock surveys that declare "Stairway to Heaven" as the best rock song of all time. Of course it is, but that's not the point - the determinacy of the equation makes it more fun than more obviously subjective approaches.


I have to admit that the range of the top 10 outcomes - each of them an earworm - but none of them from a similar genre makes me think they are on to something.

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I don't know any of those songs.

My earworm is still the Invocation of the Priests from Aida.


We had a day above freezing as we're between two storms from Colorado. Unbelievable, innit, as there's only one state between Co. and that arid desert called Mexico.


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Morning All,


It is another cold morning, but incredibly clear - so I think we will be in for a nice sunny day once the sun comes up.


There isn't a lot else to report, so have a good day everyone...

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Morning all. 


Thanks for the kind words and thoughts.


Muggacoffee here before I take Hannah over to parents for the day, Leah had a sleepover with the in-laws last night, so just the one this morning to get ready! Looks chilly but bright outside. Roll on hometime! 


Have a good day all. 

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      On ‎13‎/‎02‎/‎2019 at 11:04, TheQ said:

We often mention Cockwombles on here.. so just for a change, how about what I shall call Duckwombles...


Errm, "drakewombles" surely?  "Duckwombles" would be the amphibious analogue to "Henwombles


I am an equal opportunities critic, Ducks, Drakes Hens and Cocks, they all can be wombles..


Talking of which, we all got lectured on being PC yesterday ... why?

Well He, Noel came into work Wednesday, a slim low twenties bloke with brown hair to his shoulders..

She.. Holly came in came in yesterday with a long blond wig on...


Also talking of which, I'm reading reading about Sir Francis Drake, and others involved with Elizabethan courtly life in,  "Queen Elizabeths rival" no not Mary  Queen of Scots, but Lettice Knowlys the illegitimate half sister of the Queen. The book covers many parts of the back ground of families at court that are not covered in QE1 biographies..

It's an interesting book..


Mooring Awl Inner Temple Hare,

5 hours solid sleep followed by a couple dozing on the sofa, the initial 5 hours was after taking a large dose of painkillers, my neck and shoulder ache was by bed time making me feel quite sick..


This morning although my neck is still stiff, there is not, at the moment, any pain. There shouldn't be any turning to read values today as everything is on my desk, ie some brand new reference resistors, for which I have to set up spreadsheets and history folders. To be followed by a half dozen very old current shunts 100ma to 20A.


It was crunchy this morning taking Ben the Border Collie out on Patrol, So the car was started before patrol. It hadn't defrosted by the time we were back, but is was soft enough to come off with the wipers after a few passes.


At home it was Fatchy Pog, but by the time I reached the first town it was Feavy Hog, so much Hog it was dipped lights only, Headlights illuminated the car by reflection..


Not till I passed effin clown town did it start thinning..



It's almost settled for the second measurement..


Time to ... wait a little bit longer..

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A bright and sunny North Shropshire meets the eye this morning. As expected, SWMBO is stricken with the lurgy and has cancelled her planned activities for the day but is putting a brave face on it. Once I've finished communing with Mug O'Coffee I'lll be sorting out breakfast for her and Dad before getting lunch ready for both of them as I'll be out at lunchtime visiting a client for a debt relief charity I work for sometimes. Then it'll be shopping and dinner to get prepared so the liklehood of any quality soldering iron time is a bit remote.


Mind you, compared with Mal and the other really unfortunate webbers I've got nothing to complain about so onward and upward as they say. At least I've got a nice day for it.


Hope everyone has as good a day as possible.



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Just a quick question - does anyone know why when I log on to RMW I get a list at the top right of the page headed 'Followed Topics' that bears no relation to the topics that I actually follow? Can I change it?



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Greetings from a frosty but still boring borough. 

Little happening here as usual. Tempted to pop down to Tonbridge tomorrow for the exhibition. I so rarely seem to go to shows anymore, either as a punter or helping an exhibitor. Weekends just haven't been my own for so long. 


TFIF. POETs, etc. 

Congratulations and commiserations as appropriate. Posts suitably prodded with thumbs, hearts, etc. 


Enjoy the day and have a great weekend all. 

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32 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

Just a quick question - does anyone know why when I log on to RMW I get a list at the top right of the page headed 'Followed Topics' that bears no relation to the topics that I actually follow? Can I change it?



I seem to be getting the same, Dave, and I don't know why - it was showing the topics I follow correctly yesterday.


Morning All


Chilly here in a village East of Lancaster.  And all posts read and rated.  Chilly this morning, and I had to unexpectedly de-ice the cat before taking 30747 to work - yes, she's working five sessions again this week.


Rick - sorry to hear about your missus - hope she gets over things quickly, and I do sympathise with you over your own health as well, but I'm pretty sure that youe will both pull up.

John (CB) - pleased to see that Sandy is continuing to progress - Chemo is not an easy route, and hopefully, it is also having the desired effect internally for her.

Everybody else - the usual generic greetings to the ailing and the celebrating.


Now then what's happening chez 45156/30747 - not a lot, but I'll be AWOL now for a couple of days and probably back Monday.  A shopping list for town today,, then pick up 30747 from work, and a trip to visit a friend who has just had her hip replaced.


Back Monday

Regards to All






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8 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Errm, "drakewombles" surely?  "Duckwombles" would be the amphibious analogue to "Henwombles".

As is the pc need these days what would "transitioning" & "gender neutral" be?  Just in case I need to refer to one.

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15 minutes ago, 45156 said:


 I had to unexpectedly de-ice the cat before taking 30747 to work - 



I hope that the cat enjoyed the experience, how did you get it to stand still...…..


Late morning all.  Up late then we wasted an hour watching Death in Paradise.   I do hope that Jospehine Joubert isn't out of the series for too long, she is rather easy on the eye.


Anyway we will shortly be departing for the Old F%rts model R***way club lunch and meeting.   Beth is coming as well, which is a first so I better be on my best behaviour. I did earn some more brownie points last night by taking her out for a meal to a restaurant that we had used before.   It turned out that they had put on a special menu for the evening and we were the only Anglos there.  It was absolutely superb.


Anyway C's and C's to the rather too long a list of those that are ailing.   DS is added this morning and Rick and Mrs Gwiwer.


Regards to all.



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. No fist or mog this morning but a very heavy frost, but the central heating's keeping things snug. 

1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:

Just a quick question - does anyone know why when I log on to RMW I get a list at the top right of the page headed 'Followed Topics' that bears no relation to the topics that I actually follow? Can I change it?



I have the same thing but not any threads that I recall visiting let alone posting on.

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